120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (2024)


day ago

Anastasiya P.

Agood saying ispowerful— itcan lift the mood, give inspiration, and teachus the wisdom oflife. And with added witty humor, there isalways room for self-reflection that can letus see things from adifferent perspective. Therefore, wehave created anamazing list ofmore than 100 funny quotes that will definitely make you smile, but will give you some food for thought, too!

Whenever you feel anextra humor boost, read some funny quotes!

  • «Whoever established the high road and how high itshould beshould befired.»— Sandra Bullock
  • «Ilike mymoney whereI can seeit: hanging inmycloset.»— Sarah Jessica Parker
  • «I’m killing time whileI wait for life toshower mewith meaning and happiness.»— Bill Watterson
  • «The suspense isterrible. Ihope it’ll last.»— Oscar Wilde
  • «Why dothey call itrush hour when nothing moves?»— Robin Williams
  • «Myability toturn good news into anxiety isrivaled only bymyability toturn anxiety into chin acne.»— Tina Fey
  • «Don’t besohumble— you are not that great.» ― Golda Meir
  • «Ifyou can’t bekind, atleast bevague.» ― Judith Martin
  • «Before you marry aperson, you should first make them use acomputer with slow Internet service tosee who they really are.»— Will Ferrell
  • «Itold mywife the truth. Itold herI was seeing apsychiatrist. Then she told methe truth: that she was seeing apsychiatrist, two plumbers, and abartender.» ― Rodney Dangerfield
  • «Iused tobeindecisive. Now I’m not sure.» ― Tommy Cooper
  • «People who think they know everything are agreat annoyance tothose ofus whodo.» ― Isaac Asimov
  • «Behind every great man isawoman rolling her eyes.» ― Jim Carrey
  • «I’m not superstitious, but Iam alittle stitious.» ― Michael Scott (Steve Carell) inThe Office
  • «Iam soclever that sometimesI don’t understand asingle word ofwhat Iam saying.» ― Oscar Wilde
  • «Ihaven’t spoken tomywife inyears. Ididn’t want tointerrupt her.» ― Rodney Dangerfield
  • «I’m not avegetarian becauseI love animals. I’m avegetarian becauseI hate plants.» ― A. Whitney Brown
  • «I’m anidealist. Idon’t know where I’m going, but I’m onmyway.»— Carl Sandburg
  • «Iintend tolive forever. Sofar, sogood.»— Steven Wright
  • «I’m not lazy, I’m onenergy-saving mode.»— Unknown
  • «Idon’t need ahair stylist, mypillow gives meanew hairstyle every morning.»— Unknown
  • «I’m sogood atsleeping, Ican doitwith myeyes closed.»— Unknown
  • «I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.»— Unknown
  • «I’m sobroke, Ican’t even afford myfree time.»— Unknown
  • «Get your facts first, then you can distort them asyou please.»— Mark Twain
  • «Ifatfirst, you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.»— Steven Wright
  • «Abank isaplace that will lend you money ifyou can prove that you don’t needit.»— Bob Hope
  • «Noman has agood enough memory tobeasuccessful liar.»— Abraham Lincoln
  • «Ihave enough money tolast methe rest ofmylife, unlessI buy something.»— Jackie Mason
  • «Iftwo wrongs don’t make aright, try three.»— Laurence J. Peter
  • «Iwant mychildren tohave all the thingsI couldn’t afford. Then Iwant tomove inwith them.»— Phyllis Diller
  • «Idon’t suffer from insanity, Ienjoy every minute ofit.»— Edgar Allan Poe
  • «Ifyou think you are too small tomake adifference, try sleeping with amosquito.»— Dalai Lama
  • «Mygrandmother started walking five miles aday when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and wedon’t know where the heck sheis.»— Ellen DeGeneres
  • «Ialways wanted tobesomebody, but nowI realizeI should have been more specific.»— Lily Tomlin
  • «Aclear conscience isasure sign ofabad memory.»— Mark Twain
  • «The hardest thing inthe world tounderstand isthe income tax.»— Albert Einstein
  • «I’m not addicted tochocolate. Chocolate isaddicted tome.»— Unknown
  • «Ifyou’re going todosomething tonight that you’ll besorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late.»— Henny Youngman
  • «I’m not clumsy, I’m just testing gravity.»— Unknown
  • «I’m not shy, I’m just holding back myawesomeness, soI don’t intimidate you.»— Unknown
  • «I’m soold, Iremember when emojis were called ’hieroglyphics’.» — Unknown
  • «Mybed isamagical place whereI suddenly remember everythingI forgot todo.»— Unknown
  • «Idon’t need anger management. Ineed people tostop making memad.»— Unknown
  • «I’m not short, I’m fun-sized.»— Unknown
  • «The best way tocheer yourself upistotry tocheer somebody elseup.»— Mark Twain
  • «Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.»— Theodore Roosevelt
  • «Happiness isnot something ready-made. Itcomes from your own actions.»— Dalai Lama
120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (6)

Courtesy Everett Collection/East News

120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (7)

  • «I’m anexcellent housekeeper. Every timeI get adivorce, Ikeep the house.»— Zsa Zsa Gabor
  • «Wemay encounter many defeats, but wemust not bedefeated.»— Maya Angelou
  • «Noact ofkindness, nomatter how small, isever wasted.»— Aesop
  • «Life islike riding abicycle. Tokeep your balance, you must keep moving.»— Albert Einstein
  • «The greatest pleasure inlife isdoing what people say you cannotdo.»— Walter Bagehot
  • «Joy isnot inthings; itisinus.»— Richard Wagner
  • «Laughter istimeless, imagination has noage, dreams are forever.»— Walt Disney
  • «Wherever yougo, nomatter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.»— Anthony J. D’Angelo
  • «The only source ofknowledge isexperience.»— Albert Einstein
  • «Believe inyourself and all that you are. Know that there issomething inside you that isgreater than any obstacle.»— Christian D. Larson
  • «The way toget started istoquit talking and begin doing.»— Walt Disney
  • «Life iswhat wemakeit, always has been, always willbe.»— Grandma Moses
  • «Success isnot final, failure isnot fatal: Itisthe courage tocontinue that counts.»— Winston Churchill
  • «The power ofimagination makesus infinite.»— John Muir
  • «Donot wait for leaders; doitalone, person toperson.»— Mother Teresa
  • «Life iseither adaring adventure ornothing atall.»— Helen Keller
  • «The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there isinlife tocelebrate.»— Oprah Winfrey
  • «Dowhat you can, with what you have, where you are.»— Theodore Roosevelt
  • «The best and most beautiful things inthe world cannot beseen oreven touched— they must befelt with the heart.»— Helen Keller
  • «Happiness isnot bychance, but bychoice.»— Jim Rohn
  • «Change your thoughts, and you change your world.»— Norman Vincent Peale
  • «The secret ofgetting ahead isgetting started.»— Mark Twain
  • «Irefuse tojoin any club that would have measamember.»— Groucho Marx
  • «The only way toget rid oftemptation istoyield toit.»— Oscar Wilde
120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (8)


120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (9)

  • «Iam free ofall prejudice. Idon’t like everyone equally.»— W.C. Fields
  • «Aday without sunshine islike, you know, night.»— Steve Martin
  • «The secret oflife ishonesty and fair dealing. Ifyou can fake that, you’ve got itmade.»— Groucho Marx
  • «I’ve had aperfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.»— Groucho Marx
  • «Spread love everywhere yougo. Let noone ever come toyou without leaving happier.»— Mother Teresa
  • «Apessimist isaperson who has had tolisten totoo many optimists.»— Don Marquis
  • «Idon’t need you toremind meofmyage. Ihave abladder todothat forme.»— Stephen Fry
  • «Some cause happiness wherever theygo; others whenever theygo.»— Oscar Wilde
  • «Asuccessful man isone who makes more money than his wife can spend. Asuccessful woman isone who can find such aman.»— Lana Turner
  • «Clothes make the man. Naked people have little ornoinfluence onsociety.»— Mark Twain
  • «Inthe middle ofdifficulty lies opportunity.»— Albert Einstein
  • «Mydoctor gave mesix months tolive, but whenI couldn’t pay the bill, hegave mesix months more.»— Walter Matthau
  • «I’m all infavor ofkeeping dangerous weapons out ofthe hands offools. Let’s start with typewriters.»— Frank Lloyd Wright
  • «There’s afine line between genius and insanity. Ihave erased this line.»— Oscar Levant
  • «The only time tobuy these isonaday with no ’y’ init.»— Warren Buffett
  • «All generalizations are false, including this one.»— Mark Twain
  • «I’m writing abook. I’ve got the page numbers done.» ― Steven Wright
  • «I’ve had bad luck with both mywives. The first one left meand the second one didn’t.»— Patrick Murray
  • «Inever drink water because ofthe disgusting things that fish doinit.»— W.C. Fields
  • «The man who says his wife can’t take ajoke, forgets that she took him.»— Oscar Wilde
  • «Idon’t believe inastrology; I’m aSagittarius, and we’re skeptical.»— Arthur C. Clarke
  • «Ifyou think nobody cares ifyou’re alive, try missing acouple ofcar payments.»— Earl Wilson
  • «The trouble with being punctual isthat nobody’s there toappreciateit.»— Franklin P. Jones
  • «Would Irather befeared orloved? Easy. Both. Iwant people tobeafraid ofhow much they loveme.»Michael Scott, The Office
120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (10)

AF Archive/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News

120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (11)

  • «Age isofnoimportance unless you’re acheese.»— Billie Burke
  • «Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.»— Walt Whitman
  • «You are never too old toset another goal ortodream anew dream.»— C.S. Lewis
  • «The only way todogreat work istolove what youdo.»— Steve Jobs
  • «Every moment isafresh beginning.»— T.S. Eliot
  • «The future belongs tothose who believe inthe beauty oftheir dreams.»— Eleanor Roosevelt
  • «Success isnot the key tohappiness. Happiness isthe key tosuccess. Ifyou love what you are doing, you will besuccessful.»— Albert Schweitzer
  • «The only limit toour realization oftomorrow will beour doubts oftoday.»— Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • «It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you getup.»— Vince Lombardi
  • «When you arise inthe morning, think ofwhat aprecious privilege itistobealive—to breathe, tothink, toenjoy, tolove.»— Marcus Aurelius
  • «Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because ithappened.»— Dr. Seuss
  • «The greatest glory inliving lies not innever falling, but inrising every time wefall.»— Nelson Mandela
  • «The most wasted ofdays isone without laughter.»— E.E. Cummings
  • «The happiness ofyour life depends upon the quality ofyour thoughts.»— Marcus Aurelius
  • «You are the master ofyour destiny. You can influence, direct, and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want ittobe.»— Napoleon Hill
  • «Optimism isthe faith that leads toachievement. Nothing can bedone without hope and confidence.»— Helen Keller
  • «You are the hero ofyour own story.»— Joseph Campbell
  • «Life isajourney, not adestination.»— Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • «The sun himself isweak when hefirst rises, and gathers strength and courage asthe day getson.»— Charles Dickens
  • «The best way topredict the future istocreateit.»— Abraham Lincoln
  • «You must bethe change you wish tosee inthe world.»— Mahatma Gandhi
  • «With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.»— Eleanor Roosevelt
  • «Tothe world you may beone person, but toone person you may bethe world.»— Dr. Seuss
  • «Asmile isacurve that sets everything straight.»— Phyllis Diller

Which funny quotes appealed toyou the most? Which one would you save inyour collection? Itisalways nice toenrich yourself with new things that make you richer and happier! Interested inreading more ofsimilar things? Check out our next article!

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Courtesy Everett Collection/East News


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120 Funny Quotes That Will Raise Your Mood Even If the Times Are Difficult (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.