gpg - Unix, Linux Command (2024)

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gpg [--homedir name] [--options file] [options] command [args] 

gpg is the main program for the GnuPG system.

This man page only lists the commands and options available. For moreverbose documentation get the GNU Privacy Handbook (GPH) or one of theother documents at .

Please remember that option parsing stops as soon as a non option isencountered, you can explicitly stop option parsing by using thespecial option "--".

gpg may be run with no commands, in which case it willperform a reasonable action depending on the type of file it is givenas input (an encrypted message is decrypted, a signature is verified,a file containing keys is listed).

-s, --sign [file]Make a signature. This command may be combined with --encrypt (for asigned and encrypted message), --symmetric (for a signed andsymmetrically encrypted message), or --encrypt and --symmetrictogether (for a signed message that may be decrypted via a secret keyor a passphrase).
--clearsign [file]Make a clear text signature. The content in a clear text signature isreadable without any special software. OpenPGP software is onlyneeded to verify the signature. Clear text signatures may modifyend-of-line whitespace for platform independence and are not intendedto be reversible.
-b, --detach-sign [file]Make a detached signature.
-e, --encrypt [file]Encrypt data. This option may be combined with --sign (for a signedand encrypted message), --symmetric (for a message that may bedecrypted via a secret key or a passphrase), or --sign and --symmetrictogether (for a signed message that may be decrypted via a secret keyor a passphrase).
-c, --symmetric [file]Encrypt with a symmetric cipher using a passphrase. The defaultsymmetric cipher used is CAST5, but may be chosen with the--cipher-algo option. This option may be combined with --sign (for asigned and symmetrically encrypted message), --encrypt (for a messagethat may be decrypted via a secret key or a passphrase), or --sign and--encrypt together (for a signed message that may be decrypted via asecret key or a passphrase).
--store [file]Store only (make a simple RFC1991 packet).
-d, --decrypt [file]Decrypt file (or stdin if no file is specified) andwrite it to stdout (or the file specified with--output). If the decrypted file is signed, thesignature is also verified. This command differsfrom the default operation, as it never writes to thefilename which is included in the file and itrejects files which don’t begin with an encryptedmessage.
--verify [[sigfile] [signed-files]]Assume that sigfile is a signature and verify itwithout generating any output.With no arguments,the signature packet is read from stdin. Ifonly a sigfile is given, it may be a completesignature or a detached signature, in which casethe signed stuff is expected in a file without the".sig" or ".asc" extension. With more than1 argument, the first should be a detached signatureand the remaining files are the signed stuff. To read the signedstuff from stdin, use - as the second filename.For security reasons a detached signature cannot read the signedmaterial from stdin without denoting it in the above way.
--multifileThis modifies certain other commands to accept multiple files forprocessing on the command line or read from stdin with each filenameon a separate line. This allows for many files to be processed atonce. --multifile may currently be used along with --verify,--encrypt, and --decrypt. Note that ‘--multifile --verify’ may not beused with detached signatures.
--verify-files [files]Identical to ‘--multifile --verify’.
--encrypt-files [files]Identical to ‘--multifile --encrypt’.
--decrypt-files [files]Identical to ‘--multifile --decrypt’.
--list-keys [names]
--list-public-keys [names]List all keys from the public keyrings, or just the ones given on thecommand line.
Avoid using the output of this command in scripts or other programs asit is likely to change as GnuPG changes. See --with-colons for amachine-parseable key listing command that is appropriate for use inscripts and other programs.
-K, --list-secret-keys [names]List all keys from the secret keyrings, or just the ones given on thecommand line. A ’#’ after the letters ’sec’ means that the secret keyis not usable (for example, if it was created via--export-secret-subkeys).
--list-sigs [names]Same as --list-keys, but the signatures are listed too.
For each signature listed, there are several flags in between the"sig" tag and keyid. These flags give additional information abouteach signature. From left to right, they are the numbers 1-3 forcertificate check level (see --ask-cert-level), "L" for a local ornon-exportable signature (see --lsign-key), "R" for a nonRevocablesignature (see the --edit-key command "nrsign"), "P" for a signaturethat contains a policy URL (see --cert-policy-url), "N" for asignature that contains a notation (see --cert-notation), "X" for aneXpired signature (see --ask-cert-expire), and the numbers 1-9 or "T"for 10 and above to indicate trust signature levels (see the--edit-key command "tsign").
--check-sigs [names]Same as --list-sigs, but the signatures are verified.
--fingerprint [names]List all keys with their fingerprints. This is thesame output as --list-keys but with the additional outputof a line with the fingerprint. May also be combinedwith --list-sigs or --check-sigs.If this command is given twice, the fingerprints of allsecondary keys are listed too.
--list-packetsList only the sequence of packets. This is mainlyuseful for debugging.
--gen-keyGenerate a new key pair. This command is normally only usedinteractively.
There is an experimental feature which allows you to create keysin batch mode. See the file doc/DETAILS in the source distribution on how to use this.
--edit-key namePresent a menu which enables you to do all keyrelated tasks:
signMake a signature on key of user name If the key is not yetsigned by the default user (or the users given with -u), the programdisplays the information of the key again, together with itsfingerprint and asks whether it should be signed. This question isrepeated for all users specified with-u.
lsignSame as "sign" but the signature is marked as non-exportable and willtherefore never be used by others. This may be used to make keysvalid only in the local environment.
nrsignSame as "sign" but the signature is marked as non-revocable and cantherefore never be revoked.
tsignMake a trust signature. This is a signature that combines the notionsof certification (like a regular signature), and trust (like the"trust" command). It is generally only useful in distinct communitiesor groups.
Note that "l" (for local / non-exportable), "nr" (for non-revocable,and "t" (for trust) may be freely mixed and prefixed to "sign" tocreate a signature of any type desired.
revsigRevoke a signature. For every signature which has been generated byone of the secret keys, GnuPG asks whether a revocation certificateshould be generated.
trustChange the owner trust value. This updates thetrust-db immediately and no save is required.
enableDisable or enable an entire key. A disabled key can not normally beused for encryption.
adduidCreate an alternate user id.
addphotoCreate a photographic user id. This will prompt for a JPEG file thatwill be embedded into the user ID. Note that a very large JPEG willmake for a very large key. Also note that some programs will displayyour JPEG unchanged (GnuPG), and some programs will scale it to fit ina dialog box (PGP).
deluidDelete a user id.
delsigDelete a signature.
revuidRevoke a user id.
addkeyAdd a subkey to this key.
addcardkeyGenerate a key on a card and add it to this key.
keytocardTransfer the selected secret key (or the primary key if no key hasbeen selected) to a smartcard. The secret key in the keyring will bereplaced by a stub if the key could be stored successfully on the cardand you use the save command later. Only certain key types may betransferred to the card. A sub menu allows you to select on what cardto store the key. Note that it is not possible to get that key backfrom the card - if the card gets broken your secret key will be lostunless you have a backup somewhere.
bkuptocard fileRestore the given file to a card. This commandmay be used to restore a backup key (as generated during cardinitialization) to a new card. In almost all cases this will be theencryption key. You should use this command onlywith the corresponding public key and make sure that the filegiven as argument is indeed the backup to restore. You shouldthen select 2 to restore as encryption key.You will first be asked to enter the passphrase of the backup key andthen for the Admin PIN of the card.
delkeyRemove a subkey.
addrevoker [sensitive]Add a designated revoker. This takes one optional argument:"sensitive". If a designated revoker is marked as sensitive, it willnot be exported by default (seeexport-options).
revkeyRevoke a subkey.
expireChange the key expiration time. If a subkey is selected, theexpiration time of this subkey will be changed. With no selection,the key expiration of the primary key is changed.
passwdChange the passphrase of the secret key.
primaryFlag the current user id as the primary one, removes the primary userid flag from all other user ids and sets the timestamp of all affectedself-signatures one second ahead. Note that setting a photo user IDas primary makes it primary over other photo user IDs, and setting aregular user ID as primary makes it primary over other regular userIDs.
uid nToggle selection of user id with index n.Use 0 to deselect all.
key nToggle selection of subkey with index n.Use 0 to deselect all.
checkCheck all selected user ids.
showphotoDisplay the selected photographic userid.
prefList preferences from the selected user ID. This shows the actualpreferences, without including any implied preferences.
showprefMore verbose preferences listing for the selected user ID. This showsthe preferences in effect by including the implied preferences of 3DES(cipher), SHA-1 (digest), and Uncompressed (compression) if they arenot already included in the preference list. In addition, thepreferred keyserver and signature notations (if any) are shown.
setpref stringSet the list of user ID preferences to string for all (or justthe selected) user IDs. Calling setpref with no arguments sets thepreference list to the default (either built-in or set via--default-preference-list), and calling setpref with "none" as theargument sets an empty preference list. Use "gpg --version" to get alist of available algorithms. Note that while you can change thepreferences on an attribute user ID (aka "photo ID"), GnuPG does notselect keys via attribute user IDs so these preferences will not beused by GnuPG.
keyserverSet a preferred keyserver for the specified user ID(s). This allowsother users to know where you prefer they get your key from. See--keyserver-options honor-keyserver-url for more on how this works.Setting a value of "none" removes an existing preferred keyserver.
notationSet a name=value notation for the specified user ID(s). See--cert-notation for more on how this works. Setting a value of "none"removes all notations, setting a notation prefixed with a minus sign(-) removes that notation, and setting a notation name (without the=value) prefixed with a minus sign removes all notations with thatname.
toggleToggle between public and secret key listing.
cleanCompact (by removing all signatures except the selfsig) any user IDthat is no longer usable (e.g. revoked, or expired). Then, remove anysignatures that are not usable by the trust calculations.Specifically, this removes any signature that does not validate, anysignature that is superseded by a later signature, revoked signatures,and signatures issued by keys that are not present on the keyring.
minimizeMake the key as small as possible. This removes all signatures fromeach user ID except for the most recent self-signature.
cross-certifyAdd cross-certification signatures to signing subkeys that may notcurrently have them. Cross-certification signatures protect against asubtle attack against signing subkeys. See--require-cross-certification.
saveSave all changes to the key rings and quit.
quitQuit the program without updating thekey rings.
The listing shows you the key with its secondarykeys and all user ids. Selected keys or user idsare indicated by an asterisk. The trust value isdisplayed with the primary key: the first is theassigned owner trust and the second is the calculatedtrust value. Letters are used for the values:
-No ownertrust assigned / not yet calculated.
eTrustcalculation has failed; probably due to an expired key.
qNot enough information for calculation.
nNever trust this key.
mMarginally trusted.
fFully trusted.
uUltimately trusted.
--card-editPresent a menu to work with a smartcard. The subcommand "help" providesan overview on available commands. For a detailed description, pleasesee the Card HOWTO at .
--card-statusShow the content of the smart card.
--change-pinPresent a menu to allow changing the PIN of a smartcard. Thisfunctionality is also available as the subcommand "passwd" with the--card-edit command.
--sign-key nameSigns a public key with your secret key. This is a shortcut version ofthe subcommand "sign" from --edit.
--lsign-key nameSigns a public key with your secret key but marks it asnon-exportable. This is a shortcut version of the subcommand "lsign"from --edit.
--delete-key nameRemove key from the public keyring. In batch mode either --yes isrequired or the key must be specified by fingerprint. This is asafeguard against accidental deletion of multiple keys.
--delete-secret-key nameRemove key from the secret and public keyring. In batch mode the keymust be specified by fingerprint.
--delete-secret-and-public-key nameSame as --delete-key, but if a secret key exists, it will be removed first. In batch mode the key must be specified by fingerprint.
--gen-revoke nameGenerate a revocation certificate for the complete key. To revokea subkey or a signature, use the --edit command.
--desig-revoke nameGenerate a designated revocation certificate for a key. This allows auser (with the permission of the keyholder) to revoke someone else’skey.
--export [names]Either export all keys from all keyrings (defaultkeyrings and those registered via option --keyring),or if at least one name is given, those of the givenname. The new keyring is written to stdout or tothe file given with option "output". Use togetherwith --armor to mail those keys.
--send-keys [names]Same as --export but sends the keys to a keyserver.Option --keyserver must be used to give the nameof this keyserver. Don’t send your complete keyringto a keyserver - select only those keys which are newor changed by you.
--export-secret-keys [names]
--export-secret-subkeys [names]Same as --export, but exports the secret keys instead.This is normally not very useful and a security risk.The second form of the command has the special property torender the secret part of the primary key useless; this isa GNU extension to OpenPGP and other implementations cannot be expected to successfully import such a key.

See the option --simple-sk-checksum if you want to import such anexported key with an older OpenPGP implementation.

--import [files]
--fast-import [files]Import/merge keys. This adds the given keys to thekeyring. The fast version is currently just a synonym.
There are a few other options which control how this command works.Most notable here is the --keyserver-options merge-only option whichdoes not insert new keys but does only the merging of new signatures,user-IDs and subkeys.
--recv-keys key IDsImport the keys with the given key IDs from a keyserver. Option--keyserver must be used to give the name of this keyserver.
--refresh-keys [key IDs]Request updates from a keyserver for keys that already exist on thelocal keyring. This is useful for updating a key with the latestsignatures, user IDs, etc. Calling this with no arguments willrefresh the entire keyring. Option --keyserver must be used to givethe name of the keyserver for all keys that do not have preferredkeyservers set (see --keyserver-options honor-keyserver-url).
--search-keys namesSearch the keyserver for the given names. Multiple names given herewill be joined together to create the search string for the keyserver.Option --keyserver must be used to give the name of this keyserver.Keyservers that support different search methods allow using thesyntax specified in "How to specify a user ID" below. Note thatdifferent keyserver types support different search methods. Currentlyonly LDAP supports them all.
--fetch-keys URIsRetrieve keys located at the specified URIs. Note that differentinstallations of GnuPG may support different protocols (HTTP, FTP,LDAP, etc.)
--update-trustdbDo trust database maintenance. This command iterates over all keysand builds the Web of Trust. This is an interactive command because itmay have to ask for the "ownertrust" values for keys. The user has togive an estimation of how far she trusts the owner of the displayedkey to correctly certify (sign) other keys. GnuPG only asks for theownertrust value if it has not yet been assigned to a key. Using the--edit-key menu, the assigned value can be changed at any time.
--check-trustdbDo trust database maintenance without user interaction. From time totime the trust database must be updated so that expired keys orsignatures and the resulting changes in the Web of Trust can betracked. Normally, GnuPG will calculate when this is required and doit automatically unless --no-auto-check-trustdb is set. This commandcan be used to force a trust database check at any time. Theprocessing is identical to that of --update-trustdb but it skips keyswith a not yet defined "ownertrust".
For use with cron jobs, this command can be used together with --batchin which case the trust database check is done only if a check isneeded. To force a run even in batch mode add the option --yes.
--export-ownertrustSend the ownertrust values to stdout. This is useful for backuppurposes as these values are the only ones which can’t be re-createdfrom a corrupted trust DB.
--import-ownertrust [files]Update the trustdb with the ownertrust values storedin files (or stdin if not given); existingvalues will be overwritten.
--rebuild-keydb-cachesWhen updating from version 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 this command should be usedto create signature caches in the keyring. It might be handy in othersituations too.
--print-md algo [files]
--print-mds [files]Print message digest of algorithm ALGO for all given files or stdin.With the second form (or a deprecated "*" as algo) digests for allavailable algorithms are printed.
--gen-random 0|1|2 [count]Emit COUNT random bytes of the given quality level. If count is not givenor zero, an endless sequence of random bytes will be emitted.PLEASE, don’t use this command unless you know what you are doing; it mayremove precious entropy from the system!
--gen-prime mode bits [qbits]Use the source, Luke :-). The output format is still subject to change.
--versionPrint version information along with a listof supported algorithms.
--warrantyPrint warranty information.
-h, --helpPrint usage information. This is a really long list even though itdoesn’t list all options. For every option, consult this manual.

Long options can be put in an options file (default"~/.gnupg/gpg.conf"). Short option names will not work - for example,"armor" is a valid option for the options file, while "a" is not. Donot write the 2 dashes, but simply the name of the option and anyrequired arguments. Lines with a hash (’#’) as the firstnon-white-space character are ignored. Commands may be put in thisfile too, but that is not generally useful as the command will executeautomatically with every execution of gpg.

-a, --armorCreate ASCII armored output.
-o, --output fileWrite output to file.
--max-output nThis option sets a limit on the number of bytes that will be generatedwhen processing a file. Since OpenPGP supports various levels ofcompression, it is possible that the plaintext of a given message maybe significantly larger than the original OpenPGP message. WhileGnuPG works properly with such messages, there is often a desire toset a maximum file size that will be generated before processing isforced to stop by the OS limits. Defaults to 0, which means "nolimit".
--no-mangle-dos-filenamesOlder version of Windows cannot handle filenames with more than onedot. --mangle-dos-filenames causes GnuPG to replace (rather than addto) the extension of an output filename to avoid this problem. Thisoption is off by default and has no effect on non-Windows platforms.
-u, --local-user nameUse name as the key to sign with. Note that this optionoverrides --default-key.
--default-key nameUse name as the default key to sign with. If this option is notused, the default key is the first key found in the secret keyring.Note that -u or --local-user overrides this option.
-r, --recipient nameEncrypt for user id name. If this option or --hidden-recipientis not specified, GnuPG asks for the user-id unless--default-recipient is given.
-R, --hidden-recipient nameEncrypt for user ID name, but hide the key ID of this user’skey. This option helps to hide the receiver of the message and is alimited countermeasure against traffic analysis. If this option or--recipient is not specified, GnuPG asks for the user ID unless--default-recipient is given.
--default-recipient nameUse name as default recipient if option --recipient is not used anddon’t ask if this is a valid one. name must be non-empty.
--default-recipient-selfUse the default key as default recipient if option --recipient is not used anddon’t ask if this is a valid one. The default key is the first one from thesecret keyring or the one set with --default-key.
--no-default-recipientReset --default-recipient and --default-recipient-self.
--encrypt-to nameSame as --recipient but this one is intended for usein the options file and may be used withyour own user-id as an "encrypt-to-self". These keysare only used when there are other recipients giveneither by use of --recipient or by the asked user id.No trust checking is performed for these user ids andeven disabled keys can be used.
--hidden-encrypt-to nameSame as --hidden-recipient but this one is intended for use in theoptions file and may be used with your own user-id as a hidden"encrypt-to-self". These keys are only used when there are otherrecipients given either by use of --recipient or by the asked user id.No trust checking is performed for these user ids and even disabledkeys can be used.
--no-encrypt-toDisable the use of all --encrypt-to and --hidden-encrypt-to keys.
-v, --verboseGive more information during processing. If usedtwice, the input data is listed in detail.
-q, --quietTry to be as quiet as possible.
-z n
--compress-level n
--bzip2-compress-level nSet compression level to n for the ZIP and ZLIB compressionalgorithms. The default is to use the default compression level ofzlib (normally 6). --bzip2-compress-level sets the compression levelfor the BZIP2 compression algorithm (defaulting to 6 as well). Thisis a different option from --compress-level since BZIP2 uses asignificant amount of memory for each additional compression level.-z sets both. A value of 0 for n disables compression.
--bzip2-decompress-lowmemUse a different decompression method for BZIP2 compressed files. Thisalternate method uses a bit more than half the memory, but also runsat half the speed. This is useful under extreme low memorycirc*mstances when the file was originally compressed at a high--bzip2-compress-level.
-t, --textmode
--no-textmodeTreat input files as text and store them in the OpenPGP canonical textform with standard "CRLF" line endings. This also sets the necessaryflags to inform the recipient that the encrypted or signed data istext and may need its line endings converted back to whatever thelocal system uses. This option is useful when communicating betweentwo platforms that have different line ending conventions (UNIX-liketo Mac, Mac to Windows, etc). --no-textmode disables this option, andis the default.
If -t (but not --textmode) is used together with armoring and signing,this enables clearsigned messages. This kludge is needed forcommand-line compatibility with command-line versions of PGP; normallyyou would use --sign or --clearsign to select the type of thesignature.
-n, --dry-runDon’t make any changes (this is not completely implemented).
-i, --interactivePrompt before overwriting any files.
--no-batchUse batch mode. Never ask, do not allow interactive commands.--no-batch disables this option.
--no-ttyMake sure that the TTY (terminal) is never used for any output.This option is needed in some cases because GnuPG sometimes printswarnings to the TTY if --batch is used.
--yesAssume "yes" on most questions.
--noAssume "no" on most questions.
--no-ask-cert-levelWhen making a key signature, prompt for a certification level. Ifthis option is not specified, the certification level used is set via--default-cert-level. See --default-cert-level for information on thespecific levels and how they are used. --no-ask-cert-level disablesthis option. This option defaults to no.
--default-cert-level nThe default to use for the check level when signing a key.
0 means you make no particular claim as to how carefully you verifiedthe key.
1 means you believe the key is owned by the person who claims to ownit but you could not, or did not verify the key at all. This isuseful for a "persona" verification, where you sign the key of apseudonymous user.
2 means you did casual verification of the key. For example, thiscould mean that you verified that the key fingerprint and checked theuser ID on the key against a photo ID.
3 means you did extensive verification of the key. For example, thiscould mean that you verified the key fingerprint with the owner of thekey in person, and that you checked, by means of a hard to forgedocument with a photo ID (such as a passport) that the name of the keyowner matches the name in the user ID on the key, and finally that youverified (by exchange of email) that the email address on the keybelongs to the key owner.
Note that the examples given above for levels 2 and 3 are just that:examples. In the end, it is up to you to decide just what "casual"and "extensive" mean to you.
This option defaults to 0 (no particular claim).
--min-cert-levelWhen building the trust database, treat any signatures with acertification level below this as invalid. Defaults to 2, whichdisregards level 1 signatures. Note that level 0 "no particularclaim" signatures are always accepted.
--trusted-key long key IDAssume that the specified key (which must be givenas a full 8 byte key ID) is as trustworthy as one ofyour own secret keys. This option is useful if youdon’t want to keep your secret keys (or one of them)online but still want to be able to check the validity of a givenrecipient’s or signator’s key.
--trust-model pgp|classic|direct|always|autoSet what trust model GnuPG should follow. The models are:
pgpThis is the Web of Trust combined with trust signatures as used in PGP5.x and later. This is the default trust model when creating a newtrust database.
classicThis is the standard Web of Trust as used in PGP 2.x and earlier.
directKey validity is set directly by the user and not calculated via theWeb of Trust.
alwaysSkip key validation and assume that used keys are always fullytrusted. You generally won’t use this unless you are using someexternal validation scheme. This option also suppresses the"[uncertain]" tag printed with signature checks when there is noevidence that the user ID is bound to the key.
autoSelect the trust model depending on whatever the internal trustdatabase says. This is the default model if such a database alreadyexists.
--always-trustIdentical to ‘--trust-model always’. This option is deprecated.
--auto-key-locate parameters
--no-auto-key-locateGnuPG can automatically locate and retrieve keys as needed using thisoption. This happens when encrypting to an email address (in the"" form), and there are no keys onthe local keyring. This option takes any number of the followingarguments, in the order they are to be tried:
certlocate a key using DNS CERT, as specified in 2538bis (currently indraft):
pkalocate a key using DNS PKA.
ldaplocate a key using the PGP Universal method of checking"ldap://keys.(thedomain)".
keyserverlocate a key using whatever keyserver is defined using the --keyserveroption.
(keyserver URL)In addition, a keyserver URL as used in the --keyserver option may beused here to query that particular keyserver.
--keyid-format short|0xshort|long|0xlongSelect how to display key IDs. "short" is the traditional 8-characterkey ID. "long" is the more accurate (but less convenient)16-character key ID. Add an "0x" to either to include an "0x" at thebeginning of the key ID, as in 0x99242560.
--keyserver name [name=value1 value2 value3 ...]Use name as your keyserver. This is the server that--recv-keys, --send-keys, and --search-keys will communicate with toreceive keys from, send keys to, and search for keys on. The formatof the name is a URI: ‘scheme:[//]keyservername[:port]’ Thescheme is the type of keyserver: "hkp" for the HTTP (or compatible)keyservers, "ldap" for the LDAP keyservers, or "mailto" for the Graffemail keyserver. Note that your particular installation of GnuPG mayhave other keyserver types available as well. Keyserver schemes arecase-insensitive. After the keyserver name, optional keyserverconfiguration options may be provided. These are the same as theglobal --keyserver-options from below, but apply only to thisparticular keyserver.
Most keyservers synchronize with each other, so there is generally noneed to send keys to more than one server. The keyserver"hkp://" uses round robin DNS to give a differentkeyserver each time you use it.
--keyserver-options name=value1 [value2 value3 ...]This is a space or comma delimited string that gives options for thekeyserver. Options can be prepended with a ‘no-’ to give the oppositemeaning. Valid import-options or export-options may be used here aswell to apply to importing (--recv-key) or exporting (--send-key) akey from a keyserver. While not all options are available for allkeyserver types, some common options are:
include-revokedWhen searching for a key with --search-keys, include keys that aremarked on the keyserver as revoked. Note that not all keyserversdifferentiate between revoked and unrevoked keys, and for suchkeyservers this option is meaningless. Note also that most keyserversdo not have cryptographic verification of key revocations, and soturning this option off may result in skipping keys that areincorrectly marked as revoked.
include-disabledWhen searching for a key with --search-keys, include keys that aremarked on the keyserver as disabled. Note that this option is notused with HKP keyservers.
auto-key-retrieveThis option enables the automatic retrieving of keys from a keyserverwhen verifying signatures made by keys that are not on the localkeyring.
Note that this option makes a "web bug" like behavior possible.Keyserver operators can see which keys you request, so by sending youa message signed by a brand new key (which you naturally will not haveon your local keyring), the operator can tell both your IP address andthe time when you verified the signature.
honor-keyserver-urlWhen using --refresh-keys, if the key in question has a preferredkeyserver URL, then use that preferred keyserver to refresh the keyfrom. In addition, if auto-key-retrieve is set, and the signaturebeing verified has a preferred keyserver URL, then use that preferredkeyserver to fetch the key from. Defaults to yes.
honor-pka-recordIf auto-key-retrieve is set, and the signature being verified has aPKA record, then use the PKA information to fetch the key. Defaultsto yes.
include-subkeysWhen receiving a key, include subkeys as potential targets. Note thatthis option is not used with HKP keyservers, as they do not supportretrieving keys by subkey id.
use-temp-filesOn most Unix-like platforms, GnuPG communicates with the keyserverhelper program via pipes, which is the most efficient method. Thisoption forces GnuPG to use temporary files to communicate. On someplatforms (such as Win32 and RISC OS), this option is always enabled.
keep-temp-filesIf using ‘use-temp-files’, do not delete the temp files after usingthem. This option is useful to learn the keyserver communicationprotocol by reading the temporary files.
verboseTell the keyserver helper program to be more verbose. This option canbe repeated multiple times to increase the verbosity level.
timeout[=value]Tell the keyserver helper program how long (in seconds) to try andperform a keyserver action before giving up. Note that performingmultiple actions at the same time uses this timeout value per action.For example, when retrieving multiple keys via --recv-keys, thetimeout applies separately to each key retrieval, and not to the--recv-keys command as a whole. Defaults to 30 seconds.
http-proxy[=value]For HTTP-like keyserver schemes that (such as HKP and HTTP itself),try to access the keyserver over a proxy. If a value isspecified, use this as the HTTP proxy. If no value isspecified, the value of the environment variable "http_proxy", if any,will be used.
max-cert-size[=value]When retrieving a key via DNS CERT, only accept keys up to this size.Defaults to 16384 bytes.
--import-options parametersThis is a space or comma delimited string that gives options forimporting keys. Options can be prepended with a ‘no-’ to give theopposite meaning. The options are:
import-local-sigsAllow importing key signatures marked as "local". This is notgenerally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being used.Defaults to no.
repair-pks-subkey-bugDuring import, attempt to repair the damage caused by the PKSkeyserver bug (pre version 0.9.6) that mangles keys with multiplesubkeys. Note that this cannot completely repair the damaged key assome crucial data is removed by the keyserver, but it does at leastgive you back one subkey. Defaults to no for regular --import and toyes for keyserver --recv-keys.
merge-onlyDuring import, allow key updates to existing keys, but do not allowany new keys to be imported. Defaults to no.
import-cleanAfter import, compact (remove all signatures except theself-signature) any user IDs from the new key that are not usable.Then, remove any signatures from the new key that are not usable.This includes signatures that were issued by keys that are not presenton the keyring. This option is the same as running the --edit-keycommand "clean" after import. Defaults to no.
import-minimalImport the smallest key possible. This removes all signatures exceptthe most recent self-signature on each user ID. This option is thesame as running the --edit-key command "minimize" after import.Defaults to no.
--export-options parametersThis is a space or comma delimited string that gives options forexporting keys. Options can be prepended with a ‘no-’ to give theopposite meaning. The options are:
export-local-sigsAllow exporting key signatures marked as "local". This is notgenerally useful unless a shared keyring scheme is being used.Defaults to no.
export-attributesInclude attribute user IDs (photo IDs) while exporting. This isuseful to export keys if they are going to be used by an OpenPGPprogram that does not accept attribute user IDs. Defaults to yes.
export-sensitive-revkeysInclude designated revoker information that was marked as"sensitive". Defaults to no.
export-reset-subkey-passwdWhen using the "--export-secret-subkeys" command, this option resetsthe passphrases for all exported subkeys to empty. This is usefulwhen the exported subkey is to be used on an unattended machine wherea passphrase doesn’t necessarily make sense. Defaults to no.
export-cleanCompact (remove all signatures from) user IDs on the key beingexported if the user IDs are not usable. Also, do not export anysignatures that are not usable. This includes signatures that wereissued by keys that are not present on the keyring. This option isthe same as running the --edit-key command "clean" before exportexcept that the local copy of the key is not modified. Defaults tono.
export-minimalExport the smallest key possible. This removes all signatures exceptthe most recent self-signature on each user ID. This option is thesame as running the --edit-key command "minimize" before export exceptthat the local copy of the key is not modified. Defaults to no.
--list-options parametersThis is a space or comma delimited string that gives options used whenlisting keys and signatures (that is, --list-keys, --list-sigs,--list-public-keys, --list-secret-keys, and the --edit-key functions).Options can be prepended with a ‘no-’ to give the opposite meaning.The options are:
show-photosCauses --list-keys, --list-sigs, --list-public-keys, and--list-secret-keys to display any photo IDs attached to the key.Defaults to no. See also --photo-viewer.
show-policy-urlsShow policy URLs in the --list-sigs or --check-sigs listings.Defaults to no.
show-user-notationsShow all, IETF standard, or user-defined signature notations in the--list-sigs or --check-sigs listings. Defaults to no.
show-keyserver-urlsShow any preferred keyserver URL in the --list-sigs or --check-sigslistings. Defaults to no.
show-uid-validityDisplay the calculated validity of user IDs during key listings.Defaults to no.
show-unusable-uidsShow revoked and expired user IDs in key listings. Defaults to no.
show-unusable-subkeysShow revoked and expired subkeys in key listings. Defaults to no.
show-keyringDisplay the keyring name at the head of key listings to show whichkeyring a given key resides on. Defaults to no.
show-sig-expireShow signature expiration dates (if any) during --list-sigs or--check-sigs listings. Defaults to no.
show-sig-subpacketsInclude signature subpackets in the key listing. This option can takean optional argument list of the subpackets to list. If no argumentis passed, list all subpackets. Defaults to no. This option is onlymeaningful when using --with-colons along with --list-sigs or--check-sigs.
--verify-options parametersThis is a space or comma delimited string that gives options used whenverifying signatures. Options can be prepended with a ‘no-’ to givethe opposite meaning. The options are:
show-photosDisplay any photo IDs present on the key that issued the signature.Defaults to no. See also --photo-viewer.
show-policy-urlsShow policy URLs in the signature being verified. Defaults to no.
show-user-notationsShow all, IETF standard, or user-defined signature notations in thesignature being verified. Defaults to IETF standard.
show-keyserver-urlsShow any preferred keyserver URL in the signature being verified.Defaults to no.
show-uid-validityDisplay the calculated validity of the user IDs on the key that issuedthe signature. Defaults to no.
show-unusable-uidsShow revoked and expired user IDs during signature verification.Defaults to no.
pka-lookupsEnable PKA lookups to verify sender addresses. Note that PKA is basedon DNS, and so enabling this option may disclose information on whenand what signatures are verified or to whom data is encrypted. Thisis similar to the "web bug" described for the auto-key-retrievefeature.
pka-trust-increaseRaise the trust in a signature to full if the signature passes PKAvalidation. This option is only meaningful if pka-lookups is set.
--disable-dsa2Enables new-style DSA keys which (unlike the old style) may be largerthan 1024 bit and use hashes other than SHA-1 and RIPEMD/160. Notethat very few programs currently support these keys and signaturesfrom them.
--no-show-photosCauses --list-keys, --list-sigs, --list-public-keys,--list-secret-keys, and verifying a signature to also display thephoto ID attached to the key, if any. See also --photo-viewer. Theseoptions are deprecated. Use ‘--list-options [no-]show-photos’ and/or‘--verify-options [no-]show-photos’ instead.
--photo-viewer stringThis is the command line that should be run to view a photo ID. "%i"will be expanded to a filename containing the photo. "%I" does thesame, except the file will not be deleted once the viewer exits.Other flags are "%k" for the key ID, "%K" for the long key ID, "%f"for the key fingerprint, "%t" for the extension of the image type(e.g. "jpg"), "%T" for the MIME type of the image (e.g. "image/jpeg"),and "%%" for an actual percent sign. If neither %i or %I are present,then the photo will be supplied to the viewer on standard input.
The default viewer is "xloadimage -fork -quiet -title ’KeyID 0x%k’stdin". Note that if your image viewer program is not secure, thenexecuting it from GnuPG does not make it secure.
--exec-path stringSets a list of directories to search for photo viewers and keyserverhelpers. If not provided, keyserver helpers use the compiled-indefault directory, and photo viewers use the $PATH environmentvariable.Note, that on W32 system this value is ignored when searching forkeyserver helpers.
--show-keyringDisplay the keyring name at the head of key listings to show whichkeyring a given key resides on. This option is deprecated: use‘--list-options [no-]show-keyring’ instead.
--keyring fileAdd file to the current list of keyrings. If file beginswith a tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOMEdirectory. If the filename does not contain a slash, it is assumed tobe in the GnuPG home directory ("~/.gnupg" if --homedir or $GNUPGHOMEis not used).
Note that this adds a keyring to the current list. If the intent isto use the specified keyring alone, use --keyring along with--no-default-keyring.
--secret-keyring fileSame as --keyring but for the secret keyrings.
--primary-keyring fileDesignate file as the primary public keyring. This means thatnewly imported keys (via --import or keyserver --recv-from) will go tothis keyring.
--trustdb-name fileUse file instead of the default trustdb. If file beginswith a tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOMEdirectory. If the filename does not contain a slash, it is assumed tobe in the GnuPG home directory ("~/.gnupg" if --homedir or $GNUPGHOMEis not used).
--homedir directorySet the name of the home directory to directory If this option is notused it defaults to "~/.gnupg". It does not make sense to use this ina options file. This also overrides the environment variable$GNUPGHOME.
--pcsc-driver fileUse file to access the smartcard reader. The current default is‘libpcscl*’ for GLIBC based systems,‘/System/Library/Frameworks/PCSC.framework/PCSC’ for MAC OS X,‘winscard.dll’ for Windows and ‘libpcscl*’ for other systems.
--ctapi-driver fileUse file to access the smartcard reader. The current defaultis ‘’. Note that the use of this interface isdeprecated; it may be removed in future releases.
--disable-ccidDisable the integrated support for CCID compliant readers. Thisallows to fall back to one of the other drivers even if the internalCCID driver can handle the reader. Note, that CCID support is onlyavailable if libusb was available at build time.
--reader-port number_or_stringThis option may be used to specify the port of the card terminal. Avalue of 0 refers to the first serial device; add 32768 to access USBdevices. The default is 32768 (first USB device). PC/SC or CCIDreaders might need a string here; run the program in verbose mode to geta list of available readers. The default is then the first readerfound.
--display-charset nameSet the name of the native character set. This is used to convertsome informational strings like user IDs to the proper UTF-8 encoding.Note that this has nothing to do with the character set of data to beencrypted or signed; GnuPG does not recode user supplied data. Ifthis option is not used, the default character set is determined fromthe current locale. A verbosity level of 3 shows the chosen set.Valid values for name are:
iso-8859-1This is the Latin 1 set.
iso-8859-2The Latin 2 set.
iso-8859-15This is currently an alias forthe Latin 1 set.
koi8-rThe usual Russian set (rfc1489).
utf-8Bypass all translations and assumethat the OS uses native UTF-8 encoding.
--no-utf8-stringsAssume that command line arguments are given as UTF8 strings. Thedefault (--no-utf8-strings) is to assume that arguments are encoded inthe character set as specified by --display-charset. These optionsaffect all following arguments. Both options may be used multipletimes.
--options fileRead options from file and do not try to readthem from the default options file in the homedir(see --homedir). This option is ignored if usedin an options file.
--no-optionsShortcut for "--options /dev/null". This option isdetected before an attempt to open an option file.Using this option will also prevent the creation of a "~./gnupg" homedir.
--load-extension nameLoad an extension module. If name does not contain a slash it issearched for in the directory configured when GnuPG was built(generally "/usr/local/lib/gnupg"). Extensions are not generallyuseful anymore, and the use of this option is deprecated.
--debug flagsSet debugging flags. All flags are or-ed and flags maybe given in C syntax (e.g. 0x0042).
--debug-allSet all useful debugging flags.
--debug-ccid-driverEnable debug output from the included CCID driver for smartcards.Note that this option is only available on some system.
--enable-progress-filterEnable certain PROGRESS status outputs. This option allows frontendsto display a progress indicator while gpg is processing larger files.There is a slight performance overhead using it.
--status-fd nWrite special status strings to the file descriptor n.See the file DETAILS in the documentation for a listing of them.
--status-file fileSame as --status-fd, except the status data is written to filefile.
--logger-fd nWrite log output to file descriptor n and not to stderr.
--logger-file fileSame as --logger-fd, except the logger data is written to filefile.
--attribute-fd nWrite attribute subpackets to the file descriptor n. This ismost useful for use with --status-fd, since the status messages areneeded to separate out the various subpackets from the streamdelivered to the file descriptor.
--attribute-file fileSame as --attribute-fd, except the attribute data is written to filefile.
--comment string
--no-commentsUse string as a comment string in clear text signatures andASCII armored messages or keys (see --armor). The default behavior isnot to use a comment string. --comment may be repeated multiple timesto get multiple comment strings. --no-comments removes all comments.It is a good idea to keep the length of a single comment below 60characters to avoid problems with mail programs wrapping such lines.Note that comment lines, like all other header lines, are notprotected by the signature.
--no-emit-versionForce inclusion of the version string in ASCII armored output.--no-emit-version disables this option.
--sig-notation name=value
--cert-notation name=value
-N, --set-notation name=valuePut the name value pair into the signature as notation must consist only of printable characters or spaces, andmust contain a ’@’ character in the form the appropriate keyname and domain name, of course).This is to help prevent pollution of the IETF reserved notationnamespace. The --expert flag overrides the ’@’ check. value may be any printable string; it will be encoded in UTF8, so you shouldcheck that your --display-charset is set correctly. If you prefixname with an exclamation mark (!), the notation data will beflagged as critical (rfc2440: --sig-notation sets anotation for data signatures. --cert-notation sets a notation for keysignatures (certifications). --set-notation sets both.
There are special codes that may be used in notation names. "%k" willbe expanded into the key ID of the key being signed, "%K" into thelong key ID of the key being signed, "%f" into the fingerprint of thekey being signed, "%s" into the key ID of the key making thesignature, "%S" into the long key ID of the key making the signature,"%g" into the fingerprint of the key making the signature (which mightbe a subkey), "%p" into the fingerprint of the primary key of the keymaking the signature, "%c" into the signature count from the OpenPGPsmartcard, and "%%" results in a single "%". %k, %K, and %f are onlymeaningful when making a key signature (certification), and %c is onlymeaningful when using the OpenPGP smartcard.
--no-show-notationShow signature notations in the --list-sigs or --check-sigs listingsas well as when verifying a signature with a notation in it. Theseoptions are deprecated. Use ‘--list-options [no-]show-notation’and/or ‘--verify-options [no-]show-notation’ instead.
--sig-policy-url string
--cert-policy-url string
--set-policy-url stringUse string as a Policy URL for signatures (rfc2440: you prefix it with an exclamation mark (!), the policy URL packetwill be flagged as critical. --sig-policy-url sets a policy url fordata signatures. --cert-policy-url sets a policy url for keysignatures (certifications). --set-policy-url sets both.
The same %-expandos used for notation data are available here as well.
--no-show-policy-urlShow policy URLs in the --list-sigs or --check-sigs listings as wellas when verifying a signature with a policy URL in it. These optionsare deprecated. Use ‘--list-options [no-]show-policy-url’ and/or‘--verify-options [no-]show-policy-url’ instead.
--sig-keyserver-url stringUse string as a preferred keyserver URL for data signatures. Ifyou prefix it with an exclamation mark, the keyserver URL packet willbe flagged as critical.
The same %-expandos used for notation data are available here as well.
--set-filename stringUse string as the filename which is stored inside messages.This overrides the default, which is to use the actual filename of thefile being encrypted.
--no-for-your-eyes-onlySet the ‘for your eyes only’ flag in the message. This causes GnuPGto refuse to save the file unless the --output option is given, andPGP to use the "secure viewer" with a Tempest-resistant font todisplay the message. This option overrides --set-filename.--no-for-your-eyes-only disables this option.
--no-use-embedded-filenameTry to create a file with a name as embedded in the data. This can bea dangerous option as it allows to overwrite files. Defaults to no.
--completes-needed nNumber of completely trusted users to introduce a newkey signer (defaults to 1).
--marginals-needed nNumber of marginally trusted users to introduce a newkey signer (defaults to 3)
--max-cert-depth nMaximum depth of a certification chain (default is 5).
--cipher-algo nameUse name as cipher algorithm. Running the program with thecommand --version yields a list of supported algorithms. If this isnot used the cipher algorithm is selected from the preferences storedwith the key. In general, you do not want to use this option as itallows you to violate the OpenPGP standard.--personal-cipher-preferences is the safe way to accomplish the samething.
--digest-algo nameUse name as the message digest algorithm. Running the programwith the command --version yields a list of supported algorithms. Ingeneral, you do not want to use this option as it allows you toviolate the OpenPGP standard. --personal-digest-preferences is thesafe way to accomplish the same thing.
--compress-algo nameUse compression algorithm name. "zlib" is RFC-1950 ZLIBcompression. "zip" is RFC-1951 ZIP compression which is used by PGP."bzip2" is a more modern compression scheme that can compress somethings better than zip or zlib, but at the cost of more memory usedduring compression and decompression. "uncompressed" or "none"disables compression. If this option is not used, the defaultbehavior is to examine the recipient key preferences to see whichalgorithms the recipient supports. If all else fails, ZIP is used formaximum compatibility.
ZLIB may give better compression results than ZIP, as the compressionwindow size is not limited to 8k. BZIP2 may give even bettercompression results than that, but will use a significantly largeramount of memory while compressing and decompressing. This may besignificant in low memory situations. Note, however, that PGP (allversions) only supports ZIP compression. Using any algorithm otherthan ZIP or "none" will make the message unreadable with PGP. Ingeneral, you do not want to use this option as it allows you toviolate the OpenPGP standard. --personal-compress-preferences is thesafe way to accomplish the same thing.
--cert-digest-algo nameUse name as the message digest algorithm used when signing akey. Running the program with the command --version yields a list ofsupported algorithms. Be aware that if you choose an algorithm thatGnuPG supports but other OpenPGP implementations do not, then someusers will not be able to use the key signatures you make, or quitepossibly your entire key.
--s2k-cipher-algo nameUse name as the cipher algorithm used to protect secret keys.The default cipher is CAST5. This cipher is also used forconventional encryption if --personal-cipher-preferences and--cipher-algo is not given.
--s2k-digest-algo nameUse name as the digest algorithm used to mangle the passphrases.The default algorithm is SHA-1.
--s2k-mode nSelects how passphrases are mangled. If n is 0 a plainpassphrase (which is not recommended) will be used, a 1 adds a salt tothe passphrase and a 3 (the default) iterates the whole process acouple of times. Unless --rfc1991 is used, this mode is also used forconventional encryption.
--simple-sk-checksumSecret keys are integrity protected by using a SHA-1 checksum. Thismethod is part of the upcoming enhanced OpenPGP specification butGnuPG already uses it as a countermeasure against certain attacks.Old applications don’t understand this new format, so this option maybe used to switch back to the old behaviour. Using this option bearsa security risk. Note that using this option only takes effect whenthe secret key is encrypted - the simplest way to make this happen isto change the passphrase on the key (even changing it to the samevalue is acceptable).
--disable-cipher-algo nameNever allow the use of name as cipher algorithm.The given name will not be checked so that a later loaded algorithmwill still get disabled.
--disable-pubkey-algo nameNever allow the use of name as public key algorithm.The given name will not be checked so that a later loaded algorithmwill still get disabled.
--no-sig-cacheDo not cache the verification status of key signatures.Caching gives a much better performance in key listings. However, ifyou suspect that your public keyring is not save against writemodifications, you can use this option to disable the caching. Itprobably does not make sense to disable it because all kind of damagecan be done if someone else has write access to your public keyring.
--no-sig-create-checkGnuPG normally verifies each signature right after creation to protectagainst bugs and hardware malfunctions which could leak out bits fromthe secret key. This extra verification needs some time (about 115%for DSA keys), and so this option can be used to disable it.However, due to the fact that the signature creation needs manualinteraction, this performance penalty does not matter in most settings.
--no-auto-check-trustdbIf GnuPG feels that its information about the Web of Trust has to beupdated, it automatically runs the --check-trustdb command internally.This may be a time consuming process. --no-auto-check-trustdbdisables this option.
--no-throw-keyidsDo not put the recipient key IDs into encrypted messages. This helpsto hide the receivers of the message and is a limited countermeasureagainst traffic analysis. On the receiving side, it may slow down thedecryption process because all available secret keys must be tried.--no-throw-keyids disables this option. This option is essentiallythe same as using --hidden-recipient for all recipients.
--not-dash-escapedThis option changes the behavior of cleartext signaturesso that they can be used for patch files. You should notsend such an armored file via email because all spacesand line endings are hashed too. You can not use thisoption for data which has 5 dashes at the beginning of aline, patch files don’t have this. A special armor headerline tells GnuPG about this cleartext signature option.
--no-escape-from-linesBecause some mailers change lines starting with "From " to ">From" it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creatingcleartext signatures to prevent the mail system from breaking thesignature. Note that all other PGP versions do it this way too.Enabled by default. --no-escape-from-lines disables this option.
--passphrase-fd nRead the passphrase from file descriptor n. Only the first linewill be read from file descriptor n. If you use 0 for n,the passphrase will be read from stdin. This can only be used if onlyone passphrase is supplied.
--passphrase-file fileRead the passphrase from file file. Only the first line willbe read from file file. This can only be used if only one passphrase is supplied. Obviously, a passphrase stored in a file isof questionable security if other users can read this file. Don’t usethis option if you can avoid it.
--passphrase stringUse string as the passphrase. This can only be used if only onepassphrase is supplied. Obviously, this is of very questionablesecurity on a multi-user system. Don’t use this option if you canavoid it.
--command-fd nThis is a replacement for the deprecated shared-memory IPC mode.If this option is enabled, user input on questions is not expectedfrom the TTY but from the given file descriptor. It should be usedtogether with --status-fd. See the file doc/DETAILS in the sourcedistribution for details on how to use it.
--command-file fileSame as --command-fd, except the commands are read out of filefile
--no-use-agentTry to use the GnuPG-Agent. Please note that this agent is still underdevelopment. With this option, GnuPG first tries to connect to theagent before it asks for a passphrase. --no-use-agent disables thisoption.
--gpg-agent-infoOverride the value of the environment variableGPG_AGENT_INFO. This is only used when --use-agent has been given
Compliance optionsThese options control what GnuPG is compliant to. Only one of theseoptions may be active at a time. Note that the default setting ofthis is nearly always the correct one. See the INTEROPERABILITY WITHOTHER OPENPGP PROGRAMS section below before using one of theseoptions.
--gnupgUse standard GnuPG behavior. This is essentially OpenPGP behavior(see --openpgp), but with some additional workarounds for commoncompatibility problems in different versions of PGP. This is thedefault option, so it is not generally needed, but it may be useful tooverride a different compliance option in the gpg.conf file.
--openpgpReset all packet, cipher and digest options to strict OpenPGPbehavior. Use this option to reset all previous options like--rfc1991, --force-v3-sigs, --s2k-*, --cipher-algo, --digest-algo and--compress-algo to OpenPGP compliant values. All PGP workarounds aredisabled.
--rfc2440Reset all packet, cipher and digest options to strict RFC-2440behavior. Note that this is currently the same thing as --openpgp.
--rfc1991Try to be more RFC-1991 (PGP 2.x) compliant.
--pgp2Set up all options to be as PGP 2.x compliant as possible, and warn ifan action is taken (e.g. encrypting to a non-RSA key) that will createa message that PGP 2.x will not be able to handle. Note that ‘PGP2.x’ here means ‘MIT PGP 2.6.2’. There are other versions of PGP 2.xavailable, but the MIT release is a good common baseline.
This option implies ‘--rfc1991 --disable-mdc --no-force-v4-certs--no-sk-comment --escape-from-lines --force-v3-sigs--no-ask-sig-expire --no-ask-cert-expire --cipher-algo IDEA--digest-algo MD5 --compress-algo 1’. It also disables --textmodewhen encrypting.
--pgp6Set up all options to be as PGP 6 compliant as possible. Thisrestricts you to the ciphers IDEA (if the IDEA plugin is installed),3DES, and CAST5, the hashes MD5, SHA1 and RIPEMD160, and thecompression algorithms none and ZIP. This also disables--throw-keyids, and making signatures with signing subkeys as PGP 6does not understand signatures made by signing subkeys.
This option implies ‘--disable-mdc --no-sk-comment --escape-from-lines--force-v3-sigs --no-ask-sig-expire’
--pgp7Set up all options to be as PGP 7 compliant as possible. This isidentical to --pgp6 except that MDCs are not disabled, and the list ofallowable ciphers is expanded to add AES128, AES192, AES256, andTWOFISH.
--pgp8Set up all options to be as PGP 8 compliant as possible. PGP 8 is alot closer to the OpenPGP standard than previous versions of PGP, soall this does is disable --throw-keyids and set --escape-from-lines.All algorithms are allowed except for the SHA224, SHA384, and SHA512digests.
--no-force-v3-sigsOpenPGP states that an implementation should generate v4 signaturesbut PGP versions 5 through 7 only recognize v4 signatures on keymaterial. This option forces v3 signatures for signatures on data.Note that this option overrides --ask-sig-expire, as v3 signaturescannot have expiration dates. --no-force-v3-sigs disables thisoption.
--no-force-v4-certsAlways use v4 key signatures even on v3 keys. This option alsochanges the default hash algorithm for v3 RSA keys from MD5 to SHA-1.--no-force-v4-certs disables this option.
--force-mdcForce the use of encryption with a modification detection code. Thisis always used with the newer ciphers (those with a blocksize greaterthan 64 bits), or if all of the recipient keys indicate MDC support intheir feature flags.
--disable-mdcDisable the use of the modification detection code. Note that byusing this option, the encrypted message becomes vulnerable to amessage modification attack.
--no-allow-non-selfsigned-uidAllow the import and use of keys with user IDs which are notself-signed. This is not recommended, as a non self-signed user ID istrivial to forge. --no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid disables.
--allow-freeform-uidDisable all checks on the form of the user ID while generating a newone. This option should only be used in very special environments asit does not ensure the de-facto standard format of user IDs.
--ignore-time-conflictGnuPG normally checks that the timestamps associated with keys andsignatures have plausible values. However, sometimes a signatureseems to be older than the key due to clock problems. This optionmakes these checks just a warning. See also --ignore-valid-from fortimestamp issues on subkeys.
--ignore-valid-fromGnuPG normally does not select and use subkeys created in the future.This option allows the use of such keys and thus exhibits thepre-1.0.7 behaviour. You should not use this option unless you thereis some clock problem. See also --ignore-time-conflict for timestampissues with signatures.
--ignore-crc-errorThe ASCII armor used by OpenPGP is protected by a CRC checksum againsttransmission errors. Occasionally the CRC gets mangled somewhere onthe transmission channel but the actual content (which is protected bythe OpenPGP protocol anyway) is still okay. This option allows GnuPGto ignore CRC errors.
--ignore-mdc-errorThis option changes a MDC integrity protection failure into a warning.This can be useful if a message is partially corrupt, but it isnecessary to get as much data as possible out of the corrupt message.However, be aware that a MDC protection failure may also mean that themessage was tampered with intentionally by an attacker.
--lock-onceLock the databases the first time a lock is requestedand do not release the lock until the processterminates.
--lock-multipleRelease the locks every time a lock is no longerneeded. Use this to override a previous --lock-oncefrom a config file.
--lock-neverDisable locking entirely. This option should be used only in veryspecial environments, where it can be assured that only one processis accessing those files. A bootable floppy with a stand-aloneencryption system will probably use this. Improper usage of thisoption may lead to data and key corruption.
--exit-on-status-write-errorThis option will cause write errors on the status FD to immediatelyterminate the process. That should in fact be the default but itnever worked this way and thus we need an option to enable this, sothat the change won’t break applications which close their end of astatus fd connected pipe too early. Using this option along with--enable-progress-filter may be used to cleanly cancel long runninggpg operations.
--limit-card-insert-tries nWith n greater than 0 the number of prompts asking to insert asmartcard gets limited to N-1. Thus with a value of 1 gpg won’t atall ask to insert a card if none has been inserted at startup. Thisoption is useful in the configuration file in case an application doesnot know about the smartcard support and waits ad infinitum for aninserted card.
--no-random-seed-fileGnuPG uses a file to store its internal random pool over invocations.This makes random generation faster; however sometimes write operationsare not desired. This option can be used to achieve that with the cost ofslower random generation.
--no-verboseReset verbose level to 0.
--no-greetingSuppress the initial copyright message.
--no-secmem-warningSuppress the warning about "using insecure memory".
--no-permission-warningSuppress the warning about unsafe file and home directory (--homedir)permissions. Note that the permission checks that GnuPG performs arenot intended to be authoritative, but rather they simply warn aboutcertain common permission problems. Do not assume that the lack of awarning means that your system is secure.
Note that the warning for unsafe --homedir permissions cannot besuppressed in the gpg.conf file, as this would allow an attacker toplace an unsafe gpg.conf file in place, and use this file to suppresswarnings about itself. The --homedir permissions warning may only besuppressed on the command line.
--no-mdc-warningSuppress the warning about missing MDC integrity protection.
--no-require-secmemRefuse to run if GnuPG cannot get secure memory. Defaults to no(i.e. run, but give a warning).
--no-armorAssume the input data is not in ASCII armored format.
--no-default-keyringDo not add the default keyrings to the list of keyrings. Note thatGnuPG will not operate without any keyrings, so if you use this optionand do not provide alternate keyrings via --keyring or--secret-keyring, then GnuPG will still use the default public orsecret keyrings.
--skip-verifySkip the signature verification step. This may beused to make the decryption faster if the signatureverification is not needed.
--with-colonsPrint key listings delimited by colons. Note that the output will beencoded in UTF-8 regardless of any --display-charset setting. Thisformat is useful when GnuPG is called from scripts and other programsas it is easily machine parsed. The details of this format aredocumented in the file doc/DETAILS, which is included in the GnuPGsource distribution.
--with-key-dataPrint key listings delimited by colons (like --with-colons) and print the public key data.
--with-fingerprintSame as the command --fingerprint but changes only the format of the outputand may be used together with another command.
--fast-list-modeChanges the output of the list commands to work faster; this is achievedby leaving some parts empty. Some applications don’t need the user ID andthe trust information given in the listings. By using this options theycan get a faster listing. The exact behaviour of this option may changein future versions.
--fixed-list-modeDo not merge primary user ID and primary key in --with-colon listingmode and print all timestamps as seconds since 1970-01-01.
--list-onlyChanges the behaviour of some commands. This is like --dry-run butdifferent in some cases. The semantic of this command may be extended inthe future. Currently it only skips the actual decryption pass andtherefore enables a fast listing of the encryption keys.
--no-literalThis is not for normal use. Use the source to see for what it might be useful.
--set-filesizeThis is not for normal use. Use the source to see for what it might be useful.
--show-session-keyDisplay the session key used for one message. See --override-session-keyfor the counterpart of this option.
We think that Key Escrow is a Bad Thing; however the user should havethe freedom to decide whether to go to prison or to reveal the contentof one specific message without compromising all messages everencrypted for one secret key. DON’T USE IT UNLESS YOU ARE REALLYFORCED TO DO SO.
--override-session-key stringDon’t use the public key but the session key string. The format of thisstring is the same as the one printed by --show-session-key. This optionis normally not used but comes handy in case someone forces you to reveal thecontent of an encrypted message; using this option you can do this withouthanding out the secret key.
--no-require-certificationWhen verifying a signature made from a subkey, ensure that the crosscertification "back signature" on the subkey is present and valid.This protects against a subtle attack against subkeys that can sign.Currently defaults to --no-require-cross-certification, but will bechanged to --require-cross-certification in the future.
--no-ask-sig-expireWhen making a data signature, prompt for an expiration time. If thisoption is not specified, the expiration time set via--default-sig-expire is used. --no-ask-sig-expire disables thisoption. Note that by default, --force-v3-sigs is set which alsodisables this option. If you want signature expiration, you must set--no-force-v3-sigs as well as turning --ask-sig-expire on.
--default-sig-expireThe default expiration time to use for signature expiration. Validvalues are "0" for no expiration, a number followed by the letter d(for days), w (for weeks), m (for months), or y (for years) (forexample "2m" for two months, or "5y" for five years), or an absolutedate in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to "0".
--no-ask-cert-expireWhen making a key signature, prompt for an expiration time. If thisoption is not specified, the expiration time set via--default-cert-expire is used. --no-ask-cert-expire disables thisoption.
--default-cert-expireThe default expiration time to use for key signature expiration.Valid values are "0" for no expiration, a number followed by theletter d (for days), w (for weeks), m (for months), or y (for years)(for example "2m" for two months, or "5y" for five years), or anabsolute date in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to "0".
--no-expertAllow the user to do certain nonsensical or "silly" things likesigning an expired or revoked key, or certain potentially incompatiblethings like generating unusual key types. This also disables certainwarning messages about potentially incompatible actions. As the nameimplies, this option is for experts only. If you don’t fullyunderstand the implications of what it allows you to do, leave thisoff. --no-expert disables this option.
--allow-secret-key-importThis is an obsolete option and is not used anywhere.
--try-all-secretsDon’t look at the key ID as stored in the message but try all secretkeys in turn to find the right decryption key. This option forces thebehaviour as used by anonymous recipients (created by using--throw-keyids) and might come handy in case where an encryptedmessage contains a bogus key ID.
--allow-multisig-verificationAllow verification of concatenated signed messages. This will run asignature verification for each data+signature block. There are somesecurity issues with this option and thus it is off by default. Notethat versions of GPG prior to version 1.4.3 implicitly allowed this.
--enable-special-filenamesThis options enables a mode in which filenames of the form-&n, where n is a non-negative decimal number,refer to the file descriptor n and not to a file with that name.
--no-expensive-trust-checksExperimental use only.
--group name=value1 [value2 value3 ...]Sets up a named group, which is similar to aliases in email programs.Any time the group name is a recipient (-r or --recipient), it will beexpanded to the values specified. Multiple groups with the same nameare automatically merged into a single group.
The values are key IDs or fingerprints, but any key descriptionis accepted. Note that a value with spaces in it will be treated astwo different values. Note also there is only one level of expansion- you cannot make an group that points to another group. When usedfrom the command line, it may be necessary to quote the argument tothis option to prevent the shell from treating it as multiplearguments.
--ungroup nameRemove a given entry from the --group list.
--no-groupsRemove all entries from the --group list.
--preserve-permissionsDon’t change the permissions of a secret keyring back to userread/write only. Use this option only if you really know what you are doing.
--personal-cipher-preferences stringSet the list of personal cipher preferences to string, this listshould be a string similar to the one printed by the command "pref" inthe edit menu. This allows the user to factor in their own preferredalgorithms when algorithms are chosen via recipient key preferences.The most highly ranked cipher in this list is also used for the--symmetric encryption command.
--personal-digest-preferences stringSet the list of personal digest preferences to string, this listshould be a string similar to the one printed by the command "pref" inthe edit menu. This allows the user to factor in their own preferredalgorithms when algorithms are chosen via recipient key preferences.The most highly ranked digest algorithm in this list is algo used whensigning without encryption (e.g. --clearsign or --sign). The defaultvalue is SHA-1.
--personal-compress-preferences stringSet the list of personal compression preferences to string, thislist should be a string similar to the one printed by the command"pref" in the edit menu. This allows the user to factor in their ownpreferred algorithms when algorithms are chosen via recipient keypreferences. The most highly ranked algorithm in this list is alsoused when there are no recipient keys to consider (e.g. --symmetric).
--default-preference-list stringSet the list of default preferences to string. This preferencelist is used for new keys and becomes the default for "setpref" in theedit menu.
--default-keyserver-url nameSet the default keyserver URL to name. This keyserver will beused as the keyserver URL when writing a new self-signature on a key,which includes key generation and changing preferences.
--list-config [names]Display various internal configuration parameters of GnuPG. Thisoption is intended for external programs that call GnuPG to performtasks, and is thus not generally useful. See the filedoc/DETAILS in the source distribution for thedetails of which configuration items may be listed. --list-config isonly usable with --with-colons set.
0xAB123456Here the key ID is given in the usual short form.
0x234AABBCC34567C4Here the key ID is given in the long form as used by OpenPGP(you can get the long key ID using the option --with-colons).
0xE12343434343434343434EAB3484343434343434The best way to specify a key ID is by using the fingerprint ofthe key. This avoids any ambiguities in case that there are duplicatedkey IDs (which are really rare for the long key IDs).
=Heinrich Heine <>Using an exact to match string. The equal sign indicates this.
<>Using the email address part which must match exactly.The left angle bracketindicates this email address mode.
@heinrichhMatch within the <email.address> part of a user ID. The at signindicates this email address mode.
*HeineBy case insensitive substring matching. This is the default mode butapplications may want to explicitly indicate this by putting the asteriskin front.

Note that you can append an exclamation mark (!) to key IDs orfingerprints. This flag tells GnuPG to use the specified primary orsecondary key and not to try and calculate which primary or secondarykey to use.

The program returns 0 if everything was fine, 1 if at leasta signature was bad, and other error codes for fatal errors.

gpg -se -r Bob filesign and encrypt for user Bob
gpg --clearsign filemake a clear text signature
gpg -sb filemake a detached signature
gpg --list-keys user_IDshow keys
gpg --fingerprint user_IDshow fingerprint
gpg --verify pgpfile
gpg --verify sigfile [files]Verify the signature of the file but do not output the data. Thesecond form is used for detached signatures, where sigfile is the detached signature (either ASCII armored or binary) and[files] are the signed data; if this is not given, the name ofthe file holding the signed data is constructed by cutting off theextension (".asc" or ".sig") of sigfile or by asking theuser for the filename.
HOMEUsed to locate the default home directory.
GNUPGHOMEIf set directory used instead of "~/.gnupg".
GPG_AGENT_INFOUsed to locate the gpg-agent; only honored when--use-agent is set. The value consists of 3 colon delimited fields: The first is the path to the Unix Domain Socket, the second the PID ofthe gpg-agent and the protocol version which should be set to 1. Whenstarting the gpg-agent as described in its documentation, thisvariable is set to the correct value. The option --gpg-agent-info canbe used to override it.
LINESUsed to size some displays to the full size of the screen.
~/.gnupg/secring.gpgThe secret keyring
~/.gnupg/secring.gpg.lockand the lock file
~/.gnupg/pubring.gpgThe public keyring
~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg.lockand the lock file
~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpgThe trust database
~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg.lockand the lock file
~/.gnupg/random_seedused to preserve the internal random pool
~/.gnupg/gpg.confDefault configuration file
~/.gnupg/optionsOld style configuration file; only used when gpg.confis not found
/usr[/local]/share/gnupg/options.skelSkeleton options file
/usr[/local]/lib/gnupg/Default location for extensions

Use a *good* password for your user account and a *good* passphraseto protect your secret key. This passphrase is the weakest part of thewhole system. Programs to do dictionary attacks on your secret keyringare very easy to write and so you should protect your "~/.gnupg/"directory very well.

Keep in mind that, if this program is used over a network (telnet), itis *very* easy to spy out your passphrase!

If you are going to verify detached signatures, make sure that theprogram knows about it; either give both filenames on the command lineor use - to specify stdin.

GnuPG tries to be a very flexible implementation of the OpenPGPstandard. In particular, GnuPG implements many of the optional partsof the standard, such as the SHA-512 hash, and the ZLIB and BZIP2compression algorithms. It is important to be aware that not allOpenPGP programs implement these optional algorithms and that byforcing their use via the --cipher-algo, --digest-algo,--cert-digest-algo, or --compress-algo options in GnuPG, it ispossible to create a perfectly valid OpenPGP message, but one thatcannot be read by the intended recipient.

There are dozens of variations of OpenPGP programs available, and eachsupports a slightly different subset of these optional algorithms.For example, until recently, no (unhacked) version of PGP supportedthe BLOWFISH cipher algorithm. A message using BLOWFISH simply couldnot be read by a PGP user. By default, GnuPG uses the standardOpenPGP preferences system that will always do the right thing andcreate messages that are usable by all recipients, regardless of whichOpenPGP program they use. Only override this safe default if youreally know what you are doing.

If you absolutely must override the safe default, or if thepreferences on a given key are invalid for some reason, you are farbetter off using the --pgp6, --pgp7, or --pgp8 options. These optionsare safe as they do not force any particular algorithms in violationof OpenPGP, but rather reduce the available algorithms to a "PGP-safe"list.

GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a public key cryptography implementation.It allows for the secure transmission of information and can be used toverify that the origin of a message is genuine. Below are few examples of usage.

Above command will take you through series of questions like type of encryption (DSA, RSA), key size, key validity days, Real name, email address, Pass phrase, etc. and generate public and private key.

This is required to invalidate the key pair and should be created when key pairs are created.

Signing the key means, you trust the key which has been given to you.

gpg - Unix, Linux Command (2024)


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