N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 ·  · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (2024)

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (1)


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N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4

1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin

2in order by in so because

3 … did you go to the cinema with last night? Who When Where What

4 I’m … New York. in for at of

5has had is having had has

6possibility chance moment event


I can't find it I can't find some I can't find one I can't find none

8 Rosemary ... three languages. speaks talks tells know

9arrived arrives had arrived has arrived

10 I’ll go for lunch as soon as my boss ... from lunch. comes back will have come back come back will come back

11 Their son ... in this hospital. works begins starts likes

12 Ann is … wife. John’s John is John’s is John

13 The house is ... the river. near under between under in

14Brother Girl Mother Sister

15 “How old … Andrew?” “… 21 years old.” are you; I’m is he; He’s is; He is are; I

16 A: ... Greek? B: Yes, I am. Are you You Am I I

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materiale - © 2018, Ministero della Difesa – Direzione Generale per il Personale Militare

Complete correctly. Traffic has been banned from the city centre ... to reduce pollution.

Choose the correct form. She ... many different jobs since she moved to silicon valley.

Choose the correct form. I have not had the ... to read the newspaper today.

Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “I urgently need information on the climate in Patagonia but …”.

Scegliere la forma verbale corretta per la seguente frase: “My friend Peter… late yesterday.”

The gender of these words is different. Which word is different from the others?

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (2)


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17 She ... a uniform. wears to wear wearing wear

18 “Where ... John from?” “... from the US.” is; He’s is; His am; He’s is; She’s

19 This is my sister. ... name is Laura. Her My His Its

20I've got a new job! Is it? Were you?

21 What's the biggest country ... the world? in on of a

22weren’t wasn’t didn’t be didn’t were

23 There ... some sugar. is are am have

24 He is … teacher. a an of the

25 “Where ... now?” “In her office.” is she is he is it is

26 Which plural is correct? Children Childs Child Childrens

27 Toyotas ... Japanese … . are; cars is; car is a; car is; cars

28 Which plural is correct? Lashes Lash Lashies Lashyes

29 My dad ... at 7 o’clock everyday. gets up looks up stands up jumps up

30 There's ... train leaving London at 09:15. a an the on

31 How … experience have you had? much any many few

32 A: ... does Tony Blair live? B: In Great Britain. Where When What time How

33her its his hers

34 Find the opposite word: hot … . cold new warm small

35 “Happy” is the opposite of : sad young nice slow

Have you?

Are you?

Scegliere la forma verbale corretta per la seguente frase: You…at school yesterday.

Choose the correct form. “This is my sister; do you know ... name?”

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (3)


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36 Find the opposite word: big … . small high tall slow

37 “What ... this?” “It’s … umbrella.” is; an is; a are; a its; an

38 “Are you a student?” “Yes, I ... .” am have is 'm not

39 Which one is different? Knife Bread Fruit Meat

40Quale delle seguenti frasi è corretta?

41 I’m … home. at on in from

42 This is the photo ... my family. of at in on


44 A Mercedes is ... German car. a an the on

45 Waiter, there's ... fly in my soup! a an the on

46 “Before” is the opposite of : after tomorrow next week

47 Rolls-Royce cars are ... . expensive blue cheap tall

48 “... are you?” “I’m Alex.” Who How What Which

49Which plural is correct? Book Bookys

50 Choose the number between five and seven : six four eight nine

51 Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He ... all over the world. travels sees goes delivers

52 … from Spain. I’m Rodriguez . I'm He's You're She's

53 My school is near … city centre. the an a some

How often do you go to the gym?

How often you do go to the gym?

Do how often you go to the gym?

How do you often go to the gym?

Indicare il significato della seguente frase: ”My sister Sandra works in a chemical company”.

Mia sorella Sandra lavora in un’azienda chimica

Mia sorella Sandra era stata assunta in un’azienda chimica

Mia sorella Sandra possiede un’industria chimica

Nessuna delle risposte è esatta



N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (4)


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54 “How old … Mr. & Mrs. White?” “... 50 and 48.” are; They’re is; They are; They is; They are

55 There ... some crisps. are have am is

56 “Midnight” is the opposite of : noon morning afternoon evening

57 Central Park is lovely ... the snow. in at of as

58 My name is Lisa. … Lisa Peterson. I am I is My am I

59 There ... some vegetables. are have am is

60 She is eighteen but she can’t ... a car. drive to drive drives driving

61 We ... in a Russian class. We ... in an English class. aren’t; are are; not are; are are; am

62 “Left” is the opposite of : right upper in lower

63 “Easy” is the opposite of : difficult nice slow closed

64 There … some salt. is am have are

65 Which plural is correct? Gentlemen Gentleman Gentlemans Gentlemens

66Choose the correct form : a letter an picture an house

67 We have arranged … your order on Monday. to deliver an delivering deliver delivered

68 My teacher’s name … John. is are am not

69 “Is your dog 2 years old?” “Yes, ... .” it is dog is it are its

70 Oh! How nice! We've got the beach all to ...! ourselves ourself us we

71 “High” is the opposite of : low green new over

72 “… is his father’s job?” “He’s a teacher.” What When Why Who

73 Find the opposite word: fast … . slow small quick warm

an pen

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (5)


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74Choose the correct form : an apple an boy a egg

75 My doctor told me to go ... bed. to to the to a to have

76 This ... my friend. ... name’s Richard. is; His is; My are; His his; His

77 Which plural is correct? Buses Bus Bussies Busyies

78Steve arrives Steve will arrive is Steve arriving Steve arrive

79 Hello! My … Maria. I ... Mexico. name is; am from is name; from am name is; from am name am; is from

80came have come come comed

81as in like to

82 “... your teachers married?” “Yes, ... .” Are; they are Is; he’s Is; she is Is; he is

83 A JVC is … Japanese camera. a on the an

84 Berny … in a flat in Birmingham. lives stands has wants

85 Milan is ... Italian city. an a the on

86 Complete correctly. “My holiday is … July.” in for up on

87 “Expensive” is the opposite of : cheap rich thin slow

88too much a few too few

89None of us All of us Nobody of us Noone of us

90 What Whom When How

an book

Choose the correct form. “When ... , give him this envelope.”

Choose the correct form. Yesterday, the guests ... in through the main entrance.

My husband works … a teacher of English in a middle school.

If you think you have got ... work, you should speak to your boss.

Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “… is strong enough to lift it”.

A: … does Natalie’s nephew do? B: He’s an architect.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (6)


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91Do you mind Would mind you Should it mind you Does it trouble to you

92 It’s ... Spanish orange. a of the an

93 Who are … people over there? those these that this

94 The woman ... me to go back to my hotel and wait. told sayed said told to

95 They are not my ... books. children’s childs children’ children of

96 English is ... international language. an a on the

97largest more most large larger

98 starts goes does finishes

99everything anything something all

100 “Open” is the opposite of : closed amusing window door

101 Oxford is ... English university. an a the on

102 The train … on time this morning. left leaved has left right

103 If I worked flexitime, I would come to work … . earlier very earlier more earlier more early

104 We ... students. are is are a am

105 “Always” is the opposite of : never first after upper

106 She always puts … in her coffee. a lot of sugar much sugar many sugar a many sugar


108Which plural is correct? Woman Womans Womens

Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “… if I open the window?”

Complete correctly. “The Pacific is the … ocean in the world.”

Most of the people ... work at 8 o’clock every morning.I went to buy some Christmas presents but … was too expensive.

Indicare il significato della seguente frase: “Do you play a musical instrument? Yes, I do. I play the guitar.”

Suoni uno strumento musicale? Si. Suono la chitarra

Suoni uno strumento musicale? Si. Suono il violino

Suoni uno strumento musicale? No

Suoni uno strumento musicale? No. Non suono la chitarra


N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (7)


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109 I … eat pizza on Sundays - It's my favourite food. always rarely never don’t

110good point result worth

111 ... name is Apple. ... Ann Apple. Her; She’s His; He’s His; She His; His

112 The computer is ... the table. on at over in

113 I'm going to take ... dog for ... walk. the; a an; the a; a on; an

114Which plural is correct? Key Keyys Keyss

115 It’s good practice ... you. for at of in

116 “How old is your brother?” “… 29.” He is I am It is They are

117 Nickolas is looking for a … . job business work occupations

118 “What is ... ?” “She is a bank manager.” her job she job he job his job

119 Is Catherine … sister? your you he yours

120 “... their names Jack & Benny?” “Yes, ... .” Are; they are Aren’t; there are Am; their Is; they’re

121 I live … an apartment … two American boys. in; with at; with in; of of; with

122 “… is Brenda?” “She’s Patrick’s wife.” Who What Which Where

123 … are you from? Japan. Where Who What When

124don’t improve aren’t improving not improve will not improve

125 I have ... brother. ... name is David. a; His a; Her an; His the; His

126too so much a lot an much

127 Eliza … from Greece. … from Poland. isn’t; She’s is; Is is; Isn’t is; Is not

It’s no … talking to Andy when he’s reading. He’ll just ignore you.


If you … your delivery times, we’ll have to find a new supplier.

Complete correctly. It's ... expensive for a european student to study in the best american universities.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (8)


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128Which plural is correct? Piecs Piece Piecies

129 … coffee do you drink a day? How much How many What kind How often

130to into in out to

131 ... were you born? “I was born in 1990”. When Where How What

132 They’re not his ... mistakes. friend’s friend friends friends’s

133 They set ... the publishing company in 1981. up down off in

134 Which plural is correct? Days Day Dayes Daies

135 “Fat” is the opposite of : thin good small young

136 “Is your elder brother married?” “No, ... .” he isn’t brother isn’t he are not she isn’t

137 There ... some grapes. are have am is

138 He ... his car every weekend. washes wash washing washed

139Choose the correct form : a hat an woman a hour

140neither or either not

141 “... is a hamburger and chips?” “Three pounds fifty.” How much How often How many How long

142 “Are you from Senegal?” “No, ... .” I’m not I amn’t I are not I not

143to leave my leaving leaving time to leave

144 Find the opposite word: lovely … . horrible expensive old quick

145until for during since


Sales have increased nine percent from € 1.2m … €1.4m.

an room

Choose the correct form. The potato is not indigenous to Europe and ... is the tomato.

Choose the correct form. “I was about … when the phone rang.”

Choose the correct form. The office is open from 9 in the morning ... 6 in the evening, Monday to Friday.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (9)


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146How many A lot How much Any

147 Choose the correct form. “What time … to bed?” do you usually go are you usually going are you usually gone are you gone

148 Hello, what ... your name? is are am be

149 Lisa and Max are Americans. ... from U.S.A. They’re Their There Their’re

150 Snow is ... . cold hot small cheap

151 Is your surname Anderson? Yes, it is Yes, you are Yes, I am Yes, my is

152Choose the correct form : a dog an thing an pencil

153 Pierre is a French boy. ... from ... . He’s; France His’s; French His; France He; France

1540/2/11/18/20. Find the correct alternative.

155 A: ... does Anthony go to work? B: ... bus. How; By How well; On What kind; In How; In

156went have gone had gone have been going

157 I went I have gone have I gone have I been

158too such very

159 My friend’s son ...Turkish and English at University. studies plays has goes

160 In winter Sheila ... skiing and in summer … tennis. goes; plays makes; plays does; plays start; play

161 “... you now?” “I’m at the school.” Where’re Where’re are Where’s Where

162 ... does your father do in his free time? What What kind How many Why

163 Which plural is correct? Wishes Wishoes Wish Wishs

Choose the correct form. “ ... hours do you study every day?”

an cat

Zero; two; eleven; eighteen; twenty

Zero;two;one-one; eighteen; twenty

Oh; twelve; eighteen; twenty

Zero; two; eleven; eighty; twenty

Yesterday I … to the town centre to buy a present for my girlfriend.

Complete correctly. She asked me where ... last night.The flight was … bumpy that I was sick in a paper bag.


N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (10)


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164is going a as at

165When; What about Why; How What time; Whom When; Why

166 How many children ... Jane got? has does have do

167Listening to music Listen to music

168Which plural is correct? Classes Class Clas

169 Tracy and Cindy are sisters, Tracy is ... than Cindy. younger oldest old most old

170 I've … had two cups of tea. already yet still though

171 In inglese "bite" significa : mordere soffiare legare sanguinare

172being stuck having stuck to be stuck to have stuck

173 Our children … a new house. want us to buy want that we buy want us buy want we to buy

174 Il participio di "to dwell" è : dwelt dwelled dwellen dwelten

175 Il passato di "to stride" è : strode strite striden strided

176 In inglese "start" significa : inizio stato stella incantesimo

177 We are looking forward … the match this evening. to for on at

178 Il passato di "to burst" è : burst barst bursted bursten

179 In inglese "full" significa : pieno gioco ottenere davanti

180 I can't make them … for the damage. pay paying to be paid to pay

181 Il passato di "to keep" è : kept keeped kepted keepen

Complete correctly. “Robert … to play football this evening.”

A: ... does it rain here? B: Mostly in summer and winter. A: ... snow? B: In winter.

Choose the correct form. What do you like doing in the evening?

I would like to listen to music

Listening to the music


I arrived at the meeting really late yesterday after … in a traffic.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (11)


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182 In inglese "early" significa : presto ogni alleviare terra

183in on up over

184 Can we have a table for two … the window? by at near at besides

185belied gave worth to bore out emphasized

186 More people live in New York … London. than in then in that which in

187 I won't be late, since the train is perfectly … . on time in time of time at time

188 Il passato di "to feel" è : felt feelen feeled feld

189 This box isn't as big … that one. as so than of

190 Find the most opposite of "brazen". Bashful Boisterous Noisy Heated

191 In inglese "listen" significa : ascoltare lista vivere piccolo

192 In inglese "try" significa : provare girare vero viaggio

193 Where will you… your holidays? spend leave stay be

194what; where why; what who; when when; which

195 What's … job? - "She is an actress." her she his the

196 Il passato di "to shear" è : sheared shore shared shearen

197 all right straight over

198 We can probably find … bed at that shop. a comfortable convenient a comfort comfortable

199on into through over

200 He usually sits near … . her we they she

The entire office was taken … by his charm, yet she was not what she seemed.

The chairman began with compliments to everyone, but his cold tone … his words.

Can you tell me … his name is? I have already seen him but I can't remember … .

He was reading a book on botany … through the night.

He is very difficult to get … with and a lot of people want to leave.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (12)


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201 You … be at the airport at 10 am. must ought want need

202which one whether whatever what one

203 In inglese "fight" significa : combattere fuggire nutrire lanciare

204find out find in find him find off

205 That player was taken off the field on a … . stretcher hearse crane hammock

206 In inglese "book" significa : libro corpo scatola entrambi

207 He was … I met at the party. the one the one which that who

208shower breakfast bread and butter coffee

209 Il corretto significato di "gracious" è : cortese splendido bello caro

210 Il passato di "to spill" è : spilt spillen spilling spull

211 In inglese "high" significa : alto qui tenere lui

212 If the doorbell rings it … be for me. will had to is shall

213 The dog seemed to chase … ball forever. its her his yours

214 Il passato di "to forget" è… forgot forgeted forgat forgeten

215 No one heard her … for help. call to call have called to have called

216 In inglese "fact" significa : fatto famiglia faccia cadere

217 I was about … when the doorbell rang. to leave time to leave my leaving leaving

218 Could I have a pizza … ham but … mushrooms? with; without on; off by; on for; with

219 I'll pay the bill this time if you … it the next time. pay will pay are paying will have paid

There are two movies on tonight: … would you like to see?

I want to … as much as possible about that mysterious topic.

I always have a … in the morning before going to school.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (13)


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220 Please, … the coach now. board get out leave to get boarding

221 Find the most opposite of "beautiful". Ugly Low Soft Slow

222 When I called his name he turned … . around along roundly backward

223 Hasn't he stopped working … ? yet already just still

224 Il corretto significato di "furnishings" è : mobili fornitura marmellata casa

225 In inglese "breed" significa : allevare bruciare scoppiare rompere

226 In inglese "ten" significa : dieci parlare dire di

227 Il participio di "to give" è : given gived gave goven

228 In inglese "sure" significa : sicuro studiare superficie sole

229 In inglese "serve" significa : servire frase sembrare stabilire

230to by for with

231 Il participio di "to say" è : said saiden sayed sayen

232 In inglese "pattern" significa : modello carta gente passare

233 In inglese "year" significa : anno scrivere lavoro ancora

234 In inglese "root" significa : radice rottura strada sentiero

235 I've had a lot of trouble … my new car. with about for by

236 Il passato di "to swing" è : swung swingen swang swinged

237 Il passato di "to upset" è : upset upsed upseted upseten

238 Il corretto significato di "candid" è : schietto pulito dolce candito

239 Students need to study hard for … tests. their he them you

I returned after midnight and … my surprise, everybody was still up.

N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4· · 2019-03-04N. Domanda Risposta esatta Risposta 2 Risposta 3 Risposta 4 1 It has four legs : cat bird man dolphin - [PDF Document] (14)


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240 He had a pension that provided him with a small … . income entry expense input

241 Do you know where …? Julia lives does Julia live Julia does live is Julia living

242 Il passato di "to blow" è : blew blowen bleaw blowed

243 In inglese "answer" significa : risposta qualunque apparire tra

244 I think I … to sneeze. am going will go will am gone

245 Find the best symonym for "banish". Exile Hate Fade Clean

246 They washed their swimsuits … hand. by with in of

247 “I … ice cream.” like laike laik likes

248 In inglese "become" significa : diventare scommettere battere curvare

249 up out in away

250 Colin … in London. lives live habits leaves

251 It's just a Halloween joke. No harm … . meant meaning wanting taken

252 In inglese "half" significa : metà crescere accadere mano

253 In inglese "money" significa : denaro mente luna mancare

254 Find the best symonym for "imply". Suggest Stab Thick Destroy

255 Is … answering to me? anyone every each one us

256 Supplies … into the disaster area last night. were dropped have been dropped dropped would be dropped

257 Il passato di "to strike" è : struck striked stroke striken

258 We're going … Italy for a holiday. to since of in

259 When she finally arrived, she apologized … late. for being being to be for the

He's picking his cousin … from the airport later today.

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260 Il participio di "to draw" è : drawn drawen drew drawed

261 Il corretto significato di "intoxicated" è : inebriato tossicomane dannoso tossico

262 were weren't would be hadn't been

263 Before going to see her, I'll buy a … of flowers. bunch pack gather heap

264into over round back to

265 In inglese "red" significa : rosso reale leggere ricordare

266 Il participio di "to find" è : found finded finden founden

267 She is … of the school. the prettiest more prettier prettier than more pretty

268 Il passato di "to give" è : gave guve given gived

269Do Doesn't Does Is

270 In inglese "beat" significa : battere diventare curvare sopportare

271 In inglese "word" significa : parola lavoro vento legno

272 He … on that chair last time. sat has sat sits set

273 In inglese "watch" significa : orologio acqua caldo volere

274 It's very easy … addicted to Tweeter once you start. to get getting to getting you get

275 Il corretto significato di "due" è : dovere due ungere doppio

276 As soon as the lecture ends, I am going to … . reorganize my notes close the water-meter start sleeping

277 I could see from his red eyes that he … . had been crying did cry hadn't been crying didn't cry

278 Il passato di "to ride" è : rode ridden riden rided

If it … summer, people wouldn't be round that big fire.

At first he didn't agree, but he eventually managed to talk him … coming.

Choose the right way to begin this question: … you think you'll miss her?

put the magazine aside

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279 In inglese "kneel" significa : inginocchiarsi inclinare saltare fare male

280 Find the best symonym for "gracious". Pleasant Clever Good Present

281 … did you sleep tonight? … did you arrive? Where; When Who; Where How; What What; Who

282 … story would you like me to tell the baby today? What Whose When Who

283 Il passato di "to rise" è : rose risen rase rised

284 In inglese "certain" significa : certo controllo causare cambiare

285 They decided that the statue … put up. should be should had been will be will have been

286 Il corretto significato di "petrol" è : benzina petrolio diesel lubrificante

287I'm I will be I be I'll

288 Il corretto significato di "slip" è : sottoveste mutande calzino boxer

289 Find the best symonym for "reel". Whirl Fish Hit Mistake

290 Il corretto significato di "bullet" è : proiettile gradasso vitello bulbo

291 The match had to be … because of heavy snow. postponed shelved adjourned put out

292 Can you ask … not to write on the desk, please? him his he to him

293 It's very kind … to do that for me. of you by you from you to you

294 To waste To budget To acquaint To save

295 I heard that Ann knew it, …? didn't she? didn't her? hasn't she couldn't she

296 In inglese "hit" significa : colpire inginocchiarsi fare male nascondere

297help support close keep

If … wrong this time, nobody will ask for my opinion again.

Find the opposite meaning of the word "to economize".

He has been trying to stop for a long time, but he can't really … smoking.

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298 Find the right synonym of the word "mendacious". Lying Witness Truthful Verist

299 Il corretto significato di "to occur" è : accadere occorrere necessitare accurato

300 In inglese "possible" significa : possibile punto sterlina posare

301 In inglese "great" significa : ottimo governo terreno verde

302 … is the right answer to this question, do you know. What What's Where When

303 In inglese "teach" significa : insegnare parlare coda dire

304 Il corretto significato di "to retire" è : andare in pensione rilanciare ridire irretire

305 In inglese "sound" significa : suono così presto sud

306 We've been in this room … two o'clock. since for from by

307 In inglese "man" significa : uomo molto mappa fare

308 In inglese "wheel" significa : ruota ovest peso dove

309 He used to … how to drive. know have known known knew

310 Find the most opposite of "pacify". Excite Land Coddle Unhand

311 She got the … out of the bag and counted … . money; it monies; it monies; them stolen; it

312 In inglese "after" significa : dopo di nuovo aggiungere contro

313 … have you been in England? How long How much time How time How ever

314 When … she coming. is does will can

315 Put it down in front of … immediately. yourself youself you self I

316 Il participio di "to swear" è : sworn swearen swore sweared

317 In inglese "any" significa : qualunque chiedere risposta apparire

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318 In inglese "change" significa : cambiare controllo certo bambini

319 They prefer … at home in the evening. staying stay of staying to staying

320 In inglese "river" significa : fiume ricordare strada giusto

321 Il passato di "to know" è : knew knewed knowed knowen

322 In inglese "people" significa : gente modello parte forse

323Although Despite However In spite

324 Il passato di "to shrink" è : shrank shrinken shrinked shrunk

325 Il passato di "to sit" è : sat set sited siten

326 Someone rang the doorbell; it … be the postman. must ought will would

327 Can we have a table … the window? by close besides near at

328 Please call us when … are ready. you I he us

329 Il corretto significato di "caution" è : cautela cauzione canzone casa

330 In inglese "tell" significa : dire dieci prendere insegnare

331 I had no idea this work … take so long. would was going will when

332 Il passato di "to swim" è : swam swimed swum swimen

333 In inglese "point" significa : punto porto aereo giocare

334 Il passato di "to begin" è : began begun beginen begined

335 Il corretto significato di "taste" è : sapore tasto tastiera astio

336 In inglese "her" significa : suo qui aiuto alto

337 I won't … you to arrive before 10. expect wait pretend await

… I like Colin personally, I don't think he has got the right skills for this job.

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338 The audience had mixed feelings … the concert. about on with over

339 … the weather good on your vacation abroad? Was Makes Made Did

340had have did was

341 In inglese "real" significa : reale raggiungere rosso pronto

342 In inglese "usual" significa : solito unità molto noi

343 Il passato di "to fight" è : fought fa*ght fighten fighted

344 … kind of you to come to my birthday party! How How much So Many

345 In inglese "piece" significa : pezzo forse luogo fotografia

346 I have a meeting at 5 pm and it's 5.30; I'm … . late early already delay

347 Unless it … we're going to the beach today. rains doesn't rain won't rain will rain

348 I … to other people borrowing my comic books. object disagree avoid dislike

349 It's always very cold there … winter. in on at by

350didn't have to do shouldn't have to do mustn't have done needn't have done

351 In inglese "still" significa : ancora stato passo storia

352 In inglese "side" significa : lato semplice mostrare barca

353 She doesn't think it's worthwhile … to do that again. trying tried for trying try

354 He's … good pupil. such a such so a so

355 In inglese "old" significa : vecchio numero spesso una volta

356 I guess it … to hail later. is going goes will ought

When he arrived at the restaurant, they … already eaten.

He … anything urgent last Friday, so He decided to leave the office early.

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357 In inglese "need" significa : aver bisogno mai vicino mio

358 Colin is …than any boy in his class. smaller the smaller smallest the smallest

359 In inglese "live" significa : vivere guardare piccolo lungo

360 In inglese "size" significa : dimensione cantare dormire sei

361 That boy is … good pupil. such a so a how a what a

362 In inglese "know" significa : sapere terra grande re

363 Colin will explain to you … it works. how when which are

364 Could I have pasta … mushrooms but … olives. with; without on; off for; with by; on

365 Il participio di "to break" è : broken breaken broke breaked

366 What's the weather … in summer in England? like liking looking look like

367 In inglese "play" significa : giocare pianta piano punto

368 Il corretto significato di "to dare" è : osare dare prendere pagare

369 … did you park the truck? … did you arrive? Where; When Who; Where What; Who How; What

370you are you will be you will you be

371 My room is … the fifth floor. on at to of

372 He told me he … in Rome for three months. had been went has gone is been

373 In inglese "mind" significa : mente minuto mancare miglia

374 In inglese "lie" significa : sdraiarsi prestare incontrare perdere

375 I think I … written ten letters. have must had am

376 We'll go to the beach tomorrow, … permitting. weather with the weather the weather if the weather if

If … wrong this time, nobody will ask for your opinion again.

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377 He hasn't bought his wife any flowers … ages. for from by since

378 She … her bag on the bus. lost loose lose missed

379 He … along the road when he heard an explosion. was walking is walking would walk walked

380 They haven't got … children. any a few some no

381 Il passato di "to tell" è : told telled tall tellen

382 If you don't bring me my … , I'll walk barefoot. slippers skirts trousers underclothes

383 Il passato di "to hide" è : hid hiden hidden hided

384 … him before that day? Had you ever met Did you ever meet Were you ever met Will you to meet

385 In inglese "cling" significa : afferrare costare scegliere strisciare

386 David … a magazine. is reading is reding to read to not read

387 My wife doesn't work, she is a … . housewife household housefly houseling

388 In inglese "care" significa : cura causare portare macchina

389 I … afraid it is too late. am have will be

390 You are slowly … his behaviour. getting used to accustomed to get used to accustoming

391 I can't come, since I have to … my children. look after look up look down look through

392 Il passato di "to sleep" è : slept sleepen sleeped slap

393 In inglese "stay" significa : stare stato stella passo

394 In inglese "through" significa : attraverso tempo mille sebbene

395 Il participio di "to tell" è : told tolden tellen telled

396 Colin and John are tired because … work too much. they their them he

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397 Linda and Colin insisted … staying for lunch. on our us we were we

398 I've lost count of … times I've broken my glasses. how many how long how much many

399 I would like to go … the cinema to see a movie. to at ? on

400 Il participio di "to bring" è : brought broughten bringen bringed

401 Do you come whith …? us they he we

402 The back door … the house was open. of at off in

403 If I hadn't eaten that lobster I … more money. might have had might of had will have will have had

404 In inglese "guy" significa : ragazzo duro leggero bambina

405 In inglese "same" significa : stesso dire rotondo correre

406 Il passato di "to tread" è : trod trood treaden treaded

407 They … their cousins for a long time. haven't seen didn't saw wouldn't seen don't see

408 The doctor told him to open his mouth … . wide much greatly large

409 In inglese "steal" significa : rubare guastare appiccicare rimbalzare

410 Can I have your … about how to change my look? advice reference proposition indication

411 In inglese "spill" significa : versare sputare spendere parlare

412 Find the best symonym for "distort". Deform Evil Wrong Harm

413 In inglese "spell" significa : incantesimo speciale suono alzarsi

414 In inglese "Thursday" significa : giovedì lunedì martedì mercoledì

415 Il passato di "to make" è : made mad maken maked

416 In inglese "low" significa : basso principale amare macchina

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417 The doctor will be ready to see you … half an hour. in between with at

418no longer still any more moved

419 In inglese "weep" significa : piangere tessere svegliarsi vincere

420 Find the most opposite of "heartfelt". Insincere Loving Unhealthy Humorous

421 We have many books, … are good. some of which some of whom some of whose some of who

422 Il participio di "to do" è : done did doed doen

423 Il participio di "to wind" è : wound winden winded wounden

424 In inglese "keep" significa : tenere gentile solo re

425 Find the most opposite of "supercilious". Meek Relevant Serious Unimportant

426 Il participio di "to grow" è : grown growed growen grew

427 I can't … that actor! stand look into support enjoy

428 Il passato di "to bind" è : bound binden binded bund

429 Il participio di "to spit" è : spat spaten spited spiten

430 In inglese "spring" significa : rimbalzare rubare espandere spaccare

431 In inglese "very" significa : molto solito fino voce

432 In inglese "catch" significa : prendere scegliere afferrare lanciare

433 Find the best symonym for "fearless". Brave Cowardly Powerful Careful

434 Find the best symonym for "simulate". Imitate Excite Trick Apelike

435 In inglese "stick" significa : appiccicare rubare espandere pungere

436 In inglese "grey" significa : grigio verde giallo bianco

The grocer's is … near the square; in fact, it's in the shopping centre, now.

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437 In inglese "world" significa : mondo scrivere lavoro legno

438 By the time he gets to the office the meeting … over. will be will start to be has been is being

439 Find the most opposite of "candid". Dishonest Blunt Valid Unkind

440 By the time John got to the port, he … the boat. had missed have missed missed is missing

441 In inglese "swim" significa : nuotare dondolare gonfiare giurare

442 You … pick those flowers; Mary wiII be really angry. had better not were better not were better had not better

443 In inglese "may" significa : potere segnare misurare significare

444 Il participio di "to drive" è : driven droven drived drove

445 Il participio di "to ride" è : ridden riden rode rided

446looking to see see look

447 Have you ever been … France? to too at from

448 Read that … there! You must keep off the carpet! notice message news warning

449 Il passato di "to spit" è : spat sput spiten spited

450 John and Jim are tired because … work too much. they their he them

451 She hasn't finished … the book yet. reading to read read of reading

452 In inglese "help" significa : aiuto qui riscaldamento suo

453 … it rain, we wouldn't go to the beach. Should Could Shouldn't If

454 We asked our manager … a pay rise. for in about to

455cheaper dearer more economics more expenseless

Try … through the binoculars. You might be able to see them.

This radio costs only $ 10. It's much … than the other one.

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456study embellish recall recollect

457 She ate something that didn't … with her. agree go like please

458 … did you do it? I can't understand you. Why What Which Who's

459 Il passato di "to fly" è : flew flyen flyed flee

460 In inglese "map" significa : mappa segnare molto potere

461 He was … the shed when the lightning struck him. making for doing for going for running for

462 Il passato di "to cling" è : clung clang clinged clingen

463 What … Beckham? do you think of are you thinking by you think of do you like

464 Last night, there were … people in the pub. few any much less

465 If I … a lottery ticket I … win $ 1,000. bought/ might buy/ would bought/ would buy/ will

466 In inglese "busy" significa : occupato chiamare macchina costruire

467 In inglese "mark" significa : segnare significare potere mappa

468to by with for

469 I was trying to … him if possible. avoid lose look miss

470 Il corretto significato di "sale" è : vendita stanze ascesa sale

471was is going has wish

472 In inglese "most" significa : più madre mattina luna

473mist sun thick wood

474 In inglese "common" significa : comune venire contenere completare

Architects travel to Italy to … the marvels of classic design.

He returned after midnight and … his surprise, everybody was still up.

Mike asked me where he … to put the washing machine.

I can't see the mountain clearly, since there is a slight … .

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475 Il participio di "to light" è : lit lighten liten lighted

476 … to Italy? Have you ever been Are you never been Are you ever been Are never you been

477 In inglese "burst" significa : scoppiare comprare bruciare lanciare

478 Il corretto significato di "male" è : maschile cattivo poste malato

479 Il participio di "to put" è : put pat puten puted

480 In inglese "measure" significa : misurare potere significare uomini

481 … is the right answer to the question, do you know? What What's When Where

482UK England Britain Great Englang

483 In inglese "dig" significa : scavare sognare trattare fare

484 On Monday they do maths lessons … . at school to school of school to schools

485 In inglese "mother" significa : madre più montagna più

486 Il participio di "to eat" è : eaten ate eated aten

487 In inglese "foot" significa : piede cibo scheda forzare

488 Il participio di "to deal" è : dealt dealen dealed dealten

489 In inglese "mile" significa : miglia potere minuto mente

490 Can I help you? "Yes, … a ticket, please." I'd like I want I'll like I wanted

491 In inglese "face" significa : faccia fatto cadere occhio

492 I guess … is snowing. it he she its

493must have gone should go must gone is gone

This museum contains the finest collection of modern art in the … .

Lind was surprised his husband was out. He … to the pub, she thought.

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494 In inglese "problem" significa : problema produrre premere sterlina

495 Il participio di "to hold" è : held holded holden helden

496 Il passato di "to bite" è : bit bet biten bited

497 John and Jim have grown up. Now … are 16. they them their we

498 … two kinds of visual art. There are It was It is There is

499 Il participio di "to choose" è : chosen choosen choosed chose

500 Il participio di "to thrust" è : thrust thrusten thrusted thrast

501 In inglese "get" significa : ottenere ragazza gioco dare

502 Il passato di "to flee" è : fled fleen flew fleed

503 What is he listening … ? to at in of

504 In inglese "school" significa : scuola scienza dire correre

505 In inglese "cover" significa : coprire croce piangere corso

506job work profession placing

507 I was … ! How could she possibly do that to me? mad at her mad about her crazy about her mad with her

508 In inglese "sun" significa : sole sicuro come forte

509 Il participio di "to swell" è : swollen swelling swellen swell

510 Find the most opposite of "rotund". Thin Unimportant Round Dull

511 Il passato di "to swear" è : swore swear sweared swearen

512 In inglese "strike" significa : colpire sforzarsi puzzare appiccicare

513 who which whose whom

He has got a very good … with a semiconductor factory.

My brother, … lives in England, is coming to visit me.

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514 In inglese "well" significa : bene ovest peso modo

515 They are in France … the weekend. for at from in

516 In inglese "nothing" significa : niente nota notte notare

517 In inglese "every" significa : ogni esempio mai occhio

518 have has will have could have

519 In inglese "south" significa : sud speciale suono canzone

520 I can't … that actress! stand look into enjoy support

521 In inglese "new" significa : nuovo mai vicino prossimo

522 Il passato di "to drink" è… drank drunk drinked drinken

523 Please do sit …: I want to cheer you …! down; up up; down on; in in; out

524 … the end of the race, we had an ice cream. Before For When Until

525 Il participio di "to ring" è : rung ringed rang ringen

526 The information you gave me … wrong! is has would got

527 In inglese "mean" significa : significare misurare uomini potere

528 In inglese "best" significa : migliore meglio tra dietro

529 In inglese "ride" significa : cavalcare suonare liberare da pagare

530 Colin is very busy. He has a lot of work … . to do for doing at doing do

531 In inglese "round" significa : rotondo regola stanza strada

532 In inglese "also" significa : anche sempre fa tra

533 In inglese "figure" significa : cifra riempire campo finale

If you … time, could you come to the cinema with me?

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534 If I … at 5 in the morning, I'd be furious. woke up would wake up awake up wake up

535 Il passato di "to lend" è : lent lented lenden lended

536 In inglese "meet" significa : incontrare sopraffare perdere falciare

537 In inglese "dwell" significa : dimorare nutrire combattere bere

538Does anyone know how much … on staff per year? the Company spends spends the Company

539 She doesn't have time for her many … . hobbies hobby of hobbies of hobby

540 Whatever happens I will always … you. stand by stand for stand in stand up

541 In inglese "voice" significa : voce vocale noi molto

542 Find the most opposite of "small". Big Low Ugly Slow

543 Those children … in France. were brought up were bringing up brought up bring up

544 I think … go. we'd better we ought it would be better we'd rather to

545 … ten hours a day in a hospital isn't much fun. Working By working Work To working

546 Il participio di "to shut" è : shut shoten shuten shuted

547 Il participio di "to slide" è : slid slided sluden sliden

548competition concurrence competence concourse

549 Il corretto significato di "record" è : disco ricordo riavvolto corda

550 How long have these experiments … done? been will been will been being was being

551confident centred appointed absorbed

552split join shared drew

is the Company spending

does the Company spend

If we want to beat the … we must produce at lower prices.

Colin is really talented. He should be just a little more self-… if he wants to do something with his life.During the training the coach … the whole team into four groups.

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553 Il corretto significato di "sane" è : ragionevole guarito pazzo seno

554 Il passato di "to spend" è : spent spand spended spenden

555 The house … fast, so we broke a window to get out. was burning burn is burning burns

556 Perhaps it's the oil. No, … . it can't be it must be it can be it wouldn't be

557 After his parents died he … of their house. disposed discarded dispensed dismissed

558 Il passato di "to get" è : got geten geted gut

559 In inglese "back" significa : dietro chiedere letto bellezza

560 She tied a bell round her cat's … . neck skin heel beard

561 In inglese "object" significa : oggetto numero nome spesso

562 Il corretto significato di "residence" è : abitazione motel albergo pensione

563 Il participio di "to show" è : shown showen shoowen shower

564 Il participio di "to think" è : thought thinken thinked thoughten

565 In inglese "eat" significa : mangiare pari abbastanza est

566 In inglese "slit" significa : tagliare affondare sgattaiolare sentire odore

567 Paul … a passenger. is be are am

568 Il corretto significato di "commodity" è : merce comodità affare comodino

569 Il passato di "to lie" è : lay lien lain lied

570obsolete archaic stale bypassed

571 Il participio di "to lose" è : lost losed losten losen

572 Il corretto significato di "pavement" è : marciapiede pavimento mattonella palco

Progress is so fast that some machines are … overnight.

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573 In inglese "let" significa : lasciare lettera meno vita

574 Il participio di "to spill" è : spilt spilling spillen spilten

575 In inglese "read" significa : leggere rapido raggiungere pronto

576 My car is very old, I'm … going to buy a new one. likely liking to like alike

577 Fabiana is a good dancer. She dances … . well goodly very good gooddelly

578 Find the most opposite of "fickle". Steady kind Please Finagle

579 Il passato di "to understand" è : understood understanden understud understanded

580 Il corretto significato di "to retain" è : conservare ritenere prendere ritagliare

581 I'd like to know what that man is … , now. up to up on up in up

582 Il passato di "to dig" è : dug digen diged dag

583 Il corretto significato di "relevant" è : pertinente rilevante rilievo levare

584 The fallen tree … traffic for over an hour. held up held for held in held to

585 Well, come on, let's go. We're … time talking. wasting using consuming running

586 My surname is White; my … is David. first name surname forename job

587 In inglese "fine" significa : bene primo trovare fuoco

588 Il corretto significato di "lecture" è : conferenza lettura letto fornitura

589 In inglese "swing" significa : dondolare spazzare lacerare nuotare

590takes after takes on takes in takes off

591 Il participio di "to set" è : set seted sat seten

592 overcast overblown overbuilt overcome

It's amazing how much Colin … his father: they look and act exactly the same.

The sky was …, so I decided not to go to the seaside.

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593proliferation; exodus love; death morality; decline genesis; holiday

594 In inglese "top" significa : cima tempo anche verso

595 In inglese "white" significa : bianco dove chi mentre

596 Il passato di "to smell" è : smelt smelted smelling smellen

597 Il corretto significato di "scholar" è : studioso scolaro studente scolare

598 Il corretto significato di "ostrich" è : struzzo ostrica austriaco dell'est

599 In inglese "flee" significa : fuggire vietare lanciare combattere

600 Find the synonym of "culpable". Guilty Innocent Judgeable Consonant

601 … has it that they are going to marry. Rumour My friend A voice Gossiping

602 He'll stay for another week if he … some money. earns would earn earned will earn

603 In inglese "move" significa : muovere molto più montagna

604 This box isn't … to contain that object. big enough big a lot quite big much big

605 In inglese "group" significa : gruppo crescere terreno metà

606 Find the best symonym for "wary". Cautious Curved Confused Calm

607 She is not slim. In fact, she is quite … . chubby skinny thin lean

608 In inglese "add" significa : aggiungere di nuovo atto dopo

609 Il passato di "to do" è : did done doen doed

610 Il passato di "to sink" è : sank sinken sunk sinked

611 When … he coming? is does can will

612 Il participio di "to sit" è : sat saten sited siten

The … of this poisonous algae has caused the … of many kinds of fish.

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613 I have been studying English … two years ago. since for by from

614However Although Instead While

615 In inglese "press" significa : premere possibile potere problema

616 I like your new dress, the colour … you. suits fits likes gifts

617 Il corretto significato di "discomfort" è : disagio sconforto delusione tristezza

618 Find the best symonym for "negligent". Careless Morbid Pajamas Dark

619 Do you like …? them she they our

620 In inglese "must" significa : dovere muovere mio musica

621 Il corretto significato di "suggestive" è : evocativo esaustivo suggerire digestivo

622 Find the most opposite of "flaunt". Hide Sink Regard Propose

623ambiguous complete arbitrary extenuating

624 Il participio di "to come" è : come came comed comen

625 He had an accident because he was … . drunk selfish sober eaten

626 She told Tom that he … beside her. could sit can sit will sit could sat

627 The Second World War … in 1939. broke out broke had broken broke up

628 He left … the 8 o'clock train. by towards from with

629 I can't find my motorbike, I think … stolen. it's been it is it can be it has

630 The town … by the earthquake in 1906. was destroyed has been destroyed destroys was destroying

631 Il passato di "to think" è : thought thinken thank thinked

He understands your point of view. …, I don't agree with it.

His … directions misled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.

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632 In inglese "drive" significa : guidare secco durante disegnare

633 He's the man … son works for FIAT. whose whom who that

634 In inglese "table" significa : tavolo coda sole superficie

635 In inglese "father" significa : padre sentire veloce piedi

636 He won't be late, … ? will he is he won't he is he not

637 In inglese "fall" significa : cadere famiglia fatto lontano

638 I don't think I'm coming with you; I've had … . second thoughts other thoughts another thoughts new thought

639 Il participio di "to strike" è : struck striked striker strucken

640 In inglese "field" significa : campo riempire poco cifra

641 Il corretto significato di "library" è : biblioteca ripiano libertà scaffale

642passed away passed down passed out passed through

643 Il corretto significato di "sympathetic" è : compassionevole deciso patetico semplice

644 In inglese "dish" significa : piatto posate bottiglia bicchiere

645 They didn't … their sister come in. hear feel listen overhear

646satisfaction happiness merryness giddiness

647 Did you happen … your old papers? to find to finding to have found to finding out

648 They said that they … their homework. had finished has finished did finish finish

649 If he … we … go. comes; will came; will had come; would will come; will go

650 In inglese "ring" significa : suonare smettere alzarsi cavalcare

I have to offer him my condolences, since his father has just … .

Providing passenger … is an essential part of our airline mission.

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651 In inglese "left" significa : sinistra meno lasciare lasciare

652 Il passato di "to lead" è : led let leaden leaded

653 In the afternoon we will … the hotel. check into check on check onto check at

654 Colin stayed with us … six months. for since through in

655 In inglese "king" significa : re gentile terra sapere

656 but also yet too

657 In inglese "saw" significa : segare cercare cavalcare alzarsi

658 Have you ever…to the US. been gone were be

659 In inglese "speak" significa : parlare seminare tagliare accelerare

660get some take a little bring lots get any

661could offer have be offering have to offer must be offering

662 Il passato di "to light" è : lit lite lighting lighten

663 In inglese "those" significa : quelli questi sebbene pensare

664 Il participio di "to lend" è : lent lenden lended lenten

665lifts off looses up lifts out of takes out

666 Il passato di "to become" è : became becomen becomed becume

667 In inglese "more" significa : più mattina mancare luna

668 Extensive tests were … on the car. carried out carried away carried forward carried through

669 In inglese "where" significa : dove quale bene ruota

Not only was Leonardo an artist, … a scientist as well.

Shall I get anything for you at the supermarket? - Yes please, … tomatoes.

If you accepted to buy 1,000 units, we … you a 15% reduction on the price.

The most exciting moment is when the plane … the ground.

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670 Il participio di "to get" è : got geten goten geted

671 Il participio di "to hurt" è : hurt hurten hurted hert

672 The teacher has been here … the school was built. since for from when by

673 I was about to fall down when someone … me. grabbed joined catches picked

674 Find the most opposite of "expect". Despair Regret Attend Loathe

675 Il participio di "to mean" è : meant meanen meaned meanten

676 What is the car like? … long and black. It's Is It likes It's like

677 Il contrario di "sweet" è : bitter low bottom soft

678 In inglese "tread" significa : calpestare subire ficcare lacerare

679 Il contrario di "happy" è : sad bottom short slow

680 In inglese "put" significa : mettere produrre tirare domanda

681 In inglese "call" significa : chiamare cura occupato macchina

682Had Was Did Have

683 Il corretto significato di "disposable" è : usa e getta eterno accoppiabile disposto

684 In inglese "sell" significa : vendere mandare cercare alzarsi

685off out away to

686 Il participio di "to forbid" è : forbidden forbade forbiden forbided

687 Il participio di "to let" è : let leted lit leten

688 Il passato di "to pay" è : paid paied payen payed

… you ever been to Rome before your arrival here today?

I can't come, I have to go to the airport to see my girlfriend … .

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689 Il corretto significato di "cane" è : bastone albero cane gatto

690 goes will be going will go go

691 Many women are scared by … . large spiders the large spiders large spider the big spiders

692 me to learn that I will learn to learn I had learnt

693 In inglese "open" significa : aperto solo vecchio ordinare

694 in with by over

695 I want … read a book. you to for you to to you to that you to

696 Il corretto significato di "patent" è : brevetto attestato parente registro

697 Il passato di "to hold" è : held holden holded helt

698 In inglese "line" significa : linea lista piacere ascoltare

699 In inglese "cross" significa : croce tagliare coprire piangere

700 Il corretto significato di "topic" è : argomento topico utopico topo

701 Il passato di "to run" è : ran run runed runen

702already yet never just

703 Il passato di "to fling" è : flung flang flinged flingen

704heart memory repeating soul

705 Il participio di "to hide" è : hidden hid hiden hided

706 In inglese "ease" significa : alleviare mangiare terra est

707 Give … book. me that to me that me to that at me that

If she … without him, he will never speak to her again.

He sent me to Spain, because he wanted … Spanish.

Colin is completely absorbed … the book he is reading.

They've … complained to the management once before.

Before her driving test, Colin learnt the highway code by … .

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708 I like going to work … foot more than … bus. on; by with; by by; on by; by

709 In inglese "ask" significa : chiedere bellezza dietro apparire

710 … the animals is prohibited here. Feeding Giving to eat to Bleeding Buckling

711 In inglese "shine" significa : brillare scuotere ferrare i cavalli spargere

712 I didn'texpect you to … the meeting. turn up for turn away for present in come out

713 Il participio di "to send" è : sent senden sended senten

714 I have one extra umbrella. You may … it. borrow lend bring tear

715polite just correct educated

716with to by at

717 Il participio di "to burn" è : burnt burned burnen burnten

718 Il corretto significato di "factory" è : fabbrica fattoria negozio fattore

719 Il participio di "to freeze" è : frozen froze freezed freezen

720 It's better … sure than sorry. to be being be get

721 Before … hope, ask for help. giving up to give up taking up give up

722 In inglese "hear" significa : sentire testa aiuto riscaldamento

723 You can keep it if you like, Bill. I've got … others. plenty of lots furnished of a lot

724 In inglese "govern" significa : governare verde ottimamente benessere

725 Would it be … for you to meet me on Monday? possible fit bearable successful

726 Il passato di "to draw" è : drew drawed drawn drawen

The new manager is extremely … and always listens attentively to her colleagues.

I watched a very interesting interview … the trainer of the Brazilian team.

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727 In inglese "want" significa : volere camminare vocale guerra

728 I don't think it's worthwhile … to convince him. trying to try in for trying try

729 … you open the window, please? Would Shall Do Must

730 Il participio di "to write" è : written writen wrote writed

731 Il corretto significato di "cave" è : grotta cava baracca cantina

732put out light lit off buy

733 In inglese "lend" significa : prestare perdere sdraiarsi saltare

734 Il participio di "to strive" è : striven strove striving stroven

735 In inglese "close" significa : chiudere venire chiaro freddo

736 In inglese "room" significa : stanza fiume roccia rotondo

737 Il corretto significato di "consistent" è : coerente consistente pieno reale

738 In inglese "Tuesday" significa : martedì giovedì lunedì mercoledì

739 In inglese "noun" significa : nome nota notare adesso

740 In inglese "now" significa : adesso numero nome niente

741 Unless it … we're going to the beach tomorrow. rains doesn't rain will rain won't rain

742lightening leaflet darkening couple of plumes

743 Susan … in the car accident. was hurt hurt is hurt was hurted

744 Il passato di "to rid" è : rid riden rided rod

745 By my calculations, the total amount … $ 1000. comes to comes out comes up comes in

It's forbidden to smoke in this room: can you please … the cigarette?

It was discovered that one of the wings had been damaged by … .

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746 Find the antonym of "prodigal". Avaricious Unpleasant Ready Observant

747 What … if you lose your money? will you do are you doing did you do had you done

748 Il corretto significato di "brave" è : coraggioso bravo breve raro

749 Is this John? No, … , it's Jack. it's not is not its not it is

750 Il participio di "to abide" è : abided aboded abiden aboden

751 In inglese "how" significa : come cento casa pollice

752 Il participio di "to weep" è : wept weeped wepten weepen

753 I scolded him for not … . behaving comporting to behave well having comported

754 Il participio di "to shear" è : shorn shoren shearing shearen

755 I like that boy, he is extremely. self-confident self-confectioned self-conceited self-deceived

756 Il corretto significato di "convenience" è : comodità stanchezza aiuto necessità

757 In inglese "before" significa : prima iniziare letto dietro

758 Greetings … behalf of my wife! on in at to

759 In inglese "set" significa : stabilire diversi sé servire

760 Find the most opposite of "improvident". Cautious Fortunate Proven Intelligent

761 I wanted to know what … but he didn't know. had happened was happened had been happened happens

762 Il participio di "to fling" è : flung flingen flungen flinged

763 Bangkok is more … than Paris. polluted bigger slowly frequently

764 He will come … afternoon. in the on the at the on

765 In inglese "look" significa : guardare amare molto lungo

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766 Il participio di "to know" è : known knew knowen knowed

767 Is this a car or a van? It's … a car … a van. neither; nor not; not not; or either; or

768 In inglese "under" significa : sotto girare vero unità

769 In inglese "bind" significa : legare mordere sanguinare fare un'offerta

770 Il participio di "to build" è : built builden builded builten

771 My girlfriend likes ice cream a lot. So … . do I I like I I do

772 He's … nine years old. nearly near the nearest quite

773 Il corretto significato di "preservative" è : conservante informare anticoncezionale ricordare

774 In inglese "shoot" significa : sparare ridursi spargere ferrare i cavalli

775 To avoid the traffic we'll have to … at dawn. set out look forward get through move on

776 Il participio di "to overcome" è : overcome overcomen overcame overcomed

777 Il participio di "to dream" è : dreamt dreaming dreamten dreamen

778 In inglese "shake" significa : scuotere tosare vendere cucire

779 In inglese "us" significa : noi solito fino sotto

780 In inglese "even" significa : pari mai ogni abbastanza

781 Il participio di "to arise" è : arisen arose arised arosen

782 He has got a very good … with a computer factory. job work placing profession

783 am having did am doing would have

784 He hasn't got … money with him. much a lot many too

785 Please call me when … are ready. you I us he

I … my house painted, that's why there is all this mess.

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786 I haven't been to New York … five years. for away at since

787 Il passato di "to weep" è : wept weepen wip weeped

788 Il participio di "to steal" è : stolen stole stealed stealen

789 … you start at once you'll be late. Unless As When While

790Contrary to Opposite As against Due to

791 In inglese "name" significa : nome vicino musica mio

792 Il participio di "to lean" è : leant leanten leaning leanen

793 She washed her dress … hand. by with of in

794 Il passato di "to go" è : went goed gone goen

795 Il participio di "to win" è : won wonen winen wined

796 Il participio di "to rise" è : risen rose rosen rised

797 Leaders want to … the same mistakes. avoid making avoid made avoid to make avoided making

798 Il passato di "to slit" è : slit sliten slat slited

799 Will you mind if I … work late this evening? don't won't not would not

800 In inglese "travel" significa : viaggio città cima albero

801… is to let readers know the facts. A journalist's job The journalist job A job of journalist

802 In inglese "inch" significa : pollice cento solo isola

803 That story is hard to believe. I'm sure she … . made it up made it down made it of me made off with it

804 In inglese "rock" significa : roccia stanza giusto strada

… our expectations, the bank decided to grant us a mortgage to buy our second house.

The job of the journalists

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805 Find the most opposite of "inept". Competent Infer Clumsy Foolish

806 As soon as … any news, I'll phone you. I have I'll have I will be having I having

807 Il passato di "to lose" è : lost losen losed loosed

808 Find the best symonym for "resolve". Decide Puzzle Turn Want

809 … see your passport, please? May I Will I Ought I to Could I to

810 In inglese "fill" significa : riempire trovare finale cifra

811 We just couldn't keep on … what he said. believing to believe believe at believing

812 Il corretto significato di "instalment" è : rata installazione stallo instillare

813 The lesson … so difficult. was were are have been

814 Il passato di "to bring" è : brought brang bringen bringed

815 He asked her doctor … . for some advice an advice some advices advices

816 tendency move pretext mode

817 In inglese "port" significa : porto pianta punto posare

818 In inglese "final" significa : finale riempire bene trovare

819 Il participio di "to lie" è : lied lay lained lien

820 In inglese "island" significa : isola solo tenere pollice

821 That car is … , it was going faster earlier. slowing down speeding up speeding down accelerating

822 Il participio di "to smell" è : smelt smelling smellen smelten

823 Il corretto significato di "to regard" è : considerare rivedere vedere regalare

824 In inglese "better" significa : meglio grande migliore tra

He has a … to think he knows best in every situation.

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825 Il passato di "to saw" è : sawed sawen sawet sow

826put up get up lock down take off

827 Her parents want … to the University. her to go she will go her going she to go

828 Is it possible to … for the next term's classes? enrol join in enter sign

829 Il corretto significato di "addiction" è : dipendenza sottrazione adozione detrazione

830 We … an answer by the end of the week. expected waited pretended questioned

831retrieve rescue review recover

832 He has been living in Rome … his birth. since from by to

833 In inglese "decide" significa : decidere sviluppare giorno profondo

834 Il participio di "to sing" è : sung singen singed sang

835 Who sells cakes? The … does. baker stationer butcher bachelor

836 In inglese "second" significa : secondo scienza dire vedere

837 In inglese "light" significa : leggero piacere linea vita

838salesgirl testgirl moneygirl clothesgirl

839 In inglese "step" significa : passo ancora inizio stare

840 In inglese "against" significa : contro di nuovo fa età

841 I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his … . fare cheque a coffee manor

842 on in at for

843 Il participio di "to upset" è : upset upsat upseted upseten

I can't … with my brother-in-law: I'll tell him to leave as soon as possible.

I was able to … my baggage promptly after leaving the plane.

The shop is closed. The … in this department has gone to lunch.

John is an authority … 19th century Russian literature.

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844 The movie isn't interesting. In fact it's really … . boring bored noisy disinteresting

845 When I … gone, they arrived. had have am be

846 In inglese "run" significa : correre regola stanza stesso

847 In inglese "turn" significa : girare albero sotto provare

848 She got into a lot of … when she was at school. trouble troubles problem crisis

849 Mr. Brown was accused of … at cards. cheating deceiving tricking belying

850 Il participio di "to leave" è : left leften leaven leaved

851 In inglese "minute" significa : minuto denaro mente mancare

852 On the way back to Rome he flew … the Alps. over on upon through

853 Il participio di "to understand" è : understood understooden understanden understanded

854 Il contrario di "high" è : low soft ugly slow

855 In inglese "power" significa : potere premere posare sterlina

856 Il passato di "to hit" è : hit hat hited hiten

857 In inglese "wait" significa : attendere camminare vocale molto

858 Il corretto significato di "capitol" è : Campidoglio capitolo capodoglio capitale

859 In inglese "lot" significa : molto guardare basso amare

860 Il participio di "to shed" è : shed sheeden sheden sheded

861 "Who … wallet belong to?" does this does do these is this

862 "Jim says he can't … in doing that." see the point point out understand why see it's pointless

863 Il participio di "to take" è : taken took taked tooken

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864 Il passato di "to speed" è : sped speted spid speeden

865 Il participio di "to pay" è : paid payed paiden payen

866 Il passato di "to wake" è : woke waken waked weak

867 In inglese "behind" significa : dietro iniziare meglio migliore

868 Il contrario di "bright" è : dark low ugly slow

869 Il corretto significato di "misery" è : sofferenza danno misericordia mistero

870 Find the antonym of "to spare". To waste To save To afford To borrow

871 "I went there …" . by myself by me to myself on myself

872 Il participio di "to drink" è : drunk drank drinken drinked

873 "Have you ever been … the United States?" to at by too

874 In inglese "overcome" significa : sopraffare smettere pagare falciare

875 In inglese "main" significa : principale uomo fare macchina

876 Find the most opposite of "brawny". Weak Swift Strong Pale

877 "Put the … back in the red wine bottle." cork tap glass hole

878 "Mary … the television yesterday." watched saw looked at viewed

879 Il passato di "to leave" è : left leaven leaved luve

880 Il participio di "to cast" è : cast casted casteen casten

881 In inglese "rise" significa : alzarsi suonare liberare da segare

882 "… time does the train leave." What Where Which one When

883 "… Colin says is very funny." What Which When That

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884 "Your association with him is … be misunderstood." bound to bound will bound for bound if

885 Il participio di "to catch" è : caught caughten catchen catched

886 In inglese "snow" significa : neve così piccolo dormire

887 In inglese "morning" significa : mattina denaro più più

888 "That's David, … wife ran away with his best friend." whose whom that of whom

889live up to live on live well live down to

890 Find the best symonym for "loquacious". Talkative Thirsty Beautiful Complicated

891 "… is our train." That Those These Who

892 "I went to a … and bought some artichokes." greengrocer store butcher baker

893 Il corretto significato di "barracks" è : caserme albergo negozio tenda

894 Il passato di "to spread" è : spread spred spreaded spreaden

895 "You will have to … the coin into Fontana di Trevi." toss pull drag bring

896 Il corretto significato di "audience" è : pubblico processo audio volume

897 "He told his wife he … to work late." was going was gone has been would

898 Il corretto significato di "comprehensive" è : comprensivo inserito compreso compresso

899 Find the most opposite of "luminous". Dim Clear Brittle Clever

900 goes will be going go will go

901 Il passato di "to awake" è : awoke awaked awuke awaken

902 In inglese "food" significa : cibo forzare piede seguire

903 In inglese "body" significa : corpo entrambi libro barca

"The way he played today he did not … his reputation as a clean player."

"If he … without her, she will never speak to her again."

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904 "Yesterday we … dinner at 9 pm." had will be eating are having have

905format timetable memorandum schedule

906 "I haven't … Colin since I moved away." seen see seed saw

907 Il contrario di "fast" è : slow bottom ugly soft

908 Find the best symonym for "pensive". Thoughtful Caged Oppressed Happy

909 Il participio di "to have" è : had haven haden haved

910 "Unless the insects are kept down, they … the city." will infest infested are infesting infest

911 Il corretto significato di "cabinet" è : armadietto bagno cabotaggio vino

912 Il passato di "to breed" è : bred breeden breeded bread

913 Il passato di "to learn" è : learnt learnted learnedet learnen

914 "He hasn't got an umbrella. He'll get …". wet light bathed rained

915 "What's the matter … you?" with by from of

916 In inglese "bring" significa : portare occupato costruire ragazzo

917 "That … like a good idea." sounds appears proves feels

918 In inglese "awake" significa : svegliare battere sopportare sgorgare

919 Il corretto significato di "presumption" è : congettura proseguzione riassunto somma

920 In inglese "day" significa : giorno decidere profondo scuro

921 "He is turning the television …". off out away in

922 In inglese "though" significa : sebbene quelli cosa pensiero

923 In inglese "hurt" significa : fare male colpire inclinare inginocchiarsi

"We plan to change the … of our newspaper to make it more readable."

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924 In inglese "young" significa : giovane scrivere ancora anno

925 Il participio di "to grind" è : ground grinden grinded grounden

926 In inglese "week" significa : settimana peso orologio modo

927frost iced dew glass

928 In inglese "east" significa : est mangiare alleviare abbastanza

929 "That cutlery is not complete. A … is missing." spoon hammer dish screw

930 Il participio di "to swim" è : swum swimen swimed swam

931 "The cat seemed to chase … ball forever." its her yours his

932 Il participio di "to make" è : made maden maken maked

933 "Those seats aren't taken; they are …". free booked vacated freed

934 "Tony is a good friend of ...". mine me you my

935 "I … to other people borrowing my books." object disagree dislike avoid

936How long; from When; to What; for Who long; from

937 "This broken radio cannot …". be repaired have repairs to be repaired repair

938 In inglese "rule" significa : regola roccia correre rotondo

939 "She is … all over the world." the prettiest more prettier more pretty prettier than

940 In inglese "quick" significa : rapido tirare pioggia domanda

941 Find the best symonym for "indifferent". Neutral Unkind Precious Mean

942 In inglese "game" significa : gioco ragazza pieno ottenere

"On winter mornings, car windows can be covered in …".

"… does it take to get to the city center … the suburbs?"

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943 Il participio di "to speak" è : spoken speaken spoke speaked

944 "She told them that she … come tomorrow." would was don't will

945 In inglese "quit" significa : smettere liberare da falciare pagare

946 Il passato di "to overcome" è : overcame overcomen overcomed overcamed

947 "They don't speak Italian, … ." do they? don't they? they do? they don't?

948 In inglese "lead" significa : guidare apprendere distendersi lasciare

949 "If you caused the accident, you are … damages." liable for owing for allowed for suited for

950 "The man who lives … is very friendly." next door at the near door the other door to the next door

951 "The Vatican Radio … throughout the world." broadcasts projects presents receives

952 In inglese "deep" significa : profondo sviluppare decidere diretto

953 In inglese "unit" significa : unità fino provare sotto

954 Il corretto significato di "mansion" è : villa mansione incarico maschile

955 In inglese "surface" significa : superficie sicuro come tavolo

956"Spanish is … language in the world."

957 Il participio di "to sell" è : sold solden sellen selled

958 "I haven't … Linda since I moved away." seen see saw seed

959 "We should go home: … is getting dark." it its he I

960 In inglese "hang" significa : appendere avere nascondere macinare

961 In inglese "always" significa : sempre risposta tra anche

962 In inglese "bed" significa : letto iniziare bellezza prima

the second most spoken

the secnd plus spoken

the second more spoken

the second least spoken

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963 In inglese "pose" significa : posare possibile porto giocare

964 Il participio di "to swing" è : swung swinged swingen swungen

965any the none a

966 Il corretto significato di "sensitive" è : sensibile forte sensuale incostante

967 In inglese "story" significa : storia strada ancora stare

968 "The policeman has … him some questions." to ask to make to demand to do

969 In inglese "men" significa : uomini potere misurare miglia

970 In inglese "plane" significa : aereo pianta piano luogo

971 Il participio di "to shoot" è : shot shoten shooted shooten

972 In inglese "door" significa : porta giù non fare disegnare

973 In inglese "dog" significa : cane non fare porta diretto

974 "… one would you like." Which When How Why

975 "The English … dinner earlier than the Spanish." usually have use having used have usual to have

976 Il participio di "to hit" è : hit hut hited hiten

977 "Tom lives …". by himself himself from himself in self

978 Il corretto significato di "insane" è : pazzo insinuare marcio insito

979 Il passato di "to teach" è : taught teachen teached taucht

980 In inglese "spit" significa : sputare accelerare spaccare versare

981 Il participio di "to blow" è : blown blew blowed blowen

982 In inglese "each" significa : ogni terra presto durante

"Have you got … idea of how much the project is going to cost?"

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983has must is trying is having

984 "He … ten pages last night." read reads has read did read

985 Il passato di "to tear" è : tore torn tearen teared

986 Il passato di "to cast" è : cast cust casten casted

987 "I like … very much." swimming swim to swimming swam

988will going was to is going

989 Il participio di "to spread" è : spread spreat spreaden spreaded

990 "Tomorrow I … at 8.15". am leaving shall leave will leave left

991 In inglese "boat" significa : barca corpo blu libro

992 Find the antonym of "compulsory". Optional Competitive Irritating Persuasive

993shutter shuffler closet blinded

994 In inglese "fly" significa : volare cibo cinque seguire

995 "By this time next week we … the new car." will have bought have bought will buy have been buying

996 "That unpleasant girl always … hatefully." behaves needs gives does

997 Il passato di "to ring" è : rang ringed rung ringen

998 In inglese "once" significa : una volta solo vecchio oggetto

999 In inglese "place" significa : luogo pezzo persona semplice

1000 "If you take a snapshot then I will … it." see read hear eat

1001 In inglese "never" significa : mai nome nuovo aver bisogno

"Colin always … to do his homework before watching TV."

"The mechanic says the car … be repaired later this week."

"Could you close the …, please? Too much light is coming in."

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1002 In inglese "war" significa : guerra caldo attendere volere

1003 "It … advertised … last week's magazine." was; in has been; in were; on was; on

1004 "… can I get to the Central Station?" How Why Where What direction

1005 In inglese "follow" significa : seguire cibo volare piede

1006 "I told them not … in the corridor." to run running run can run

1007all day every time all time each time

1008 Il passato di "to lean" è : leant leaning leand leanen

1009 Il corretto significato di "rape" è : stupro rapa rapina rarità

1010 hadn't been wouldn't have been wasn't weren't

1011of by on in

1012 "He wishes he … a seat on the train. Now it's full." had booked booked books has booked

1013 Il corretto significato di "patrol" è : pattuglia petrolio benzina patrocinio

1014 "He is looking at … dress." her she he here

1015 "I was about … when the phone rang." to leave time to leave leaving my leaving

1016 Find the best symonym for "drag". Pull Crush Proud Sleepy

1017 In inglese "part" significa : parte possedere carta passare

1018 Il participio di "to beat" è : beaten beating beeten beated

1019 In inglese "time" significa : tempo pensiero insieme attraverso

1020 In inglese "upset" significa : preoccupare svegliarsi calpestare capire

"His daughters don't get any exercise. They just watch television … ."

"The accident wouldn't have happened if he … drunk.""That instrument consists … five parts to be assembled."

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1021 In inglese "spread" significa : espandere sputare guastare rimbalzare

1022 In inglese "horse" significa : cavallo ora caldo casa

1023 In inglese "here" significa : qui lui alto suo

1024 "He suggested … a meeting about the project." having should have that having that should have

1025 In inglese "ship" significa : barca lei diversi corto

1026 "Marc … a ticket." has have hat haves

1027 Il passato di "to bend" è : bent bended bend benden

1028 "I hope you … for not being truthful to you." forgive me forbid me forget me forsake me

1029 Il passato di "to let" è : let leted lat leten

1030 idle blast forward flare

1031 "He was … other business when I rang." dealing with dealing out treating with dealt with

1032 Il passato di "to dream" è : dreamt dreamen dreamd dreaming

1033 In inglese "feel" significa : sentire poco piedi padre

1034setting up setting in setting out setting

1035 "There are a lot of sheets that need …". mending having mended mended been mended

1036 In inglese "leap" significa : saltare prestare inclinare sdraiarsi

1037 Il participio di "to learn" è : learnt learning learnten learnen

1038 Il participio di "to see" è : seen sawn saw seed

1039 In inglese "our" significa : nostro solo ordinare su

1040 Find the most opposite of "pique". Soothe Gully Smooth Value

"The pilot set the throttle to … to slow down the plane."

"He heard a very cheap company was … tours in Australia."

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1041 Find the most opposite of "germane". Irrelevant Indifferent Impartial Improvident

1042 In inglese "home" significa : casa cavallo tenere caldo

1043 "The cat is not allowed to sit … the couch." on of at in

1044 "We got a … of 50 dollars." bill count chart jack

1045 "If I … rich, I … purchase a personal jet." were; could were; can was; could be; could

1046 In inglese "head" significa : testa riscaldamento sentire duro

1047 Il passato di "to shoot" è : shot shooten shood shooted

1048 In inglese "why" significa : perché bianco tutto vento

1049 "The new computer … next week." will arrive arrive does arrive has arrived

1050 "I objected to him … his cigars." smoking to smokeding of smoking to smoking

1051 "You must concentrate more … what you are doing." on in at for

1052 Il passato di "to shed" è : shed sheden sheded sheed

1053 Il passato di "to set" è : set sat seten seted

1054 "I expect they … to get married in spring." are going will going going go

1055 In inglese " to buy" significa : comprare prendere lanciare scoppiare

1056 "Has she worked there …?" for long for a so long time so long time such long

1057 Il passato di "to cut" è : cut cuten cat cuted

1058 In inglese "over" significa : su possedere nostro aperto

1059 "I used to … how to cook." know have known knew known

1060 "I completely forgot … off last night." to turn the light turning the light the light to turnhoning turned the light

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1061 Il passato di "to say" è : said soy sayen sayed

1062 "Those men … a lot of beer last Friday." drank drink dranks drunk

1063 "I have never broken the law or … a crime." committed made done acted

1064 Il passato di "to deal" è : dealt deel dealed dealen

1065 "I … a pilot." am be is are

1066 Find the best synonym for "jovial". Merry Incredulous Revolting Dizzy

1067 Il participio passato di "to withdraw" è : withdrawn withdrawed withdrawen withdrew

1068"He … dinner, when I … in the room." was eating; came was eating; come ate; came

1069 "Let's go home: … is getting dark." it its I he

1070 In inglese "which" significa : quale ovest dove mentre

1071 Il participio passato di "to spend" è : spent spenden spended spenten

1072 Il passato di "to catch" è : caught catched cautch catchen

1073 In inglese "about" significa : circa atto sopra capace

1074 "Mr. Smith is ill. He … ill for three days." has been was had been is

1075 In inglese "she" significa : lei stabilire barca forma

1076 Il corretto significato di "attic" è : soffitta solaio cantina seminterrato

1077ajar closed locked shut

1078 "He asked me where … last night." I went have I been have I gone I have gone

1079 In inglese "see" significa : vedere sembrare scuola secondo

was eating; was coming

"My grandmother had left the door … , that's why some thieves broke in."

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1080 In inglese "to drink" significa : bere sognare nutrire dimorare

1081 In inglese "science" significa : scienza stesso secondo scuola

1082 In inglese "produce" significa : produrre potere prodotto problema

1083 "She took his umbrella … mistake." by due out of for

1084 Il contrario di "loud" è : silent bottom ugly soft

1085 In inglese "small" significa : piccolo dimensione lento neve

1086 Find the best symonym for "charisma". Charm Force Ghost Courage

1087 In inglese "these" significa : questi cosa di poi

1088 Il participio di "to creep" è : crept creeped crepten creepen

1089 "Italian children start going … when they're six." to school school to the school to some schools

1090on from by of

1091 In inglese "take" significa : prendere parlare coda superficie

1092 In inglese "to pay" significa : pagare sopraffare incontrare smettere

1093 Il participio di "to keep" è : kept keepen kepten keeped

1094 "The front door … the mansion was open." of at in off

1095 Il passato di "to put" è : put puted pat puten

1096 "The final decision doesn't depend … the boss." on from of to

1097are do did is

1098 In inglese "to hide" significa : nascondere colpire avere fare male

"The outcome of the exam depends … you completely."

"Oil paintings … usually more expensive than water colours."

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1099 Il passato di "to break" è : broke bruke breaked breaken

1100 Il corretto significato di "advice" è : consiglio lettera inganno beffa

1101 Il corretto significato di "camera" è : macchina fotografica stanza casa registratore

1102 In inglese "special" significa : speciale presto incantesimo sud

1103 In inglese "near" significa : vicino dovere nome aver bisogno

1104 Il passato di "to feed" è : fed fead feeded feeden

1105 "What was the … of Mr. Smith's speech?" subject details argument typical

1106 "The new lab … finished by the end of term." will have been will been have been will have being

1107 "… is my seat." This These Those Who

1108 In inglese "paper" significa : carta parte su pagina

1109 In inglese "dark" significa : scuro tagliare decidere giorno

1110 In inglese "screen" significa : schermo grido pianto graffio

1111 "Come on. … ! It's nearly seven o'clock." Up you get Hallo Gets Right know

1112 get will get had became

1113 Il corretto significato di "rate" è : tasso rata rete ratto

1114 Il corretto significato di "novel" è : romanzo novella biscotto notizia

1115 Il corretto significato di "canteen" è : mensa attico seminterrato catino

1116 Il passato di "to bet" è : bet beten bit beted

1117 "He is so … he'll forget his own head!" forgetful absent forgotten mindless

1118 "The information you gave me … right." is has are would

"Will you have a wedding party when you … married?"

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1119Every now; then Now on; then Then; now Then; then

1120 run out of run off run down of run away

1121 Il passato di "to forgive" è : forgave forgiven forguve forgived

1122our/it hers/them ours/her mine/it

1123 "Nice to meet you, let's …!" keep in touch maintain contacts keep on touch catch contact

1124 Find the best synonym for "temerity". Audacity Fearfulness Shyness Stupidity

1125 Il passato di "to spell" è : spelt spellen spill spelling

1126 "Yesterday we … dinner at 8 pm." had will be eating have are having

1127 "Colin graduated … Engineer last year." as an on as in

1128 In inglese "to sow" significa : seminare sgattaiolare parlare sentire odore

1129 Il participio passato di "to shoe" è : shod shoetedd shoen shoden

1130 Il passato di "to steal" è : stole stealed stolen stealen

1131 "Are … your cases?" those some this that

1132 Il corretto significato di "actual" è : effettivo antico accurato totale

1133 Il corretto significato di "to magnify" è : ingrandire magnificare abbellire lodare

1134 "I need something to eat; I am really …". hungry in a hunger angry hunger

1135 Il participio passato di "to feel" è : felt felten feelen feeled

1136 "We were very … about the accident." sorry sorrow sorrowful sorrier

1137 "His brother is calling … ." him he I his

"… and … Stig stayed in the lab to do some experiments."

"My car stopped half way there, since it had … petrol."

"We really like … new motorbike. We are very happy we have bought … !"

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1138 Il passato di "to spoil" è : spoilt spoilen spoolt spoiletet

1139 "We must get this project … the ground." off onto in to

1140 In inglese "slink" significa : sgattaiolare tagliare chiudere scivolare

1141 Il passato di "to grind" è : ground grinden grand grinded

1142 Il corretto significato di "invidious" è : spiacevole deludente livido cattivo

1143 "… to the restaurant tonight." Let us go Leave go Go we Make us to go

1144 Il corretto significato di "ultimate" è : supremo terminato ultimatum tematico

1145 In inglese "their" significa : loro dire poi di

1146 In inglese "big" significa : grande nero uccello tra

1147would kill; didn’t would killed; don't had killed; had not will kill; didn't

1148 Il participio di "to spell" è : spelt spelten spellen spelling

1149 In inglese "to grind" significa : macinare ghiacciare avere appendere

1150What's your job? Where are you from? How old are you?

1151 "He always feels tired … morning." in the at on the by

1152 "… I say something, she always disagrees." Whenever Whatever Unless Whatsoever

1153 "I'll be ready to see them … half an hour." in between among with

1154 Il passato di "to freeze" è : froze frozen freezed freezen

1155 Il participio passato di "to lay" è : laid layen layed laiden

1156 "That man was killed … cold blood." in at with on

"The kidnappers said that they … his daughter, if he … pay the ransom."

"Costruire la domanda in base alla risposta "I'm a secretary"".

What are you reading?

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1157 "Fred is …; he is a very old man." ninety nineten nineteen ten-nine

1158at in under with

1159 Il passato di "to forbid" è : forbade forbit forbiden forbided

1160 In inglese "mouse" significa : topo cavallo gatto gallo

1161 hers my him her

1162 In inglese "say" significa : dire regola stesso scuola

1163 "What … about when I arrived?" were you talking did you talk was you talking do you talk

1164 In inglese "sit" significa : sedersi semplice cantare sei

1165 Find the best synonym for "detest". Hate Argue Discover Reveal

1166 "We haven't been to the cinema … over five weeks." for from since during

1167 "There weren't …in the office." any people no people some people some person

1168 "She … very happy." is are am be

1169excursions journeys voyages travels

1170 In inglese "together" significa : insieme tempo mille anche

1171 Il corretto significato di "morbid" è : morboso confortevole soffice mortale

1172 In inglese "far" significa : lontano famiglia veloce fattoria

1173 Il passato di "to swell" è : swelled swoll swellen swellt

1174 In inglese "since" significa : da semplice mostrare cantare

1175 Il passato di "to sweep" è : swept sweepen sweeped swep

"As to the problem in surgery, Dr. Jonas seems to be … fault."

"That book belongs to Linda. All those books are … ."

"On our tour the guide organized lots of … to tourist sites."

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1176 "He said that he … the pearls for his mother." had brought brang will bring bring

1177 What is the synonym of the word "pedestrian"? Walker Pavement Horseman Pedantic

1178 In inglese "perhaps" significa : forse persona passare gente

1179"… so many people been unemployed." Never before have More than ever before More than ever were

1180 Il passato di "to see" è : saw seed suw seen

1181 Il participio passato di "to shine" è : shone shinen shinet shonen

1182 In inglese "speed" significa : velocità spendere sentire odore parlare

1183 "What are you … how?" up to up in up or up at

1184 "He has just washed … ." the kitchen floor the kitchen pavement the chicken floor the floor of kitchen

1185 In inglese "toward" significa : verso città cima insieme

1186"… for his birthday." He was given $50

1187 In inglese "warm" significa : caldo camminare guerra orologio

1188 "The patient is being … by Dr. Scott." followed up followed along followed through followed behind

1189 Il participio passato di "to sleep" è : slept sleepen slepten sleeped

1190 Il participio passato di "to weave" è : woven weaven wove weaved

1191 "She kissed … friend just when I was looking at….." his; her him; his you; them hers; his

1192 Il corretto significato di "task" è : incarico chiedere tasca borsa

1193 Il passato di "to split" è… split splited splat spliten

1194 "Colin looks … older than he is." a great deal many very enough

In the past, there never have

There were given to her $50

He was been given $50

He was being given $50

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1195 Il participio di "to dig" è : dug diged digen dugen

1196 "If you … time, could you come to the zoo with me." have has could have will have

1197 "Fred is …; he is young." nineteen nineten ten-nine ninety

1198 "What is the weather … in Rome, today?" like look behaving going

1199 "You ought … a holiday." to take take be taking have taken

1200 "The police stopped me for … the speed limit." breaking transcending surpassing superimposing

1201 In inglese "shape" significa : forma lei diversi servire

1202 In inglese "boy" significa : ragazzo portare scatola costruire

1203 "… classic music?" Don't you like You like don't Do you like not You do like not

1204 "The Government decided to … the new proposal." turn down turn off turn out turn away

1205 Find the best synonym for "saccharine". Sweet Leave Arid Quit

1206 "Is there … airport in Manchester?" an the a some

1207 on strike on striking in strike going to strike

1208 "If the phone rings it … be for me." will had to shall is

1209 called off called out called through called away

1210 "Colin … the date in the almanac." checked pushed put up raised

1211 In inglese "enough" significa : abbastanza mangiare mai pari

1212 Il participio passato di "to hear" è : heard heared hearden hearen

1213 In inglese "letter" significa : lettera leggero vita lasciare

1214 In inglese "find" significa : trovare bene fuoco finale

"The bus drivers are … so I am going to take my car."

"Owing to the bad weather, the garden party was …".

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1215 In inglese "above" significa : sopra circa aggiungere atto

1216 Find the most opposite of "philistine". Intellectual Novice Pious Debutante

1217 Find the opposite meaning of the word "faithful". Disloyal Skillful Trustful Individualist

1218 "Jane's dress is the same … Mary's." as of like then

1219 Il passato di "to sing" è : sang singed sung singen

1220 "I don't want to come. I've …". changed my mind changed my brain changed my ideas changed idea

1221 had been hiking was hiking has been hiking had being hiking

1222 Il participio passato di "to hang" è : hung hungen hanging hangen

1223 "What will you do if it …?" rains rained will rain rain

1224led have leaded have led leaded

1225 "She's … fat." so so a such such a

1226 Il corretto significato di "vacancy" è : posto vacante vacanza ferie farmacia

1227 "If we are not back by midnight we … out." will be locked are locked will be lock will had locked

1228 Il participio passato di "to shake" è : shaken shooken shook shaked

1229 Il passato di "to leap" è : leapt leapen leapted leapeet

1230 "I usually sit near …". her we she they

1231 "I won't go out … he telephones me." unless even then if though for all

1232 In inglese "shoe" significa : ferrare i cavalli brillare tosare sparare

1233 In inglese "sing" significa : cantare sedersi lato da

1234 "They saw him … in the street." standing stood stand to stand

"After Colin … for three hours, he sat to have a meal."

"In the 1980s, the Japanese … the world in manufacturing, particularly in cars andelectronics."

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1235 "May I take some more? Yes, … yourself." help take do need

1236"… a dinner tomorrow. … to come?"

1237 Il participio passato di "to become" è : become becomen becomed became

1238 "If I … money, I … go on holiday." had; would have; would would; would had; will

1239 Il corretto significato di "to annoy" è : infastidire annoiare giocare notare

1240 "He is going away for a …". week's holiday holiday week holiday of a week holiday by a week

1241 "My eyes are tired because … since 8 o'clock." I've been studying I study I studied I'm studying

1242 Il corretto significato di "stamp" è : francobollo stampa stampante tipografia

1243 In inglese "first" significa : primo cinque pesce fuoco

1244 "Can I have … wine, please?" some any a the

1245 In inglese "talk" significa : parlare tavolo insegnare prendere

1246 "Can you ask … not to write on the walls, please." him his to him he

1247 "Did you hear … Colin did?" what that what which that

1248 Il passato di "to hurt" è : hurt hart hurten hurted

1249 Il passato di "to speak" è : spoke spoken speaken speaked

1250"… television since 5 o'clock?" Are they watching Do they watch Did they watch

1251 "I don't think you are in love, I think it's just a …". crush hot fair heat

1252 In inglese "long" significa : lungo guardare vivere molto

1253 In inglese "shrink" significa : ridursi brillare sparare chiudere

We're having; Would you like

We're having; Would you

We had; Would you like

We do have; Want you

Have they been watching

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1254 In inglese "wake" significa : svegliarsi subire preoccupare indossare

1255 "We're going … Sweden for a holiday." to since in of

1256wore weared wored has worn

1257 "I guess … is raining." it he its she

1258 "The book is …. the table ." on bye inn in

1259 "The school is just … the right." on at in near

1260 "There isn't much fruit on the table. There's only …". a little few any a few

1261 "Don't worry … your driving test." about of since for

1262 In inglese "during" significa : durante ogni secco presto

1263 Il participio passato di "to fall" è : fallen fellen fell falled

1264 Il participio passato di "to forgive" è : forgiven forgived forgoven forgave

1265 In inglese "to burn" significa : bruciare comprare allevare scoppiare

1266 "The sunlight comes … the window." through for further by

1267 "I will come … afternoon." in the on the on at the

1268 "I think it won't work if you don't … it in." plug put turn switch

1269 "Mr. Black … see me yesterday." had to must ought may

1270 "How do you do? …". Well, thanks, you? Very well Very weel, thanks you How do you doo?

1271 Il corretto significato di "affluent" è : ricco confluenza riempito gonfio

1272 In inglese "pass" significa : passare modello parte pagina

1273 In inglese "to lose" significa : perdere incontrare falciare sdraiarsi

"He told me that he never … a helmet when he was in the army."

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1274 In inglese "to win" significa : vincere ritirarsi indossare piangere

1275 Il corretto significato di "rumour" è : pettegolezzo rumore umore rimuovere

1276 In inglese "west" significa : ovest settimana ruota bene

1277 "Telling her or not depends … you completely." on by from for

1278 "He jumped … the horse with extreme ease." off of into through

1279 In inglese "my" significa : mio dovere molto nome

1280 In inglese "hold" significa : tenere cavallo lui casa

1281 "Would you like … pizza?" some more a little of a few of more

1282 "I am … a new house". looking for searching at searching in looking on

1283 Il passato di "to bleed" è : bled bleeded blud bleeden

1284 Il participio passato di "to stride" è : stridden striden strided strode

1285 "Sorry for … those forms mixed up, Mrs. Red." getting to get get got

1286first-hand first-class preview forefinger

1287 Il participio passato di "to burst" è : burst brusteen bursted bursten

1288 In inglese "don't" significa : non fare giù cane porta

1289 In inglese "weave" significa : tessere preoccupare piangere indossare

1290 "This form … be handed in until the end of the year." needn't hasn't got doesn't have doesn't need

1291on for in with

1292 "He got into a lot of … when he was at school." trouble troubles crisis problem

"He was able to give a … account of the accident since he had been a witness to it."

"Don't spend any more money … that hobby. It's too expensive."

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1293 Il passato di "to weave" è : wove weaved wovt weaven

1294 In inglese "to split" significa : spaccare sputare spendere guastare

1295 Il passato di "to dwell" è : dwelt dweld dwellen dwelled

1296 "You're not afraid of …, are you?" driving to drive drove drive

1297 "I think I … eaten ten donuts." have must am had

1298 "You're not afraid of …, are you?" flying to fly flew flight

1299 Il participio passato di "to speed" è : sped speeding speden speeden

1300 Il contrario di "hard" è : soft bottom ugly short

1301Although In spite of Since Even

1302 "He goes to school … bus." by or with with the

1303 "Wait a minute, I'll …". be right back return soon returned coming right back

1304 "She doesn't know if he … to ring her up or not." is going will go might will

1305 In inglese "carry" significa : portare cura certo causare

1306 "The bomb … without any warning at all." went off went out went down went up

1307 "Put it on those … there." shelves shall shells bookstore

1308 In inglese "road" significa : strada fiume resto roccia

1309 Il contrario di "strong" è : weak bottom ugly slow

1310 Il participio passato di "to awake" è : awoken awaken awoke awaked

1311 Il participio passato di "to tear" è : torn teared tore tearen

1312 Il corretto significato di "to attend" è : assistere consegnare finire atterrare

"… he spoke convincingly, he didn't persuade the boss."

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1313any the a none

1314 In inglese "check" significa : controllo chiaro bambini cambiare

1315will be will start to be is being has been

1316 Maria isn’t studying hard but I … . am has have are

1317who whom whose which

1318 I went to a … and bought some artichokes. greengrocer store butcher baker

1319 If he had studied more, he … the exam. would have passed would passed have passed passed

1320 Those seats aren't taken; they are … . free booked vacated freed

1321 Il contrario di “hard” è : soft bottom ugly short

1322from at to of

1323If I ... perfect English, I ... in this class. can speak; would be could spoke; won’t be

1324 … you speak three languages? Do Does Did Are

1325 Let’s go on a trip and … the sights. take in take up take on take down

1326out of off end finish

1327 I don't know, I … . haven't got a clue have the knack haven't no idea have no ideas

1328were doing; came do; came were doing; comes

1329 They … a lot at the dinner last night. smoked smoke smokes smoking

"Have you got … idea of how much the tickets are going to cost?"

"By the time he gets to the restaurant the dinner … over."

My brother, … lives in Switzerland, is coming to visit me.

Completare, in base alla risposta, la domanda "Where's Luca …?" - "He's Italian".

could speak; wouldn’t be

can’t speak; will not be

Some people believe that the world is rapidly running … oil.

The children … their exercise when their father … home.

were doing; was coming

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1330had come came will come has come

1331 I was … if you could help me? wondering amazing marvelling astounding

1332 I don t know who … apple juice. likes like do like do likes

1333 Your English is really improving but mine ... . isn’t don’t haven’t doesn’t

1334 He … in his office at the moment. Phone and see. may be working may working may have worked may work

1335 hadn't been wouldn't have been wasn't weren't

1336 He said that he … the pearls for his mother. had brought brang will bring bring

1337 Will you go to the sea if it … fine tomorrow? is will be is going would be

1338 That office has been … by our department. taken over taken out taken in taken away

1339 on at in with

1340spoke speak do speak have spoken

1341 frost iced dew glass

1342 … you start at once, you’ll be late. Unless As When While

1343to the to the inside

1344 I wish … younger. i were i am i will be i be

1345 There isn’t much fruit on the table. There’s only … . a little few any a few

1346 I think it won’t work, if you don’t … it in. plug give turn switch

1347 I hope the sun comes out and it … . brightens up brightens on brightens brightens out

1348 Can I come in with my dirty shoes ...? on with in off

I wish my boss … back in time to deal with the problem.

The accident wouldn't have happened if he … drunk.

Parents spend a lot of money … their children's books.If I … any foreign languages, I would have better career prospects.

On winter mornings, car windows can be covered in …

If Tom goes ... movies, he won’t be able to come to dinner.

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1349We; they Her; our Us; they We; them

1350 “Eighty” significa : 80 8 18 88

1351speaks speakt spoke speak

1352on at in as

1353 In inglese "Wednesday" significa : mercoledì giovedì martedì lunedì

1354 What was the … of Mr. Smith’s speech? subject details argument typical

1355 He was … other business when I rang. dealing with dealing out treating with dealt with

1356 Where’s the cash desk? I’d like to pay ... this book. for to with about

1357 try; on try; out put; out put; away

1358 Come and see me ... you want. I don’t mind. any time some time no time every time

1359wait waiting to wait to waiting

1360am be is are

1361in on to at

1362was sinking is sinking sank sinked

1363for at from in

1364 Have you decided what …? to order order ordering would order

... didn’t take our children to the park as … were at school.

Inserire il presente indicativo del verbo "parlare" nella frase "He … with Fred".

My boss is very difficult to get … with and a lot of people want to leave.

‘Can I ... these jeans … please?’ ‘Sure. The changing rooms are over there.’

Passengers should … in the lounge until their flight is called.

Inserire il presente indicativo del verbo "essere" nella frase "I … a pilot".

Inserire la parola mancante "He leaves at ten past nine … the morning".

The ship … so all the passengers jumped into the boots.

Completare la frase "They are in France … the weekend".

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1365 The new lab … finished by the end of term. will have been will been have been will have being

1366 A: ... do you go there? B: To visit some friends. Why When What Where

1367 I don’t like ice-cream but Jill ... . does has is have

1368 Is there a television … in every room? set applied apparel put

1369 How long … in Paris? have you been living are you living do you live you live

1370 He still insists … adopting that solution. on for in at

1371 Linda insisted … seeing the manager. on to at with

1372 will be is might be are

1373 I ... my finger! It really hurts. have cut cutted cut have been cutting

1374 He left me … in the rain. waiting wait to wait waits

1375 They ... their baby Lily, but they aren’t sure yet. might call are calling call will call

1376 Have you ever flown ... the Alps? over out of on up

1377 in on with to

1378 Helen found a good job, and ... Peter. so did too did also so

1379 If I … rich, I … purchase a personal jet. were; could were; can was; could be; could

1380had had had have have had

1381on for in with

1382 parked were parking had parked have parked

1383 He is a hot-head. He is fierce. He has a fever. He is very intelligent. He is curious.

“What time are we eating?” “Don’t worry. It … ready before your TV program.”

I’m not interested ... what you think or what you want.

It seemed to be the first time we … a normal conversation.

Don’t spend any more money … that hobby. It’s too expensive.

When they finally arrived, they … the car and went in.

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1384 I wonder when ... home. she is coming will she come is she coming can she come

1385... Paul Simon’s latest record? Have you heard Did you hear Are you heard

1386been thinking; not to thought; to not thinked; not been thought; not

1387 … car did you borrow last night? Whose Of who Who Whom

1388 She tied a bell around her cat’s … . neck mustache heel beard

1389were; would learn will be; are learning were; would am; will learn

1390 Inserire il pronome nella frase "Are … your cases?" those some this that

1391 but and if why

1392 They were … to have it finished by yesterday. supposed wanted waited pretended

1393have made to have made to made made

1394 Children are not interested … politics. in at on by

1395 Roast beef or roast lamb? I can’t … . choose chose choice chase

1396 Why is ... sitting in the dark? she we you I

1397 She has been ... the USA ... three years. in; for at; for on; for in; since

1398 I have never been ... more beautiful than Scotland. anywhere somewhere nowhere everywhere

1399 about on with to

1400 The car … won the race was not a Ferrari. which whose who whom

1401… television since 5 o’clock? Are they watching Do they watch Did they watch

Have you been hearing

She said that they had … of selling the house but had decided… .

If I … younger, I ... to play the piano, but I’m too old now.

Not only was Michelangelo an artist, … a poet as well.

The man who fixed it must ... a mistake with the connections.

You aren’t concentrating on your work. What are you thinking ...?

Have they been watching

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1402Every now; then Now on; then Then; now Then; then

1403 Mount Everest is … highest mountain in the world. the most top as

1404 I’ve decided to … for yoga classes. put my name down put name accept take up

1405 They prefer … at home in the evening to stay stay of staying to staying

1406 managed to could can couldn’t

1407 Wind power is both clean ... . and expensive but expensive but expensive also cheap

1408 In inglese, il plurale della parola "computer" è : computers computern computeres computer

1409 How many times … playing football? have you been hurt did you hurt were you hurted are you hurt

1410 He said he would … before finally deciding. think it over think it up think it above think it on

1411 Owing to the bad weather, the garden party was … . called off called out called through called away

1412These new orders have nothing to do with us.

1413 10.000 cars ... next year. will be produced produced are produced will produce

1414 Jane’s dress is the same … Mary’s. as of like then

1415 Leonard won’t come here ... it rains tomorrow. if will because and

1416 If this hat is ..., where have you put ...? his; hers your; mine mine; her ours; their

1417 Does Do Have Did

1418 He is ... . an artist of artist artist artistically

1419 “Seventy” significa : 70 7 17 77

1420 I travel a lot in my job, ... to Europe. mainly nearly really exactly

… and … Stig stayed in the lab to do some experiments.

Jane and John saved and saved, and finally they ... buy the house of their dreams.

These new orders do not apply to us

These new orders do not apply for us

These new orders do not apply with us

These new orders do not apply by us

... your best friend sometimes go on holiday with you?

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1421are is am be

1422 We don’t want to leave early but they ... . do have is does

1423 This box isn’t … to contain that object. big enough big a lot quite big much big

1424 Mary is getting … the car. out of up out up of

1425 How … is the lake? deep depth dig found

1426see will be would see are going to see

1427 … Peter nor I was able to drive home. Neither Not only Nor Either

1428 There is … in that box; it’s empty. nothing neither anything something

1429help support close finish

1430 I’ll be ready to see them … half an hour. in between among with

1431 She … to the office next Monday. will return return has return did return

1432put; away clear; up put; out take; back

1433will have appeared would be appears has appeared

1434 The president, … 68, is retiring next year. who is which is whose whom is

1435 You seem … a jazz fan. to be liking are to himself

1436scrub; make scrubbed; made to scrub; to make will scrub; making

1437 get rid of get out of get away of get plenty of

1438 This book is very difficult. I don’t understand it. I can’t make it out. I can’t make it up. I can’t make it off I can’t make it over.

Inserire il presente indicativo del verbo "essere" nella frase "We … mechanics".

When you ... him tomorrow, you will think he is ten years older.

He has been trying to stop for a long time, but he can’t really … smoking.

I don’t mind your baking a cake, but just make sure you ... everything … when you’ve finished.

“By the time I get home the story ... in the evening newspaper,” he thought.

I’d rather … floors than … money by blackmailing people.

We can … these products. No one wants to buy them.

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1439 The exam was ... difficult. I couldn’t do any of it. seriously fluently exactly real

1440 ... they ... many cars last year? Did; make Have; made Will; make Been; made

1441 MR. WATSON said that THE MYSTERY was over. he; it he; she she; she they; it


to talk to being talked to talking to should talk to

1443to invest investing to investing invest

1444 “What’s for supper?” “We ... lamb. It’s in the oven.” are having would have had might have

1445During While When At

1446 Where … when you move to Leeds? will you be living have you been living are you living do you live

1447any; some no; some none; some any; any

1448 We … when a loud knock woke us up. were sleeping had slept are sleeping slept


clear; up find; out sort; out put; away

1450 She entered the room suddenly and found them … . smoking that were smoking to smoke smoke

1451has have hat haves

1452locking lock to lock locked

1453When the teacher fell off his chair, the students … . couldn’t help laughing

If you need advice, Mr. Wisdom is the person you should talk to. If you need advice, Mr. Wisdom is the person … .

The lack of security in parts of the country doesn't encourage people … there.

… the nineties a lot of money was made on the stock exchange.

I haven’t read ... of these books but George has read ...of them.

“Oh, dear! The washing machine isn’t working. I haven’t got any clean clothes, and I’ve got to go to work. What am I going to do?’ ‘Don’t worry. I’ll ... them all … . Just go to work.’

Inserire il presente indicativo del verbo "avere" nella frase "Marc … a ticket".

I don t remember … the door when I left home this morning.

could not stop but laughing

weren’t able to stop laughter

could not avoid to laugh

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1454 Would you like ... to eat? something anything nothing everything

1455will going was to is going

1456 Peter wanted ... a policeman. Mary to ask Mary asking Mary should ask that Mary would ask

1457 The holiday wasn't … interesting as I had expected. as than that so

1458somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

1459 I didn't realise he … at the meeting. wouldn't be would to be weren't going to be will not be

1460 My sister has agreed ... with the decorating. to help helping help helps

1461 She wanted to … as much as possible. find out find in find off find him

1462 Can I have ... to drink? something anything nothing everything

1463 I enjoyed the music, but I didn’t like the play ... . itself herself myself yourself

1464 ... was not a marriage that could last. Theirs Her Them My

1465 wouldn’t have gone would go didn’t go would have gone

1466drive will drive drove would drive

1467 If she … a lot of clothes, she … money. would buy; has wouldn’t bought; had bought; would have

1468 A: Were you singing when I came in? B: Yes, I ... . was sang were did

1469 Elections take place … five years. every all at any

1470somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

1471 after with to for

The mechanic says the car … be repaired later this week.

Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven’t I seen you ... before?

“If I’d known I’d feel so ill, I ... to party,” Peter moaned.“If I ... quickly, we wont be late for the party,” said Peter.

didn’t buy; would have

This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can we go ... else?

Don’t worry about the baby. I’ll look … her while you’re out.

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1472 I ... to work if I ... better, but I feel terrible. would go; felt would go; feel will go; feel went; felt

1473 Will you … a week from Sunday? be skiing been skiing skiing have been skied

1474 get will get had became

1475 The bank … us a lot of money last year. lent rent let lead

1476 Liz was … tired that she had to rest. so as that also

1477 He can play the … very well. fiddle shelter drunk harness

1478 My husband is very bad … remembering names. at in for …

1479will have worked will work have worked work

1480 Silvia is Spanish but … passport is Italian. her his which its

1481 That's the woman … house has been destroyed. whose who whom which

1482 Please let me ... for the drinks. pay to pay paying paid

1483kidnapped raped robbed carried

1484 They're staying with us … the time being. for as in to

1485 Your wages will depend on how well you do the job. salary skills waves employers

1486 I’d visit you more often if you ... so far away. didn’t live will be living don’t live wouldn’t live

1487 She ... off her horse and hurt her wrist. fell turned ran put

1488 Anna ... a good job. has found finds founded has been finding

1489why because that as

1490 In inglese, il plurale della parola "woman" è : women womans womean womannen

Will you have a wedding party when you … married?

By the end of the year, she … for the company for 25 years.

Some tourists were missing, since they had been … by a group of terrorists.

The reason … I'm writing is to tell you about a meeting on Friday.

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1491 I have ... more to say to you. Goodbye! nothing anything something everything

1492 Galileo was also interested ... astronomy. in of on at

1493 He cannot be saved. He is certain to die. He is done for. He is done up. He is done to. He is done down.

1494 My son is … than any boy in his class. smaller small the smallest as small

1495 Those seats aren't taken; they are: free booking vacation freed

1496 Help yourself to food. You can have ... you want. anything something nothing everything

1497 Women ... vote in England until 1922. couldn’t are able to managed to can

1498 Il contrario di “beautiful” è : ugly low soft slow

1499 This is my sister; do you know … name? her his its whose

1500 She … the child for the broken window. blamed blame blaming will blaming

1501managed to could can couldn’t

1502 Some people think that Spanish is … than Italian. easier easy the easier the easiest

1503 “Sixty” significa : 60 6 66 16

1504Thank Thanks Thanke Thankioo

1505 Coffee ... in England. isn’t grown grows grew have been grown

1506round up away on

1507 A letter … arrived from Milan. has just have just has as soon as was just

1508 He will sit in the room to keep … warm. himself herself themselves yourself

1509 “Sixteen” significa : 16 66 6 60

The police ... find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.

Inserire il presente indicativo del verbo "ringraziare" nella frase "… you very much".

What a pretty dress! Turn ... ! Let me look at it from the back.

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1510 I objected to him … his cigars. smoking to smoke of smoking to smoking

1511fitted fitting to be fitted for fit

1512 Can we go ... quiet? somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

1513 Il contrario di “sweet” è : bitter low bottom soft

1514 can could managed to couldn’t

1515 Gloria is a good dancer. She dances … . well goodly very good good

1516 The examination consists … two parts. of on in at

1517Nobody; nowhere Anybody; anywhere

1518 He hadn't … when I visited him at the hospital. recovered covered gone well hailed


How do you do? Very well Very well, thanks Well, thanks, you?

1520 I would be … if you didn’t come tomorrow. grateful thanking grating thanks

1521 Aren't you … before leaving? going to do it do it doing it did it

1522ajar closed locked shut

1523 Which one is different? Kindful Helpful Thoughtful Successful

1524 I’m ... La Guardia Community College. at on in of

1525 It's … big city with ... college. a; a a; an the; on an; the

1526You look really tired! What ...? you are doing

The family had just had a new gas cooker ... in their kitchen.

In my country you ... get married when you’re sixteen.

It was Sunday, and the town was deserted. ... was in the streets, and ... was open.

Somebody; somewhere

Everybody; everywhere

In Inglese formale, quando si fa una nuova conoscenza, come si risponde alla domanda “How do you do?”.

My grandmother had left the door …, that's why some thieves broke in.

have you been doing

were you doing

have you done

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1527I'd like to visit India. Would you? Have you?

1528some any the no

1529 Isabel is a flight attendant. She … passengers. serves to serve serve serving

1530looked for have been looking for look for have looked for

1531 “Wrong” is the opposite of : right last fast slow

1532 I'd like you to give me ... advice. some an a in

1533 Which plural form is correct? Shelves Shelfes Shelf Shelfs

1534doing for to do to do for doing

1535 Jim’s a postman. He ... letters to people. delivers works answers serves

1536 Which one is different? Dishwasher Washbasin Towel Bidet

1537would be wil be is has been

1538 This is not just my computer. It is 4 … computer. students’ students’s student’s student

1539He has not come yet

1540 … think you'll miss her? Do you Doesn't you Does you You

1541could would likes like would


them us it its

Did you? Do you?

Choose the correct form. He will be in Rome ... time, but we have no time to see him.

Last summer I … a work placement to get experience in my field.

Complete correctly. We usually spend the weekends ... the garden.

Choose the correct form. It … a disaster if we lost the contract.

What is the best translation of: “Non e' ancora arrivato”.

He has no more come

He has not again come

He have no more come

Complete correctly. When I finish the course, I … work in a software house.

Some workers believe that the unions are incapable to represent the needs of the employees and choose not to join … .

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spoken speaked spoke spoked

1544 He was offered the position of manager, but he … . turned it down turned it away turned it off turned it out

1545 Wait, I have to … his number. look up look to look in look

1546 If only he … more slowly. would drive is driving will drive did drive

1547 Kelly … for her father for over half an hour, now. has been waiting waits has waiten is waiting

1548 In Scotland it's often too cold … outside. for people to eat for people eating that people eat that people can eat

1549 I'm sure he has … the whole story. made up made off made in made down

1550 I am gradually … to the traffic. getting used to used to accustomed accustoming

1551 Can I get a … ? discount reduce cheaper scount

1552 Il termine “very” significa: molto vero poco falso

1553 Il termine “maybe” significa: forse sempre se sicuro

1554 Il plurale di “tooth” è: teeth tooths teeves tooths

1555 What’s the time? It’s … 20 past 7 20 after 7 20 pass 7 20 before 7

1556 Michael can … You! see sees to seeing to sees

1557 It’s the first time I … a real tiger. have seen see saw had seen

1558 There is a huge … of students that don’t study. percentage figure sum statistic


1560 Mathew is coming at … 8 p.m. . around round circa the

1561 Il termine “marry” significa: sposare divorziare fidanzare lasciare

Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “She has never … at a public event before”.

Scegli un alternativa alla frase: “I like to wear elegant clothes”.

I like to put on elegant clothes

I like to put up elegant clothes

I like to put off elegant clothes

I like to put in elegant clothes

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1562 Fiats are … cars in the world. the worst the worse worser than worst

1563 Paul is very nice, …? isn’t he is not he he is not he isn’t

1564 I eat lots of vegetables so i’m very … . healthy health fitness unfit

1565 Il termine “much” significa: molto poco muco mucca

1566 Il termine “next to” significa: accanto prossimo di lato davanti

1567 The cinema is … front of the hospital. in of at on

1568 That boy is very rude, he didn’t have a proper … . upbringing education family manner

1569 The waiter recommended …. the fish. we try us to try we to try us trying

1570 I go ...work in the evening. to at … in

1571 I study … . history story his story stories

1572 They won’t bring me big salad, …? will they will they not won’t they will not they

1573 Is pasta … rice? like similar nice nicer

1574 Scegli un alternativa alla frase:”look it up on the net.” look at it on the net. go on the net for it surf on the net

1575 Il termine “drink” significa: bevanda co*cktail aperitivo bibita

1576 I’m late … work. for at in with in

1577 When I was a kid, I … terrible was would be were wanted to be

1578 Do you have … sisters. any some a the

1579 You .. like me. are do have is

1580 We need … the plane. it’s late. to board boarding to boarding board

1581 Which animals do you like? I like cats I like the cats I like cat I like the cat

search for it on the net.

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1582 Marika is … a good cook. such so very much

1583 They bought … a nice new car. themselves themself they himself

1584 In Inglese “box auto” si dice: garage box parking car space

1585 I … time with my family. spend pass give stay

1586 Il termine “door” significa: porta finestra portone vetrata

1587 Nice … you to meet to meeting To know to knowing

1588 John uses his … a lot. imagination fantasy reasoning intelligent

1589 Martha … a lot in the afternoon. has to study have to study has study have study

1590 L’espressione “fall” significa: cadere spingere fare incitare

1591 Pizza is … pasta. better than more better than betterer than more betterer than

1592 Il termine “comic” significa: fumetto commedia cartone animato divertente

1593 Last night I got … at 10 p.m. . to sleep to home work to bed

1594 Welcome to my house, come …! in on up down

1595 Il termine “wrong” significa: sbagliato giusto clakson campanello

1596 This is what Rick … . did done do to do

1597 They’ve done … no favours themselves they themselves their

1598 The boss wasn’t happy so he … the worker. fired licenced went away sent away

1599 How long does your lesson …? last first duration time

1600 They are nice, ….? aren’t they are they they are not

1601 I have to study the first 2 … of the book. chapters capitals modules pieces

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1602 Il termine “chair” significa: sedia capelli carisma cura

1603 London is … city in the world. the most expensive the more expensive the expensivest more expensive

1604 The house is dirty. … it. clean wash polish launder

1605 I run … work everyday to at in with into

1606 I … watch horror movies. never not never not ever

1607 I play tennis … . well good nice happy

1608 Quale, tra le seguenti, è la traduzione di “entra”: come in entry come come over enter

1609 … last week. He was arrested He arrested He has arrested He has been arrested

1610 I don’t … . smoke smoking smokes to smoke

1611 Il termine “country” significa: nazione villaggio frazione città

1612 … watch a movie tonight. Let’s We Me an you I

1613 She is the person I work … . for together of at

1614 … this Alan? Is He’s Him Are

1615 She wants to … married soon. get have got do

1616 I want a book … . to read reading for reading for read

1617 I haven’t … anything for lunch. had eaten taken tasted

1618 Il plurale di “furniture” è: non esiste furnitures furniturres forniture

1619 She … nice. isn’t not is is’nt ain’t

1620 Il termine “point” significa: punto informazioni pinta palo

1621 I eat breakfast .. 8 am. at of in for with

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1622 Il termine “code” significa: codice coda fila numerazione

1623 Mark will come tomorrow, …? won’t he he won’t he will will not he won't be

1624 They like … . me I she he

1625 … do you play football? When What hour Which time How time

1626 I usually … dinner late. have take dine lunch

1627 He looked for … to sit at the bar. somewhere something nowhere anything

1628 … work part-time? Does anybody Do anybody Does all Do somebody

1629 Let’s go … shopping. … to at of

1630 Il termine “camping” significa: il campeggiare campeggio tenda roulotte

1631 Il plurale di “fish” è: fish fishe fishis fishs

1632 through up in at though

1633 L’espressione “employee” significa: dipendente lavoratore sottoposto dipendente

1634 He was home, … TV yesterday. watching to watch watvh to watching

1635 Il termine “daughter” significa: figlia figlio sorella bambina

1636 Gary is … Michael. stronger than more strong then stronger then more strong than

1637 I’ve visited many … countries. different some a same

1638 Al suono del campanello, come si risponde? Who is it? Who is? Whose it? Whose?

1639 Come si traduce in Inglese: “mezz’ora fa” half an hour ago half of one hour ago half a hour ago half the hour ago

1640 Il termine “boat” significa: barca botolina botola timone

1641 Now i’m fat, but I used to be … . thin happy chubby big

Let’s go … the the security check, our sister is waiting.

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1642 Il termine “box” significa: scatola pugilato lotta contenitore di plastica

1643 Can you tell we where …? the hotel is is the hotel find the hotel the hotel find

1644 I always talk … my sister. to at on in

1645 Il termine “wife” significa: moglie fidanzata fidanata marito

1646 I never talk … strangers. with at on for

1647 He lectured his son … maths. in on at for

1648 Come si traduce in Inglese: “posso aiutarla?”. can I help you I could help you could I help you might I help you


1650 Your parents are going to go to France, …? aren’t they are they they are not not they are

1651 I go around … scooter by with of at

1652 Come to … tonight! mine mine’s my my’s

1653 My … was carefree. childhhood childness childful young

1654 You should … attention if you want to learn. pay give lend buy

1655 It’s a … to meet you. pleasure enchanted pleased very nice pleasant

1656 Il termine “strange” significa: strano strato età stato

1657 I’m getting … in June. married marry wedding weddid

1658 What … your job? 's 're 'm ‘ve

1659 Il termine “goodbye” abbreviato si dice: bye good goods byes

1660 I … a big lasagna so I didn’t want any more food! had have had have cooked cooked

1661 Let’s go out, … ? shall we we shall shan’t we we shan’t

Scegli un alternativa alla frase: “The plane arrives at 11 a.m.”

The plane gets in at 11 a.m.

The plane gets up at 11 a.m.

The plane gets on at 11 a.m.

The plane gets down at 11 a.m.

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1662 L’espressione “try on” significa: provarsi mettersi assagiare fare un test

1663 She’s been … Thailand recently. to at in over the

1664 Get … of bed. it’s late already! out off on in

1665 You’re not watching the match tonight, …? are you aren’t you you are not you aren’t

1666 What’s the … wonderful thing in Rome? the most the best the more the much

1667 L’espressione “land” significa: atterrare decollare isola prestare

1668 Il termine “never” significa: mai neve nervo sempre

1669 Do you want a burger or a hot dog? Mmm. ...is fine either both neither no one

1670 L’espressione “journey” significa: viaggio gita vacanza percorso

1671 I … like new technology. really very much such so

1672 … is this shirt? How much How money How many how cost

1673 Il singolare di “news” è: non esiste new newy newwy

1674 Michael is … in his class. the least tall the less tall the lesser tall the least tallest

1675 … your coat and have a seat. Take off Get off Put off Have off

1676 I like to give … . money to charities to charities money money at charities money charities

1677 The waiter is … idiot. an a … one

1678 Il termine “rain” significa: pioggia vento correre neve

1679 L’espressione “get on” significa: andare d’accordo essere d’accordo andare sui nervi essere in simpatia


1681 Who did you speak …? with … for off

Come si traduce in Inglese: “è a casa che gioca con suo figlio”

he’s at home playing with his son

he’s at home that plays with his son

he is at home to play with his son

he is at home that he is playing with his son

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1682 Il termine “as” significa: come a meno che per via di perlomeno

1683 My favourite cars are … Fiats Fiat the Fiat cars Fiat

1684 I don’t speak … English. … the some that

1685 Il termine “attic” significa: soffitta attico soppalco ripostiglio

1686 I’ve … dinner. There is pasta with tomato sauce. made done eaten had

1687 The boss thinks you … too many breaks. take taking to take to taking

1688 Il termine “right” significa: giusto sbagliato destra sinistra

1689 I’ve visited many countries … . abroad … outside easter

1690 I never take care … my cat. of at by on

1691could should must shall

1692 The post office is next … the park. to at ion of

1693 he speaks English … . beutifully beautiful beautifuly beautifly

1694 All … us were sick of on off to

1695 i’m so tired, I … all day have been studying studied study had studied

1696 L’espressione “dangerous” significa: pericoloso angelo cattivo sicuro

1697 I get around my village … foot. on by with of

1698 I like … . her he she they

1699 Last night George … many people. met knew has met has known

1700 Il termine “should” significa: dovrei vorrei farei potrei

1701 Can you … me your car tonight? lend borrow get allow

Usando la forma per fare richieste cortesi, completa la frase: “… you pass me the book, please?”.

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1702 L’espressione “turn up” significa: alzare il volume alzare le mani girare per svoltare

1703 Shall we play a game … tennis? of at to in

1704 “Prego” in Inglese è: you’re welcome welcome well come you’re well come

1705 Mark … tomorrow night. arrives arrive come comes has come

1706 Il termine “tell” significa: dire alto parlare basso

1707 L’espressione “hard” significa: difficile pericoloso semplice sicuro

1708 L’espressione “faculty” significa: facoltà arguzia destrezza opzionale

1709can I ask a question? may I ask a question?

1710 I haven’t watched movies … a month. for since of within

1711 We talk … movies every day. about to in at

1712 So sorry i’m late. … have you waited? how long how much how much time how long time

1713 … jacket is nice. Your You You’re Yours

1714 We will arrive … the station soon. at to on for

1715 Emma … eat pasta. doesn’t do not don’t doesn't

1716 Il termine “brother” significa: fratello sorella figlio figlia

1717 Il plurale di “mouse” è: mice mouses mousse mousses

1718 Where are you …? from by at for for

1719been knowing had known was knowing. know

1720 He is the person … wife makes excellent cakes. whose who which that

Quale tra le seguenti è la richiesta di permesso più formale:

might I ask a question?

could I ask a question?

I’ve … my best friend for 15 years. We still get on well. known

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1721 I may … on vacation, next year. go to go going to going

1722 Jack … shopping. likes to go like going like to going like to go

1723 Do you … play video games? ever never never not not never

1724 I … a policeman. 'm not amn’t am n’t am no

1725 Mark must wear Glasses, …? mustn’t he he mustn’t he must must not he

1726 Have you found a job …? yet just already ever

1727 Il termine “stranger” significa: sconosciuto straniero forestiero strano

1728 I’ve … tried Indian Food. never ever yet either

1729 I listen .. music in the evening. to at .. for

1730 Il termine “premier” significa: primo ministro calcio inglese capo prima visione

1731 Il termine “eye” significa: occhio orecchio io ciao

1732 Mark … hard. works work working work’s

1733 They always stay … . together with lonely solitary

1734 … Michael … studied his lesson? Has/... Have/… …/has .../have

1735 In Inglese britannico “college” significa: scuola superiore università collegio scuola elementare

1736 This is the … beautiful day of my life. most best much more

1737 … they … pasta? are/eating are/eat are/to eat are/to eating

1738 I work … Trafalgar Square. in at to over

1739 They won’t come tomorrow, …? will they won’t they they will they won’t

1740 Il termine “magazine” significa: rivista magazino deposito fumetto

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1741 Il termine “shower” significa: doccia spettacolo televisivo mostrare provare

1742 The pen is … the credenza. on at over to

1743 I want to go out because it’s … . hot cold chilly rainy

1744 Come si traduce in Inglese: “smetti di fumare” stop smoking stop to smoke stopping smoke stop smoke

1745 Il termine “father” significa: padre cognato zio nuoro


1747 I have … in the evening. to work work working to working

1748 L’espressione “well” significa: bene buono bravo molto

1749schedule itinerary programme list

1750 L’espressione “abroad” significa: all’estero grande abbordare oltremare

1751 What’s your … football team? favourite best preferite better

1752 I’m thinking of … a new house. buying to buy buy to buying

1753 I work … a big company. for by to from

1754 Il termine “eat” significa: mangiare bere esso essa

1755 She is … quick … me. as/as as/... .../as as/like

1756 Il verbo “make up” significa: inventare mettersi cosmetici fare costruire

1757 I ... a big car. 've got 've get 're got 're get

1758 … shopping online? should I do I should do should do I should doing

1759 Nice to meet you, Mark. Nice to meet you … , John. too to two though

Scegli un alternativa alla frase: “Maria likes wearing hats”.

Maria likes putting on hats

Maria likes having hats

Maria likes putting up hats

Maria likes putting over hats

I’m not coming tonight because I have a busy work … tomorrow.

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1760 Il termine “always” significa: sempre mai a volte spesso

1761 Il termine “left” significa: sinistra partito destra sopra

1762 I work … . happily happilly happly happely

1763 I … a headache all day. 've had 've been having had 'm having

1764 I have … time. no nothing much many

1765 Is … name John? your brother’s you’re brothers your brothers you’re brother’s

1766 L’espressione “neither/nor” significa: ne/ne o/o con/senza questo/quello

1767 We will … a plane next year. take travel go leave

1768 Do you have … furniture in your room? any a these those

1769 I’m against … experiments on animals. doing do to do to doing

1770 Do you know Jim? No, I … . don’t don’t know know Jim know him doesn't

1771 Tell me … you. about of from at

1772 We have seen many laws … recently. introduced introduction inserted insertion

1773 The window is made … glass. of in by with

1774 … Michael … in the evening? Does/have to cook Does/has to cook Does/have cook do/have to cook

1775 L’espressione “plan” significa: piano pane pianoforte planare

1776 … any people at the party last night. there weren’t there wasn’t there were there was

1777 The bar is … the right of the street. on at in of

1778 Il plurale di “foot” è: feet foots footes feets

1779 Christmas is … December in at on by

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1780 Il termine “think” significa: pensare immaginare sentire ringraziare

1781 I’ve … eaten … today. already/… already/yet .../yet .../just

1782 I am … . 23 years old 23 years 23 year old 23 years young

1783 Quale tra le seguenti è la richiesta più formale: might you help me? could you help me? would you help me? should you help me?

1784 … city are you … ? Which/from What/from Where/from What/at

1785 Had/been If/been If/is If/would be

1786 give me an … of the concept. example sample try demo

1787 You should back … , it’s not your fight. down up over on

1788 Where … you … are/from is/from are/at is/in

1789 How … is your house from here? far distance long short

1790 Il termine “sea” significa: mare vedere cercare lago

1791 L’espressione “headache” significa: mal di testa taglio di capelli scoppola bernoccolo

1792 I’ve visited Greece … . this year last week last summer in the past

1793 I want … to eat. something anything no thing any things

1794 … pen is this? Whose Who’s what’s whom

1795 I’m ...the big bedroom. in over around from

1796 Il phrasal verb “put on” significa: indossare mettere sopra vestirsi togliere

1797 … me the best football player in history name tell say speak

1798 Mark … a sister. doesn’t have doesn’t has does not has don’t have

… he … more careful, he could have passed the test.

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1800 My house is … San Lorenzo in at for on

1801 Where is the Underground? It’s … the corner. around at behind over


1803 Did you not see the road … ? sign cartel carton insignia

1804no one someone anyone everyone

1805 I can speak 5 languages and … . so can Michael can so Michael Michael can so too Michael

1806 I have … best friends. two too to though

1807 My parents … me watch TV when I want. let do leave makes

1808 I like to … brunch in the the afternoon. have take having pay

1809 I can’t buy those jeans because they are … . expensive cheap nice funny

1810 Give me some … pizza, please. more another all any

1811 Il termine “large” significa: grande lardo lago basso


1813 The house smells nice and … , have you cleaned? fresh dirty smelly fragrance

1814 It’s still cloudy out there. It … all day. 's been raining is raining rains rained

1815 I can’t see you … i’m busy. as that like per

1816 He … the boss tomorrow. must meet musts meet must meeting musts meeting

Quale, tra le seguenti alternative, ha lo stesso significato della frase: “he always visits his grandparents”.

he always goes around to his grandparents’

he always goes to his grandparents’

he always sees his grandparents’

he always finds his grandparents’

Come si traduce in Inglese: “lei vuole che io le parli”?

she wants me to speak to her

she wants that I speak to her

she wants me speaking to her

she wants I to speak to her

The jackpot was really big because … played the lottery the week before.

Come si traduce la frase “ci conosciamo da 3 anni” in Inglese?

we have known each other for 3 years.

we know each other for 3 years.

we know us for 3 years.

we have known us for 3 years.

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1817 Il termine “fish” significa: pesce fische da gioco carte da gioco squalo

1818 I think you should pay half the bill .. . each each other together either

1819 Il termine “write” significa: scrivere giusto sbagliato comporre

1820 Bill Gates is … richest man in the world. one of the the one off the most

1821 Il termine “leave” significa: partire foglia vivere andare

1822 Be careful … repeat that mistake. not to to not that not to

1823 Who … Tony Blair? knows know knew has known

1824 come to my house … monday. on the in at

1825 Il termine “listen” significa: ascoltare fare lista lista fare rumore

1826 I want one … drink. more another some more some

1827 This is a … area. Non-smoking No-smoking Not-smoking don’t smoke

1828 Qual è un’alternativa di “Nice to meet you?”: How do you do? What do you do? How are you? What are you?

1829 What is the story … ? about of from for

1830 Il termine “hear” significa: sentire ascoltare capelli qui

1831 Il termine “come” significa: venire come andare simile

1832 Il plurale di “sheep” è: sheep shop ships ships

1833 … that? It’s John. Who’s whose who’re whose’s

1834 How … you? are is ares ar

1835 I’ve read a good book, and … . so have you you have so you too have so haven’t you

1836 I looked but I … see anything. couldn’t wouldn’t can’t wasn’t able doesn't

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1837 Il termine “soon” significa: presto figlio tardi cugino

1838 I want to speak … Mr Black to at which on

1839 You’ve been sick, …? haven’t you have you you haven’t you have won't you

1840 Where do you … ? come from are from came from are come

1841 Paul imagined … a doctor. being to be be to being

1842 I can’t buy the Gucci bag because it’s too .. . expensive cheap nice beautiful

1843 Il termine “pet” significa: animale domestico bottiglia di plastica mettere accarezzare

1844 Marcus is good at … . writing to write write to writing

1845 Rome is ...the centre … Italy. in/of at/of on/in by/in

1846 My parents are checking … tomorrow. in on of by

1847 Il termine “look” significa: guardare osservare vedere moda

1848 Il termine “teach” significa: insegnare insegnante tecnologia tirare

1849 Il termine “bad” significa: cattivo pipistrello ma buono

1850 Mark needs a visa, and … . so do I I do so so I do do so I

1851 Il termine “subject” significa: materia subordinato oggetto indirizzo di studi

1852 We need … the exam in july. to take to make holding to hold

1853 I’m … a doctor in the future. going to be go to be go to being going to being

1854 I will buy a lasagna … tonight. to eat for eating eating for eat

1855 Il termine “parent” significa: genitore parente famiglia consanguigno

1856 I want a desk … my bedroom. for in at from

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1857 I don’t have … money. a lot of many lots some

1858Come si traduce la frase:”tutto e’ molto buono”. all are very nice all is very nice

1859 Il termine “live” significa: vivere vita foglia partire

1860 I eat everything apart … fish. from that at of

1861 Nobody … the lottery that week. won wins has won is winning

1862 You can hang your washing on the ... . line segment sink hanging

1863 I worked … a photographer. as liked the same in

1864 What … this christmas? are you doing do you do are you do are you to do

1865 Il termine “less” significa: meno minimo maggiore più

1866 Il termine “street” significa: strada passo sntiero carregiata

1867 I work … McDonald. at with in with

1868 I speak … English. little … few small

1869 Il termine “like” significa: piacere spuntare divertire non gradire

1870 … a beautiful house you have. What Such How So

1871 What … of transport do you prefer? means middles piece automotive

1872 Come si traduce in Inglese: “incamminarsi”? get going go now go out get to go

1873 I work … the morning. in at at to

1874 They like … . each other them themselves themself

1875 Il termine “must” significa: devo posso voglio baffi

1876 I go to school … car. by with of at

everything is very nice

everything are very nice

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1877 There are … important people. … a an any

1878 John isn’t very polite, …? is he isn’t he he is not is he not

1879 L’espressione “last” significa: ultimo fa in passato remoto

1880 Il termine “get out” significa: uscire entrare tirare fuori chiudere fuori

1881 Il termine “awake” significa: sveglio terremoto dolci lago

1882 Do you know … ? how far the station is the station is how far how far is the station the station how far is

1883 it is raining all day it rains all the day it’s all the day it rains

1884 Thanks … helping me. for at of to

1885 I’m hungry and … . so is Mark mark too is Mark so too Mark too is

1886 I live … friends. with which to width

1887while why when meantime

1888 Il termine “rude” significa: maleducato rudere materia prima selvaggio


1890 The professor …. the students to study more. advised said suggested recommended

1891 You didn’t do the shopping, … ? did you you didn’t didn’t you you did

1892 I smoke 3 cigarettes … day. a at for by

1893 I go … school everyday. to to the at at the

1894 Vincent … geography. studies studys studyes studis

1895 My jacket is … . there that this those

Come si traduce in Inglese: “è tutto il giorno che piove”

it’s been raining all day

I was getting some shopping …. my son waited in the car.

Come si traduce la frase “ho intenzione di studiare per diventare un pilota” in Inglese?

I’m going to study to become a pilot.

I will study to become a pilot.

I’m going to study fro becoming a pilot.

I’ll study for becoming a pilot.

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1896 Il termine “amazing” significa: incredibile amabile amazzone amicizia

1897 The south … Italy is nice. of at on off

1898 I’ve … the entire week ill in bed. spent been passed stayed

1899 What’s the time? It’s … 20 to 7 20 at 7 20 pass 7 20 around 7

1900 The movie is based … a true story. on at for from

1901 I don’t like winter and … . neither does he either does he he doesn’t neither he does either

1902 I usually wear a large … jacket. size caliber stature dimension

1903 I study … well. incredibly incredible incredibelly incredibley

1904 Il termine “billion” significa: miliardo milione biliardo boccette

1905 L’espressione “a little” significa: un po piccolo poco del

1906 Do you have a pen? i’m sorry but I… . don’t have one I have one I have two don’t like one

1907 Does he … TV? watch watches watchs Watching

1908 Philip doesn’t play football, …? does he doesn’t he he doesn’t he does

1909 I am … school. at at the in in the

1910would could will may

1911 Il termine “son” significa: figlio figlia sole essere

1912 Il termine “Know” significa: sapere adesso dopo non

1913 I have … . information an information any information a information

1914 I like …. TV. to watch to watching watch see

1915 L’espressione “either/or” significa: o/o ne/ne con/senza questo/quello

Usando la forma per invitare, completa la frase: “… you like to go to the cinema?”.

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1916 Il termine “store” significa: negozio storia racconto cassa

1917 That player is doing well. He is … form. on in at by

1918 … you teache me, I will learn. If Why Do Can

1919 Il termine “get to” significa: arrivare prendere ricevere entrare

1920 Il termine “wake up” significa: svegliarsi cosmetici salire mettersi a letto

1921 Rob … a Coca Cola. would like likes like would likes

1922 Here, have a tissue. I always … a pack with me. carry hold put bring back

1923 … a nice weekend. Have Do Pass Make

1924 Il plurale di “boss” è: bosses boss bosss bossis

1925 I will wait … you here. for … near from

1926 See you … 5 p.m. tomorrow. at in on of

1927 L’espressione “wish” significa: desiderio con volere lavare

1928 Where … we go tonight? shall let’s … do

1929 I don’t have … for you. anything nothing some no things

1930 We can’t get in … we find the keys. unless if at least wether

1931whereas as where meantime

1932 Rome is … Italy. in on at to

1933 Maria got in the car Maria sat in the car Maria went in the car Maria drove the car

1934 I like … sports. doing to doing do practice

1935 There is a booking … tomorrow. for at in of

He has presented a good project … his brother has done nothing.

Scegli un alternativa alla frase: “Maria entered the car”.

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1936 Last year I … walk because I broke my leg. couldn’t shouldn’t wouldn’t didn’t

1937 The diamond was the most romantic present … all. of from in at

1938 … a banana? Would you like Would like you You would like Do you like

1939 He is the person … I work with. whom who whose why

1940 Sheila isn’t studying Greek, …? is she? isn’t she is she not she’s not

1941 Marta … pizza. doesn’t like doesn’t likes don’t like don’t likes

1942 Come si traduce in Inglese “Mi farò una bagno”? I will have a bath I will do a bath I do a bath I have a bath

1943 Il termine “funny” significa: buffo gioioso coniglietto clown

1944 I’m sorry, Jeff … here. isn’t is can be should be

1945 Il termine “down” significa: giù su scaricare caricare

1946 Il termine “west” significa: ovest est sud nord

1947 Nobody … an expencive car. has have 's havs

1948 L’espressione “angry” significa: arrabbiato affamato imbarazzato esaltato

1949 Il termine “sit” significa: sedersi alzarsi abbassarsi saltare

1950 We stopped … a snack on the highway. to get getting get to getting

1951 il termine “allow” significa: permettere agevolare dare regalare

1952 Il termine “sister” significa: sorella fratello piccola bambina

1953 Il termine “cake” significa: torta dessert pagnotta torta rustica

1954 Il plurale di “man” è: men mans manes mannes

1955 Where … you? are is 's 're

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1956 Il termine “small” significa: piccolo sorriso fragranza corto

1957 … I finish the cigarette, I will go. When If Can Will

1958 I like to go … gym. to the … the at the

1959 What’s the time? It’s 7 … . o’clock clock watch swatch

1960 I am … work now. at in on of

1961 How … water do you want? much many the manies

1962 Do you like coffee? yes yes, pleae no thanks i’m ok.

1963 Il termine “wind” significa: vento neve burrasca gelo

1964 I couldn’t eat the … chicken. whole all every entry

1965 I can’t play football and … . neither can he either can he he can’t neither he can either

1966 Il termine “see” significa: vedere osservare guardare mare

1967 I go … holiday in Italy usually. on in at out

1968 He is very informed … all things technological. on in at of

1969 L’espressione “just” significa: solo giusto sbagliato molto

1970 Il termine “life” significa: vita lingua vivere occhio

1971 Il termine “library” significa: biblioteca scaffale edicola collana di libri

1972 If I … you, i’d take the exam tomorrow. were was am had been

1973 … a pencil, you should use a pen. Instead of In the place Whereas As

1974 L’espressione “take off” significa: decollare atterrare portare via portare con se

1975 Everybody … happy. is are 're s

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1976 Il termine “ask” significa: chiedere asterisco casco rispondere

1977 … Claire got a sister? Has Have Haves Has’nt

1978 The chair is made … China. in from at on

1979 Il termine “factory” significa: fabrica fattoria frantoio capannone

1980 Mark … maths. needs to study need to studies needs studying needs study

1981 I go … with my friends in the evening. out in over to

1982 L’espressione “lend” significa: prestare terra lente atterrare

1983 I can’t … that price for a hotel room. afford buy permit get

1984 This pasta is … nice. very much many such

1985 I want … a coffee break. to have to do to make to doing

1986 I … this time tomorrow. will be swimming will swim am going to swim am to swim

1987 Palermo is … Milan. worse than more worse than worser then worse ten

1988 You … wonderful in that dress. look can be watch could be

1989 The exam I … was really difficult. took made gave held

1990 I stay … at night usually. in for on over

1991 Il termine “time” significa: tempo era orario ora

1992 She … a big car. has have 's 've

1993 Il plurale di “potato” è: potatoes potata potatos potattos

1994 Sheila … the park. likes to go to likes go to like to go to likes to going to

1995 John couldn’t hear you, … . could he he could he couldn’t couldn’t he

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1996 Il termine “surname” significa: cognome secondo nome sopranome nominare

1997 Come … a coffee tomorrow. for to of in

1998 He travels … often. overseas out the country broad intercontinental

1999 Alan … a pizza wants want will want wanting

2000 Quali, tra le seguenti, è un offerta in Inglese: Have a drink You have a drink Do you have a drink? Drink?

2001 Palermo is … south. in the in on the at

2002 I think I have all the pieces but i’m not … . sure uncertain confident able

2003 Mick … Paul a long time. has know have known has knowed have knowed

2004manners education respect etiquette

2005 … we arrive home, we will eat. When If Maybe How

2006 … find any problems, call me. should you you should shouldn’t you you shouldn’t

2007 Wake up! it’s … ! late early soon after

2008 … english tonight? Must you study You must study Must study you Study must you

2009 I want to travel … the world. around off on in

2010 Il termine “church” significa: chiesa comune palazzo parroco

2011 Il termine “east” significa: est ovest sud nord

2012 I don’t have … dogs. any some the a

2013 Jenny got … , she’s in bed now. sick happy up back

2014 Mark is … student in the class. the smartest the most smart smartest the most smartest

2015 He gave me excellent … . advice recommendation suggestion help

Hey, where are your … . you shouldn’t eat with your mouth open.

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2016may could will must

2017 L’espressione “to take off” significa: togliersi mettersi abbordare scendere

2018 I … her name wrong again. got told spoke gave

2019 I’ve worked … day. all all the for the

2020 Nobody … English well here. knows know is knowing knowed

2021 to share to divide to give to save

2022 had studied studied did study have studied

2023 Il termine “answer” significa: rispondere chiedere ansia ovunque

2024 You should … the book. read to read reading to reading

2025 Il termine “actually” significa: in verità attualmente in pratica effettivamente

2026Come si traduce la frase:”ho pochi soldi”. I have Little money I have few money

2027 You should study more, … ? shouldn’t you you shouldn’t you not should you should

2028 The cake is made … cream and sugar. with in at off

2029 I will go to school tomorrow and … . so will Jenny Jenny will so Jenny so will too Jenny

2030 They are leaving tomorrow, …? aren’t they are they they are not

2031 If I was sick, I … take some medicine. would have to should must could have to

2032 I … watch football. don’t doesn’t do’nt dont

2033 I’m able … in a team. to work work working to working

2034 Il termine “case” significa: valigetta casa zaino appartamento

Usando la forma per dare il senso di probabiltà, completa la frase: “It … be Mark at the door”.

I like … with my friends so I left him some of my lunch.If I … more in the past, I wouldn’t have problems now.

I don’t have much money

I have not many money

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2035 You … very stressed. sound look like are like are as

2036 What … pasta like? is do eat are

2037 I have a … you are right. feeling impression idea thought

2038wouldn’t have had wouldn’t have didn’t have haven’t had

2039 Mark … watched a fantastic movie recently. has have had having

2040 We flew … the Atlantic. over on up off

2041 Mary Is … home. at in to on

2042 Il termine “snow” significa: neve sapere lento grandine

2043 He works … every day. hard hardly fine finely

2044 This bar is a nice … . place local room post

2045should would could may

2046 My boss … me many concessions. allows permits presents gifts

2047 Come si traduce in Inglese “Mi prendo un caffè”? I will have a coffee I have a coffee I take a coffee I Will take a coffee

2048 If I study the lesson, I … pass the test. will … have do

2049 Il termine “smoke” significa: fumare rollare tirare girare

2050 Il termine “advice” significa: consiglio favore aiuto raccomandazione

2051 What do you want? I … a sandwich. will eat eat i’m eat will to eat

2052 I have … bad luck. such so much many

2053 Phil is … Jessica. more intelligent than intelligenter than more intelligent then intelligenter then

If people were more respectful, we … some many wars in the past.

Usando la forma per dare consigli, completa la frase: “you … write to your grandparents”.

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2054 I can … you! see to see seeing to seeing

2055 How … does it take to make a plate of pasta? long short many time time

2056 Il termine “tooth” significa: dente sorriso gengive placca

2057 Laura … Coca cola. likes would like would likes want

2058 Have you … met a famous person? ever never sometime always

2059 What … Mary …? does/do do/does do/do are/do

2060 I’m ...England. from by at for

2061 Il plurale di “tomato” è: tomatoes tomatos tomattos tomatose

2062 In Inglese “grande” si dice: big grand small great

2063 In Inglese “scusa” si dice: sorry fault scuse me perdon

2064 Mark is … Giulian. happier than Happyier than more happy then more happyer than

2065 I … karate. do play make can

2066 both either neither no one

2067 You and Phil are … . alike like yourselves as each other like

2068 You studied yesterday, … ? didn’t you you didn’t you did did you

2069 Il termine “cartoon” significa: cartone animato cartone cartolina fumetto

2070 Hello, is Mr Jones …? in at here that

2071 Il termine “casino” significa: casinò casino casetta attico

2072 L’espressione “worker” significa: lavoratore impiegato dipendenti sottoposto

2073 not here here in not there out here

Would you like a burger or a hot dog? Mmm. ...are fine

Can I speak to Michael please? I’m sorry but he’s … .

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2074 Why … come to my house? can’t you cannot you you can’t you can not

2075 What … earth are you doing? on in at for

2076 Il termine “at least” significa: perlomeno a meno che di meno minore di

2077 L’espressione “wedding” significa: matrimonio sposa sposo cerimonia

2078 Il plurale di “leaf” è: leaves left leafs leaffes

2079 Il termine “somewhere” significa: da qualche parte da nessuna parte qualcuno qualcosa

2080 L’espressione “mean” significa: significare uomini mezzi disporre

2081 I will … tomorrow. come coming to come coming

2082 I have hurt … . myself me myselve yourself

2083 What kind … car do you have? of a at on

2084 Il termine “weather” significa: tempo ora periodo meteo

2085 Il termine “hair” significa: capelli sedia la sua cappello

2086 Please, … yourself at home. make feel do have

2087 L’espressione “clean” significa: pulire lavare spolverare lucidare

2088 My … name’s Julie sister’s sisters sister sister is

2089 I … for things before they happen! plan imagine think do

2090 Do you know … computers? about of for the

2091 … you have a big car? Do Does Is Has

2092 I … sport. do make go have

2093 Il termine “smile” significa: sorriso icona piccolo odore

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2094 Anne … at the best university in the country. will study wills study will studies 'll studys

2095 the computer is guaranteed … work fine now. to work working work to working

2096 L’espressione “break” significa: rompere portare sussurrare sparlare

2097 Il plurale di “wife” è: wives wifes wiffes wivves

2098 Il termine “top” significa: cima ratto su fondo

2099 … time is it? What Which when how

2100 Il termine “hat” significa: capello mazza capelli caldo

2101 Carl shouldn’t smoke, …? should he he shouldn’t he should should he not

2102 … dog is brown. Her She’s She They’re

2103 Do you want … wine? some a no not

2104 Il termine “up” significa: su giù sopra sotto

2105 il plurale di “country” è: countries contrys countryes countreis

2106 Il termine “society” significa: societa’ compagnia socievole negozio

2107 Hello, my …. Alan. name’s names neim’s neims

2108 Il termine “ticket” significa: biglietto numeretto ricetta turno

2109 My … at the hotel was excellent. accommodation system place venue

2110 How nice, you look … . lovely loves horrible nicely

2111 I’m … England, but I live … Italy. from/in from/over in/over in/from

2112 I suggest … to that restaurant. going to go go to going

2113 Il termine “sunny” significa: soleggiato ombroso mite luminoso

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2114Hello john, how are you? I’m fine, and you? i’m hungry, let’s eat! I’m Roman

2115 They … well with each other. get on agree go stay

2116 L’espressione “sure” significa: sicuro sud suora sudare

2117 Excuse, this is my hat. Ah yes, I … see watch look sea

2118 I drive … school. to at towards toward

2119 Excuse me that’s my pen. Oh sorry, I didn’t … . realise understand comprehend see

2120 Do you like …? it … some none

2121 Il termine “window” significa: finestra sistema porticato programma

2122 Il termine “unless” significa: a meno che di meno perlomeno minore di

2123 Il termine “husband” significa: marito fidanzata fidanzato moglie


2125Scegli un alternativa alla frase: “he always visits us”. he always comes in he always finds us

2126 I … the piano. play do sound touch

2127 How … brothers and sisters do you have? many much … quantity

2128 I have 3 pens. … do you want? Which what how how much

2129 L’espressione “keyboard” significa: tastiera tavola chiavistello armadio

2130 Does … want a sandwich? anyone someone no one any person

2131 Keep … , you are doing well. studying to study study studies

2132 I must … a new shirt. buy to buy buying to buying

I’m a student, and you?

Metti nell’ordine corretto la seguente frase: want/you/to/the/to/go/do/cinema?

Do you want to go to the cinema?

Want you do go to the cinema?

Do want you to go the to cinema?

You do want to go to the cinema?

he always comes around

he always comes here

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2133 The … of today are very rude. youth youngs little childhood

2134 Why … you not come tonight? can can’t cannot …

2135 Jacob … to school early. goes go gos goe

2136 Il termine “get in” significa: entrare mettere dentro chiudere dentro uscire di casa

2137 What … for the school project? are you going to do you are going to do are you do you are doing

2138 Julia has visited Palermo, and … . so has Mark Mark has so so have mark Mark have so

2139A sister got have you?

2140 I don’t have … money any some a many

2141 Il termine “furniture” significa: mobili fornitura forno equipaggiamento

2142 … on that chair! Sit Sat Sut Set

2143 Il termine “but” significa: ma pipistrello forse cattivo

2144 Red meat is bad … you. for at of off

2145 Where is Mark? he is there he is that he is those he is this

2146 … we go now? Shall … Shell Sholl

2147niente qualcosa qualsiasi cosa del

2148 I speak … my friends every day. to at for by

2149 Sorry I can’t come, i’m studying … . at the moment actually in this moment this time

2150 I’m flying … London tonight. to for learn at in

2151 … go to work tomorrow? will you you will you’ll you

Metti nell’ordine corretto la seguente frase: Got/a/you/siter/have

Have you got a sister?

Have you a sister got?

Got you have a sister?

Cosa significa il termine “anything” in una frase di tipo negativa?

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2152 Where are you …? going? go? to go? go to?

2153 Ed is … Michael. less tall than less taller than less tall ten less taller then

2154 Per rispondere al telefono, cosa si dice? Hello? who is? whose? who’s it?

2155 This is … advice I will always follow. … a an the

2156 Il termine “learn” significa: imparare studiare insegnare leggere

2157 They… happy. aren’t isn’t are’nt is’nt

2158 The Ferrari is … car in the world the best the most best the bestest the bester

2159 L’espressione “happen” significa: succedere più felice alpino applicare

2160 Matthew is watching TV, …? isn’t he is not he he is not he isn’t

2161 I need … the doctor. to see seeing to seeing see to

2162 I’m late … my appointment. for at in by

2163 … English is easy. Speaking Spoke Speak To speaking

2164 Quali, tra le seguenti, è un invito in Inglese: Shall we go Jogging? We go jogging Do we go jogging? We shall go jogging

2165 L’espressione “lecture” significa: lezione lettura lettiera meeting

2166 I like a woman … wears designer clothes. who which to whose

2167 I … like to see a movie. wouldn’t would’nt would’nt to wouldn’t to

2168 The phone is out … order. of for at in

2169 You haven’t studied, … ? have you haven’t you you haven’t you have

2170 Are Maria … cats black? 's is his her

2171 If I saw a famous person, I … ask for an autograph. would will can must

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2172 Hurry, we are … . late early fine fast

2173 Il termine “ship” significa: nave pecora negozio barca

2174 I … to your house tomorrow. won’t come won’t to come woun’t come won’t coming

2175 I listened but … hear a thing. couldn’t wouldn’t can’t wasn’t able

2176 She is never .. time. on in of at

2177 I think … my mum very often. of at for in

2178 I wonder … he likes seafood. if when at all what

2179 Il termine “thank you” abbreviato si dice: thanks thank thanking thankes

2180 Il termine “hot” significa: caldo freddo posta incandescente

2181 I have … bad news. some a an any

2182 My 2 history … are difficult subjects. modules subjects topics semesters

2183 La terza persona singolare di “watch” è: watches watchs watchis watchess

2184 Sam … now. is studying studies is to study is study

2185 We want to go … a trip. on in at under

2186 Il termine “boyfriend” significa: fidanzato amico nubile marito

2187 He is afraid … people with bad tempers. of by from as

2188 I like going … vacation. on in at of

2189 We bought … a brand new car. ourselves ourself ourselfs us

2190 How do I … to Victoria Station? get got go arrive

2191 Il plurale di “person” è: people persons persones peoples

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2192 I can’t … say that again! ever never no always

2193 There are many trees … the road. along by for on

2194 L’espressione “turn down” significa: abbassare il volume abbassare le mani girare per svoltare

2195 Andy got … work very late. to at in from

2196 They … a modern house. have has havs 're

2197 Where … Sheila…? does/work do/works does/works do/work

2198 L’espressione “get something right” significa: azzeccare districare fare colmare

2199 I … a big lasagna, I can’t have any more food! have eaten ate had eaten was eating

2200 Il termine “annoy” significa: infastidire annoiare interessare divertire

2201 I … with my girfriend all my life. have been am frequent have frequented

2202 I like … coffee. italian Italy from Italy for italian

2203 They … the house at 7 a.m. left have left have gone out go

2204 I will … a pizza, thank you. order ordin want book

2205 charts info designs drawings

2206 Where is my football? … here. it’s its is his

2207 Il termine “together” significa: insieme con giunto arrivato

2208 Il termine “cousin” significa: cugino casino zia casinò

2209 Anne excels at … . swimming to swim swim to smimming

2210 Il termine “show” significa: mostrare spettacolo televisivo doccia provare

2211 Il plurale di “life” è: lives lifes liffes livves

What do the ... show? Well, some data about money.

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2212 I’m sorry … being late. for of to off

2213 Il termine “watch” significa: osservare scrutare sveglia notare

2214 Il plurale di “church” è: churches churchs churchis churchees

2215 Il termine “can” significa: potere volere fare cane

2216 I should go … a diet. on in for of

2217 … help you with the shopping? shall I I do I will I

2218 … is my forte. learning learn to learning learned

2219 Il termine “early” significa: presto tardi orecchio occhio

2220 Tell me … nice. something nothing some thing no things

2221 … is a big cat in the house. there here this that

2222 Il termine “slow” significa: lento veloce neve basso

2223 I am Alan. Nice … you. to meet to meeting meeting meet

2224 How do I … to Piccadilly Circus? get got arrive go

2225 Give … me the book. … to for at

2226 It’s the best day … my life. in of at off

2227qualsiasi cosa niente qualcosa del

2228 I don’t know the man … next door. living being is lives

2229 Il termine “few” significa: pochi tanti meno male almeno

2230 We will check … in the afternoon. out over at on

2231 Il termine “get up” significa: alzarsi abbassarsi svegliarsi mettersi a letto

Cosa significa il termine “anything” in una frase di tipo affermativa?

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2232 He … TV. watches watch watchs watchis

2233 Could you please turn on the … . light glasses alarm clock volume

2234 L’espressione “thought” significa: pensiero idea impressione opinione

2235 I … jogging in the park. go play make run

2236 I’m interested in … football for a big team. playing to play play to playing

2237 Il termine “stay” significa: rimanere stare partire essere

2238 Il termine “street” significa: strada stretto largo viale

2239 L’espressione “wonder” significa: chiedersi immaginarsi pensare meravigliarsi


2241 I have a … at the hotel. booking book prenotation reserve

2242 Where is … house? their they’re theirs those

2243 They live … Picadilly Circus, imagine that! in on at of

2244 Il termine “young” significa: giovane anziano adolesciente bambino

2245 L’espressione “argument” significa: litigio argomento soggetto dissertazione

2246 He suggested … a plane to Rio de Janeiro. we take us take we to take us taking

2247 Jenny Works hard, …? doesn’t she does she she does she doesn’t

2248 Il termine “front” significa: facciata fronte faccia tosta davanti

2249 I … the same shoes for years. 've had 've been having had 'm having


Come si traduce la frase:“che facciamo sabato sera”?

What shall we do on saturday night?

What do we do on saturday night?

What will we do on saturday night?

What can we do on saturday night?

Come si traduce in inglese la frase: “hai molta fantasia”?

you have a lot of imagination

you have a lot of fantasy

you have a lot of vivacity

you have a lot of marvels

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2251 L’espressione “against” significa: contro di nuovo nuovamente per

2252 L’espressione “skill” significa: capacità inventiva ingegno bravura

2253 … cat is black. His He’s Is Him

2254 Il termine “child” significa: bambino adolescente ragazzo ragazza

2255 Il termine “wear” significa: indossare dove guerra casa di moda

2256 I’m interested … politics. in to for by

2257 I’ve studied science … September. since from for last

2258 … are you? How old How much old How many years How much years

2259 Can I pay … credit card? by with from for

2260 I read … . Books the books the book book

2261 The plane leaves … N.Y.C. . for at to by

2262 Il termine “hand” significa: mano piede braccio gamba

2263 I like cars … Ferrari. like similar as equal to

2264 Il termine “only child” significa: figlio unico solitario bambini figli

2265 This is … friend. my mine you’re he’s

2266 Il termine “some” significa: del molto nessuno alcuno

2267 We are arriving … Rome now. in at on to

2268 Il plurale di “money” è: non esiste moneys monny monies

2269 Juilia is … Anne. prettier than more pretty than prettier then more pretty then

2270 Il termine “basket” significa: cesto pallacanestro contenitore palllamano

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2271 You are … incredible person. an a the what

2272 You speak too much. … . shut up shut on shut down shut off

2273 Il termine “late” significa: tardi presto svelto lato

2274yes, I can yes I can swim yes, I can do

2275shall will … could

2276 I don’t want pasta. i’ve changed … . my mind my heart my idea my opinion

2277 Il termine “sun” significa: sole luna figlio figlia

2278 To … it may concern. whom who someone anyone

2279 Does Maria … cheesecake? like likes to like liking

2280 I am … the bathroom. in at to on

2281 My girfriend … me clean the house! makes lets does allows me

2282 People … nice. are is 're 's

2283 I have 2 bicycles. … do you like? which one what one one what

2284 The … times at the mall are incoherent. opening starting hours shopping

2285 We are grouping students … ability and age. by from at of

2286 I’m a … size. medium middle biggest smallest

2287 I hope you pass the exam. The same … you! to at for off

2288 Il termine “say” significa: dire sapere parlare stare

2289 You have the … shirt … me, same/as same/of equal/as equal/of

Qual è la risposta breve più appropriata per la domanda: “Can you swim?”?

Con lo scopo di dare aiuto, completa la frase: “… I show you how it works?”.

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2290 Il termine “girlfriend” significa: fidanzata amica nubile moglie

2291 Il termine “notice” significa: avviso notizia notiziario inviato

2292 I’m going to school … Spanish. to learn for learn for to learn learn

2293 Is … house nice? his he’s she’s hers

2294 Il termine “novel” significa: romanzo novella libro fumetto

2295 They like … . us we they she

2296 Il termine “caramel” significa: caramello caramella salsa di crema mentina

2297 … she have a nice dog? does do did is

2298 Give the phone … him. to at for from

2299 Il termine “cold” significa: freddo caldo tiepido gelato

2300 Il termine “if” significa: se forse ma esso

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.