Our Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe (2024)

Many have asked, "How do you make mustard?" We'll be glad to show you! Our yellow mustard recipe is on the mellower side of the mustard spectrum. It's healthy, tastes just right, and is quite easy to make!

These three are a delicious triad of flavors, forming a perfect palette party: Our delicious homemade yellow mustard recipe pairs perfectly with Ham and Cheese Roll-ups... YourHobbyFarm.com

What Is Mustard?

Mustardis typically the hot and spicy golden child of the condiment family. Yellow mustard is just one of its identities.This condiment has many personalities, at times acting or reacting rather counter-intuitively, and can seem a bit mysterious in nature at times...

What is mustard made from? The main ingredient in mustard, in all its various forms, is the seeds of mustard plants. There are a few different varieties of mustard plants which produce the types of mustard seeds used in making mustard, namely, white/yellow mustard, Sinapis alba; brown mustard, Brassica juncea; or black mustard, Brassica nigra.

Yellow Mustard, Sinapis albaPhoto: Wikipedia CC0

Brown Mustard, Brassica junceaPhoto: Wikipedia CC0

Black Mustard, Brassica-nigraPhoto: Wikipedia CC0

There are over 40 different varieties of mustard plants, but these three are the most popular for culinary uses.

What Does Mustard Taste Like? What Ingredients Are in Mustard?

What does mustard taste like? There is a wide range of different kinds of mustard, each with its own identifying twist of flavor.

Whole yellow mustard seedsWikipedia-CC0

Depending on thetype of mustard, and mustard seeds used to make it, mustard can have a potent, sharp flavor, or an earthy, crisp, tart-and-tangy flavor with mellowspiciness with sweet undertones, perhaps with the complimentary tang of whitewine. Other types of mustard can be so hot and spicy that they makeyour eyes water and clean out your sinuses!

What ingredients are in mustard? The ingredients in preparedmustard vary a bit depending on type of mustard. The primary ingredient is mustardseeds, whether whole, cracked, bruised, or finely ground into powder. The mustardseed can be mixed with water, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, or other liquids, salt,and often other flavorings and spices, to create the condiment we call mustard.On the recipe below you'll be able to see what ingredients are in the yellow mustard recipe thatwe make.

Dry Mustard vs Ground Mustard or Mustard Powder?

Dry mustard: seeds ground to powderWikipedia-CC0

Other mustard questions that have been asked are: "What isdry mustard?" "What is ground mustard?" and, "What ismustard powder"? These are all names of the sameproduct. It is dried mustardseeds that have been ground into powder without anything added to it.

Many recipes call for dry mustard or mustard powder instead of prepared mustard. Dry mustard,or ground mustard, is commonly found in the spice aisle at most groceries.Youcan also make your own mustard powder by grinding dried mustard seeds finely in a coffeegrinder or spice grinder.

What Is 'Prepared Mustard'?

Dijon mustard: A prepared mustard from France. Wikipedia-CC0

What isprepared mustard? Prepared mustard, in its various forms, simply refersto the ready-to-use sauce, or paste, used on your food as a condiment or as aningredient in other dishes.

It is either store-bought or homemade as is ouryellow mustard recipe.

Types of prepared mustard would include Yellow Mustard,Dijon Mustard, Spicy Brown Mustard, Honey Mustard, Whole Grain Mustard, HotMustard, to name a few, and there are many other types of mustard as well!

What Is 'Yellow Mustard'?

Yellow Mustard: A classic American condiment. Wikipedia-CC0

Yellow mustard, the classic American'prepared mustard', is a mellower flavored mustard and is probably the mostcommon mustard used in the North America.

It is made from finely ground yellowmustard seeds which are the mildest of all mustard seeds. Often turmeric powderis used to give yellow mustard an even more vibrant, bright color.

Yellow mustard is considered by most to be the best mustard for hotdogs and hamburgers, and it's used with many other foods as well.

Really? You Can Actually Make Your Own Mustard?

For those of us who think of mustard as that spicy condiment that comes in a bright yellow squeeze bottle, it probably never crossed our minds that we can easily make it at home!

What is mustard made from? It's made from mustard seeds and a few other simple ingredients.YourHobbyFarm.com

Or, for some reason, when we've wondered how to make homemademustard, it seemed to be shrouded in spicy, culinary mystery. We wonder how inthe world does a person go about turning dry mustard powder or little roundmustard seeds into delicious 'liquid gold' with a kick?

Exactly what ingredients are in mustard that can create such aparty in our mouths? Could there possibly be a yellow mustard recipe that is simple tomake, with healthy ingredients, good enough to replace what we've always boughtfrom the grocery store?

And if so, what is mustard made from? Howdo you make mustard? We're here to answer thesequestions! We’d love to share with you the yellow mustard recipe that ourfamily really enjoys! Ready to make some mustard?

But First, a Bit of 'Mustard Science' To Keep in Mind
When Making Your Own Mustard

Like we mentioned before, this golden child of the condimentfamily can seem just a bit mysterious at times. Here are a few things to keepin mind...

The first thing to consider when making mustard is the type ofmustard seeds that you choose to use. White or yellow mustard seeds result in amellower mustard. The darker seeds produce a hotter, spicy condiment.

Another consideration: when making your mustard, the temperaturesyou use in preparing it matters. It may seem a bit counter-intuitive at first,but here goes:Hot liquids actually reduce and neutralize the heat and pungency of the finished mustard. If you prefer a very pungent, spicy mustard, use cold liquids and skip the simmering that our yellow mustard recipe requires.

And vinegar, whatever kind you choose, not only adds excellent flavor, butalso the vinegar's acid helps to retain and preserve the spice level of the mustard.

Also, some have asked about bitterness in their homemade mustard. It’snot unusual for unmatured mustard to have a hint of bitterness, sometimes more,sometimes less. Don't be discouraged by this. Freshly made mustard is at itsbitterest for at 48 hours after you've made it.Mustard needs to mature for a few days, and as it does, the bitterness will diminish and fadeaway.

Allow your mustard to mature for several days. If the spiciness of your mustard is still a bit hotter than you'd like, simply put it back into a sauce pan and simmer it overlow heat, stirring often, until it becomes more mellow. Then, cool your mustard and return it to its serving container.I've done this on several occasions. Enjoy!

Our "Mise en Place" for Making Mustard Is Laid Out

Our "mise en place" is prepared for making our yellow mustard recipe in 3 sections: the mustard powder and water, the vinegars and sweetener, and the dry ingredients.YourHobbyFarm.com

Here's Our Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe

Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe

Our Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe (11)


  • 1 cup of mustard powder
  • 1 cup of water

Combine the mustard powder and cold water and set aside in non-reactive cookware for at least 30 minutes before adding anything else to it... (Stainless steel, ceramic, glass, and metal cookware with enamel coating are all considered “non-reactive").

Combine the wet Ingredients together and set aside:

  • 1/4 cup + 2 Tablespoons of White Distilled Vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of White Wine Vinegar
  • * 1 Tablespoon of Maple Syrup or Sugar (a bit more, or less, as you prefer)

Combine the dry Ingredients:

  • 1teaspoon Cornstarch (or Arrowroot, or Tapioca Powder)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Sea Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon Paprika


  1. After the mustard powder and cold water have soaked together for at least 30 minutes, combine all the ingredients together and whisk until smooth.
  2. Bring to a gentle boil then reduce heat to simmer on LOW heat to thicken and reduce pungency for at least 10 min, or a lot longer, depending on how spicy or mellow you like it. The pungency will slowly reduce the longer your mustard simmers.
  3. Keep a close eye on the simmering mustard, stirring often to avoid scorching on the bottom of the pan.
  4. Once your mustard has thickened to the desired consistency and the spiciness has mellowed to your liking, remove the mustard from the heat and allow it to cool.
  5. In an airtight container, your homemade mustard should last for a few months in the fridge.

And now for the last "ingredient":

  • 48 - 72 hours of Patience 😉


* The sweetness of your mustard, or lack thereof, can be easily altered according to your own taste. If you choose to, it can even be left out. If, after your yellow mustard recipe has had time to mature, you'd prefer it a bit sweeter you can always add more. The amount in this recipe is the amount that our family enjoys.

Your homemade mustard now needs some time to mature. As it matures, the flavors will meld together and any bitternessthat is naturally found in mustard seed should dissipate. Like a fine wine, prepared mustard definitelyimproves with age. Fortunately, it should only take a few days for this bitterness to mellow and your yellow mustard recipe to be ready to enjoy!

Our Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe (12)

What Tastes Good With Mustard?

Mustard enhances the flavors of different foods! This yellow mustard recipe goes especially well with ham, lamb, pork, chicken, and other types of meat, or served with a charcuterie board arrayed with deli meats and cheeses. And for most of us, hamburgers, sausages,and of course, hot dogs, are not complete without it!

Our homemade mellow mustard recipe nicely enhances the flavor of leftover meatloaf served for lunch.YourHobbyFarm.com

Cheesy Mustard Dip, made with our yellow mustard recipe pairs perfectly with homemade soft pretzels.YourHobbyFarm.com

It's a great ingredientin potato salad dressing and other salad dressings likeClassic Macaroni Salad.Some love mustard on their eggs, in sandwiches,deviled eggs, relishes, barbecue sauces and marinades, and more.

This yellow mustardrecipe is delicious used in a cheesy mustard dip for freshly baked soft pretzels. Thereare so many different and delicious ways to use mustard! We've hardly scratchedthe surface.

Mustard is a must for a lovely charcuterie board. Photo: Valet Mag

What's the best mustard for hot dogs?Many would say that it's yellow mustard.

A mustard dip goes well with crispy chicken tenders.

Our mellow yellow mustard recipe can almost be considered an all-purpose condiment, dressed up, or dressed down, enjoyed with both casual and fine dining alike.

Does Your Mustard Not Taste Quite Like You'd Expected?
Don't Give Up! It Just Might Need Some More Time...

I get this! Some batches may not turn out exactly as others. Its pungency, piquant, or sometimes bitterness may seem a bit daunting. If you’re new to making homemade mustard, please don’t let this discourage you.

I enjoy kitchenscience, but I'll admit, when I started making mustard, there were times that ithad me a bit stumped. I can alter its spicy heat, but like others have asked,what can I do if my yellow mustard recipe tastes slightly bitter? The answer tothis question is that, most likely, it needs a bit more time to mature.

  • Did you soak your mustard powder and water for at least 30minutes before adding the vinegar and other ingredients? This will help to reduce bitterness.
  • Have you allowed your mustard several days to mature? Bitterness will slowly dissipate as the mustard ripens and matures.
  • Did you use yellow (or white) mustard seeds? The darker the variety of seeds, the more pungent the flavor.

Mustard's journey: from the field as flowers and seeds, to the kitchen where it's prepared, then to our plates where it's enjoyed as a healthy condiment on our delicious foods...YourHobbyFarm.com

You may also be wondering; do mustard seeds go bad? Mustard seeds and dry mustard powder have a relatively long shelf life, which some say is 3 to 4 years or longer, so age is unlikely to be the culprit. Rather,factors like seed variances,soaking liquids, temperature, and spice blends all play roles in affecting the mustard's final flavors.

So, expect that your freshly made mustard might initially have a hint of bitterness. And rest assured that applying both heat and maturation time to the mustard making process will change mustard’s character. Just be sure to allow your homemade yellow mustard recipeplenty of time to settle and mature before its debut at your next gathering.

Extending the Shelf Life of Mustard

Can you freezemustard to extend its shelf life? Yes, mustard can be frozen for up to ayear.We’ve frozen mustard in a reusable mustard squeeze bottle. Anothergreat way to freeze mustard is in ice cube trays. When frozen, place cubes inan airtight container. You can then thaw the amount that you want as you needit.

Your homemade mustard can also be preserved by canning. Process the jars using the hot waterbath method. Canned homemade mustard would made aunique gift for foodie friends.

Can Mustard Go Bad?
How to Know if Your Mustard No Longer Cuts the Mustard

How long does mustard last? Stored in a jar in the fridge, homemade mustard will last for several months, and some say up to a year. However, we enjoy this yellow mustard recipe so much that it never lasts very long in our house before we need to make more!

Can mustard go bad? Mustard has a fairly long shelf life, but yes, it can go bad. Credit: CanItGoBad.net

Here's how to tellif mustard is bad: Use your senses.

Lookat themustard: How's theconsistency? A little drying along the surfaceor around the lid is natural. But do you see mold growing on the surface of yourmustard or on the lid? Is the mustard’s texture runny, chunky, separated? Does it resist mixing? Or has your mustard turned a darker greenish-brown or a pale, almost sickly yellow? If so, it’s no longer good and should betossed.

Smellyour mustard: If it smells off, sour, or rotten, it should be discarded.

Tasteyour mustardif you're still unsure. A tiny taste on your tongue should be enough.A bitter,or acidic taste would indicate your condiment is no longer good.

Just toss it if it doesn't cut the mustard! Always remember, it's better to be safe than sorry!

A Taste of Mustard History: How Old Is Mustard?

A vintage advertisem*nt for Sadlers Old English Mustard.Source: British Library

Mustard, which growsas a wild plant, was first used as food and medicine, then as a flavorenhancing condiment. Interestingly, it's one of the world’s oldestcondiments!

The mustard plant and its seeds are mentioned in the Bible, as well as in other writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It was also found in archaeological excavations dating back to 1800 BC.

Historians date thebeginning of cultivation and harvest of mustard in India around 3,000 B.C. According to theEncyclopediaBritannica, the earliest written evidence of mustard being used as afood comes from ancient Indian and Sumerian texts that stretch back this to era.

Roman chefs used togrind mustard seeds with grape juice, known as "must", into a spicypaste known as "mustum ardens".

The Anglo-Normans called it"mustarde", the Old French "mostarde", and in modern Frenchit's "moutarde".

The name was anglicized to “mustard” which we stilluse today.

Health Benefits of Yellow Mustard

Historically Recognized Health Benefits of Yellow Mustard

A paper packet containing Mustard Plaster, by Seabury and Johnson, USA, 1880-1920. A mustard plaster is a poultice of mustard seed powder spread inside a protective dressing and applied to the body to stimulate healing.Source: sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk

Even before mustard was used as a condiment, the effectivehealth benefits of yellow mustard had been discovered.

As early as the 5th century BCE, the Greeks prized this prolific plant for its antiseptic properties and ability to stimulate blood circulation.

The renowned scientist, Pythagoras, found that the essential oils extracted from mustard, when applied to a wound, pulled toxins from the body, this led him to use mustard as a treatment for scorpion stings.

Hippocrates, thephysician, applied mustard plasters to chests and let the heat from the dressing loosen phlegm and ease breathing.

For centuries,people worldwide have cultivated varieties of the mustard plant for use inherbal remedies and for the maintenance of good health.

Among other uses, mustard was used as a poultice forbronchitis and toothaches. It was made into ointments for skin inflammations,and the seeds ground into powder were used as an additive to a soothing,sleep-inducing bath.

Health Benefits of Yellow Mustard Used Today

Is mustard good for you? Yes, it is!Mustard is rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C and many of the B-complex vitamins.It contains several antioxidants that provide various health benefits that are believed to include anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties.

Additionally, mustard includes minerals that are important for good health, such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.

Health benefits of yellow mustard include relief from muscular pains and respiratory disorders. Health benefits of mustard are also believed to be effective in treating cancer and diabetes. Mustard is used torelieve body aches and muscle spasms, relieve respiratory disorders,strengthen bones and teeth,and aid in metabolism. Some use it for soothing colds and coughs and even to encourage hair growth.

All parts of the mustard plant are edible and beneficial including the seeds, leaves and flowers.Even mustard root can be used as a root vegetable, roasted, steamed, stir-fried, and sautéed, sliced into soups or stews, or served alongside braised meats or roasted chicken.

A vintage American trade card: 1870, Philadelphia, advertising Colburn's mustard.

Mustard is a Superfood!

This healthy condiment is so good for you! It's low incalories, high in flavor, and can be enjoyed in so many ways. If someone asks you, ismustard good for you? You can assure them that, with all these health benefitsof yellow mustard, as well as black mustard, it's no wonder that mustard hasbeen considered a superfood!

We hope that you give our yellow mustard recipe a try!

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Our Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe (2024)


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