Phil Englander on LinkedIn: Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and… (2024)

Phil Englander

CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and sweet. Here is a quote to get your week going!“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Now go out there and crush it!


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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    So what does Body Language have to do with Sales? It has everything to do with it. We all agree it is easier to close a deal face to face, but how do you know if you are going down the right path with the Customer or Prospect? You need to read the signs. Just like what they say verbally can be said non verbally. Body language can be thought of as a form of nonverbal vocabulary that uses expressions to emphasize or alter the meaning of the words we use. Gestures and nonverbal cues tend to be common in face-to-face communication. We may use body language to communicate with others through our facial expressions, body movements, posture, eye contact, hand gestures, tone, and volume. Learning to read body language and express ourselves through body language can improve communication skills. Tomorrow, will go over examples of different forms of body language.#peopling #properlypeoling #sales #salescoaching

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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    Well, we have made it to Friday, and let’s talk about what Sets Salespeople apart. What makes them successful?The key to becoming a top salesperson is to stay focused on your goals and have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Make sure to set challenging yet attainable goals and create a plan to reach them. Remember to monitor your progress regularly to stay on course.To effectively set goals and track your progress, make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help you define clear objectives and monitor your progress effectively.Break your goals into smaller milestones to celebrate small victories and keep your momentum going throughout the sales process. Regularly assess your sales performance, make needed adjustments, and use data and analytics to understand your customers' needs.Becoming a successful salesperson takes a combination of skills, mindset, and ongoing improvement. By focusing on building relationships, learning new strategies, honing your persuasion skills, cultivating resilience, and setting clear goals, you can achieve success in the competitive sales field.Remember, success doesn't happen overnight in sales. It requires dedication, persistence, and a genuine desire to help your customers succeed. Incorporate the strategies mentioned above and continually refine your sales approach to reach your full potential as a salesperson. You have what it takes to excel in this field and achieve incredible results.#breakthestigma #peopling #peopleproperly #sales #salescoaching


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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    Morning ya’all (it’s a Southern thing)…like saying Bless your heart (I was kind of shocked to find out what that actually meant 😳), anyway back on track. Today let’s talk about how to get the sale. This one is long, so grab a cup of your favorite something. I hope you enjoy this one and you walk away with something.Effective persuasion is a critical skill that sets the best salespeople apart. A professional Salesperson understands that selling is not about forcing customers to buy something they don't need but rather guiding them towards making informed decisions that benefit them. Remember WIFT (what’s in it for them-not you)To master the art of persuasion, a successful salespeople will put themselves in their customers' shoes, understanding their motivations, concerns, and aspirations. By empathizing with their customers, they can present solutions that truly resonate and have a benefit.Instead of solely focusing on product features, successful salespeople emphasize the benefits and outcomes their customers can expect. They complete the circle between their offerings and their customers' specific needs or goals.The hardest part of the sale is always overcoming objections. Remember this videos we watched and the scripts we read as young Salespeople. A professional Salespe is adept at handling objections and concerns raised by customers. Instead of avoiding or dismissing objections, they address them head-on, providing reassurance and solutions that best fits the customers needs and desires. Also etify their decision. Make them feel good about it.Sales can be a challenging profession that requires perseverance and resilience. You need to learn to let things roll of your back…don’t let anyone or anything hold you back or drag you down. The best salespeople understand that rejection and setbacks are inevitable, but they don't let them deter their progress. They cultivate a positive mindset that enables them to bounce back from failures and stay motivated.To cultivate this mindset, successful salespeople must embrace failure as a learning opportunity. You must view failures and rejections as valuable feedback that helps you refine your approach. Analyze your mistakes, learn from them, and adapt yoir strategies accordingly.Stay positive and motivated. A successful salesperson has to maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity. Surround youreelf with positive influences, engage in self-motivation techniques, and celebrate your successes along the way.You need to understand the importance of self-care to maintain mental and emotional well-being. A proper diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management techniques should all be part of your routine.Good selling!#breakthestigma #Sales #Coaching #Motovation #peopling #properlypeople

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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    Question 🙋 not a thoughts 💭 Does any of my contacts here (or at least the ones reading this) have connections to those in the Food Truck Industry? Owners/Operators/FabricatorsThank you in advance-feel free to message me


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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    Growing up in the Automotive Industry, I had the pleasure of working with some of the most amazing people in this business. I feel I learned how to operate the correct way. I never knew any other way. I was always told to have a Servants Attitude and beleive in the power of trust. The age-old adage of "underpromise and overdeliver" is frequently ignored in the world of sales, contributing to a negative perception of salespeople. Customers may have experienced instances where promises made during the sales process were not fulfilled, leading to disappointment and distrust. This is true in any industry involving a sale, C2B or B2B.To combat this stereotype, sales professionals must set realistic expectations and ensure that they can deliver on their promises. Honesty throughout the process fosters trust and demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction. The Power of Trust!! #poepling #properlypeople #sales #Leadership


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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    Technology Tuesday…well it is not all about technology, but as you read further down you will understand.Today I want to talk about education. Not middle school High school or even College. If you are like me, you attended the school of hard knocks and received a Masters in hard work and perseverance. But the most important education you can get is the one on the job one. YOU are never too old or too good to learn. Why do the worlds best athletes train daily? To get better than the competition. As salespeople, you too need to train. Read articles, take online courses, role play. Just pick something and do it daily! The best salespeople understand that the sales landscape is constantly evolving. To stay ahead of the game, you must prioritize continuous learning and adaptability. You must seek new knowledge and skills to enhance your selling abilities. Like an athlete, you need practice!You need to stay updated. Be aware of the latest industry trends, market developments, and competitor strategies. Leverage this knowledge to position yourself as trusted advisors to your customers. You have read this from me before.Successful salespeople actively seek feedback from both customers and colleagues. You can use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine tour sales approach.Lastly, you neeed to adopt and leverage new technologies that can streamline your sales processes and enhance customer interactions. Be in the know of the latest sales tools, CRM systems, and automation software. Do this and you will always be a step ahead of the next person. Good selling and good week!!#breakthestigma #peopling #peopleproperly #salesdevelopment #salescoaching


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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    Good morning. It’s Monday morning and the beginning of the work week for most. I had a great weekend attending GalaxyCon Richmond VA. It is a people watchers dream. My daughter dressed up as an anime character named “Misa”. I had no clue, and still have no clue…but everywhere we walked, people wanted her picture and yelled “Misa”. Other kids, teens, came up to her and asked where she got her cosutme. who did her hair, who did the make up…it was all her. My little girl did it herself and loved the attention. Finally, I felt like I was waking around with a rockstar or a celebrity. Normally my most will be about business, prospecting, how to properly people…but today it is about Family and every once in a while you need to stop and focus on what truly counts..because one day they will have their own family and you won’t have the opportunity to hang out. Cherish the moments!Have great Monday. For those of you who are curious here is Misa Misa and my little girl

    • Phil Englander on LinkedIn: Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and… (15)



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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    This video disturbs me for a few reasons. Sales people are constantly being stereotyped and it is evidence like this that continues to put us in a bad light. NOT everyone in sales in like this. I hope I would never be put in this category. First issue-evading paying Sales Tax ON VIDEO..seriously? I am sure, since I got this on a national news source, so did someone else who would really like to look at their books. Would you call in a compliance issue?? I am sure there are plenty if you conduct business this way right off the bat. What would Tom Kline ☎🐙 say about this?Secondly-everyone is entitled to a profit. I even agree with someone purchasing a hard to find vehicle and attempting to make a profit by resell it. But, if you’re gonna give up $20,000 less than five minutes, something tells me you already making too much and your customer knows it as well. And again, video it for TikTok?? At what point did he think this was a good idea or it would help promote his business?Thirdly, and last this sales person knows nothing about negotiations. He couldn’t even overcome an objection by the financial advisor. Checking with wife, or significant other. What would Sean V. Bradley, CSP say about this?There used to be a television show years ago, that portrayed and auto dealership, which I will mention the name, and it was embarrassing to watch. Most people a lot of sales are good, hard-working people, supporting families and their communities.There’s a way to do it in a way to do it right. I’d love to read your comments on this #breakthestigma #peopling #salescoaching #sales101 #salesdevelopment

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  • Phil Englander

    CTO | Risk and Compliance Manager | Fleet/Commercial Sales Director |Managing Agent, Hart Insurance and Financial Services LLC and Professional Speaker

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    My family and I went to a restaurant last night, on the wall was a picture of my childhood dream girl. Mine and a million others. I remember having a poster of her hanging in my room. If you are a 70’s or 89’s baby, you probably had many posters hanging on your bedroom walls. What poster did you have?#tobeyoungagain #middleschool #highschool #supermodels

    • Phil Englander on LinkedIn: Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and… (24)



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Phil Englander on LinkedIn: Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and… (28)

Phil Englander on LinkedIn: Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and… (29)


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Phil Englander on LinkedIn: Good morning all. It is Motivational Monday so I will keep this short and… (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.