Plotting error bars on curve (2024)

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alexandra ligeti about 22 hours ago

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Commented: Star Strider about 20 hours ago

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I have code that compares two devices and I am plotting the error on y-axis throughout a gait cycle % (on the x axis).

I am trying to get the error bars to plot the standard error but I am having an unexpected result when plotting the curve.

This is the code I am working with.

Initially x, ave_diff and SE are 1X1000 and I would like to plot it over a gait cycle from 0-100% hence why I have resampled the signals.

However, when I run this code I have extra values at the end of the plot, yet the resmapled variables are all 101X1?

I cannot spot my error and was wondering if someone my point me in the correct direction or suggest where my fault lies.

I have attached the curve and the area where the issue lies, you can see the standard error bars also become strange.

Thanks in advance


x = smooth(resample((gc),101,length(gc),'Dimension',1));

ave_diff_resample = smooth(resample((ave_diff),101,length(ave_diff),'Dimension',1));

SE_resampled = smooth(resample((SE),101,length(SE),'Dimension',1));


%standard error plot

plot(x, ave_diff_resample,'-','Color',[0 0 0],'linewidth',0.5)

hold on

% Adding error bars

errorbar(x, ave_diff_resample, SE_resampled, 'vertical');

hold on

hline = refline(0, 0);

hline.Color = 'k';

xlim([0 100]);

ylim([-15 15]);

legend('Signed Difference', 'Standard error bar')

xlabel('Gait cycle %')

ylabel('Difference (deg)')


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Answers (1)

Star Strider about 20 hours ago

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  • errror curve.png
  • error.png

I really can’t do anything without the data. The rest of the code (that imports the data and processes it including calculating the standard errors) would be helpful as well. (An image may be worth a thousand words, however the data files and code are worth a thousand images on MATLAB Answers.)

pngs = dir('*.png');

for k = 1:numel(pngs)




Plotting error bars on curve (3)

Plotting error bars on curve (4)



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alexandra ligeti about 20 hours ago

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Ok perfect will attach the full script, I have used my daily limit so cannot attach the data, will attach the data tomorrow.

Thank you :)

clear all

%File location of Results to analyze

load ('C:\Users\lexil\Documents\Patient_Study\Healthy Participants\Participant_data/T07b.mat')%young

%If subjects need to be excluded post hoc, you can list the number here

omits = [];





minV = [];

minIMU = [];

maxV = [];

maxIMU = [];

ROMV = [];

ROMRD = [];

RMSE_IMU = [];

p = [];

diff = [];

std_diff = [];

SE = [];

% dat_store{c,1} = gc; %Gait cycle 0-100

% dat_store{c,2} = alphaVicon_GC; %Vicon

% dat_store{c,3} = alpha1D_GC; %RD

% dat_store{c,4} = alpha_MS_GC;

% dat_store{c,5} = ROM;

% dat_store{c,6} = RMSE;


sz = size(dat_store);

for i = 1:sz(1)-length(omits) %

if i == omits


ROM_all = dat_store{i,4};

ROMIMU_diff(i,:) = mean(ROM_all(:,1:3))-mean(ROM_all(:,4:6));

ROMIMU(i,:) = mean(ROM_all(:,4:6));

ROMVic(i,:) = mean(ROM_all(:,1:3));

alphaVicon_GC = [alphaVicon_GC;(dat_store{i,2})];

%alpha1D_GC = [alpha1D_GC;dat_store{i,3}];

alpha_IMU = [alpha_IMU;dat_store{i,3}];

% Average gc for each individual

Vicon_GC = [Vicon_GC;mean(dat_store{i,2})];

IMU_GC = [IMU_GC;mean(dat_store{i,3})];

RMSE = dat_store{i,5};

%RMSE_1D = [RMSE_1D ;RMSE(2,:)];


%CORR_1D(i) = corr(reshape(dat_store{i,2},[],1),reshape(dat_store{i,3},[],1));

CORR_IMU(i) = corr(reshape(dat_store{i,2},[],1),reshape(dat_store{i,3},[],1));



Vicon_GC = Vicon_GC';


diff = Vicon_GC - IMU_GC;

ave_diff = mean(Vicon_GC') - mean(IMU_GC');

std_diff = std(diff,0,2);

SE = std_diff/sqrt(i);

var = ["alphaIMU"];

RMSEtable = [mean(mean(RMSE_IMU,2)) std(mean(RMSE_IMU,2))];


var2 = ["alpha"];

CORR = [mean(CORR_IMU) std(CORR_IMU)];


GC_all_IMU = reshape(alphaVicon_GC,[],1)-reshape(alpha_IMU,[],1);


RMSE_IMUa = sqrt(mean(GC_all_IMU.^2))


minV = min(ROM_all(:,1));

minIMU = min(ROM_all(:,4));

maxV = max(ROM_all(:,2));

maxIMU = max(ROM_all(:,5));

minstd_V = std(ROM_all(:,1));

minstd_IMU = std(ROM_all(:,4));

maxstd_V = std(ROM_all(:,2));

maxstd_IMU = std(ROM_all(:,5));

ROMstd_V = std(ROM_all(:,3));

ROMstd_IMU = std(ROM_all(:,6));

ROMV = maxV - minV;

ROMRD = maxIMU - minIMU;

gc = dat_store{1,1};

sig = 1.96; %95% Confidence intervals but if sd then replace with 1


patch([gc,flip(gc)],[mean(alphaVicon_GC)-sig*std(alphaVicon_GC) flip(mean(alphaVicon_GC)+sig*std(alphaVicon_GC)) ],[0 0 0],'facealpha',0.2,'edgealpha',0)

hold on

patch([gc,flip(gc)],[mean(alpha_IMU)-sig*std(alpha_IMU) flip(mean(alpha_IMU)+sig*std(alpha_IMU)) ],[1 0 0],'facealpha',0.1,'edgealpha',0)

%patch([gc,flip(gc)],[mean(alpha1D_GC)-sig*std(alpha1D_GC) flip(mean(alpha1D_GC)+sig*std(alpha1D_GC)) ],[0 0 1],'facealpha',0.1,'edgealpha',0)

plot(gc ,mean(alpha_IMU),'r--','LineWidth',1)

%plot(gc ,mean(alpha1D_GC),'b:','LineWidth',1)

plot(gc, mean(alphaVicon_GC),'k-','LineWidth',1)

%xlim([0 TimeEnd])

ylim([-20 80])

grid on

ylabel('Knee flexion angle (\circ)')

xlabel('Gait Cycle (%)')


% g(1) = patch(NaN,NaN,[1 0 0],'facealpha',0.2);

% g(2) = patch(NaN,NaN,[0 0 0],'facealpha',0.2);

% g(3) = patch(NaN,NaN,[0 0 1],'facealpha',0.2);

g(1) = plot(NaN,NaN,'k-','LineWidth',1);

g(2) = plot(NaN,NaN,'r--','LineWidth',1);

rgb = [0 0 0];

FaceAlpha = (0.1);

g(3) = patch([NaN],[NaN],rgb,'EdgeAlpha', 0, 'FaceAlpha',FaceAlpha);

legend(g,'Camera-Marker','IMU','+/- 1.96*SD','location','northwest')



plot(gc ,mean(alpha_IMU),'k--','LineWidth',1)

hold on

plot(gc, mean(alphaVicon_GC),'k-','LineWidth',1)


xlabel('Gait cycle %')

ylabel('Knee Angle (deg)')

ylim([-20 80]);

grid on


plot(gc, (mean(alphaVicon_GC)-mean(alpha_IMU)),'k-','LineWidth',1)

legend('Signed difference')

xlabel('Gait cycle %')

ylabel('Difference (deg)')

ylim([-10 10]);

grid on


plot(gc, abs(mean(alphaVicon_GC)-mean(alpha_IMU)),'k-','LineWidth',1)

legend('Absolute difference')

xlabel('Gait cycle %')

ylabel('Difference (deg)')

ylim([-10 10]);

grid on


x = smooth(resample((gc),101,length(gc),'Dimension',1));

ave_diff_resample = smooth(resample((ave_diff),101,length(ave_diff),'Dimension',1));

SE_resampled = smooth(resample((SE),101,length(SE),'Dimension',1));


%standard error plot

plot(x, ave_diff_resample,'-','Color',[0 0 0],'linewidth',0.5)

hold on

% Adding error bars

errorbar(x, ave_diff_resample, SE_resampled, 'vertical');

hold on

hline = refline(0, 0);

hline.Color = 'k';

xlim([0 100]);

ylim([-15 15]);

legend('Signed Difference', 'Standard error bar')

xlabel('Gait cycle %')

ylabel('Difference (deg)')

%% Average Bland-Altman plot

% Plot mean difference line



ave_vic = mean(Vicon_GC');

ave_imu = mean(IMU_GC');

mean_data = (ave_vic + ave_imu)/2;

mean_data = resample((mean_data),101,length(mean_data),'Dimension',1);

std_diff = resample((std_diff),101,length(std_diff),'Dimension',1);

first_index = 1;

last_index = numel(mean_data);

scatter(mean_data(first_index), ave_diff_resample(first_index),80, '*');

hold on

scatter(mean_data(last_index), ave_diff_resample(last_index),80, '^');

hold on

scatter(mean_data(2:100), ave_diff_resample(2:100), 'filled','MarkerFaceColor', 'black');

hold on;

%+- 2SD

plot([0 120], [mean(ave_diff_resample)'+ 2*mean(std_diff), mean(ave_diff_resample)' + 2*mean(std_diff)], 'r--');

plot([0 120], [mean(ave_diff_resample)' - 2*mean(std_diff), mean(ave_diff_resample)' - 2*mean(std_diff)], 'r--');

%mean diff line

plot([0 120], [mean(ave_diff_resample), mean(ave_diff_resample)], 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1);

%calculate error bars

%error bars are the standard error of the sample

error_bar_y = errorbar(mean_data,ave_diff_resample,SE_resampled, 'vertical', 'LineStyle', 'none');

set(error_bar_y, 'color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 0.5)

legend({'HS', 'HS', 'Average gait cycle Data', '+ 2 SD', '- 2 SD', 'Mean Difference', 'SE'});

hold on

xlim([0 120])

ylim([-10 10])

xlabel('Mean($\o - \bar{\o}$) (deg)', 'Interpreter','Latex')

ylabel('Difference (deg)')

title('Cycling - Younger Adults')

Star Strider about 20 hours ago

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Thank you for posting the code.

I really need the data to see what the problem is. We will have to wait until tomorrow.

Alternatively, if you have exhausted your daily limit, did you upload the file to another post? If so, please post the URL for that post.

alexandra ligeti about 20 hours ago

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I have not posted it to another previous post as this is new data sadly, will post it first thing tomorrow.


Star Strider about 19 hours ago

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My pleasure!

I will be looking for it.

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See Also


  • error bars
  • curve plotting
  • resample data
  • plot



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Plotting error bars on curve (2024)


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