Reacting to Kaguya-Sama Love is War: Watching The Show - Chapter 5 - Guardian_Loli - かぐや様は告らせたい | Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai (2024)

Chapter Text

As per usual the people inside the theatre came back to their seats when it was time to start the reaction.

Uncleir began to play the next episode when they all settled down.

Kaguya had cat ears on as she made the pose and said in a dead tone, “Meow.”

“Cute!” A large majority of the audience said audibly as Kaguya coughed in embarrassment, she peeked at her parents in the back. She didn’t expect they would see this side of her and as expected, she wasn’t ready for it at all.

“It suits her doesn’t it?” Fujiwara nodded her head, “It was my idea by the way.”

“My daughter is so cute, I wonder…” Nayotake thought for a while before she whispered, “Can we do that together?”

She sorely wished to have some mother-daughter bonding time with Kaguya. As someone who died while giving child-birth, she naturally wasn’t there for Kaguya when she needed her, but now she had a chance. It would be a waste for her not to use it.

Part of her worried that Kaguya would be too embarrassed to agree. Thankfully, Nao seemed to sense her worries.

“If it’s too embarrassing for you both, I’ll drag my daughter in as well as myself,” Nao comforted her as her daughter Ai, who heard her words, broke into a cold sweat but at the same time felt a deep warmth in her chest.

Sure she might have to sacrifice some of her dignity as the best maid of Kaguya-sama but now she would have some time with her mama. The trade-off was worth it for her.

“Me…me as well…” Nana had a small blush on her straight face as she said this, she felt like she needed to say this, and Kei who overheard her due to the sound system in place froze. She was going to reject but then realized that she didn’t understand what her mother was getting at.

‘I’ll tag along, she’s changing… Why?’ Kei thought as she and Papa Shirogane narrowed their eyes as they had some guesses.

Nao and Nayotake were excited and quickly began to draft plans at their daughter’s expense. None of them would reject their mothers anyway, as maybe except for Kei, the two daughters, Kaguya and Ai, dearly wished for some time with their moms as well.

The others in the theater were entranced as both Erika and Rei took many pictures of such a rare side of Kaguya. Miyuki blushed and due to Kaguya being distracted, she didn’t notice; thus she missed the chance to capitalize on his lowered guard.

“Is that right?” She looked incredibly bored and indifferent.

A quick cut to Miyuki’s tense face before Chika said, “See? That’s cute!”

“Why does he look so tense?” Iino Miko muttered slowly in question as she raised a brow.

“I mean, it’s fairly obvious he loves her by now. She looks cute, so he’s shocked into silence,” Karen offered her input helpfully and Iino nodded, even though she loathed the idea of accepting an idea from a depraved shipper.

Onodera smiled from ear to ear, she was getting crazy material from this reaction and even if she might not be allowed to post these videos, her editing skills were becoming more and more profound.

Her TikTok edits and videos that would be posted when she got out of here would surpass all others for sure. This was a real skill she could take back with her and at this thought, she began to explore certain possibilities only available due to this strange space.

Shirogane who was thinking deeply shivered when he remembered his reaction to that piece of information and how he spoke in an unintelligible manner. He was now 100% sure they were going to laugh at him in the next few seconds and sighed.

“Yes. Cat ears are your time, Fujiwara, as to Shinomiya is me.” Miyuki said with a crazed expression.

“He’s lost it,” Ryuju’s face twisted as she laughed. Her reaction was shared with many in the audience as Miyuki blushed heavily, once more troubled by how right he was.

“In the end, even the president fell to the unfathomable and unbeatable force that is cuteness,” Chika crossed her legs and held her chin as she spoke profoundly.

‘Kaicho thinks I’m cute!’ Kaguya thought as her hair jumped and swayed happily.

“Too much love flooded his brain, and now he’s become incoherent,” Nana sniffed as she made up a reason for her son being this way, she wasn’t angry just displeased by his lack of control. He was incapacitated too easily for her liking.

“Only love can have a man like Shirogane in this state I fear,” Hayasaka attempted to instigate Kaguya into pressuring Miyuki but the girl herself was too preoccupied with her fantasies.

“It would be a shame if someone were to take advantage of this moment of weakness…” She tried again but still failed. She felt a gaze on her and looked toward Ryuju, who had a smile on her face, which she hid behind her palm. Hayasaka turned her head away to hide her shame.

She was being mocked by that delinquent again!

For all her wits, Kaguya was a bit too slow! Shame flooded Hayasaka.

“Tsk, tsk,” Kashiwagi looked at Kaguya, her friend and even love mentor to an extent as she giggled and writhed without paying attention to anything. Then she looked at Shirogane who was sweating and then said, “Shirogane Miyuki, the man you are.”

“I know right.” Chika agreed before she had a sudden realization and made another wound in shock.

Miyuki continued as his eyes trembled, “In other words, the time you brought was originally Shinomiya and cat ear alone.” Fujiwara looked afraid.

“Does he even have any idea what he’s saying?! He’s gone completely mad hasn’t he?” Kei upon realizing her brother's situation face palmed and then let go of her surprise along with her sheer disbelief at this ridiculous situation. But there was a smile on her face that she could barely suppress.

It was nice to him like this once in a while, her face slightly darkened and she had a sad smile. Who knew when he had time to be so free like this? She was happy for him, for this moment that he had and she blushed as she hid her face, not wanting to show it to others.

She had an image to uphold damnit!

“She dazzled him,” Erika blushed as she saw a small step in the relationship with KaguKaicho. To see the slow-burn romance build up step by agonizing step, was the guilty pleasure for a shipper.

Erika found herself being purified by the purity and sincerity of it all. This caused her perverted thoughts to come to a slow as she had a somewhat dazed expression, a vibrant blush on her cheeks that was shared by both Kei and Karen.

Though it may be for different reasons.

She hid behind Kaguya and said, “You’re scaring me!”

N: Cat ears and girls! Mutualism! There are relationships in this world that are naturally symbolic.

A Kanji for “Mutualism” was shown before several images came up on screen.

N: Clovers and honeybees! Crocodiles and hummingbirds! Avocados and soy sauce! And cats…

Miyuki was seen in the rain holding up a wet cat.

Dogs are better,” Kaguya stated like it was a fact.

Naturally, a few people did not like the implication of her words.

“Of course the mean girl loves dogs, proving herself wrong again and again I see,” Iino whispered but after she was what happened to Maki-senpai, she began to fear Ryuju as well. Her fear was misconceived, Osaragi wouldn’t allow her to be bullied in the slightest.

“What do you mean, lol. Dogs are the best and dog people are the kindest. Cat people are the ones that need to shut up and peep how their pet doesn’t even appreciate them,” Hayasaka spoke slowly but her words were biting.

“I feel that cats present a more elegant appearance whereas dogs are sloppier in their demeanor,” Miyuki spoke softly but his eyes were fierce as he said a lot of words that spoke to the audience.

“All I heard was you calling the loving dogs sloppy because they have it all on their sleeves and the mean cats elegant for disdaining their benefactors. In other words, this is merely propaganda,” Maki laughed.

“Cats aren’t that mean or disdainful. This is an ill-conceived notion many like to bring up but cats are also loving toward their owners. They even bring dead rats when seeing their owners not eating enough and snuggle up to them when they feel sad. As friends of humans, they are more or less equal to dogs as pets and even friends of humanity,” Ishigami passionately delivered a speech that made silence descend as many nodded. Others looked thoughtful.

“How did this become a debate about cats and dogs?” Mikado couldn’t help but ask.

“A single scene really had you guys debating the philosophical and societal impact of which animal is better,” Ryuju covered her face, shaking her head as she laughed, “Peak tomfoolery, we love to see it.”

Those involed felt a little embrassed when they heard her words but they would still stand by what they said.

For ten years at least.

N: Cats, which a great majority of humans love. And here we have Kaguya Shinomiya, a graceful girl. How will the compatibility of those two things be reflected in him?

Shirogane Miyuki’s face was tense as he thought intently, ‘Cute!’

Kaguya’s eyes sparkled as she swooned. Deep within her subconscious, in a place called the Court of Kaguya, her other “personalities” or more accurately, separate traits of one person called Kaguya also shared her reaction. Loliguya berated them all for being too obvious in their affections however and Bakaguya roasted Ice Princess for being hypocritical for unknown reasons.

Her head was flicked and she looked at Hayasaka acussingly, “Focus.”

N: A marriage!


/Opening – Love Dramatic – Skip/


“Kaguya-sama is needy as always I see,” Hayasaka smiled. “Though, the methods you use tend to fail more often than not. I would even say they have not resulted in a single successful operation.”

Kaguya’s eye twitched and Miyuki licked his lips nervously. He was constantly on the lookout for if Kaguya would try to surprise him with a confrontation this time.

“She’s having a lot of fun tearing into her,” Kashiwagi said nervously. “Kaguya-san might explode soon.”

Maki watched the secret standoff eagerly. She, of course, was always ready to slander her auntie at the drop of a hat.


“Is it really necessary to cosplay for the welcome party?” Kaguya asked Chika. In the background, various masks and costumes were spilling out from a box.

The “FRENCH EXCHANGE STUDENT SCHEDULE” is among those things.


“France is the biggest cosplaying nation right after Japan,” Chika held both a Japanese and France flag in her hands.

“Is it really,” Nayotake asked curiously.

“I would like to answer confidently but I also have no idea about this,” Ishigami for once didn’t know but that was merely pretend. The boy had a scheme, he had to hide some things and feign incompetence, and he didn’t know everything. So he had to leave room for himself and this was the perfect opportunity to make that known.

‘Well played Ishigami,’ Miyuki and Kaguya, these two giga brains also knew what he was planning, ‘You aren’t on the Student Council for nothing.’

To these two, Ishigami’s move made them both proud. In life, leaving a way out for yourself sometimes was crucial!

“It’s true,” Chika confirmed without a thought, taking the chance to show off.

“Thank you,” Nayotake said with a bright smile, Fujiwara covered her eyes.

“With cosplaying, you don’t need words. There’s no better way to overcome the language barrier and deepen our friendship!”

Kaguya looked hesitant, “But still…”

Chika turned to Miyuki, “What do you think, President?”

‘Cute!’ He was completely out of it with his weird expression.


N: A marriage!

“Speaking of marriage…” Hayasaka said with a smile while looking at the couple and kept her silence. Naturally, most people here were not of pedestrian intelligence and could catch what she was implying.

Miyuki and Kaguya’s cheeks turned a bright red in response to the teasing. But it would be wrong to say that they were both not imagining the scene of their marriage.

Mikado sighed as he looked at his sister grinding her teeth for the nth time this last minute as she looked at Kaguya resentfully. Tears in her eyes, she reluctantly accepted his patting and sympathy.

He turned to look at her, “Well…” His face hardened when she did a cute cat pose ‘Cute!’ Complete opposite to his thoughts he said, “Not bad, I guess.”

“I’d fold instantly not gonna lie,” Ishigami kept it straight with his seatmates and everyone there. “If there was a girl I liked and she did that…”

“I’d lose,” Tsubasa said.

“So you’d lose too?” Maki asked him, a bit mocking and slightly joking.


“What about you Maki-chan,” Ryuju asked with a smile that frightened Maki but she held her ground. “Would you lose?”

“Nah, I’d win.” Maki on the other hand said through her tears. She did not in fact, win.

For some reason, Ishigami chuckled.

He looked down in his mind, “No good! Whenever I look at Shinomiya, my face tenses up! I need to calm down and look normal!”

“That’s a scary look!” He looked at Chika with a scary look as question marks bounced atop her head.

‘Not much of a reaction. It looks like this kind of thing doesn’t suit me,’ she looked at herself in the mirror, and then it flickered to show Miyuki discreetly looking at her while he entertained Chika. “It’s probably look better on someone with more charm, like Miss Fujiwara.”

“Kaguya-chan I feel like it looks good on you! Don’t be such a downer!” Chika came in with support while Ryuju snorted. Kaguya anticipated her to say something mean again while Hayasaka prepared a counter.

Ryuju gave them a side eye, “Y’all, are overthinking things. I have other things to do than beating up Miyuki’s future girlfriend,” Kaguya blushed while Miyuki stuttered. “I find it interesting how he looks at her in the corner of his eyes though.”

‘Huh,’ Kaguya looked at the screen again to see that he indeed was looking at her discreetly if one paid attention to the mirror. Miyuki on the other hand was drenched in cold sweat.

‘Weren’t you supposed to be on my side?!’ Miyuki glanced at Ryuju as he conveyed his thoughts to her through eye contact.

She shrugged and then smirked, ‘You’re too slow, let nee-chan offer you some assistance.’

“Wh-What is it?!” Chika asked, terrified.

“What is what?!” Miyuki commented in turn, his tone steady.

Kaguya forced a pair on him and said, “You wear a pair, too, President.”



“That’s such a manly meow,” Kei laughed.

“Wow, somehow I felt something awaken inside of me again,” Karen blushed as she felt Miyuki’s voice viscerally penetrate deep inside her naked earlobes.

“Not bad,” Onodera complimented him, although internally she thought that the cat ears didn’t suit the president's piercing stare. She knew better than to say that out loud when Kaguya was around though, she didn’t want to get put in a lunch box.

In other words, she didn’t want to get smoked in a pack by that crazy woman, Kaguya.

“Kaicho, I don’t know about this one,” Ishigami honestly gave his critique and then said once again, “I feel like there would be something that would suit you much more than cat ears. Maybe dog ears or you could try putting on a tuxedo while having either one…”

Miyuki took note of Ishigami’s ranting, and found it to be quite enlightening. Even if the cat ears didn’t suit him while he wore school uniform, who’s to say it wouldn’t when he wore other clothes? With cosplay, there were many possibilities.

“How can I put it? Um…” Chika spoke with a blank expression. “Pointless.”

“You don’t hold back, do you? You knew beforehand that this wouldn’t look good on me,” He looked into the mirror at a bad angle and disdained himself.

“True!“ Fujiwara agreed while Kaguya was trembling in the background.

“Ever the Kaicho simp are we Kaguya-sama,” Hayasaka smiled.

Kaguya didn’t deny it, she could fool no one in this place. It was made clear as day that she had a thing for the Kaicho, there really was nothing to hide. It was the same for Miyuki, the mercy they had for each other was the only thing stopping them from having a love brawl.

They also had a bit of shame left.

Kashiwagi giggled because she knew it was true. She trembled, as she found Kaguya’s obsession with Kaicho to be quite unsettling, she looked at the man himself and sent a few sincere prayers his way. By the looks of things, he would certainly need it.

Miyuki slightly sneezed, ‘Who is cursing me?! Or calling my name?’

With the entry of a pink background Kaguya went crazy as she blushed, ‘Cuuute!’


N: A marriage!

She looked at him from lots of angles, ‘What? The president just has cat ears on!’

N: The reaction of others aside, it was a perfect combo in Kaguya’s mind!

“She’s his wife after all, how can she hate him~” Maki teased.

‘Wife~’ Kaguya pictured it in her mind and she drooled. She would come home and meet him their, in there nice little humble abode. They would have three kids and she would cook him meals(she couldn’t but she could dream. She would be the one eating.), then they would… start to have rigorous… at night…

Kaguya’s cheeks burned up as Hayasaka shook her head and she looked at Kashiwagi with a helpless expression. She shook her hand across her neck, signaling that Kaguya was a lost cause at the moment and the girl, Kashiwagi, sighed.

Maki became slightly depressed when she saw Kaguya didn’t have the reaction she wanted her to have. She was expecting the girl to be a blushing mess and was even planning on recording the debacle with her phone.

‘What a waste of time you are to me Aunty,’ Maki turned away clenching her phone in the palm of her hand.

Miyuki who was over the moon because Kaguya didn’t find him disgusting completely missed what was said by Maki. Thus, he avoided the fate of blushing profusely but it also cost him the thought of Kaguya in a bridal dress.

What a tragedy!

It was truly both the Fortune and Misfortune of three lifetimes all in one moment!

‘What should I do? I can’t get my mouth to stop smiling!’ She had a nervous blush on her face as she turned away from Miyuki who nearly caught her staring. ‘It’ll be obvious to him that I think he looks cute!’

Miyuki trembled, “What’s wrong, Shinomiya?”

“Since it’s come to this…” She bit down. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

“Did she just…” Nao furrowed her brows. Nayotake gasped.

Gan’an rubbed his forehead with a sigh, “I believe that is a bit too far for this.”

Un’yo nodded but appeared strangely interested for some reason.

N: Skill… Biting one’s tongue!

“Oh, she did,” Nana blinked in surprise, never expecting the girl to take it this far.

“Damn…” Maki was speechless.

“Sheesh… Girl is never beating the allegations,” Onodera couldn’t help but whistle.

“That’s crazy, she pulling out all the stops for this,” Ryuju sighed ruefully.

“She’s crazy alright. Ain’t seen nobody like her in a while,” Ishigami whispered in fear.

N: But that’s not a perfect method…

She grinned like it was funny she harmed herself.

“It… wasn’t as effective as I would have liked but it did the job,” Kaguya commented offhandedly and he palm was slightly grabbed by Miyuki who gave her a serious look.

“Don’t do that again Shinomiya. I’ll forfeit if it stops you from harming yourself, a word is enough.”

He spoke to her seriously but the people who truly knew Kaguya was aware of how her mind twisted his words in a weird direction to fit her fantasy. She trembled and nodded her head meekly, a blush on her face.

Hayasaka sighed, mourning that her mistress was probably embroiled in a depraved fantasy of her and Miyuki. She leaned back and stared forward blankly, the cup of juice in her hand swaying erratically as she tried to calm herself.

For once Ryuju left her alone but it was hard for her too, missing this prime chance to tease the stoic girl. It would mean missing another chance to bring out her emotions.


N: A half-grin remained on her face.

“What’s the smirk for, Shinomiya? Is there something you’d like to say about my cat ears?”

“No, not at all.”

“She would like to say she loves it,” Tsubame said quietly.

“Thirsts after it to be more precise. She bit her tongue because her grin was stretching her face, she wants it real bad,” Ryuju smiled. The implications of what “it” was hung in the air.

Hayasaka had still not gotten out of her stupor but Ryuju’s words did cause the girl to stir quite a bit. Ryuju, who saw this, was a little stunned for unknown reasons but she gradually found that she was indeed shocked that her voice could rouse the maid.

‘Did I get on her nerves that much?’ Ryuju was extremely glad.

“Ryuju-san likes to use lewd words huh, always teasing,” Chika couldn’t help but point it out as the girl did indeed frequently used lewd verbatim.

“Is she wrong?” Moeha laughed. Chika and many others had to agree with what she said, Ryuju was lewd but she wasn’t wrong.

“They look… very good on you.” The same demeaning expression of Kaguya’s appeared which frightened Miyuki.

‘That expression! As if looking at a bug,’ Miyuki was horrified as he appeared in co*ckroach form. ‘Does it mean I look so terrible that I barely qualify as human?’

“No you just look too good that she doesn’t even believe her own eyes,” Iino laughed but quickly stopped, finding the act ridiculous and boorish.

“I have no idea why the president has such a low opinion of himself, he’s such a great guy!” Tsubasa couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw it. To him, Miyuki was one of the most incredible people he ever met, a shame the man himself didn’t think so.

“I mean if someone looked at me like that while saying something completely different, I wouldn’t think highly of myself either,” Mikado said with a smile, internally shivering at Kaguya’s cold and ruthless look.

“In the end, it’s all Stalkaguya’s fault for giving her man trauma before she could even bag him,” Ryuju shook her head as she clicked her tongue.

“Stalkaguya? Like Fraudiwara?” Ishigami whispered as he looked out for both of them, just in case he would get hit by a newspaper from nowhere again.

“I do not condone the Kaguya slander,” Hayasaka woke up immediately to defend Kaguya, but she looked to be faintly tired. The atmosphere was quite relaxing so she inadvertently fell asleep after getting over the damage she sustained moments prior.

Now that Kaguya was under fire again, her senses immediately woke her up to come to the girl's defense. Kaguya didn’t like that and forced the maid back down so she could rest.

“Rest,” Kaguya said roughly, Hayasaka wanted to refuse but Kaguya used a forbidden move. “Pretty please~.”

It was a whisper but Hayasaka followed it nonetheless and didn’t make any arguments with Ryuju for the time being. Which, of course, made the girl click her tongue in irritation.

Onodera, Osaragi, and Kashiwagi who watched the exchange shook their heads in unison. It seemed like every one of the Student Council members was getting under fire, if they even slipped up once they would be given a demeaning title.

He looked in the mirror in horror as Kaguya approached Chika to whisper some things, devious things that aligned with her desires.

“Miss Fujiwara, let’s take a photo of the president. We have to preserve this moment for future generations,” Chika pointed her phone at the frightened Miyuki.

“Ah! So you were just using me to get a photo of him!” Chika shouted out.

“Not completely, I also just wanted a photo,” Kaguya mumbled without much thought. These memories were quite precious to her but even if that was true, it didn’t mean it couldn’t be used as an excuse for something else.

Not completely she says. Yeah, she was using you for that photo, don’t be fooled by her Fujiwara-senpai,” Iino couldn’t help but say. Somewhat stressed at how “naive” her most precious senpai was being.

‘She means for extortion. She’ll put it away and use it as a bargaining chip someday!’ Pages, likely photos of him, flew about upon some laughing students.

Gan’an sighed, “Paranoia of this magnitude is really strange, yes…” He began to whisper his thoughts, “He should be from a poor family correct, and yet to present such a perfect appearance to the world with scant flaws to be found if one doesn’t look too closely.”

He smiled, his eyes like a shark that found something interesting, “Miyuki Shirogane, what are you hiding in that insecure heart of yours?”

Un’yo was the only one to hear him barring the Host, Uncleir. A tiny smirk on his face once he saw the familiar expression on his father's face, one he had not seen in many years since he made a descent into old age.

One of interest.

‘It appears that you have an interested father, Miyuki Shirogane! The man you are indeed,’ Un’yo also seemed to show a scant interest but it wasn’t nearly as obvious as Gan’an’s, which was quite a high bar.

“Forget about it!”

“Don’t be like that,” Chika said cheerfully and looked toward Kaguya, “Come on Kaguya, you too.”

She was stunned. “Me, too?”

“Shinomiya, too?” Miyuki was also stunned.

“Is she gonna finally do something right and not mess up the battle?” Rei was interested, and so was the KaguKaicho Fanclub. They sat at rapt attention, ready to see if Fujiwara would contribute to the cause.

“Don’t talk like all I do is ruin the mood! Hmmm!“ Fujiwara pouted as she spoke, her cheeks inflated to an exaggerated degree. Ishigami in a fit of absurd bravery, poked them. Fujiwara froze as the air left her cheeks and Ishigami who was in awe moments prior, was now nervous to the extreme.

Just what had he done?!

Strangely, Fujiwara just looked at him blankly before she turned away. Her eyes were back on the screen and not on him, Ishigami breathed a sigh of relief as he also went back to watching the screen. After a few moments of thought, He fully left it behind him, though he momentarily wondered how he had gotten away with such a reckless action.

On Fujiwara-senpai no less!

He shook his head missing the fact that Miyuki and Kaguya wiped off a bit of sweat, they were worried for him. He was much too brave, was Ishigami an imposter?!

“From what I’ve seen sister, all you do is ruin the mood…” Moeha couldn’t help but comment as she side-eyed her sister. Chika broke into a cold sweat before she made cries of complaint, calling Moeha mean for saying such words to her.

‘If she takes my photo, she’ll have me by the short hair. But…’ Miyuki thought as he looked at Kaguya up and down, contemplating, ‘… at the same time, I’ll legally be able to obtain a cute photo of her like this!’

“Oh, the humanity. Tsk, people when they have to take risks to get what they want. Hmph,” Iino couldn’t help but criticize, though her expression turned to one of adoration moments later as she said, “If it were me and the thing I wanted was this flower, I wouldn’t hesitate at all.”

She swooned.

“Decisions, decisions. You still got it in the end right?” Ryuju asked the real questions as Miyuki nodded.

“You wouldn’t have to if you just, y’know. Get to dating already…?” Erika’s eyes shined as she lifted her phone and Karen lifted her book. Kei feigned disinterest but she peeked at them from time to time.

“He’s just gonna say it wouldn’t be that easy though,” Maki said with common sense.


A scale appeared with both his cat ears and Kaguya’s on different sides above the lava.

N: A balanced scale! The weight of the merit and demerit are the same!

He struggled but in the end made a choice, “If you’re going to take it, do it now, Fujiwara!”

N: Shirogane chooses the cute side. A side he would normally never choose!

Kaguya panicked a bit but also agreed, “O-Oh. Take it with the 4K thing!”

“Auntie you sound so old when you say it like that,” Maki laughed as she covered her mouth, her eyes were devious as she looked at Kaguya directly. “Instead of Auntie should I just skip it all and call you Grannie instead?”

Kaguya smiled awkwardly, for she could find no fault in Maki’s words, which made her slightly angry. But in standard Shinomiya fashion, she didn’t show it on her face, much at least.

“The slander is crazy, calling someone, not even a year older than you a grandma is just disrespectful,” Ryuju said as Kaguya felt like crying. She didn’t have to rub it in like that at all.

Ryuju didn’t care, she lived off of hate and unruliness. Maki was quite interesting in this regard.

“R-Right!“ Chika appeared slightly panicked as she agreed.

“My condolences,” Ryuju and Hayasaka shook their heads as they both spoke to Fujiwara at the same time. Moeha shook her head as she wiped tears for her sister, she was truly pitiful to be stuck with these two. So were they, with her but she left that part out of her mind for now.

‘Damn it! She’s even cuter when I’m standing right next to her! The muscles in my face are stiffening!’ He gritted his teeth as he looked at her.

‘I can’t believe that looks so good on him. No! My mouth is smiling by itself again!’ Kaguya also had a creepy smile.

“Perfect for each other,” Rei took a picture of both and began editing.

“I’m getting chills with how these two are being right now, they’re so obsessed with each other, ah!” Erika said excitedly, and Karen who was next to her was breathing heavily.

“It’s giving, ‘you’re the only one in my world’ and ‘I’d be so lost without you’ right?” Karen squealed as she joined hands with Erika.

“Oh, brother you're so ‘Kaguya, you’re the only one for me.’ Hah~” Kei sighed as she made a dramatic face while imitating her brother's voice to say some cringe lines from a drama she watched secretly.

She could not allow others to know that the pristine and perfect Student Council Treasurer watched sappy dramas in her spare time. Her reputation and status in school would be over on the spot. Similarly, she also hid her liking for anime as well and her adoration for romance light novels was hidden by her giving blanket statements about her “reading books and/or great literature”.

And fanfiction, oh fanfiction. This obsession of hers would never and she meant never, see the light of day.

When all was said and done, the Shirogane siblings were the same. They both valued their reputation quite highly.

Erika and Karen stopped before approaching Kei quickly with sparkling eyes, “Kei-chan.”

“Eh?” Kei twitched when they grabbed her shoulders with an intense expression.

“Get into voice acting, you’re so talented,” Their eyes sparkled and Kei blushed at the praise. She nodded shyly, not noticing the sly smiles of the other two.

“Nee~ I have an idea for your voice project, why don’t you voice act this…”

As she looked at a particular scene in a doujin, Kei knew she was finished, but not one to back down from a promise the girl could only nod sadly. Her face was abnormally red though.

Due to pride and principle, Kei walked down once again into degeneration.

Fujiwara looked worried, “C-Could both of you give me a cheerful smile?”

“”I can’t!”” They both said at the same time without looking at her which sent her into shock.

“They are too busy simping to smile for you Chika, get a hint,” Osaragi couldn’t help but say.

“I feel bad for her, she feels like a third wheel whenever these two are around. It’s truly a bit pitiful to be around these love birds,” Tsubame sighed with much emotion as she looked at the blank-faced Chika.

A rare expression for her, no doubt.

Chika cried silently, also a first for her, “Sniff… It’s over for me isn’t it?” She shook her head as she closed her eyes.

‘I want to get closer to his cuteness!’ She moved closer.

‘I have to burn this image into my memory from a shorter distance!’ She moved closer.

“Why are you glaring at each other?” Fujiwara was stressed by the dark aura surrounding the two.

“Stressing out the kind and generous Fujiwara-senpai is quite a feat in and of itself,” Iino said with slight awe and loathing, not liking how her precious senpai was being pushed around by the two.

Ishigami laughed which irked Iino, “What are you laughing about!”

Kind and generous? More like greedy and mischievous! Ishigami shook his head as he said with a look of superiority, “Nothing, at least… Not something you should worry about, you’ll find out soon anyway.”

Osaragi had to hold the girl back from leaping onto the boy who was several meters away from her. She had made into just in time, as the girl nearly went airborne after he said something else.

“Are you a frog? To leap so high?” He seemed genuinely curious but Fujiwara placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Ishigami…” She pointed at the struggling girls who held the small beast down, causing the boy to pale slightly, “If you continue this, not even I will be able to save you.”

She removed her hand and the boy thought for a moment before saying, “You would save me?”

She paused, a serious expression on her face as she looked at him before she smiled and placed her hand back onto his shoulders. She flashed him a bright smile that sent chills down his spine, “Let me rephrase that. I meant that even the president wouldn’t be able to save you.”

‘You didn’t answer the question damn it, ’ Ishigami grit his teeth.

She grabbed the cat ears off them, “If you’re going to fight, I’m going to confiscate these!”

With a flash of light and them both falling toward one another in a near kiss, they finally regained their senses and stepped away from each other. Blushing all the while.

“Fujiwara! You heathen,” Erika shouted to the high heavens, “They were so close!”

There were tears in her eyes as she hugged the other members of the KaguKaicho Fanclub, who all looked at her in resentment. Fujiwara laughed nervously as she scratched her head.

“Oh, my? Kaguya-sama, you nearly had such an intimate moment with that young man, how you are feeling?!” Nao Hayasaka shouted out with a bright smile causing the already blushing Kaguya to shrink into herself.

“Mother, you can’t just embarrass Kaguya like that, it’s indecent,” Hayasaka Ai, ever the defender of her mistress came forward but even she wouldn’t expect what would happen next.

A tear slid down Nao’s face as her expression turned pitiful, “My daughter is berating me, so unfilial!”

“Mama?!” Hayasaka was alarmed and unaware of the reaction she caused due to her method of calling her mother, she hurriedly tried to explain to cheer her mother up, “Mama I—”

“Mama, huh?” A chill went down Hayasaka’s spine as she looked to where that voice came from, she was Ryuju staring at her meaningfully. Hayasaka shut up, and for once in her life, she had no idea what to do. Ryuju on the other hand, enjoyed the gradual blush that aligned on Hayasaka’s face.

“Ryuju,” Kaguya looked at the girl blankly, not saying anything but conveying everything she wanted too. The girl clicked her tongue and looked away from the blushing maid, she looked to be somewhat miffed at the interference but slightly content at what she got already.

Maki clicked her tongue as she saw the scene, no longer having the opportunity to sneakily attack Hayasaka. She remained fairly scared of Ryuju, mentally noting that she would assist her to show goodwill.

As for Kaguya and Miyuki’s side of things Ishigami was frantically whispering to the president about something. He looked at Kaguya and Fujiwara from time to time, but not for long as he didn’t want to attract attention to himself.

Their conversation could be summarized like this:

“Kaicho, did you almost kiss Kaguya-senpai?”

“No,” Miyuki looked around, “At least I didn’t think so but it seems that I was wrong?”

“So, how did it feel to be so close to Kaguya-senpai? Did you feel like hugging her?”

“Of course but my force of will is strong, and I was distracted enough to only have getting away from our previous position on my mind to even think to act on those urges.”

This was the gist of these guy’s conversation. Meanwhile, Kaguya who still had a blush on her face, patted Hayasaka on the back. Comforting the always-together blonde who seemed to be extremely depressed.

‘Ryuju found out how I call mama, it’s over!’ She cried silently. Kaguya just gave her some moral support.

‘What was I doing?’ Kaguya thought with a blush.

‘I feel like I was possessed.’ Miyuki looked at the wall awkwardly.



‘Cat ears are scary!’ They all thought at the same time.

“I don’t know about that one, I feel like you guys are the scarier ones,” Nayotake couldn’t help but whisper as she took the time to look around at all the children in the vicinity.

N: Results of today’s match… Fujiwara Loses.

“I lost!” Fujiwara was stunned.

“Oh. I forgot other people could lose,” Nana was troubled, unable to tally the wins. She placed the book she took on into her lap as she looked away in disinterest. By coincidence, she looked at Papa Shirogane, who was still looking at the diamond cup he had before.

She stared for a while.

“Even sister can catch losses? What a tragedy, and she wasn’t even the one intended for it!” Moeha shook her head.

“Pack it up, Fujiwara-senpai. You weren’t even officially in the battle but still lost, it’s over. Hang up your love detective hat,” Ishigami smiled as he covered his mouth, laughing.

“Non-stop heat from Ishigami of all people is inconceivable,” Osaragi couldn’t but smile, shaking her head.

“I not gonna lie, losing just from being caught in the crossfire is nasty work,” Tsubame shook her head in pity, “Fujiwara-san. You didn’t deserve this.”

Fujiwara felt like crying.


“Wow, so you guys banned it for this,” Mikado said in surprise, “Wouldn’t that ruin it for any future council members who would also like to try something like this out?”

“You do have a point not gonna lie,” Ishigami said with a smile, glad he didn’t have to say it himself. He found not being able to do cat cosplay quite a hassle and who knows, maybe it wouldn’t even be only cat ears being banned in the future. It could extend too many more and that was something he didn’t want to see happen.

“Perhaps a ban was much too harsh…?” Miyuki doubted their decision.

“Nope! It’s just the way it’s supposed to be!” Fujiwara shouted out hysterically a look of fear in her eyes, “You guys wouldn’t couldn’t understand the terror I felt. The president and Kaguya were too dark and the room was getting too cold. I-I can’t explain it but… They were so scary.”

Miyuki and Kaguya had an awkward look of apology on their faces, without the slightest idea of what to do.

“That’s, really sad to think about,” Onodera spoke out with a voice filled with empathy, which was rare, “It must be hard being near these guys.”

Oh, she’ll be regretting this. Was the immediate thought of all those who knew Chika but even they couldn’t help but feel some doubt when they saw the girl's sad expression.

She put some on and surprised them all with a jump scare as her face transformed into a weird caricature of a cat and a human with long nails.

“Give me back my sympathy!” Onodera shouted out when she saw the jump scare, hiding behind her phone.

“Fujiwara-senpai looks so ugly like this, lol,” Ishigami laughed as he found some new ammo to attack Chika with. The girl ignored him.

“Are you trying to scare us all to death?!” Maki couldn’t help but speak up as she shrank back for a few moments when that scene came onto the screen. She almost wished that she was sitting near her little brother right now but she had already sat near Fujiwara. She trembled as the reality of that thought only fed into her terror for the girl and her shenanigans.

“It wasn’t like that at all…” The girl said weakly while she sent a glare toward Ishigami before she rubbed her arms, a little hurt at the accusations. She was just having fun by being a bit unhinged, she wasn’t trying to scare anyone. In the first place, no one should have seen this or any of their lives but here they are.

Fujiwara looked up to see a small cat hiding somewhere and she shivered, It waved at her and she waved back. It disappeared, appearing much more upbeat than usual.

‘We won’t be hurt,’ She looked around, ‘that’s for sure. It’s time to enjoy this!’

The girl regained her excitement and cast aside her fear, in the meantime, while she was distracted with her thoughts; her friends were discussing how scary she looked.

“Mah~ Isn’t it fine? She was just acting a bit unreserved in private, I’m sure all of us are like this as well, no?” Iino, ever the Fujiwara simp, who somehow hasn’t lost faith in her idol, came to her defense when she saw how she was getting railed by everyone.

“I guess so,” Tsubasa shrugged.


“Um, the welcome party is next Monday,” Chika said while she wrote on the checklist. “Other than making decorations, we need to go shopping for souvenir sweets.“


“Most likely a game of some kind, if not I have no idea,” Osaragi said in confusion.

“I’ll bet 90% that it’s a game, that’s how sure I am,” Rei said with a smile, “These guys seem to love games.”

“It could be some sort of thing that they wanted to announce to the school.” Iino wiped her mouth as she made a guess.

Kashiwagi hesitantly opened her mouth, “We have to remember that this is in the past and the Student Council didn’t seem to have any mention of saying something around this period I believe.”

“I don’t know but what game can be associated with this title card…? I don’t think I have heard of any game like that but then again, I don’t play games, at all.” Iino said.

“The game could be Simon says or something,” Tsubame answered the other question.

The smaller girl tilted her head in thought before smiling sweetly, “Well you guys do have a point!”

Huh. What’s going on? Why is she so sweet all of a sudden?!

Stunned, they could only control their thoughts as the video began to play again.

“We probably need two people for that. We’ll need a few other things, too,” Kaguya said she said as many things appeared behind her like flags, food, fans, and dolls. “And enough for all of the participants so that’s a lot of stuff.”

“Which means giving up our day off to go shopping. What a pain. Boy, what a pain,” Miyuki exaggerated his reaction somewhat while internally he schemed as he thought of him and Kaguya shopping together. “Who’d wanna do that? You know, Shinomiya?”

“Incompetent acting,” Nana whispered with a sigh, displeased.

“And I thought Kaguya was the only one who was over the top, turns out the president was also like that as well,” Fujiwara sighed with a smile.

“I don’t know about this but I have a feeling that dragging my name through the mud has gotten pretty popular with you guys lately. Just a feeling though!” Kaguya pouted, peeved.

“It doesn’t need to be a feeling though, I can show it to you right now,” Ryuju cupped her hands in her thigh as she crossed her legs, her head was lifted arrogantly.

“She isn’t listening,” Hayasaka informed as Ryuju glanced at the now daydreaming Kaguya who was staring at the screen of her and Miyuki going shopping together.


Kaguya smiled, completely ignoring everything else.

“Well, true,” Kaguya affirmed.

“We’ll be in trouble if no one wants to do it,” Fujiwara said in deep(shallow) thought.

Miyuki seemed nervous, “Well if it’s necessary, I could do it.”

Fujiwara looked at the table and then jumped up, “Oh! Why don’t play a game, and the losers have to go?”

“I bet this is the first I’m going to see two geniuses fight to lose,” Mikado chuckled as he shook his head fondly.

“This anime has to be a comedy,” Karen smiled when she heard him as she quipped.

“A game?” Kaguya and Miyuki said in unison.

Fujiwara sparkled, “Yes! The banned word game!”

“There’s your game Iino,” Osaragi said helpfully as she nudged the quiet girl. She hummed, not talking as she was sipping on some juice again.

“That would have been a fun game to play too,” Ishigami felt a bit sad as he looked at his friends having fun without him, Fujiwara looked at him from the corner of her eyes and then turned away thinking.

Mama Fujiwara did not disdain what children she took into her bosom but only guided by her overpowering maternal instincts would she act toward helping others. In other words, Fujiwara decided that she would organize another game like this for Ishigami’s sake, as even if she didn’t like him, his sad expression somewhat moved her.

There are also the things concerning his past… Perhaps I should go easy on him more. She thought, already on her way to talk to Miyuki and Kaguya after this.

“Hmm, another game?” Papa Shirogane whispered.

“Is there something on your mind Shirogane?” Adolphe questioned, seeing the man's serious expression. The man smiled lightly as he shook his head and laughed.

“No, I’m just relieved. That boy, you know how he is, always serious. I’m just glad he can still find the time to play with his friends,” Papa Shirogane said with a smile, looking at Nana he continued to say, “I would say that he got that serious and devoted attitude due to his mother’s teachings and love.”

Or lack thereof, Papa Shirogane rubbed it in.

Ho? The Shinomiya family associates looked intrigued by this family atmosphere that seemed to vaguely mimic their own. Obviously, none of them were fooled barring the somewhat airheaded Nayotake who didn’t read between the lines nor keep track of how the two interacted with each other during prior episodes.

Their bad relationship was made quite clear when looking at Nana. The woman gazed straight ahead of her but her expression was slightly deformed from her usual stone-faced glare. Her brows were furrowed and the hand that was under her chin balled into a fist, she looked as if she wanted to punch the man.

So it turns out Shirogane’s parents are like this as well? Nao thought.

She felt like this boy really couldn’t catch a break.


N: The banned word game.

She wrote something down, “Yes! Here’s an example,” Fujiwara held up a paper and waved it around. “I write a word like this and pass it to the person on my right.”

Miyuki held the paper she passed to him as she said, “Hold it up and don’t look at it.”


Kei laughed when she saw this and she had a massive smirk, “Oh he definitely lost if he had a word like this. It’s to the point where it’s physically impossible for him to win.”

“Kei-chan, you sure know a lot about your brother huh,” Moeha said with a smile and the girl in question puffed out her chest in pride.

“Of course,” Kei crossed her arms and shook her head with a sigh, “He’s my brother after all. Even if he is quite the trouble and is super annoying, I still learnt a lot about him throughout the years.”

“That’s not what you like to say behind his back though,” Moeha mumbled as she looked at the proud girl who was blatantly lying about how she found her brother to be. Thinking of the boastful talks they had before about that very guy, Moeha couldn’t help but feel slightly sorry for the president. He had a tsundere love interest and now she found out that even his sister was a tsundere.

It isn’t easy, good luck Kaicho! She shook her head.

“That’s the word that person can’t say.”

“I get it. So you don’t know what your own banned word is,” Miyuki reiterated the sentence to himself and then said the word, “Simple.”

“Kaicho, you got yourself into a pickle didn’t you?” Kaguya couldn’t help but say as she looked at him and the boy just shook his head with a small blush.

“That was only because I didn’t have my guard up and never expected Fujiwara to have such an understanding of my speech patterns this early on,” He said without thinking much but Kaguya had some thoughts about the last parts of his sentence.

“Hmmm,” Kaguya stayed silent, which left Miyuki confused but the episode played regardless of their individual thoughts and so his idea to dig deep into what Kaguya’s intentions were, was put on hold.

He played himself.

Fujiwara smiled lightly as she pointed at him saying, “You’re out!”

He watched it in shock.

“Light work,” Fujiwara flexed her small arms as she smirked.

“What did he think was going to happen?” Ryuju clicked her tongue as she glared at the back of Miyuki’s head. This performance did not spell or give her any confidence in him winning this time at all.

Nana had to agree but she did not show it externally as she chatted with Nayotake and Nao. The two were remarkably more opposite to her, cheerful and outgoing. The only thing they had in common was how all their names started with “Na” which was the symbol for sodium.

Because of this, that silly pair would say they were the sodium trio or whatever, which disturbed her somewhat. Normally she would distance herself but since she reluctantly enjoyed their company she decided to make it slide for now. This was only the beginning. All according to the plan of teasing Nao, who yearned to see what faces Nana could make in the future.

Just like her daughter, Nana was also being corrupted slowly.

Papa Shirogane who realized this, couldn’t help but shake his head. He might have to step in soon, for Kei of course but she looked to be enjoying herself so he left her alone.

“Okay, let’s do it for real!” Fujiwara said cheerfully.

The scene changed to show the table and the players picking up small sheets of paper.

“I pass it to the person on my right,” Miyuki mumbled, “In that case…”

‘I should write a word that Fujiwara would be likely to say. But the second and third place with go shopping,’ Miyuki thought with an intense expression.


The president thought intensely about this huh? Does he want to go together with me that much… For some reason, I feel very warm thinking about this. Kaguya touched her chin. Shall I perhaps throw him a bone and scheme to make a date… but we’re here now. Hmm? Didn’t Uncleir say that there were bars and stuff here?

An idea gradually took place in her mind.

“He’s taking this seriously,” Tsubame marveled.

Moeha yawned as she leaned into her chair, “I mean, it’s not that surprising when you really think about it. The president is really serious about Kaguya and stuff.”

Kashiwagi smiled as she hugged her boyfriend Tsubasa, “Kaguya lucked out huh, to find a guy devoted to her like that. Like Tsubasa…” She whispered the last part, only to Tsubasa, not willing to incite any conflicts.

The boy rubbed his head. Ishigami shook his head as he patted Miyuki on the back, “Kaicho, you have absurd luck, huh? To find a girl just as devoted to you as you are to her.”

“Yeah,” Miyuki smiled for more reasons than one, he was remembering his first meeting with Kaguya at this moment and the talk with Ryuju right after, “I am indeed very lucky.”

That moment changed his life. A single moment of drive and no hesitation, to get all that he ever wanted. He wasn’t done either. All traces of incompetence will be wiped away.

He lightly clenched his fists as his eyes darkened.

‘Well a man is needed for the physical labor,’ A mental imagery of him carrying bags with huge men carrying stones behind him appeared.


Miyuki paled.

“It might be over,” Mikado shook his.

“Death sentence!” Iino Miko slammed her fist into her palms as she glared at the screen.

A dark aura plunged the room into a hotbed of fear and sympathy. The men in the room looked at the sweating Shirogane with pity, shaking their heads for the young man. He was truly finished this time.

Nana shook her head, disappointed. To think her son would think like this, who gave him the courage? When his sister was better than him.

“Ara, Ara~” Nao looked on to see what would happen.

However, her excitement and anticipation of what would have been chaos was dashed when Kaguya shifted in place and began to stare at everyone in the room. She had a pissed look on her face, as she looked especially at the shaking Iino. Her aura, which shouldn’t even be scientifically possible and should be incapable of existing, exploded out to engulf the previous dark one.

It was overpowered by her lonesome, scaring Ishigami sh*tless. But he was also extremely excited for many reasons.

Holy f*cking sh*t! An aura clash in my undoubtedly real reality!? The boy felt like he was going crazy, this straight out of the battle scene in a shonen anime!

Was this what it meant to be an anime character? C-Could he use Conqueror’s Haki?? He rubbed his hands excitedly.

“You dare…?” She asked, tempting them to say anything bad about the president, and Osaragi tilted her head as she hid Iino behind her. She touched her glasses, and her aura which was silent just a few moments ago became slightly agitated as it came into conflict with Kaguya’s, which was much more refined. She wasn’t inferior. Which she knew by some miracle and she also knew that if she took off her glasses, she would be able to match Kaguya in both strength and refinement, but she didn’t.

Instead she pleaded on Iino’s behalf. Conflict was not wise in a place they could not leave.

“Iino didn’t mean what she said, let it go,” There was a force in Osaragi’s voice that could not be denied but Kaguya was unwilling.

This underclassmen just threatened the president, she didn’t want to let it slide. Her brows furrowed as her aura retracted, making others breathe a sigh of relief before it was released again but now intently focused on just the two she was angry at. Now focused on only one person, it was obviously much more potent than before.

In just a short period, Kaguya had learned to wield a power that she didn’t even understand!

A genius beyond measure.

“Kaguya-sama I think you should let it go,” Hayasaka said lightly, a gentle glow flowing from her.

“Girly, why so serious? Isn’t it all jokes?” Ryuju laughed and the tension in the room slightly cracked along with the aura, “Besides, Miyuki isn’t even angry. You’re really acting like a possessive girlfriend right now, why don’t you confess and get it over with if you’re so angry. ”

At the words “girlfriend” and “confess” Kaguya could no longer hold her murderous expression. Her face became soft, loving, and animated as she said, “Really?!” in a cute voice.

Her animation style changed. Ishigami made an observation.

“I did it again didn’t I?” She appeared sad and looked at Iino apologetically, “Sorry.”

Osaragi smiled with a sigh as she released her grip on her glasses, “It’s fine.”

Iino nodded slightly before she gazed at the president and whispered an apology of some sort before she breathed a sigh of relief when he forgave her, saying it wasn’t an issue at all. She looked at Kaguya, now finding a deeper respect for both Ishigami and Miyuki in her heart, as well as a feeling of Kinship.

No wonder they were afraid, no wonder they had trauma. This upperclassman was so bloody terrifying!

It took a moment for them to all calm down when Ryuju said, “Anyway, no matter your reaction to this information. It doesn’t stop it from being true most times.”

“On average, men are stronger. Which isn’t a surprise, since the inviolable king of science, biology, is involved in making this happen,” Osaragi shrugged.

“Something about testosterone, I don’t know,” Fujiwara stuck out her tongue and then looked at Ishigami provocatively, “Well. It still wouldn’t stop me from beating this shrimp in arm wrestling.”

“You wanna go?!” Ishigami looked a bit mad.

‘While no one knows more about traditional sweets than Shinomiya,’ Shinomiya wearing traditional wear while holding a brush with elegant posture appeared.


“Why, thank you Kaicho~” Miyuki gulped at her tone and stuttered an answer.

“Damn, she has him stuttering and sh*t. Couldn’t be me,” Maki whispered and then Ryuju looked at her, the girl stuttered and then turned away.

The scene from earlier really left them in a state of awe. A new respect and horror centered in Maki’s heart for Ryuju who she thought could match Kaguya’s aura.

While the children were doing their things Nayotake eyes shined when she saw the information on the screen. Her daughter was an expert! A tea expert! And she was also very knowledgeable.

No one could guess how glad she was right now.

Miyuki smirked as he looked at Fujiwara, ‘It’s just a matter of efficiency. Therefore, I need to let Fujiwara win while I beat Shinomiya.’

“Matter of efficiency my ass, you just want to go on a date with Kaguya-san!” Fujiwara called him out on his nonsense with an angry look in her eyes and a furious face. “If you wanted to, you could have just said so you know!”

“He couldn’t though, love is war remember? If he made his intentions clear then he would lose,” Tsubame spoke with a bit of common sense and a lack of frustration, she found these episodes to be quite enjoyable. “Anyway, I’m sure Kaguya was the same but since we’re looking at Kaicho’s point of view, we make assumptions that she’s not thinking the same way.”

Fujiwara turned silent and then poutingly whispered an apology to Miyuki while she glared suspiciously at Kaguya, causing the girl to sweat bullets. She was laying low and allowing Miyuki to take all the damage, never did she expect Tsubame of all people to out her.

It turns out that this airheaded senpai still has some brains left, I was slightly careless. She grits her teeth.

While Kaguya and Fujiwara were miffed, Ishigami looked as if he had seen an angel descend before his eyes. Gazing upon the woman he deemed to be able to battle Fujiwara, Ishigami felt tears build up in his eyes.

Finally. Finally, someone else who can put that gorilla in her place! He nearly cried.


Miyuki wrote down his phrase wildly and ended up with: CHECK-IT-OUT

‘I’m sure Fujiwara would never say this! I’ll win for sure!’

Hearing this both Ishigami and Hayasaka shook their heads, “Expecting Fujiwara to not do something is like making a disadvantageous bet with Fate itself. You will lose, and she will do that thing, maybe even more intensely than you or anyone could imagine.”

Hayasaka sighed at his words, finding them to hit too close to home, “It’s true. I really have no idea how she does it but there’s nothing we can do to stop her once there’s a jinx like that in place.”

Miyuki’s shoulder slightly sagged, because it was the truth.

“She really traumatized these two huh,” Kashiwagi whistled as she looked at Kaguya, “So, Kaguya, I’m guessing that you guys lost or something?”

“No we won but in the end it was still fruitless,” Kaguya sighed, knowing what came after this. Her memory was gradually refreshing on these past events and through this, she couldn’t help but curse the rain. For some reason, whenever it rained, it seemed like all her plans were doomed to fail, she felt slightly frustrated.

Fujiwara lifted her paper above her head, “All right, are we ready?” The girl then began to beatbox much to Miyuki’s shock and Kaguya’s intrigue.

“Yo, yo, let’s get started, yo!” She moved her hands around wildly like a rapper.

“Fujiwara?” Miyuki looked frightened.

“Bro is scared as sh*t, hahaha!” Rei chortled when she saw the contorted look on Miyuki’s face. She took a picture and as if she turned into a superhuman she began to edit it at an inhuman pace, mostly due to Uncleir helping her. She then lifted her phone to show her classmates, a smirk on her face, and they all looked at it curiously.

“Pft…!” Kaguya giggled and as if setting off a chain reaction they all began to laugh hysterically. Fujiwara and Ishigami was the most exaggerated, slapping the chair and stomping their feet.

“Kaicho! See what they did to Kaicho,” Fujiwara heaved in laughter, nearly choking.

Miyuki furrowed his brows and looked over as well.

Then he laughed.

What were they all laughing at? It was a meme but not just any meme. Miyuki was sitting with a frightened look on his face with Fujiwara behind him, a speech bubble near her mouth which had the words “yo, yo, yoo!” on it.

Various lines of text were sprinkled around the picture some of which included;

“Wallahi, I’m finished!” – “Why is bro trying to hide!?” – “Bro got that ‘Ryuju nee-san please save me’, ahh look.” – “I better stay quiet or I’m cooked!” – “Kaguya don’t look.” – “Why is bro stressing?” – “This ya’ll goat?” – “It’s so Shirogover.”

Un’yo chuckled as well as the other adults, Nana covered her mouth. Hiding something. They didn’t laugh out loud, so as too not embarrass the boy, they shook their head collectively finding the humor of this generation to be quite unique.

Rei patted her chest when she saw them all find it funny, feeling an internal satisfaction at her own meme.

It’s all about the agenda. She thought.

“When I play the banned word game people always be choosin’ words n’ phrases I be sayin’, but not now, yo!” She explained while still doing her thing, “I be changin’ da way I speak, so my word be different, yo! Too bad, man!” She pointed at him with a grin as her teeth gained a star-like shine.

Frightened Miyuki thought, ‘No!’

Kaguya looked interested while Miyuki panicked, ‘Don’t look at her! I don’t want her to lose!’

“Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!” Chika continued her terrible rap.

“Crap, she’ll end up saying, “check-it-out”.”

“Now that you thought about it like that, she won’t do it now!” Kei said joyfully, she attained relatively quick understanding of Fujiwara’s weirdness now.

“Why is this true?” Miyuki rubbed his head and paused, looking at his hand. He found a grey hair and paled. The f*ck?

“How are you somehow worse than when you sang that barely understandable song at the end of episode 3?” Tsubasa questioned and Ishigami couldn’t stop himself from shaking his head continuously, it was really unfortunate.

“Why does the idea of Kaguya being interested make me laugh, like girl… What’s interesting about such gibberish?” Kashiwagi said while she hid her smile behind her sleeves.

“Kaguya, what do you think your word is, yo?” Fujiwara made some movements, “Say, hooo!”

Kaguya stayed silent.

“Say Hooo!”

She remained silent once more.

Fujiwara tried once again but with less fever, “Say hooo…”

She was met with the same result. Kaguya tilted her head and smiled.

‘That’s childish!’

‘The president scolded me!’ Kaguya thought as she turned to look at Miyuki who was deep in thought. She sighed in relief but was also unsatisfied for some unknown reason.

“Flame her ass!” Maki cheered loudly, happy to see the slander.

“Kaguya never fails to be an annoyance,” Hayasaka smiled as she pulled on the girls shirt, “Adorable but still an annoyance.”

Kaguya pouted at her, “Meanie.”

She smiled when she saw Hayasaka rub her forehead in stress, happy to be free enough to joke like this.

N: There’s a surefire way to win this game! That’s by not talking at all!

“Say “yay!” Say “Yay!”.”

“Shinomiya… We won’t get anywhere with that. At the bare minimum, Speak enough to make it a conversation.”

“Oooh, auntie was scolded,” Maki relished in Kaguya being put down, even if only slightly. “That makes it two in a row huh, Kaguya, it might be over for you.”

“Hush.” Kaguya only said this as the vein on her head bulged with want to give Maki a beating.

Maki laughed in a bratty manner while staring at Kaguya in the eyes.

‘These two might start to brawl with each other one day,’ Ryuju peaked at Maki but didn’t attempt to rebuke her. ‘Well, when you two are fighting, I’ll be on my body pillow with a bucket of popcorn and some cola.’

She reveled in the chaos and even when seeing the signs, didn’t even entertain the thought of stopping it.

“If you insist.” Kaguya relented. “Fine.”

N: Inevitable behavior. “That person would do this.” “This person would say this.” This game produces a situation that draws the designated word out of your opponent.

‘But how am I going to get her to say that banned word?’ Miyuki fretted as a quick flashback of Kaguya emerged.


“It’s never been more over,” Ryuju despaired.

“Who was the evil person who wrote that word?” Ishigami looked a little worried and angry. Iino’s face became a bit worried as well, not seeing a way for anyone to get that word out of Kaguya.

Hayasaka shook her head, not even Kaguya’s family could get that word out of her unless she was ordered to but even then, she would have reluctance in her heart. To have her say this of her own volition was practically impossible.

Fujiwara got it out of her though. She shook her head.

Mikado shook his head as Maki chuckled lowly, “Ah, he might lose this right here.”

Erika and Karen deflated when they saw the word, it was never more intimidating to them than it was now. Kashiwagi shook her boyfriend but Tsubasa could only shake his head, he truly didn’t know at that moment.

“I can now comfortably say that this is a lost cause, a pity. I would have liked for her to lose,” Un’yo spoke and Gan’an agreed. Loss was essential to growth after all but winning was just as good.

This was the word on her paper.

‘My instinct is telling me, "You've spent half a year trying to get her to say that! It’s impossible”. But wait. I can steer the conversation to something Shinomiya loves doing.’

“Fujiwara, is there something that you hate?”

“Well she does love to hate,” Maki said with a smile, “I see why you went that route. If you guys are confused, I’m talking about Kaguya Oba-san here and not Fujiwara.”


“Miss mood swings, I never expected you to be an instigator,” Ishigami paid his respects.

“There is never enough hate in my heart for you my baby niece,” Kaguya chuckled coldly as she looked at the furious Maki. Inwardly, she wondered how the girl didn’t get tired of saying these things.

“Probably me to be honest, I’m quite hated,” Ishigami bounced in his seat as he said this, his voice joyful. He got flicked in the head by a pissed-off Fujiwara though, which made him slightly confused but he shrugged it off in slight anger.

“What was that for…?” He grumbled slightly as he rubbed his forehead.

“Stop looking down on yourself, it’s getting a bit tiring,” Fujiwara scolded him, which only served to fuel his anger even more but he kept silent. In his heart, he also firmly denied what she told him to do. He wasn’t looking down on himself seriously, it was just a joke.

The girl in question looked surprised as little footballers passed a ball around.

N: Shirogane passed the word "hate" on to Fujiwara, a word that can easily be connected to "love.

“So I’m the one doing your heavy lifting but aren’t men stronger,” Fujiwara tried to attack Shirogane.

Miyuki didn’t answer as Ishigami spoke first. The boy snorted as he joined his hands together and crossed his legs with an arrogant look of patience, “Not everything needs a reaction Kaicho, sit back and observe. Don’t entertain the trolls.”

Fujiwara pouted and she spoke to him softly, “Ishigami-kun, I’m beginning to think that you hate me.”

He frowned, “What gave you that idea?” He seemed genuine for once and not sarcastic, which confused her, who was preparing for that specific reaction from him.

She shook her head. She needed to get her thoughts together after this, she didn’t know what to do when he was like this at all.

"What I hate? Let's see.” The aura in the student council room grew somber as both Kaguya and Miyuki showed surprised expressions concerning Fujiwara’s depressed tone. “People often tell me I'm not good at reading a situation, yo. But they also say that's a good thing, yo.”

In the background was Fujiwara and a group of girls, like a broken tv screen the imagery was scattered with white noise and was extremely depressing.

“Damn…” Hayasaka said somberly.

“This sh*t low-key getting hella serious right now,” Osaragi said with a frown.

“Fujiwara-senpai…” Iino felt a little sad.

“Damn, no way I have to sit through teen angst as an adult, spear me,” Nana looked slightly appalled, not believing this was her life at all. This is just the beginning for her. Adolphe looked thoughtful and so did the other adults.

“There is no way that I am going to have to sit through angst, wasn’t this a sweet romance anime,” Kei grumbled when she saw what was happening and internally, she was quite worried about her friend Chika.

“Can we skip the angst, I’m a fluff type of gal if you catch my drift hehe,” Erika looked a little afraid.

Ishigami touched Chika’s arm in support, he appeared to be very gentle at this moment. The girl blushed in embarrassment as she didn’t think it was that serious. She coughed and told him it was alright, reassuring the surprisingly kind Ishigami.

What’s wrong with him, why is he being so kind right now?’ She pouted not used to it. ‘Go back to how you were before, demeaning me!

Fujiwara was a weird person. When she got what she wanted, which was Ishigami being more kind, she couldn’t get used to it and so she wished for him to go back and be mean to her instead.

“Fujiwara, you have to remember that we are here for you at all times,” Miyuki reassured her with a smile while Kaguya nodded frantically.

She added, “We’re friends remember?” She coughed, her mind replaying the times she said mean things in secret but it wasn’t her fault, she reasoned. She didn’t mean it at all, she was just having a fit at those times.

Then she turned into a chibi and complained in a silly manner, “But when they talk about love and stuff, they don't include me! They say I'd be sure to step on a land mine!”

‘That's sound judgment.’ Miyuki thought with narrowed eyes.

“Always logical are we? Is it a default reaction cultivated over the years or something purposeful,” Gan’an held his chin a fervently scanned for all of Miyuki’s flaws, he saw a lot but most were smoke screens or so he believed.

“I think he’s badmouthing her here though,” Un’yo couldn’t help but say, he smiled at the boy’s thoughts.

Gan’an thought for a moment before he chuckled, “It may be so, quite amusing.”

“It’s a good thing they don’t involve you in talks of love though, you’re unpredictable,” Hayasaka said with a smile. “Though I will hand it to you. You have some skill in this area.”

“Yeah, Fujiwara might be a bit… weird,” Kashiwagi coughed with a blush when the girl looked at her patronizingly but she perked up to speak again regardless, “But she helped me out and gave sound advice, so I can vouch for her. She’s solid!”

“Kashiwagi-san…” Fujiwara looked like she was about to cry. “Thank you for believing in me.”

Ishigami looked like he wanted to say something contrary but he stopped himself, letting the girl have this moment. He shook his head, finding that he was a lot more outgoing than usual with him even taking control of some conversations.

“When I think about making problems for people without even realizing it, it makes me sad. That's what I hate.” She said sadly.

Kaguya perked up to comfort her, “Miss Fujiwara…” Kaguya patted her on the head as she spoke softly. “I've never thought you've caused problems for me. In fact, there are many people who've been helped by your straightforwardness.”

“Hmm…” Ishigami shrugged as he couldn’t deny it, no matter how much he wanted to.

“She’s gonna get betrayed for this 100% isn’t she?” Erika deadpanned when she inadvertently saw the signs.

“Oh absolutely, but it doesn’t stop it from being sweet,” Hayasaka confirmed.

Fujiwara had tears in her eyes, “Kaguya… Really? You don't hate me?”

Kaguya was a bit shy to admit it, “Well, I mean… I love you.”

“That’s right, I beat Kaguya,” Fujiwara said smugly, not ashamed of her tactics.

“Fujiwara and Shirogane as a duo go crazy in matchups like this,” Ishigami said thoughtfully.

Unpredictability and Adaptability are a devious team, a nightmare for any gamer. It was like playing a Souls game in reality.

Fujiwara then pointed dramatically as a wind blew Kaguya’s paper out of her hand, “You’re out, yo!” Her eyes widened in disbelief.


“Nasty work,” Tsubasa shook his head feeling slightly bad for Kaguya.

“Remind me to never enter any discourse when facing Shirogane and/or Fujiwara at all times,” Tsubame said in slight fear, “That play was incredibly sinister, even the genius Kaguya got caught in it.”

She wouldn’t survive that combination, she was sure.

N: Inevitable behavior! When all is said and done, it was inevitable that caring Kaguya would try to comfort a depressed Fujiwara! Fujiwara read that.

Miyuki was stunned, ‘That was nasty!’

“That is was Shirogane. That it was…” Mikado shook his head in disbelief a small smile on his face as he chuckled.

“The fact that you set it up and saying this only tells me that you didn’t expect it to go this way at all,” Ryuju chuckled as she looked at Miyuki.

“It all happened too fast,” Miyuki sighed as he touched his chin.

“Was all that a lie?” Kaguya complained as Fujiwara danced to revel in her win.

“It wasn't a lie, but a bluff, yo! Of course, people would include me in conversations about love interests, yo!” As Fujiwara spoke Kaguya’s expressions grew darker and darker and even more betrayed.

“Ehem! Kaguya, don’t take it to heart, yo~” Chika couldn’t help but tease her friend. The girl in question snorted and turned away harshly.

“Who said I took it to heart,” Kaguya spoke quickly as if hiding something.

Who are you hiding from? Hayasaka felt amused by her mistress, she was truly an enigma.

‘Since we've gotten this far, the rest should be easy. I'll lose automatically by letting my guard down and following her lead. She's got everything she needs to win.’


“But what…?” Iino asked the question on many of their minds, what was he talking about?

“A monologue?” Ishigami tried to guess with furrowed brows, unsure.

“Hey, when it rains, it pours, yo!” The girl danced as Kaguya looked at her in shock.

‘…was that the truth? She said it was a bluff, but a bluff has power because it's a pinch of a lie mixed with truth.’

“He’s… analyzing what I said?” Fujiwara said incredulously, suddenly feeling very warm.

“So that’s it huh,” Adolphe’s face darkened.

He was relatively quiet for most of the video, content with just seeing his students having fun and joking around. The change in tone of Fujiwara’s part left him a bit unsure in how to proceed, he wasn’t experienced in teen psychology and so, he didn’t think he was exactly qualified to give advice on the subject of the girl being potentially excluded.

However, now it was quite certain that whether or not he was sure didn’t matter. These children needed help, that much was clear and he didn’t feel he needed any more confirmation on the matter. He had a small realization that these teens had many secrets that they wouldn’t share with them, the adults. Whether due to embarrassment, fear of rejection or feeling that they could brave it on their own. This was a problem and certainly because they, as teens, didn’t tend to take it seriously.

Thinking of this, he felt a certain amount of respect rise within him for Miyuki once again. The boy cared, greatly in fact. Others may think he was other thinking but it truly showed in the way one spoke about themselves what was going on in their mind secretly. Even if they didn’t feel like they needed it, as their educator, it was his responsibility to take charge of this situation and get them their due assistance.

In a way, it was just like that Ishigami boy situation all those months ago. It was an especially nasty circ*mstance and judging by what he had seen thus far, the boy had not recovered.

He rubbed his head, slightly stressed. If it wasn’t for this reaction he wouldn’t have even noticed. This was an oversight on his part, he sighed. Thankfully it was brought to his attention now, so while he may not be able to change anything in the video itself, he was more than capable of aiding these kids who were here with him. His eyes sharpened. Now what was he going to do to resolve—

“Adolphe-san?” Nao said and he awoke from his thoughts, “Are you okay, you’re spacing out.”

He shook his head, “I’m okay. Just pondering on some things.”

“It must be nice, having no troubles,” Kaguya shouted out at Fujiwara with an amusing expression.

“She does not have the right to— Wait on the other hand, she kinda has the right to say this,” Un’yo furrowed his brows as he changed what he said at the last minute as he remembered that Kaguya was family with people like him.

Nao chuckled, already seeing her daughter grilling Kaguya about what she said and the girl could only reluctantly agree. She still made some valid, hidden points though. While Shinomiya life was “easy” it also wasn’t in many ways.

The fundamental needs for a living organism was provided but was the needs for a human provided as well, or were they stripped away in favor of forming something else? The needs of human and an organism of nature were different, even if a human was an organism of nature itself.

Nao shook her head and sighed, a topic of such nuance shouldn’t be debated and thought about by a maid like her. She would stick to caring for both of the kids and anyone else they would bring along, it was more fun that way.

While adults were suddenly thinking deeply about their care, the teens themselves were having lots of fun.

‘If that's the case, how much of it was a lie?’ An empty-eyed Fujiwara appeared on screen, her person had lost that feeling that was always present in her sunny personality. ‘When Fujiwara was speaking about feeling alienated, were those words and her eyes all lies?’

“Pfft- I’m sorry! But…” Ryuju laughed which busted the bubble in the room. “He’s having a whole breakdown and you guys are just playing and it even had this whole depressing aura with it too.”

“I want to laugh too now that I think about it,” Hayasaka giggled. “But the Kaicho cares for you guys, huh, he’s thinking so deeply about all this.”

Miyuki couldn’t help but grumble indignantly, “So what if I care about you guys, huh? I’m the Student Council President, that’s what I do.”

“It’s not only because of that right,” Kaguya looked at him with a knowing, gentle smile.

“Huh. Well…”

“Hmmm~” Her smile widened and it caused Miyuki to unknowingly focus on her seductive, pink lips. He gulped and looked away; the image flashing through his mind, he gave a reply.

“If you think so… Yeah.”

Kaguya giggled, causing the boy to blush and rub his head. Not used to seeing her so soft-spoken and sweet-looking. It sent his mind into disarray at how… tantalizing she looked. He also didn’t want his tough “Student Council President” act to get seen through. As a guy and a teen, sometimes it was a bit embarrassing to show that he cared.

He was also a massive Tsundere but Miyuki wasn’t ready to admit that yet.

‘If it's possible that they weren't then,’ Miyuki was shown in between the two fighting girls with his shoulders hunched, in a depressive thought. ‘I'm playing this game wrong.’

Miyuki looked toward the light with conviction, ‘I can't stand the idea of hurting others for the sake of my self-interest. That's my credo, and this situation relates to it.’

“That’s what makes you a great guy Shirogane,” Mikado smiled as he praised him causing Miyuki to smile and once again brush off the praise.

Ishigami patted his shoulder with a smile, already used to how kind the president was. And by extension the student council, yes, even Fujiwara. She was greedy, vain, and annoying, sure but it didn’t stop her from being kind and helpful to those around her.

Kaguya smiled, glad to see the man she loved being who he was at heart and caring for others. She was extremely lucky to have met him and it would utterly crush her soul to have him not end up with her. She pouted when she saw how kind he was… She would jealously ponder about how he should devote just a little more of that care for her. She wasn’t greedy, just about 20% more.

Maybe 30% more, if she being more honest. But no more than that! Really! But. Maybe…

Kaguya chuckled to herself while Hayasaka sighed into her palms, dragging a hand against her face as she looked up into the sky.

‘Prioritizing my circ*mstances and purposely losing…’ A lonely Fujiwara stood amid a peach background with a serene expression. ‘That would be self-interest and truly alienate her!’

‘The idea of going out shopping with Shinomiya may be appealing, but I can't betray my own conviction!’ Shinomiya appeared in a blue background with a serene expression.

An explosive aura released from Miyuki as he had a serious expression while he held his paper tightly, “Fujiwara I'm going to get serious here!”

“Let’s go!” Mikado hyped him up and Ishigami wasn’t far behind either.

The gamer leaned forward in his seat in a state of focus as he said, “Fujiwara doesn’t know what’s coming for her, I’m sure.” His smile was extremely devious.

Fujiwara’s face broke out into a grin when she heard his words causing the boy to frown. He had a bad feeling. Her eyes were too evil and sinister for her to have any good intentions. Suddenly a reality dawned on him.

f*ck, did I set myself up.



To his dismay, the video played.

“You’re out, yo!” Fujiwara pointed at him joyfully as he made a sound in shock.

A single second didn’t pass and the pink haired girl was already on the boy.

“Idiooot! Why did you jump to conclusions!?” Fujiwara breathed heavily when she saw Ishigami as she shouted out. The boy, in shock at what he just saw, stayed silent. She laughed in his face while pointing at him, tears in her eyes.

“What the hell, how did he lose!” Ryuju nearly jumped from her seat while Hayasaka shook her head. She was amused by the girl’s actions but even she had to admit that she was shocked the first time she had hear this.

She glanced at Kaguya. It was only after this that she had discovered that Kaguya seemed to have expected the President to say those words and even discovered the word that was on her forehead beforehand by connecting the dots. She then made sure Shirogane initiated his offensive by not going on one herself, thus indirectly making him be the one to take action and then she fell into Fujiwara’s trap willingly. Then the rest was history; Fujiwara led the President to his doom and now they were both headed on that shopping date together.

Or they were supposed to. Hayasaka clicked her tongue, Stupid rain.

“This can’t be happening…” Ishigami was in denial and Fujiwara made fun of him for it constantly.

Fujiwara twirled around in joy of her win as both Kaguya and Miyuki stood still in shock, “Yes! I beat the president, too! Yay! Yay!”

“She cheated… Just like she always did,” Ishigami came upon a realization he was willing to accept. He closed his eyes satisfied with his conclusion.

“Denial is crazy, how much do you hate her just to be in denial when she won,” Ryuju laughed, tears in her eyes.

“The beef in the student council room must be atrocious,” Maki looked at her junior who swore that Chika was cheating, he didn’t even seem to doubt himself. This level of denial was beyond even her, causing her to snicker at how ridiculous it was.

“Ishigami-kun,” Tsubame whispered worriedly for her junior, he seemed as if he had been killed off by the world. His gaze was hollow.

N: Inevitable behavior. An action a person would necessarily take given certain circ*mstances.

SERIOUS – Miyuki’s hand trembled when he say the word on the paper.

“She knows them like the back of her hand, I’m crying,” Moeha laughed hysterically, “How do you let my sister do that to you?”

“Moeha I feel like you’re saying something very mean about me right now!” Chika flared up.

“Am I wrong?” Moeha asked boldly and Chika stuttered before falling silent.

Little sisters hold too much power around these parts I fear,’ Tsubame thought as she looked at both Kei and Moeha who near consistently bullied their older siblings but were let go every single time.

N: And predicting that is the essential point of the game.

“Oh she predicted it alright,” Miyuki said solemnly.

He fell to his seat in shock as Kaguya said calmly, “Shopping, huh? Well, we lost, so I guess we can't complain.”

“You knew didn’t you?!” Moeha sat up, amazed.

“I have not an idea of what you speak of,” Kaguya smiled, she winked which suggested otherwise. Miyuki looked up to gaze at her and whispered something to him; “Checkmate.” The amazed look on his face could feed her for a long time.

“Demon,” Iino concluded when she heard what Moeha said about Kaguya.

“Even under a disadvantage, she could still twist it in her favor…” Kashiwagi grinned, realizing that she was under Kaguya’s banner in this “War” of love so to speak.

“This isn’t fair, how can she have this and that able maid,” For the first time, Ryuju found herself pouting and Hayasaka who looked over, froze. She requested a picture of this moment immediately, simply because it was too adorable.

Gap Moe!

Hayasaka truly understood this pair of words at this moment. To see the hard and unruly teddy dragon act like this was truly a treat for her, she wanted to use it to embarrass her for ten years at least.

N: The banned word game is a game that demands understanding of your opponents.

“Oh, she understands us alright. I can tell,” Miyuki said with a sigh, his tone slightly biting as he looked at the screen.

“Kaicho, don’t be angry, tehee~” Fujiwara stuck out her tongue and the boy shook his head wondering how he lost to Fujiwara of all people. He nearly cried but then realized Fujiwara was capable of teaching even him so he didn’t mind it much.

She twirled her hair as she smiled at him with a slight blush on her face.

‘Cute,’ Miyuki was at peace.

‘He’s thinking I’m cute right now isn’t he,’ Kaguya was at peace, a blush on her face. She wanted to cozy up to him.

‘She’s thinking that he’s thinking that she’s cute right now isn’t she,’ the audience had a collective thought process as they looked at the two love birds.

“Ah, damn it. I lost.” He held his head tiredly.

“We’re going to buy the souvenirs,” Kaguya said cheerfully.


N: Results of today's match, utter defeat for Shirogane.

“I guess that confirms it,” Tsubame sighed, “Kaguya at least had a part to play in that series of events otherwise she would likely have lost alongside Kaicho.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, how does she do it?” Hayasaka sighed and Kaguya crossed her arms. Still miffed at the fact that after all that effort, the rain had to give her a loss.

“All right! I'm looking forward to seeing what you get, yo!” Fujiwara said cheerfully.

“Crushed expectations,” Kaguya shrugged as she said in a dead tone, “Also, lots of regret and anxiety. Did I mention crushed expectations?”

“My phone is waterproof,” Shirogane only had this to say, it was also in a dead tone.


“We all know this ended in failure knowing these two right?” Ryuju said with a smile as she relaxed into her seat.

“Oh, it’s incredibly obvious. A date? With these two? No way it would work out, especially on episode 4,” Ishigami laughed.

“Seriously,” Nana rubbed her head when she heard what they said, stressed but Nayotake was the opposite. She seemed to enjoy every moment she was here and she would like to see more of her daughter and the Ishigami boy as well.

Fujiwara turned her page to see – CHECK-IT-OUT.

She screamed in terror as she trembled, “Check it out?!”

“Thankfully, despite the odds I still won!” Fujiwara rejoiced.

“Yay, for Fujiwara-senpai!” Iino rejoiced as well.

“I still think she cheated, like there has to be a way somehow,” Ishigami was still coping with the fact that both Kaguya and Miyuki lost to Chika. It was something he didn’t want to accept.

Miyuki patted his shoulder, determined to get the boy through his denial and come back to society.


“The president said we’d talk about shopping after he got back,” Kaguya said as she held her flip phone as Hayasaka stood respectfully (Bored) behind her.


“She looks so done with your ass auntie,” Maki clicked her tongue as she let out a small giggle. “I mean look at her! I bet she doesn’t even wanna be here!”

“Rude as always, that’s why you’ll always be the bratty niece and I, the elegant aunt.”

Kaguya smiled when her words seemed to have struck a nerve

“The day he bought a smartphone, we exchanged e-mail addresses and phone numbers,” She said as she and Miyuki appeared in a lovely background but then she backtracked to say. “But I've been waiting and waiting, and he still hasn't contacted me! He has no intention of sending me a message first!” She complained.

“Teen shenanigans,” Un’yo smiled when he thought about it.

“Tell me about it, though Kaguya is a bit unique. I never did this,” Nana spoke in her usual cold voice when she saw the girl.

‘Was sending the first text that important to her? I probably should have just done it to be honest.’ Miyuki thought, not finding it all that troublesome at the moment. This already happened after all so he was allowed to think of alternate outcomes.

Hayasaka’s cold voice sounded out, “President, I'm looking forward to tomorrow—”

Kaguya hurriedly tried to get the phone as she snatched it away, “What are you doing?”

“Well, I thought I'd send a text on your behalf,” Hayasaka said as if it was obvious.

“Don't! I'm not sending the first text!”

“You can always count on Kaguya to do something out of the ordinary, I sent the first text without hesitation!” Tsubasa shook his head.

“Girly is going crazy just because of a first text,” Osaragi covered her eyes as she smiled, the innocence of Kaguya was too much even for her. She found the games they played to be creative yet endearing, something she would never do herself and would have found tacky yet she was enjoying herself quite a lot here when she saw the two most respected figures in the school going at it.

“Hmph! It’s quite childish,” Iino smirked and Osaragi pulled on her chubby cheek. The girl whined and Osaragi kept a straight face, even as the girl glared at her.

“Don’t talk like you wouldn’t do the same thing, I know what you are,” Iino pouted at her words, once again going to devour some food to ignore her.

Osaragi rubbed her fingertips, she found Iino’s cheek to be softer than usual. Was she gaining weight?


“I might start to go crazy if you don’t take the initiative one of these days,” Hayasaka said with a sigh.

“The movie tickets…?”

“You didn’t do it openly,” That made the girl grumble.

“All this beating around the bush Lady Kaguya, you're in love with President Shirogane, aren't you?” Hayasaka side-eyed Kaguya as the girl groaned in frustration at the question and looked away.

“Only about 20 seconds and we’re already exposing Auntie, girls I don’t know about you but I am seated,” Maki made some tea pop into existence as she sat up straight to drink it, a sassy look on her face, and in her eyes.

Kashiwagi let go of Tsubasa as she also caught a cup of tea, she crossed her legs as a smirk appeared on her face, “Go get her Hayasaka, get us the juice ASAP.”

“Roger that. Kaguya-sama,” Hayasaka said with a wide smile that held malicious intent, “I can’t refuse can I?”

“Oh, exposing her in her own house?” Ryuju shook her head and she sat up straight with a tea cup appearing in her hand, she was rapt in attention, “Girl, this tea is gonna hit, I just know it.”

“Sorry Kaguya-senpai but I have to do what I have to do,” Kei smiled while she crossed her legs with a small notebook in her thigh, mimicking the pose of the other two female KaguKaicho club members as they all sat in focus.

‘Oh. So you guys are more focused on seeing me get exposed than anything else!?’ Kaguya cursed them in her mind, feeling a bit wronged.

She scoffed as she tried to deny the hopelessly in love allegations, “I have feelings for the president.”

“Really now?” Miyuki smiled, teasingly. “I would have never known.”

‘You too?!’ She pouted as she looked at him resentfully.

“Well… I care for you to an extent,” Kaguya began to frame an answer to fit her agenda. “But it probably isn’t what you’re thinking right now.” She blushed.

Even she didn’t believe an answer like this was going to get through and her blush revealed her shame for all to see. The low chuckle from Miyuki made it worse for her as she shrunk back into her seat, as if it would make then see her less.


“But I'm only interested because he's got the elements I lack. It's definitely not love.”

“Stop the cap,” Ishigami said ruefully.

“Why you always lying~?” Moeha sang.

“That girl Hayasaka is not eating that bullsh*t you’re trynna feed her,” Ryuju clicked her tongue as a smile graced her face.

“You’re using my last name?” Hayasaka was surprised but it fell into her stoic face when she saw the wide smile on Ryuju’s face.

“I see Ai-chan wasn’t me to call her by her first name huh, how cute.”

“Forget what I said, delinquent.”

“Guardian, can I have a recording of what Ai-chan just said?”

“Don’t give it to her,” Hayasaka droned in a dead voice as she tried to block Ryuju from doing it.

“Even if I let you call me Momo?” Ryuju blinked cutely.

“I don’t care enough to try to call you by your first name, deadbeat sister.”

Ryuju’s eye twitched as Hayasaka revealed a victorious smirk, “Enjoy me being on-screen continuously. I feel so bad for Miyuki, his only support left him to go get the milk and now he’s fighting all alone.” Hayasaka whispered to Ryuju shaking her heart for the first time, she appeared visibly angry and even a bit wronged.

“Bug off!” Ryuju said weakly before she turned her gaze away.

The viewing quietly continued.

“Then, what if the secretary started dating President Shirogane?”

“How can you say such a terrifying thing with a straight face Hayasaka?!” Fujiwara quaked in terror as she rubbed her arms like crazy.

“I do not want Kaguya’s Yandere ass on my family bloodline,” Moeha whispered fearfully.

Kaguya’s eyes sharpened for a moment before she settled down, even if she went through it before she still couldn’t help but be pissed off by what Hayasaka said. It was ridiculous for the president to like ANY woman BUT her. She shook her head, amused.

It simply wasn’t possible… Even if it was… Kaguya smiled darkly.

Such a person wouldn’t be allowed to exist.

For some reason, Ishigami and Miyuki shivered.

A terrifying aura surfaced from Kaguya as she slowly turned toward Hayasaka while making weird noises.


Kaguya turned away as she tried to deny it, “You've got it wrong! I wouldn't want the president to take Miss Fujiwara away from me!” Her voice took a softer tone. “Despite appearances, she's my dear friend.”

Fujiwara raised her eyebrows at these words and that did not inspire confidence in Kaguya, neither did the way the girl looked at her in surprise. She wanted to open her mouth and defend herself but got shut down by Fujiwara.

“Kaguya, I know I’m your friend but I also know that you’re pretty much in denial right now,” Fujiwara said with a straight face, empty eyes and a lazy voice, “No one can compete with the president in your heart after all, even me your childhood friend.”

“Tragic,” Ishigami shook his head while Miyuki laughed nervously, unsure of how to feel about this.

Kaguya’s mouth clamped shut, also unsure of how to feel. In the end she could only say a mild sorry.

Just then Kaguya got messages and her phone vibrated, thinking it was from Miyuki she hurriedly grabbed it and opened it to see something else.

[From: Fujiwara

Subject: Octopus

Look! A live octopus! (Fujiwara holding octopus.jpg)]

Kaguya scoffed and threw away her phone as Hayasaka caught it.

“Okay that made me giggle,” Ryuju covered her mouth.

“No hesitation, discarded like trash,” Maki shook her head at how ruthless and quick it was, “Nasty work.”

“She’s your dear friend, right?” Kaguya closed her eyes as Hayasaka continued. “If it weighs on your mind that much. Kaguya… Instead of a text, why not call?”

“How groundbreaking,” Iino said as she clapped.

“I can tell of the amount of effort that was spent trying to get this idea man,” Onodera shook her head as she out down her phone.

“C-Call?” Kaguya, the genius, questioned as if this was a groundbreaking revelation.

“Seriously, everyone becomes an idiot when in love don’t they,” Kei whispered as she looked at Miyuki. She pouted and looked away, “He was always an idiot though, Hmph!”

“Father is it just me or has her intelligence been on a steady decline?” Un’yo couldn’t help

Hayasaka had a hand on her waist, “He’s expecting a text,” She thrust the phone in her face resolutely. “Exploit that carelessness, and attack this way!”

“Carelessness? Attack?” She contemplated her maid's words for a moment.

“It’s the perfect plan.” She opened the phone and began to fiddle with it as she whispered, “Before Lady Kaguya quibbles about it click-click there. Here you go.”

Kaguya frantically caught the phone that Hayasaka threw toward her, “Wait! I’m not mentally prepared!”



“We’re cooked, I forgot Dad answered the phone in your place,” Kei grumbled as she stamped her feet, internally cringing at the coming scene.

Miyuki covered his face and sighed, it was muffled but anyone could see his frustration. Papa Shirogane just looked at his two children’s betrayal calmly, Nana snickered.

“I don’t believe it was that bad,” Papa Shirogane coughed when he saw the other adults looking at him strangely.

Kaguya blushed as she answered, “This is Shinomiya. President, is that you?”

Then came Papa Shirogane with his serious face, “I’m Miyuki’s father.”

Kaguya instantly started to panic, “U-Um, is the president… I mean, is Shirogane there?”

“Girl, you can say his first name in front of his father, because there is no way your man is even in range to listen right now,” Ryuju said in a bored tone as Kaguya blushed deeply.

“President… President isn’t my man, yet…” Kaguya whimpered in response in a quiet manner, the move performed by Ryuju Momo was deeply effective.

Hayasaka for once, said nothing to defend Kaguya from Ryuju’s assault, finding it hilariously accurate, and was instead thinking on how to use this to push the couple further. Even if it somehow took 3 seasons of anime for these two to get together, she was not going to wait that long in reality.

“I am Shirogane.”

“No, I mean…” She blushed and said with a stutter, “I-Is Miyuki there?”

Multiple people raised their eyebrows and some even smiled, Miyuki’s reaction was the most exaggerated as he placed his chin in his hand and crossed his legs horizontally. He breathed deeply and thoroughly as he glanced at Kaguya through the corner of his eyes.

Kei rolled her eyes at her brother’s actions. Dramatic much?

“You did not have to do all this,” Ryuju shook her head with a smile, this guy was still a brat at heart.

“Isn’t it just calling him by his first name, w-what’s so special about that!” Kaguya tried to brush it off.

“Then…” Miyuki said slowly, “Should I start calling you Kaguya?”

Kaguya paused, blushed, had her nose bleed, and then fainted.

Miyuki and Hayasaka placed their hands on their head in shock.

“Oh, my son? Miyuki! A girl’s on the phone for you!”

Kei's voice passed through the phone and it was laced in surprise, “A girl’s calling for him?”

“The way she immediately payed attention is fantastic,” Maki nodded her head slowly, “We always gotta get that tea.”

“I don’t know if I should be happy or sad that I found out that it was Kaguya-senpai,” Kei sighed as she blankly read the doujin in her hand, evaluating it.

“Wha… You don’t answer another person’s cell phone, Dad!”

Kaguya blushed with Hayasaka kneeling next to her and Miyuki picked up the phone saying, “It’s me.”

“It’s Shinomiya.”

“Oh, Shinomiya?”

“I was calling about the plan for tomorrow. Is now okay?”

“Sure. I’m in the tub, but that’s fine.” Miyuki held his waterproof phone as he shilled in the tub, naked.

“Why would you tell her that!” Maki laughed.

“Her imagination must be going crazy in this scene, I just know it,” Erika salivated as she laughed crazily, her imagination already filling in all the gaps.

“This kid has no boundary,” Papa Shirogane covered his eyes when he heard what Shirogane said, not expecting this was what had happened.

Kaguya freaked out internally with a massive blush on her face, ‘The tub?!’

Hayasaka mischievously leaned closer to Kaguya and began to whisper in her ear, “Then he’s naked, huh? Lady Kaguya, right now you're talking to someone who's completely exposed.”

“Instigating ass,” Ryuju shook her head at Hayasaka, “Do better.” She smiled as if she wasn’t the same.

“I feel weird all of a sudden,” Miyuki fixed his collar as he looked at both Hayasaka and Kaguya, a bit conflicted about how they were talking about him just now. Was he supposed to be flattered or creeped out? And what did him being completely exposed have to do with anything?!

“I just know Kaguya is imagining something egregious,” Kashiwagi who now had an inkling of how the girl was like rubbed her forehead alongside Fujiwara.

“It's muffled on your end.”

Kaguya panicked, “I-I'll call you back!”

“No problem,” Miyuki assured her while he was still in the bathe. “My phone is waterproof.”

“There is a problem!” Kaguya sweat dropped, awkward.

“I must say Shirogane, your son’s thought process… Is quite unique,” Gan’an coughed when the immediate thought of Miyuki was to think of how his phone was waterproof rather than how Kaguya, his daughter, was likely fantasizing about his body.

Papa Shirogane had a strained smile and for the first time he really had no confidence in what he was going to say, “Uh, hmmm. He’s like that… sometimes,” He closed his eyes painfully.

Nana shook her head as the adults fell silent at this information.

“I feel like the president lacks common sense,” Fujiwara said and was looked at by Ishigami in a weird manner so she explained some more, “Like for relationships and stuff.”

“Seem legit,” Tsubame supported her and Iino appeared to be in deep thought, she didn’t criticize Kaguya at all for her fantasies. Mainly because Osaragi warned that it would be hypocritical when she was like that as well, which she had to admit, made her blush in embarrassment for being exposed.

“How about we meet tomorrow at 11 am in front of Hachiko?” He proposed to her.


The screen split between his confident, self-assured look and her nervous but eager blush at the thought of them both going out together.

“We'll buy the sweets, then go to Hands. I guess that's about it.”

“Right,” She really nothing to say and agreed with him, sighing in relief.

“Ain’t no way it’s gonna end here bro…” Ishigami had a premonition that he wasn’t willing to accept and suddenly everyone way spaying attention.

“It can’t right…? It can’t, there’s no way,” Maki raised an eyebrow, even she would realize that talking to her crush at night was a massive opportunity to further the relationship and muster feelings. Not to mention there was a super valid excuse and a perfect wingman in the immediate area. She shook her head and laughed, in denial. There was no way her auntie would fumble this chance so badly could she?


“Kaguya… You really didn’t fumble it did you?” Even Fujiwara appeared a bit nervous, fearing for the girl’s reputation.

Kaguya payed no attention to the giant sign Hayasaka made for her, it read:


“Well, I'll see you tomorrow.” He said.

“Seriously,” Un’yo dragged a hand through his perfectly combed hair not believing what he just saw.


Osaragi rubbed her eyes, realizing that she was shedding tears, “You guys will never get together this season, it’s so impossible.”

“The odds aren’t even stacked against you,” Maki hyperventilated, “You guys love each other a lot you know. Talk for a little longer!”

Mikado hugged his sister trying to comfort the girl. He shook his head as both Kaguya and Miyuki contemplated if they should have been more mindful and talked for longer.

With that she took the phone from her ears and put it off, cutting off Miyuki.

“Ah, Shinomiya—”

“That regret better sting,” Onodera said maliciously.

“Tsk tsk tsk, never seen hopeless take such a sophisticated form as much as it did in Kaguya, no wonder Hayasaka looks like she wanted to sink into the ocean,” Ryuju shook her head and then looked at Miyuki, “I’ll be more active from now on Miyuki, prepare yourself.”

Naturally while Hayasaka watched calmly from the side, she panicked, “What? What were you about to say?!”

When they saw Hayasaka calmly watching her mistress freak out, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

“Calmest ‘You brought this on yourself’ stare I have ever seen in my life,” Erika smiled, she had nothing against Kaguya and even worshipped her but she wasn’t against laughing at her silly antics at all.

Their cold Kaguya was just a bean at heart. She was reminded of her death stare at the moment and then sweated. M-Maybe, not a bean after all? She couldn’t help having such thoughts.

She ran quite delicately toward her bed and started swinging her feet while she threw a tantrum. Eventually, she toned down and said glumly into her pillow, “I’m going to sleep.”

Her phone beeped and she looked at it.

“Finally, I bet its Shirogane,” Tsubame said with a sigh as she touched her face, “He really is the one to step up all the time, how unlucky.”

Wait… It’s true! Everyone looked at the boy and shook their heads, he really was a tad unlucky but to be fair, Kaguya was practically perfect in every way so a little struggle wasn’t to be unexpected.



“Good for you. Your first text.” Hayasaka stoically congratulated the blushing Kaguya.

“f*ck, why couldn’t prez be in love with me instead,” Maki cried genuine tears when she saw the kind and thoughtful message.


N: Results of todays match Kaguya wins.

“An obvious result,” Nana sighed as she took note of this outcome. She watched Nayotake in the corner of her eye, to see the woman still munching on something.


The rain poured.

“It seems Shibuya Station is flooded,” Hayasaka said seriously, standing behind the shadowed Kaguya who stared outside in contemplation.

Kaguya who was blankly staring ahead at the rain said, “I’m going. The president is waiting for me.”

The screen flashed as Hayasaka was now holding a speeding Kaguya by her dress, holding her in place while the girl herself shouted out while crying comically, “I have to go!”

“There’s no way he’s there,” Hayasaka reasoned.

He was in fact there, at the drowning Shibuya Station, drenched.

“He looks like a dog,” Iino wrinkled her nose as she made an honest comparison that didn’t seem to hurt Miyuki at all. He could sadly see the resemblance and couldn’t complain about it since it was basically true.

A magazine was on his head and he held a broken umbrella, “A text cancelling our plans…”

He looked sad and said again, “But it’s the first text Shinomiya has sent me, right? So I’ll call that a win for today.”

“The positivity is crazy, as expected of Kaicho. Even this can’t shake him!” The KaguKaicho Fanclub said unanimously.

“This kind of cope belongs in very specific anime fandoms,” Ishigami laughed to himself while thinking of some tragic anime where the fandoms were in complete denial while the authors terrorized. Then, thinking of something he couldn’t help but sigh sadly. He was thinking of what Unclear had said earlier of them being worlds copied onto a page so wouldn’t that mean that anime universes like Hunter x Hunter, AOT, Jujutsu Kaisen, Berserk and many others were real?

He shook his head sadly, not wanting to think about it.

The wind, which was so strong that it blew a book off from his head and into the sky ruffled his hair.

‘Thankfully, my phone is waterproof.’

So that; what he meant by his phone being water proof earlier! The audience was enlightened.


“It was very heart throbbing—” Karen said.

Erika continued with a pout, “There wasn’t much shopping though.”

“They shopped off screen perhaps?” Onodera said questioningly, quite unsure of herself.

“Off-screen…” Ishigami shivered.

Kaguya and Hayasaka sat on the bed and: “TOOK 30MINUTES TO SEND THE CANCELLATION TEXT.” With Hayasaka giving Kaguya pointers on how to do it.

“I’d like to think that Miyuki wouldn’t have been there at all if they sent this text earlier,” Ryuju smiled mischievously, “It’s just a thought though.”

That thought made Kaguya feel slightly bad, especially when she noticed how the President used the train today, which meant he spent money. Not much for her but most things were not much for her, and that’s why they were worthless. Only Kaicho was priceless. She had to take care of him better and be braver.

Kaguya pumped herself up. She had to take care of her man!

Ryuju looked at Hayasaka with a confused expression when she saw the look of motivation on Kaguya’s face


Glasses filled with juice clinked together by the French and Japanese students as they mingle with one another with wonderful music playing in the background.

A sign with both flags stuck in the back hung atop the wall saying “FRENCH FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS WELCOME PARTY” while aligned with a pink flower and a golden sash.

The student council members bar one, lay against the door tiredly.

Fujiwara opened her mouth to say in a tired tone, “We got it ready in time!”

The headmaster shrugged as he said, “Good work, everyone!”

“Headmaster, next time, please don't tell us so last minute,” Miyuki said while eyeing him somewhat resentfully with somewhat tired eyes.

“Once again that old man is using kids to do his bidding,” Ryuju shook her head.

“Yes, tell him. Agh! Why am I feeling so tired all of a sudden, am I remembering the fatigue of that day,” Fujiwara cried out arbitrarily as she stretched, suddenly not used to her body acting like this.

Ishigami stared at the ground, not trusting his eyes at all.

Meanwhile, he contemplated why he wasn’t there and realized that he wasn’t there for most of the activities in the student council before he got active due to Kaguya’s influence. He sighed, slightly regretful that he didn’t take the chance to spend the time with his senior friends as they would be leaving in a few years.

He resolutely gazed forward. No point regretting now, at least I still have a chance to spend time with them this way.

“It was probably an oversight on my part to have you all do this on your own, even if you are the Student Council. This much work would tire out anyone,” Adolphe reflected on his conduct.

“It’s fine, it’s what is expect of us anyway,” Ishigami waved a hand dismissively like he was a part of the group that did work, at least manually and physically.

“Did you even do anything? You’re not even here,” Iino spoke without thinking, only the urge to hate Ishigami on her mind.

“Someone seems to forget who the treasurer of the Student Council is, I’m the one that budgeted this whole thing,” Ishigami said confidently as she pointed his thumb at himself.

The girl clicked her tongue and didn’t engage with him anymore. Maki looked at the junior who seemed to hate the boy for no reason at all but beneath she could see that she was fond of him. Just like he read Kaguya.

Not like I’m fond of auntie or anything! She thought hurriedly while she looked around frantically, not wanting anyone to hear her thought somehow.


“Wait, Kaicho couldn’t speak French?!” Fujiwara said in surprise.

“How do you figure?” Erika turned toward her with that question and the girl herself shrugged.

“It wasn’t that hard, I was there after all. Plus it’s a party with foreign students, what else could ‘talk’ mean?”

“So he couldn’t hear…” Adolphe was somewhat disappointed but relieved as well.

Upon hearing her reasoning they all agreed with it and Adolphe started to sweat, remembering what had happened. He rubbed his head, wondering how he was about to deal with the situation that was about to follow.

“Understood,” He spoke joyfully with an accent. He opened the door energetically, “Well, everyone, have a good time!”

“Can you speak French, Shinomiya?” Miyuki asked as he stood next to Kaguya, staring blankly forward.

“I mean, why she wouldn’t be able to speak French,” Tsubame said offhandedly, she was Shinomiya after all. In this world, she was practically omnipotent!

“I mean looking at all those diplomas she had in her introduction, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was fluent in at least 5 languages. Much less French,” Kashiwagi gave her own input.

“I bet she can speak Arabic or something like that too,” Maki said in a jealous tone, not happy at having to give Kaguya praise.

“No. Not very well.”

“Why am I not surprised at the bold-faced lie? And that my son is going to believe this with his whole heart?” Nana’s deadpan seemed more dead than usual as Nayotake sweated. She remembered the comment on honesty earlier and now she didn’t know how to feel about it.

“The blatant lying is crazy,” Maki was baffled for some time and unconsciously spoke out.

“Hmph! Nothing surprising from a Shinomiya,” Iino quietly spoke and due to certain interferences, she was not heard by anyone, not within a certain, contained range.

Kaguya felt the veins in her head throbbing.

“My Lady is just being humble,” Hayasaka came up with a counter on Kaguya’s behalf and the girl in question looked at her in thanks for taking care of the now pouting Maki.

She didn’t even mean to speak just now! She was just hating unconsciously, she didn’t mean it! She was innocent, she grumbled adorably.

Ryuju watched her for a while, dazed, and then looked away. She felt that people who mocked others on a subconscious level were somewhat admirable, so she left Maki alone for the time being. Plus the girl was harmless, making her look adorable when she was angry, somewhat like that Iino kid.

All bark no bite.

Miyuki fell for the bait and smirked. He said some words in French and then ended with saying his name.

“I am Miyuki Shirogane.” He said in English for whatever reason.

Kaguya cheered and started clapping, “You’re not the president for nothing.”

“The way she praises him while being much better is hilarious, she’s just inflating his ego so she can see him happy,” Osaragi said as she looked at Iino.

Miyuki rubbed his head as he looked at the screen tiredly, he cringed while rolling and writhing on the floor within his mind, a blush slowly covering his cheeks. He felt really embarrassed right now, especially when he knew Kaguya was going to speak fluently in about 5 seconds.

Kaguya opened her mouth, “Kaicho~”

Miyuki’s eyes contracted and his face froze, he appeared resigned as if he was waiting for something. Kaguya tilted her head, wondering why he was like this but she brushed it off and continued.

“I can teach you if you want,” He blinked and she did too, he tilted his head as she did too.

Is this some type of game that we don’t understand? The audience was quite confused but was relieved a moment later because…

“Okay, I’d like that, thanks.” Miyuki agreed.

Kaguya smiled, causing the boy to blush heavily. Her smile widened and the crinkle in her eyes accentuated it, making her appear more beautiful. He looked away, placing his hands in his pockets.

She planned to get closer to the president somehow, which could also work with her teaching him and she was glad that he hadn’t rejected her. Fujiwara shook her head when she looked at the pair, already praying for Kaguya as she lit a candle for the girl in her heart, she would need it.

Miyuki—smug—Shirogane laughed and said, “I just prepared by studying the handbook.”

Just then a cute girl with grey hair pulled up on them both while speaking immaculate French that the “French Master” Miyuki couldn’t understand.

Naturally, he stuttered, nervous, “U-Um…” He tried to take out the French dictionary in his back pocket that somehow nobody saw in his back pocket.

“Miyuki, you know you can come to me for help right?” Ryuju couldn’t help but say as she smiled fondly at the difficult and prideful boy. She covered her mouth to hide her smile as she shook her head for her not to laugh. Why did he have the notebook in his back pocket?

“There’s no way or President had that in his back pocket thinking it would help him,” Maki wheezed, not accustomed to seeing the president in such a silly way. He was like a regular clumsy student rather than the esteemed student council president of a prestigious high school.

“Let me check my notes real quick, looking ass,” Onodera smiled as she restrained her laughter to mere giggles, she shook her head. Miyuki and Kaguya were a comedic duo.

Mikado smiled at his rival, turning away so he couldn’t see it. This guy, he felt, was completely different from how he imagined him and he found it refreshing.

Miyuki groaned into his hand, he had forgotten this even happened! He tended to bury these embarrassing memories deep into his mind and never revisit them at all. In the first place, why did he even bring the book with him? Was he stupid?

This is embarrassing! He grumbled and was slightly shocked that no one was mocking him right now.

Miyuki was overthinking, while he was the Student Council President, but that didn’t mean he had to know French of all things. The audience didn’t find it weird that he didn’t know it, so while it may be a bit surprising, it wasn’t that groundbreaking of a revelation to arrive at. He realized this too and sighed in relief.

“To think the president was this cute and silly,” Erika’s eyes shined, already planning something in her mind.

Kei rubbed her face, “Why is he so…” Embarrassing? Dumb? Silly? Even she didn’t know but she felt miffed by it nonetheless. Anyway, he was her big brother, she never needed a reason to be biased against him, she could diss him and get away with it infinitely!

Kei nodded at her privilege, satisfied.

Kaguya began to speak French in his place and Miyuki had a feeling that she was probably lying about being inept at the language. Understanding her meaning, the other girl started speaking with her while smiling.

‘Liar,’ Miyuki looked like his life was stripped from him.

She pouted, “Fair.”

“It’s more than fair to me, to be honest,” Osaragi spoke up, “I mean you’re a Shinomiya.”

“I guess you’re right,” Hayasaka nodded, feeling that what she said made a lot of sense. Shinomiya’s were inherently superior to normal people, she then glanced at the bowed Shirogane. He was able to barely match Kaguya to some extent, she closed her eyes and nodded.

“President could do it if he had time,” Hayasaka was truthful, causing many to be confused. What did she mean by that? She didn’t bother to elaborate and the boy himself was also confused.

What was she talking about?

“So that’s how you see it, huh, stoic maid,” Ryuju was calm as she crossed her legs, her head in her palm, “Hmm. Since that’s what you think, it could be true to an extent.”

Just then a vaguely familiar voice started to speak in French quite eloquently and in a fast manner. Miyuki turned, and in shock, he saw Fujiwara speaking with a bunch of the male French students.

He called her out with a shocked expression, “You can speak French?”

She smiled, “Yes! My mom is a former diplomat, so ever since I was little she drummed various languages into my head.”

“Getting one-upped by Fujiwara gotta be a blow on the psyche, a psychological attack even,” Ishigami shook his head as he patted Miyuki’s shoulder, “Even I didn’t survive it.”

So you finally admitted that you were in denial! Some wanted to shout.

Miyuki sighed.

Being able to genuinely sympathize with Ishigami over a similar experience was not what he was expecting to happen today. He had no idea what was happening anymore, not to mention he was still quite tired. He leaned back, done with it all. Content to just eat and watch his life on a screen. He was ready for pretty much anything else to be honest.

‘Wait a second,’ He took a step forward as his eyes and mouth widened in shock. ‘Am I the only person here who can’t speak French?’


N: He’s completely isolated!

“Pretty much yeah,” Onodera said with a smile, “It must have been hard.”

“Oh you have no idea,” Kaguya said darkly as she remembered that girl who dissed Kaicho. In front of her no less, she swore that girls nowadays had no regard for their own lives. They even dared to lust after and disrespect HER man in her face and expect her to not put them in their place.


“She’s doing the thing again,” Nayotake noticed and was thinking about whether to tell her or not. She didn’t want to embarrass her so she was conflicted on what to do but in the end, she didn’t have to do anything as Hayasaka Ai pinched the girl’s cheek. Thus snapping her out of what she was doing.

‘Wh-Wh-What should I do? If they figure out I’m the only one who doesn’t speak it…’ Miyuki thought nervously.

He conjured up an imaginary scene.

Maki started giggling along with Kashiwagi and Hayasaka as she said, “It’s always this with him I swear, I’m not even surprised by it anymore.”

“The president sure has an active imagination,” Erika licked her lips seductively, “I wonder what else he uses it for? I can make a few guesses.”

“Bro made thinking about his downfall a habit, I’m in tears,” Osaragi lowered her glasses to wipe her tears, her stoic mask cracking in the presence of Miyuki’s silliness.

“It’s even in 4k HD and even has dialogue along with backgrounds with special effects,” Onodera lowered her head tapping her lips with a finger.

“This child,” Nana felt like she was rapidly growing older due to Miyuki and his extended efforts in looking down on himself. She had no idea at all really.

A French boy began to speak with doubt, “The President of the Student Council of a Japanese school can’t speak French.”

“Maybe he’s just dumb.”

They all disappeared and Kaguya showed up with her familiar mocking expression saying something in French, “Comme c'est mignon (How Cute).”

The imagined scene finally faded away.

“So you’re telling me, t-that…” Ryuju laughed as she patted her seat nonstop, tears in her eyes, “You even spent time memorizing that trauma phrase and could even hear her saying it in French?”

“I don’t believe I memorized it, it just came to me for some reason,” Miyuki said offhandedly before he paused, realizing what he just said.

Caught off guard some people immediately start laughing.

“Pft, auntie I can’t even begin to speak about this,” Maki laughed, “He didn’t even know the words, and yet…”

“This trauma is something else,” Mikado shook his head in pity when he heard Miyuki’s words.

“He’s so unserious,” Kei spoke as she hid her smile and stifled a laugh at her brother's expense.

“You’re telling me that this stuff can transcend language barriers now, Kaguya-sama is a woman of epic proportions!” Karen proclaimed loudly as Miyuki groaned, wondering why he even spoke in the first place. He just made his situation way worse.

Kaguya coughed, slightly bashful at Miyuki’s words but she slightly resented him in her heart, ‘Why would he say something like that!? That just makes me look bad!’ She puffed her cheeks and turned away from him looking at the giggling Hayasaka instead.

‘This is bad, bad for my heart,’ he said as he rested his hand on the table and the other on his heart.

The Headmaster looked at him from behind the double doors and began to think with an evil look on his face, ‘Shirogane… why do you think I suddenly asked you to prepare a party?’

Miyuki looked up, slightly confused.

What is he yapping about now?! Ryuju chuckled slightly interested.

“Secretive plotter?” Ishigami raised an eyebrow when he saw how the principal looked, “But seriously what is that look, is… is the principal secretly an evil overlord?!”

Iino sent a book at his head which hit him accurately, “Ow! What the hell was that for!”

“Stop speaking nonsense and stay grounded in reality,” Iino rebuked him.

“There’s a black hole and a white hole literally battling outside the window right now, how am I supposed to stay grounded in reality— Holy f*ck, was that a gamma-ray burst?! Make it make sense!” Ishigami could not help feeling helpless at this little girl.

“Uh… wait, it’s true?” Iino was wide-eyed as she stared outside the window that Hayasaka pointed at when they had first arrived and she couldn’t stop her jaw from dropping.

“Damn…” Everyone was a bit speechless.

Holy sh*t, damn, damn, damn! I actually caught it, I caught a live battle between a black hole and a white hole which were then obliterated by a gamma-ray burst in 4K HD on my phone!’ Rei Onodera felt like crying, she felt like today was the best day of her life to get so much rare footage.

A few moments after the two were promptly restrained by their closest seatmates before they could get back at each other, the video played once more.

The glass in his hand faintly glinted as he looked at Miyuki’s back, ‘I must determine whether you’re truly someone to whom this academy can be entrusted. The real test begins now.’

“What do you mean by that principal?” Kaguya furrowed her brows, her smile slowly dropping.

“Ahem, I may have taken it a bit too far in my tests,” Adolphe coughed, never expecting him to be caught in the crossfire like this and he didn’t like the way Kaguya was looking at him at all. “Shirogane-kun would you accept my apologies in advance?”

“Uh… Sure, I’m not sure what you’re talking about though.” Miyuki scratched his cheek and agreed but Adolphe wasn’t put at ease. His gaze was intently on the ticking time bomb that was called Kaguya Shinomiya.

The girl crossed her legs, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Her cheek on her fist, she stared straight ahead of her.


“Betsy, who the hell is Betsy?” Ishigami asked, slightly curious unaware of the bomb that was seated a few seats away from him.

“What do you mean? It’s obviously a French— Kaguya?!” Fujiwara spoke condemningly before she was snapped out of it by Kaguya who gripped the seat so hard it started creaking. Her aura started leaking out again.

“So it’s that bitch!” Kaguya cursed and everyone knew it was over.

Kaguya didn’t curse. At least out loud. So for her to blatantly curse someone out loud in front of even her parents was a telling sign of what was to come.

A purple-haired teen walked out from the shadows, “No need to go easy on him. Make mincemeat out of Miyuki Shirogane with everything you’ve got.”

Kaguya’s eyes contracted when she saw that purple-haired bitch that had the gall to curse at the president in front of her face.

“It was you!” Kaguya exploded as she glared at the back section, and everyone there couldn’t help but feel their heart freeze. Even Un’yo, Gan’an, and those in the row before them weren’t an exception to this.

“Kaguya…?” Hayasaka asked, slightly uncertain for the first time in a while. The girl looked like she genuinely wanted to kill someone as she directed all her killing intent toward the principal. The only thing she didn’t do was stand up and march to him.

Hayasaka feared the outcome if she did. Because then, she might have to go against Kaguya to stop her. And she did not want to brawl with a blood-lusted Kaguya who was strong enough to fully pull back the string of a heavy longbow while having mastered multiple martial arts. Not to mention her being a genius.

She unconsciously looked at Ryuju, contemplating asking her for help. She didn’t know if the girl was strong but she was wild and unpredictable, so that would be enough.

However, the dragon’s eyes looked especially cold as she gazed at Kaguya, and the veins on her hand were visibly strained as she gripped the seat tightly. She was just waiting for Kaguya to go for the principal so she could start a fight immediately.

Hayasaka wasn’t assured by this at all.

“Are you sure,” She had a doubtful but eager expression.

Kaguya giggled, suddenly remembering how that whor* ran off with a terrified expression on her face after suffering under her verbal assault. That bitch deserved every second of it. Her lips curled in glee as she remembered everything that happened that day.

That’s what happens when these &%$#%$ and $@#$%&# dare to even think of disrespecting Miyuki.

Ishigami let out a shaky breath when he saw how heated Kaguya was getting, it wasn’t safe around this girl. He could see Miyuki hesitating on what to do, whether to stop her or not.

N: Betsy Beltoise, the vice-president of the French school’s student council. Her nickname is “The Wound-licking Razor.” No one has ever been impervious to her verbal attack.

She stuck out her tongue which had a glinting razor.

“The f*ck!?” Tsubasa cursed as his brows furrowed, weirded out by the unusual girl.

“What is going to happen now?” Nayotake was tense, and quite intimidated by the girl.

“Someone’s going to die that’s for sure,” Ishigami said in fear. He had never seen Kaguya this mad before, in fact, compared to now he was pretty sure that all the other times Kaguya was “mad” she wasn’t mad at all.

“So… Does she have a razor on her tongue or is that just a metaphor?” Tsubasa asked Kashiwagi in a low voice.


“So it’s just the animation then?”

“Most likely.”

She approached the unsuspecting Shirogane Miyuki as she pulled up behind him with a devious expression. He replied to her greeting, “Hey.”

She licked her lips and then began her first round of verbal attacks.

N: Betsy’s sarcasm is like punching someone you’ve just met in the face.

Her voice was loud.

“What harsh choice of words! Can the words spoken by a child grow to be so vile?” Nao furrowed her brows when she translated it inside her mind, and the other adults who knew French were not far behind her.

Papa Shirogane looked at his son who looked to be incredibly confused on-screen and off-screen, then he sighed in relief. Of course, he could speak French, why couldn’t he? Thankfully he hadn’t thought of letting Miyuki learn such a thing or how would this have turned out? Permanent mental damage? Or loss of confidence?

It really made him wonder what Adolphe was thinking when doing this.

“This was quite a reckless action taken by the principal, Father what if…” Un’yo whispered to Gan’an and the man shook his head.

“Let us evaluate the situation first, there are too many things that can go wrong with trying to get rid of this man from the school. For instance…” Gan’an jutted his head in Ryuju’s direction and then Miyuki’s as well.

Un’yo hummed as he asked offhandedly, “That isn’t the only reason you’re defending him is there?”

Gan’an smiled, there was a casual tone to his voice, “I have seen many blunders in my lifetime, whether it be by my hand or another. Adolphe is a great man at heart, his methods are just… inexplicably foolish and unsophisticated. It is lacking in control however it is not ill-willed. A second chance may be mandatory.”

Un’yo paused for a moment, “Okay. If that is your wish. I will abide by it.”

“Hmph,” Gan’an smiled once more, “How disingenuous. This act is quite bothersome. You too have taken a liking to this man as well no?”

“No,” Un’yo grabbed at his chin, “I just find bold people to be quite a treat to look at. That’s all.”

“You are very much my son Un’yo.”

“That I am Father. It is what I have learned after all.”

The Shinomiya’s were liars, no matter the generation.

Shocked at her intensity he just said, “Oui.” In response.

She pointed to the ground her expression morphing into something terrifying.

N: Next, she provokes him as if simultaneously insulting his parents and lover.

He agreed with her as he practically spammed that one response as he didn’t know any other word or thing to say. She pointed at him intensely.

Kaguya forgot how loud this girl was when she heard her the first time

“Does he only know that one response,” Kei tilted her head, not afraid of Kaguya’s wrath at all? The girl likely wouldn’t hurt her, she wasn’t sure about anyone else though. She hoped her brother would intervene soon or this would get quite ugly.

Nana’s face wrinkled up when she heard what the child was saying about both her and her ex-husband. It was remarkably unpleasant how Miyuki couldn’t defend them for this but also reassuring as she didn’t recall the boy having the skills to even have a chance at debating someone over things like this.

“She’s loud,” Kaguya stated, she tilted her head as she exposed her neck. A strand of hair somehow being placed in her mouth which made her dark expression and pale skin all the more terrifying.

I have to stop her. Miyuki made up his mind but before he could do anything…

“You’re loud you know that?” Ryuju had an annoyed look on her face as she spoke to Kaguya, “Get to the point already. Do you want to cause harm to the old man or not, I’m tired of keeping this cold ass mask on my face for so long. I don’t have you guy’s stamina for this fake sh*t.”

N: On top of that, she diminishes his character in a way that would make a man in his sixties break down in tears.

Oh someone will be breaking down in tears alright. Kaguya looked at Momo.

“I don’t have a clue what you’re trying to say Ryuju Momo,” Kaguya tilted her head and acted clueless.

Momo turned and slammed her feet onto a small table she conjured up beneath her feet as she looked at the acting girl, “You know what I’m talking about. What’s the verdict?”

“Why does it matter to you anyway?”

“Well…” Momo smiled as she leaned forward until she nearly touched heads with Kaguya, “It’s gonna determine whether I beat your ass or not.”

The atmosphere was tense.

She opened her mouth as the razor transformed into flames, purple and orange flames that devoured the screen, turning it white. Miyuki had a dazed expression and he replied to her dumbly.

Exactement (That’s it.)” He pointed at her.

“Pft— Hahaha!” Maki laughed.


Ryuju leaned back while Kaguya turned toward Maki and everyone waited with bated breath, the girl continued laughing. It was as if she wasn’t paying regard to Kaguya at all, after a while she stopped and looked at the black-haired girl. On her face was a large grin, likely due to the after-effects of her laughing until her lungs nearly gave out.

Maki smiled, “Honestly, at first I was afraid. Afraid that you would go feral and start attacking the principal but then I remembered who you are or rather, what you are.”

What she was? What was Kaguya? To the people in the audience, this question had many answers such as; a crazy girl, Yandere, a hopeless romantic, Miyuki’s future girlfriend, a genius, a beauty, a vice-president, a goddess, etc.

“You know... what I am?” Kaguya appeared genuinely confused and even offended somewhat, causing her pressure to decrease.

“Yes…” Maki stood up and began to walk until she was in front of the girl when she leaned in to place her mouth near her ear, “I know what type of creature you are.”

“Hmph! Then what am I?”

Maki twirled backward before she whispered something and then took out a paper from nowhere. She then daintily skipped back up to Kaguya and kneeled before her, she placed her elbows on the girl's knees and began kicking her feet. Maki smiled up at Kaguya as she ripped the paper and took out something from within. It was pink and delicate, unlike the white from before.

Another paper.

On it were words that most couldn’t see. But those who could didn’t worry about them as they, along with Kaguya, read the words aloud instead.

“S.” “I.” “M.” “P.”

They all spoke out a letter in confusion. They were Kaguya herself, Miyuki, Hayasaka, and Maki who made the final “p” with a loud popping sound, a wide sh*t-eating grin on her face.


There was a pregnant pause.

“What’s a simp?” Nayotake asked dumbly and as if a dam was broken, all those who knew broke into hysterical laughter.

Hayasaka laughed so hard that she couldn’t even sit up straight as she leaned onto Kaguya and grabbed at her clothes, she breathed heavily for air but couldn’t seem to inhale the substance at all. Her eyes were red and the others were not much better as they leaned onto one another for support.

“That was a legendary prank,” Ishigami patted his chest, “You are the greatest of all time Maki-senpai.”

“Incredible,” Ryuju relaxed when she saw Kaguya get pranked, “I can’t believe something like this happened.”

Kaguya trembled as blush slowly creeping onto her face, she held the paper with shaky hands as she slowly looked up at Maki who as walking away from her. Just them something touched her arm and she jerked back. When she took a more careful look she saw that it was Miyuki who had hesitantly touched her palm, he wasn’t laughing like the others.

“Are you okay,” He was close and Kaguya felt it, her blush deepened.

She pushed his face away and hugged herself, the previous atmosphere in the room dispersing. She touched her face, feeling the heat, and couldn’t help feeling slightly indignant when she saw the words on the paper once more. Just then reminded of how she acted a few seconds earlier with Miyuki and couldn’t help feeling slightly embarrassed.

Adolphe was stunned, ‘Miyuki Shirogane! He smiles confidently in the face of that merciless verbal onslaught. I'd be throwing up while bowing down on the ground! You'd think he couldn't comprehend what she was saying!’

“The funny thing is he can’t,” Onodera laughed. She was happy to breathe easier now due to Maki challenging Kaguya for her rashness. “He never learned to.”

“Thank God he didn’t,” Adolphe sighed in relief along with many others.

Kaguya ate meatballs with a pout on her face as she ignored everyone else.

‘My verbal assault isn't getting through! That's impossible!’ Betty’s face contorted and she once again lashed out with her insults.

N: Betsy unleashes an even stronger invective against Shirogane.

“She doesn’t know about Kaguya,” This was the logical conclusion that the adults in the back came to. It was no wonder she was so brave, if she knew a person i.e demon, like Kaguya existed and that she was in love the guy she was insulting, she would have never touch Miyuki even with a 16 feet pole.

“She must have been a freak, to willingly accept a job to spit on the face of the student council president of another school,” Mikado sighed.

Miyuki looked shocked but responded nonetheless and the girl continued her assault. That was until a hand grabbed at her shoulder, it was Kaguya. And she looked royally pissed, so much so that a dark aura took over the entire screen. Betsy, who knew not her wrongs, was stunned and stared emptily into space.

“It’s over,” Karen snickered.

Erika shook her head, “Haters getting put in their place, though she didn’t deserve to get caught by Kaguya of all people. Yikes.”

“What was that? You…” Betsy turned around to look at Kaguya in fear. “You Oh, sorry. You don't understand Japanese, do you?”

“Whoo. I would NOT stick around after hearing this sh*t bro,” Ryuju made a sour face like she had eaten a lemon as she shivered at the girl's tone. The chills she felt were practically unmatched.

“It’s giving me heavy ‘Do you want these wood clones to use Susanoo or not?’ vibes. I’d be scared for my bloody life. As a matter of fact, I already am,” Ishigami laughed in terror as he shrunk back.

“Kaguya might genuinely be a boss monster,” Osaragi said.

“More like a freaking raid boss,” Ishigami whispered.

“Why is everyone talking about her words as if we are not seeing her stare down this poor foreign high schooler, she looks terrified for her life?!” Kashiwagi shouted out as she pointed at Kaguya’s cold glare that was perpetually stuck on the screen.

“I mean, haven’t we experienced this same glare about two to three times so far, it isn’t all that to be honest,” Fujiwara scratched her head, “I myself have survived it so many times already, I’m practically immune!”

“Mhm,” Ryuju side eyed the girl, “Then why are you shaking?”

Fujiwara pretended that she couldn’t hear at all.

N: Kaguya menaces Betsy with language that'd get the attention of the Broadcasting Code.

“All I’m hearing is an obscene amount of censoring and even still I can sense the murderous intent from those,” Nao was confused, why was it like this? Was their young miss such a problem child now or did she always have such a vicious tongue?

“Words sure have power,” Tsubasa whistled as he listened to the censors flashing past his ears. He felt a slight pity for Miyuki, as this was the girl he was chasing or could he even call it that anymore after Kaguya’s performance? It seemed like shew as the one chasing him instead.

If so then it was suddenly a much more terrifying experience for his fragile imagination to ponder without breaking down.

“I… I don’t even know what to say,” Iino for once was quite speechless as she listened to the amount of beeps in her ears. What should she label this as? Under what law des such threats fall under? If she had to give an answer, it would be 90% of them.

This left her confused as she couldn’t issue a verdict at all.

Kaguya went off on the girl so much that everyone was watching in shock and a glass cracked. After the severe scolding, the girl naturally ran away.

“Shinomiya?” Shocked, Miyuki called out to her.

Kaguya blushed when she saw him behind her, snapping out of her state of fury, “P-President! Don’t get the wrong idea! That was…”

“Siimp…!” Maki called out loudly as Kaguya began to choke on her food while Miyuki went to pat her on the back. Maki smiled when she saw the choking Kaguya, appeased at getting back at her auntie after so long.

“Oh, I assure you he won’t be getting the wrong idea now,” Kei said sarcastically but not aloud as she feared it would hurt the girls feelings.

“Honestly you would think that after seeing her like this so many times he would fall out of love with her by now due to how crazy she is, that’s what a sane person would do,” Ryuju said with a sigh.

“Kaicho is far from sane unfortunately,” Tsubame said reluctantly as if it killed her to say it.

Moving to Betsy’s side, the poor girl was traumatized, “She… She’s going to kill me!”

“I’m sorry. I-It’s okay.” Adolphe tried to calm her down.

“Japanese high school girls are scary!”

All of them could agree on this but for a French person, Betsy could be considered a terrifying existence. Not on the level of Kaguya of course but she was still up there nonetheless.

“Ahem,” Adolphe brought attention to himself, “It has come to my attention that my reasoning for this debacle was not sound. Therefore I would like to—”

“Miyuki this old man is gonna start yapping again, here,” Ryuju gave some eye plugs to Miyuki as she said without regard for anyone.


“Principal, I’m telling you right now that whatever you think you should do right now isn’t necessary,” Ryuju said with a bored tone as she stretched her legs haphazardly.

“But, I have committed a wrongdoing!” Adolphe was anxious.

“And you have been long forgiven along with the incident being long forgotten and discarded, right Miyuki?”

“Pretty much. You don’t have to take it to heart, I didn’t hear anything anyway so it’s fine,” Miyuki raised a thumb not bothered at all, it wasn’t a big deal anyway.

“I see…” Adolphe smiled, glad but also stifled at it being so easy. He wished it were not so.

“Then I will thank you for your kindness.”

“Don’t mention it principal,” Miyuki waved his hand.

“Hmph!” Kaguya turned away.

Kaguya on the other hand was also panicked but for a different reason as she thought, ‘Oh, what did I do?’

“We you could start off by giving him a—” Kei slapped a hand on Karen’s mouth before she could continue any further. Everyone looked at them and Kei could feel her blank face heat up.

“Continue, nothing to see here people,” She said boldly and the episode continued to play but some were still paying attention. She removed her hand from Karen’s mouth.

N: Exhibition match. The Japanese school won.

In the aftermath of the party, the other were the last to leave as they were cleaning up. Miyuki looked around and saw Kaguya sitting gown in a depressed state.

“I bet you look down on me now. After being so foul-mouthed…” Her voice was soft and delicate as if she was afraid of making any loud sounds, her face was shadowed.

She pushed her face into her knees, her voice coming out muffled, “This is like the old me.”

”Does it even matter, it’s still you. Won’t change the love I have for you,” Miyuki whispered to himself but somehow Kaguya still heard it and she felt… Not warm but we—

Let me out.’ Ice princess spoke, her head pounding from the sheer force and urgency of the voice. Desperation for released was heard in her usually cold tone.

What? What are you doing here?’ Kaguya was stunned when she heard this voice in her mind. What the hell happened for Ice Princess to suddenly awaken out of the blue like this? She was even speaking to her like they were separate entities and not a single whole?! What changed?!

Let me out, I wanna try something.

Try what?

No! Don’t let her out, let me out instead!’ Bakaguya spoke as a flood of both their desires rampaged in Kaguya’s mind and she finally discovered what they wanted to do as she identified what those desires were.

Sexual perverse desires, the strongest was from Ice Princess.

Kaguya blushed furiously, ‘No way in hell am I letting you guys out, what do you think you’re going to do with our body!?’

We don’t need to think just do, bring him in a separate room for a few minutes,’ Ice Princess said hurriedly like she could hold on anymore and her breath was labored. She was anxious, ‘Leave the rest to me.

What, what’s happening to her?

She’s in heat, I don’t think I need to explain further,’ Loliguya said as she sat at the judge’s seat.

Why though?

Because prez said he loved her, you know how she is about this. That’s all she needs to hear, all you guys need to hear to go into the state she’s in but hers is a bit more sever and before you ask… While I adore President, I am not doing anything with him, he’s all yours. I can do with some head pats though, those are always a treat.

Oh. I understand.’ Kaguya ignored the last part.

Yes— So now we can—

‘No,’ Kaguya rolled her eyes, why was Ice Princess such a fool today? ‘We are not going to… to… to do that with the president!’ Kaguya blushed having the images of what Ice Princess and Bakaguya wanted to do in her mind.

Ice Princess was slightly angry but couldn’t do anything about it so she felt silent for a moment which made Kaguya sigh in relief. She never expected Ice Princess of all to be so capable of such intense thoughts but looking back on it, that was the moment of her life where she was much more of a caged bird in her own mind than her families mansions. No wonder her feeling s were intense, that was who she was.

Then Miyuki accepted that, right to her face where she could hear him. No wonder Ice Princess wanted to give him everything at this moment, he was the one.

She was still to over the top about it though. What if he didn’t agree, she wondered unconsciously blushing when she realized where her mind had gone. She ignored how they all chorused that he would agree without hesitation if she asked and somehow, she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to influence his decisions even if for her benefit.

He placed down the box on the table, “Like I said at the beginning, I skimmed the French handbook. I couldn’t have caught what you said. So, I have no idea what you were saying to her.”

Kaguya looked up with a blush and a dazed expression then turned her gaze to his back. He didn’t look back at her.

“I just know you were mad because she was badmouthing me.” He began to walk out as Kaguya smiled as he said, “Thank you.”

“He’s a 10 for this alone by the way,” Ryuju pointed at the screen and boasted to Hayasaka.

For once the girl agreed, “No one can reassure Kaguya like he can and that’s an [A] in my book for sure.”

“A 5. I’m being generous,” Fujiwara stated with a blank horrified face.

“I didn’t know mirrors were invisible around here,” Ishigami laughed and Fujiwara choked.

“That’s a comeback I saved for future generations,” Onodera looked at the live footage and smiled.

“That one was filled with malicious intent, I can tell,” Maki’s shoulders trembled.

“President!” She called out to him and he turned toward her, “That’s the one thing I [???Something Something Love???] about you.”

“Hey, c’mon man! There’s no way this trope got executed in her too!” Ishigami wailed. “The ‘hidden confession that got blocked by sound’ trope is one of the worst!”

“Did anyone catch what she said or is it gonna be a mystery?” Iino was somewhat anxious not being able to handle not knowing something she wanted to know.

“The most likely place holder is love or something along tose lines but knowing Kaguya it could be a trap to get him to confess,” Osaragi said, moderately miffed at how Kaguya like to present her schemes.

Shocked Miyuki began to walk forward, “What? What did you say?”

She had her hands behind her back, “It’s a secret.” She turned away with a smile.

“Hey, don’t do that to me! It only makes me wanna know more!”

“A secret is a secret.”

“What did you say?”

“This can’t be happening, tell us!” Ryuju started tweaking.

Nayotake rubbed her forehead, was it so hard to just say it? That was what she was wondering but then she remembered that love is war for these two and sighed, it was going to be a long grueling journey.

“I want to know, why it is a secret?!” Fujiwara had a stressed face as she rubbed her hair intensely.

N: Results of today’s match… Both winners.



“Nice, couple growth is always a treat,” Kashiwagi raised a fist in celebration.

“This is part of the communication aspect of a relationship isn’t it?” Karen nodded as if she understood something fundamental.

“Crazy how they can get this type of vulnerability and communication down but can’t just skip the whole ‘love is war’ thing,” Hayasaka shook her head.

Kaguya ignored her instigating.

“In Latin?” Miyuki asked off-screen.


“In Yiddish?”


“In Finnish?”


“He asked her for it in so many languages but it was still no,” Erika had tears in her eyes, knowing that they wouldn’t be finding out what Kaguya said anytime soon.

“Well that was an amusing episode,” Nao said with a smile.

“It sure was, it’s kinda hard to pick my favorite part but it might be the cat section. Seeing Miyuki stutter over his words would always manage to make me laugh,” Ryuju smiled fondly at the boy, she patted his shoulder and ruffled his hair slightly.

Uncleir yawned as it drew reality curtains to a close, “I’m back guys. Episode 4 done!”

Reacting to Kaguya-Sama Love is War: Watching The Show - Chapter 5 - Guardian_Loli - かぐや様は告らせたい | Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai (2024)


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.