The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (2024)

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (1)

© 2014 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association. All rights reserved.Issue 32-01 ~ January/February 2014

The Newsletter of The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots AssociationThe Newsletter of The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association

IINN TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEE......Postcards from Fort Rucker 9

2014 Reunion details 14-22

Looking For 25-26

Welcome to the VHPA 28

TAPS 29-34

VHPA Chapter Activities 35-40

Reunion of the 5th Medical Battalion 43

WORWAC Class 66-23 & 67-1 Reunion 44

YYoouu aarree iinnvviitteedd ttoo aatttteenndd tthhee 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ooff tthhee VVHHPPAALLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKeennttuucckkyy,, 11--55 JJuullyy,, 22001144

Special Reunion Section starts on page 14 of this,the January/February 2014 edition of the VHPA Aviator

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (2)

Moon's "FROM THE PRESIDENT" column in the lastissue was a good one. His idea of donating one-dime-a-dayfor a year to give a fellow helicopter pilot that has neverjoined VHPA a chance to enjoy our organization for a yearwas spot on. And it is already helping grow our ranks. As Iwrite this article, eleven members have paid the one-dime-a-day and 26 NEW GUYS are the recipient of a year’s mem-bership in our Association. Good idea, Mr. President, goodidea!

If you are considering answering our President's call toaction and helping the VHPA grow, PLEASE send Mem-bership your check and/or credit card information for theamount you wish to donate. Also include the name (ornames) of the men you would like to receive your gift oryour Flight Class or Unit if you want HQ to select someonefor you. Moon's goal is 250 NEW GUYS through this pro-gram. Please feel free to call HQ to make a donation and askany questions.

TThhaannkkss,, MMoooonn!!MMiikkee SShheeuueerrmmaann

MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp// VVHHPPAAEE--MMaaiill:: mmsshheeuueerrmmaann@@ttxx..rrrr..ccoomm

E-mail items to The Aviator at:[emailprotected]


(ISSN 1930-5737) (USPS 001-497) is published six times yearly ~ January, March, May, July, September & November.

The VHPA is organized as a 501 (c ) (19) fraternal militaryorganization and one copy of each newsletter is included in each

of our Memberʼs Dues, yearly subscriptions to the Aviatorare available to non-members for $36.00.

Published by See David Adams, Enterprises, LLC, 2900 Arbor Court, Round Rock, Texas, 78681

for the VHPA, headquartered at 2100 N. Highway 360, Suite 907, Grand Prairie, TX 75050.

Periodicals Publications postage paid at Round Rock, Texas and additional mailing points.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes toVHPA HQ, 2100 N. Highway 360, Suite 907, Grand Prairie, TX 75050

AVIATOR PRIVACY STATEMENTThe VHPA Aviator contains member privacy informationthe VHPA considers propr ietary and conf ident ia l . Thisinformation, including but not l imited to the VHPA Chap-ter l ist, shall not be used for commercial solicitat ion pur-poses or for any correspondence related thereto withoutprior written authorization from the VHPA president. Cor-respondence relating to commercial purposes or solicita-t ions shall only be sent to the VHPA Officers, Commit-tee Chairmen and/or Staff l isted in this publication.

Page 2 The VHPA Aviator

RReecciippiieenntt ooff tthhiiss yyeeaarr’’ss $$22,,000000..0000 AAAAAAAA//VVHHPPAA 336611sstt AAvvnn CCoo.. ““PPiinnkkPPaanntthheerr”” HHeerriittaaggee SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp.. CCeecceelliiaa iiss tthhee ggrraannddddaauugghhtteerr ooff MMAAJJ

JJoosseepphh AAnntthhoonnyy CCaanncceellllaarree,, RReett.. ffrroomm EEll PPaassoo,, TTXX..

My name is Cecelia Cancellare and I was born in El Paso, Texas on July13th, 1995. I have spent most of my life growing up in a suburb ten min-utes away from the wonderful, diverse city of Chicago, and am currentlyattending the Honors College at University of Illinois at Chicago. I am apre-nursing student and hope to continue my career in the city that I love.That way I can help the people in my community, as well as continue toenjoy living in a melting pot of cultures and experiences. I also work as alifeguard and aquatics instructor at the Pav YMCA. I also enjoy volunteer-ing with my friends around the city and suburbs. Several of my passions include reading, painting, swimming, and music. I

enjoy going downtown to the Art Institute and Field Museum, as well ashanging out at the North Avenue beachwith my friends. I also love sharing anexcessive amount of pictures of my pets onsocial media, to my friend’s extreme disap-pointment. Like most college freshmen,my life currently revolves around findingcheap food downtown, studying for myclasses, and attempting to maintain adecent social life. I live my life trying toexplore and understand the world aroundme, in an attempt to broaden my worldviewand live life to the fullest.Thank you VHPA for your generous gift

to my education, I will do my best to makeyou proud.



MMeeeett CCeecceelliiaa CCaanncceellllaarree……....

bbyy MMiikkee SShheeuueerrmmaann

The sixteen-thousandth man to join the VHPA is PeterVardell. Pete lives in Concord, North Carolina, he was agraduate in WORAC 68-521, he flew with the 176 AHCin '69-'70 using the Call Sign "Minuteman 19A" and flewwith A/123 AVN 23 INF in '70 using the Call Sign "Peli-can 38".Pete and his wife Karen, plan to attend the 2014 VHPA

Annual Reunion in Louisville where he will receive aVHPA hat denoting him as Member #16,000! That’s cor-rect, ever since we started the VHPA over 16,000 men havejoined the Association, and in fact as this magazine goes topress, our newest member owns Membership Number16,035. Of course not all 16,000+ members are still cur-rent, many have since appeared in our TAPS columns andsome have even declined to renew their memberships, butthat’s a story for another day for we still have over 9,000active members. Today’s story is to congratulate our mem-ber #16,000, Peter Vardell! What took you so long Peter,where have you been? Remember, we still have quite a few more men to find,

contact and get to join our Association; who will be Mem-ber # 17,000, Member #18,000, etc.?

MMiikkee SShheeuueerrmmaannMMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp// VVHHPPAA

EE--MMaaiill:: mmsshheeuueerrmmaann@@ttxx..rrrr..ccoommPPhhoonnee 221144--880022--44224444 ((cceellll)) oorr 11--880000--550055--VVHHPPAA

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (3)

President Bill "Moon" MullenVice President Bob HesselbienPast President John SorensenMembers At LargeSenior Member Clyde RomeroMidterm Member John ShaferJunior Member Mike SheuermanSecretary/Treasurer Tom PayneFounder Larry ClarkVHPA NATIONAL COMMITTEES AND THEIR CHAIRMENChapter Liaison John “Jack” SalmHistorical Mike SlonikerInvestment Bob SmithMembership Mike SheuermanNational Reunion Mike LawPublic Relations/Publications Bob HesselbeinRecords/Database Gary RoushSponsorship/Fundraising Bill "Moon" MullenVHPA Calendar Project Mike Law, EditorVHPA Membership Directory Gary Roush, EditorVHPA Memory Map Project Ron BowerVHPA Scholarship Program Tom PayneVHPA Aviator Newsletter David Adams, Editor

VHPA SUPPORTLegal Advisor Mike PoindexterInvestment Advisor Bob Potvin


VHPA ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESSESVHPA Headquarters [emailprotected] of The VHPA [emailprotected] Secretary/Treasurer [emailprotected] Chapter Liaison [emailprotected] Chairman [emailprotected] Chairman [emailprotected] Reunion Chairman [emailprotected] Relations/Publications [emailprotected]/Database [emailprotected] Calendar Project [emailprotected] Membership Directory Editor [emailprotected] Memory Map Project [emailprotected] Scholarships Program [emailprotected] Aviator Newsletter [emailprotected]

Official Web Site of the

VHPA OFFICERSCommittee Chairmenand Staff ~ 2012-2013

YYOOUURR LLAASSTT CCHHEECCKK RRIIDDEEI have four daughters, two each by separate moms, and a new wife. I am

a lucky guy in that all five actually like each other. Now what are the oddsof that happening?

I sometimes think what could happen to change their great relationship......perhaps my last check ride! In a time of sorrow when they have to agreeon a funeral home, a casket, what I will wear, funeral arrangements, where tobury me, write an obituary. I decided to give them the final act of love. Allthe arrangements have been made and paid for in advance, by me.

Now, being a Vietnam Helicopter Pilot, I know we do not like peopletelling us what to do. The actuary charts tell us that 7% of those readingthis article will not live for another year. No, not reading this will notchange your odds! So, I am going to make some suggestions.

11.. Please make a will....even if it is handwritten, signed and dated. Manytimes an attorney will take your handwritten will and put it into a legaldocument for a few hundred dollars.

22.. Talk to a funeral director and exchange ideas. The casket is usually thelargest cost item. The difference between a $2,000 and $6,000 casket isthe amount of time it will remain air and water proof. Twenty five yearsor one hundred years.My comment was... who cares...and who is going to check? I selected theinexpensive one.

33.. Do you want flowers or a charitable donation? you want a reli-gious ceremony? selection?....cremation?

44.. Most pilots can be buried in a military your localVA office and gather information. There is a burial allowance, they pro-vide a headstone or marker, there is a death pension and a burial flag.

NNoottee:: I will have an Irish wake at the local American Legion hall. Of coursethere will be an open bar and plenty to eat. It is hoped that many will sitaround and tell Moon stories and celebrate with laughter and remembrance.

As I stated in the beginning, over 600 of us will take that final checkride during the next year. It is going to come at some time so do yourfamily the last big favor and plan ahead.

II aamm PPRROOUUDD ttoo bbee oonnee ooff uuss.. WWeellccoommee HHoommee,, GGoodd BBlleessss YYoouu aannddGGoodd BBlleessss tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess ooff AAmmeerriiccaa..

LLeett mmee kknnooww hhooww wwee aarree ddooiinngg~~ MMoooonn


Page 3 The VHPA Aviator

FFrroomm......Bill "Moon" Mullen,

President of the VHPA

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Page 4 The VHPA Aviator

bbyy TTeerrrryy GGaarrlloocckk NNoottee:: tthhiiss ccoolluummnn wwaass ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee FFaayyeettttee CCoouunn--ttyy,, GGAA nneewwssppaappeerr,, TThhee CCiittiizzeenn,, oonn AAuugg 1144,, 22001133,, oonneeooff mmaannyy aatttteemmppttss bbyy TTeerrrryy GGaarrlloocckk ttoo ffooccuuss aann uunniinn--tteerreesstteedd AAmmeerriiccaann ppuubblliicc oonn oouurr mmiilliittaarryy.. The Silver Star is our country’s 3rd high-est military decoration for valor, exceededonly by the Distinguished Service Crossand Medal of Honor. If you ask my buddyMike King how he earned the Silver Star,or if you ask about the personal costinvolved, he may stare at you but he won’ttell you and there is nothing you can say toconvince him you deserve to know. The Silver Star is awarded for “gallantry”in action, one peg above heroism on themilitary awards chart, but if you utter theword “hero” to Mike he will think you adamn fool and he just might say so becausehe’s inclined to speak his mind withoutthe inhibitions that encumber most of us.Too many Americans have no interest inor concept of serving our country under difficult conditions. Toomany don’t even know anyone in uniform and since these daysvirtue is measured in self-indulgent pastimes and cell phone acu-men, I believe our youth would do well to pay attention, to measurethemselves against examples of service such as Mike King inPeachtree City. He retired from the US Army as LieutenantColonel, but I will tell you a little about his younger days as a Lt.,serving as a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War in 1972. The war was rapidly winding down and all American ground

troops had been withdrawn from Vietnam. Our pilots remained tosupport South Vietnamese ground troops fighting to protect theircountry from North Vietnamese invaders seeking to impose Com-munism by force. Mike was a Scout pilot with Charlie Troop of the16th Cavalry in the delta region in southern Vietnam near theequator, where the mighty Mekong river spreads out in many fin-gers to flow in ever-slower ebbs into the South China Sea, deposit-ing its silt along the way to build more flat so-called land, wherethere are no foxholes because digging a few inches will strike water,where palm trees grow tall and the vegetation spreads thick and fastbeside thousands of rice paddies separated by dikes in squares,where the steamy heat and humidity suffocate newcomer Ameri-cans while rotting the clothes off their back and distracting themfrom noticing trip wires and mines, where snakes abound and thebugs are so big they might conspire to carry you off for dinner,where ground transport was predominantly by boat on the count-less canals under cover of darkness despite curfews and civilians hadbeen mostly relocated out of the areas designated as free fire zonesdue to relentless enemy activity. Scout pilots were a special breed, kind of the “Airborne Ranger”

among helicopter pilots, mostly volunteers for their dangerous mis-sion. They flew the Hughes Cayuse OH-6 Light Observation Heli-copter, “Loach” in our slang, a powerful little aircraft that sufferednone of the power problems plaguing other helicopters in the lousy“density altitude,” a by-product of the heat. The Loach gave a quick,highly responsive low vibration ride, perfectly suited to the Scout

mission of flying low, snooping around, blowing tall grass apartlooking for footprints, campfires, weapons or food caches or anyother sign of the expertly concealed enemy, always trying to drawtheir fire to expose their position. Mike and his fellow Scouts flewmissions in Loach pairs, darting around low and usually quite slowlooking for trouble, flying a circular cap around a target 180 degreesapart to cover each other with the gunner’s M60 and the pilot-con-trolled minigun, a breathtaking weapon that fired 7.62mm roundsat the rate of 4,000 per minute on full speed. Of course standardissue weapons weren’t enough for these cowboys, so they carried apile of “bombs,” a concussion grenade taped to three pounds of C4plastic explosive. The gunner used them like bowling balls to rollon the fly into the door of enemy bunkers after pulling the pin. Thelongest four seconds of Mike’s life was when his gunner in the backseat was hit in his chest protector by an enemy round and knockedto the other side of the aircraft while he was holding the bomb,yanking the commo chord out of socket, leaving Mike to wonderwhether the grenade was still in the back seat with the pin pulled,which would have turned them and the aircraft into a shower ofsmall pieces. The first time Mike was shot down he was flying the wing of

Hugh Mills, a legendary Scout pilot and member of the US ArmyAviation Hall of Fame. Intelligence had reported an NVA unit inthe area. Searching for the enemy was scheduled for an end of theday mission, which afforded the brass at Group Headquarters theopportunity to join the Cavalry package sent to check it out sincethis was thought to be a “milk run.” The brass would observe fromthe Command and Control Huey helicopter at a higher and saferaltitude, so what could possibly go wrong? Mike and Hugh flew their approach low, at about eight feet off

the ground and 80 knots to surprise the enemy – if they were there.As they rounded a turn at a canal, suddenly the enemy unit was inclose front encamped in a clearing, surprising all on both sides, andMike lost track of his fire team lead bird because there were lots ofpretty twinkles out front - enemy muzzle flashes - and as the rounds

MMiikkee KKiinngg,, iinn ffrroonntt sseeaatt,, aanndd HHuugghh MMiillllss,, iinn bbaacckk sseeaatt,, sshhaarree ssoommee ddoowwnn ttiimmee bbeettwweeeenn mmiiss--ssiioonnss.. PPhhoottoo ttaakkeenn bbyy BBoobb HHeesssseellbbiieenn

AAmmeerriiccaa’’ss ttrraaddiittiioonn ooff sseerrvviiccee:: MMiikkee KKiinngg

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (5)

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zipped and whacked into his aircraft Mikewas focused on the minigun to shoot back.He says after a minigun burst it all seemedlike slow motion because everything wentquiet when his turbine died and that low tothe ground there was no time to do anything.When he hit the ground that tough littlehelicopter rolled right through the enemycamp, slinging off all kinds of parts andmaybe killing some enemy as it rolled, andkept rolling beyond into a rice paddy. By thetime that highly survivable co*ckpit stoppedrolling, everything external had either fallenoff or had been torn off, including the plexi-glass bubble, and a dizzy, banged up andpissed off Mike unstrapped and climbed out,looking around for John Hazelwood, hisdoor gunner in the back seat, but all he couldseewas John’s nose just above the dirty rice paddywater.SoMike drew his knife, cut John’s safety belt, pulled him up by his

shirt, threw him over his shoulder and proceeded to a nearby ricepaddy dike for cover. CarryingHazelwood throughwaist-deep foulwater fertilized with animal and human dung, Mike noticed armedenemy troops, who looked rather pissed off themselves, advancingfrom both sides of the dike. Hazelwood told Mike later that hislegs worked fine but he decided if Mike was determined to carryhim he would gladly go along for the ride, but as the enemy closedin he did hasten to remind Mike about his .38 pistol, their onlyremaining weapon. Mike drew his pistol and fired all six roundswhile still carrying Hazelwood, alternating his fire from one side tothe other, hitting two of the enemy and slowing the others down.Mike doesn’t remember, but John swears that Mike threw theempty weapon at a nearby enemy soldier just before the C&C air-craft arrived to pick them up, first dispatching nearby enemy withthe gunner’sM60.Mike’s JohnWayne impersonation was over, at least for that day,

February 20th, 1972. But that is not the occasion for which Mikereceived the Silver Star. Mike’s luck held through being shot downfourmore times in theDelta, including one day a very angry enemysoldier emptied his AK-47 intoMike’s helicopter from point-blankrange as he flew by low and fast, putting one round in themiddle ofhis chest protector. Mike still has that chest protector, or “chickenplate” in our lingo, with the 7.62mm bullet hole to remind himhow much his bruised ribs hurt for days. One day Mike ziggedwhen his gunner expected him to zag, and unintentionally shotholes in the ends of each of the four rotor blades. Mike had to set itdownbefore the extreme vibration tore the aircraft apart.If you want to call that a shoot down, then make it six in all, too

many tests of a youngman’s courage and luck. I f you askMike he’lltell you he just did his job in Vietnam like the other guys. Just likethem, he didn’t really want to be there amidst all the misery, hedidn’t hate anyone and he didn’t want to kill anybody. He wasdoing his duty.One of the reasons he won’t answer some questions is that he

knows fancy medals that set one man apart don’t make a dime’sworth of difference among Vietnam veterans; we’re all brotherswho were in it together. As any combat veteran can tell you, war isa nasty business, the price of admission to a brotherhood of thosewho were there. I have knownMike King for just five years but he

and I will be brothers and friends until one of us draws a last breathand there is no other in this world I would rather have watch myback.Young people, tear yourself away from your cell phone, take notice

of people around you like Mike King, measure yourself and won-der: How can I serve an interest that is greater than myself? Onlyyou can answer that question.

TTeerrrryy GGaarrlloocckk ooff PPeeaacchhttrreeee CCiittyy,, GGAA wwaass aa CCoobbrraa hheelliiccoopptteerr ppiilloottiinn tthhee VViieettnnaamm WWaarr aanndd wwrroottee aa bbooookk aabboouutt VViieettnnaamm vveetteerraannss,,

““SSttrreennggtthh && HHoonnoorr:: AAmmeerriiccaa’’ss BBeesstt iinn VViieettnnaamm,,”” sseeeewwwwww..ggaarrlloocckk11..ccoomm.. TTeerrrryy’’ss ee--mmaaiill aaddddrreessss iiss:: tteerrrryy@@ggaarrlloocckk11..ccoomm

MMiikkee KKiinngg aanndd hhiiss ddaauugghhtteerr AAbbbbyy

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The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (6)

Page 6 The VHPA Aviator

At the time, I was commanding the 159th Med Detachment, a DUST OFFunit at Cu Chi, located about 20 miles north of Saigon. I was wounded duringthe early morning hours of December 11, 1968 and spent the next four days inthe hospital after a North Vietnamese soldier ricocheted an AK- 47 bullet offmy hard head.I returned to my unit on the 16th of December. A couple of days later, the

Commander of the 25th Medical Battalion called and said the Chief of Staffof the 25th Infantry Division wanted to see both of us right away. When Iasked why, he said, “I don’t know, but the Chief wants to see us right now!”When we got to the Chief’s office, he shooed everyone else out and told

us to pull chairs close to his desk. When everyone else was gone, he turnedand said, “What I’ll be discussing is at the Secret or Top Secret level, sokeep it close-hold. No one else knows anything about this except for the G-3 and the Division Commander.”After that unexpected warning, the Chief continued, “We have informa-

tion concerning a very sensitive mission that may be coming our way and Ineed a pilot who knows the area around Tay Ninh like he knows the backof his hand.” I responded, “Sir, you’re looking at him. I flew in this area fora year during my previous tour and I’ve been here for nearly six months thistime.” The Chief looked at me and said, “But you just got out of the hospi-tal, didn’t you?” I said, “Yes sir, but I can get back on flying status again in aheartbeat.”The Chief continued, “We understand the North Vietnamese plan to

release some American Prisoners of War (POW) as a goodwill gesture onChristmas Day and we need a DUST OFF to pick them up. Can you doit?” I said, “Yes Sir.” He then said, “Okay, pick your best crew to go withyou because I don’t want any problems.”The Chief of Staff was one of those officers you didn’t mess with, so I

replied, “Okay, sir, I’ll pick my best people.” The Chief closed with, “Be atTay Ninh tomorrow at 1330 for a meeting at the Third Brigade headquarters.Now, get out of here!”When we walked out, LTC Helzel turned to me and said, “I thought the

flight surgeon grounded you for at least two weeks?” I replied, “I’m on my wayto see him right now and, if I need any help, will you support me?” He lookedat me and said, “Well, okay.” I knew the flight surgeon fairly well and didn’tbelieve he would give me any grief, but it didn’t hurt to have another doctor inmy corner as insurance.I told the flight surgeon I needed an “Up Slip” because the Chief of Staff

wanted me to fly a mission for him. , He asked me two questions, “Are youhaving any dizzy spells? Can you see all right?” I told him I was fine, so he said,“Then I’ll put an “Up Slip” in your records.” That’s how easy it was to get

back on flying status after being wounded.I picked a W-1 by the name of Jim Daily to be my copilot and the two of us

selected the crew chief and medic we wanted to fly with us. I gave them a briefoutline of what I had been told and asked them to keep it close-hold. The nextday, we were anxious to learn what the mission might entail, so we arrived atTay Ninh about 30 minutes early. Jim and I went to the Third Brigade head-quarters to ask where the briefing would be held and were directed to a nearbybuilding. We told the crew chief and medic to stay with the aircraft and head-ed for the meeting area. When we arrived, we were surprised to see armedguards surrounding the building.There I was; a young major with aW-1 trailing me, as we walked into a room

filled with high-ranking people. There were Army, Air Force, and Navy offi-cers; people in civilian clothing (either State Department or CIA); and twobrigadier generals present. Jim and I took a seat in the back of the room. Aftera short wait, the 25th Division Chief of Staff and others entered. An Armymajor began the briefing by telling us a clandestine message had been receivedfrom the North Vietnamese indicating they planned to release several Ameri-can POWs on Christmas Day. He said the release would occur at or across theCambodian Border west of Tay Ninh and the purpose of the meeting was to


DDoonngg SSooii SSppeecciiaall FFoorrcceess ccaammpp,, llooccaatteedd ttwweellvvee kkiilloommeetteerrssnnoorrtthheeaasstt ooff TTaayy NNiinnhh cciittyy iinn tthhee sshhaaddooww ooff tthhee BBllaacckk VViirrggiinn((NNuuii BBaa DDeenn)) mmoouunnttaaiinn.. TThhii ss iiss wwhheerree 22LLTT WWiill ll ii aammsseeaarrnneedd hhiiss MMOOHH ffoorr aaccttiioonnss oonn JJuunnee 99,, 11996655..

CCaappttaaiinn DDoouugg MMoooorree ((oonn lleefftt)) ssttaannddiinngg oouuttssiiddee hhiiss mmeeddeevvaaccccoopptteerr aatt TTaann SSoonn NNhhuutt aaiirr bbaassee,, SSaaiiggoonn..

TTrryyiinngg ttoo llaanndd aallll tthhee wwaayy ttoo tthhee ggrroouunndd ffoorr aa ppiicckk--uupp iinn tthheeRRuunngg SSaatt sswwaammpp ssoouutthh ooff SSaaiiggoonn..

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discuss the planning that had already been underway for several days.The briefing continued in the excruciatingly hot weather while each

phase of the plan was discussed in minute detail. Those plans providedfor an infantry battalion, that would be placed on standby at TayNinh airfield with enough helicopters to lift the entire unit at onetime. All nearby artillery, including a long range, 175mm howitzerunit, would be prepared to fire on targets in and around the releasesite. The Air Force would have two squadrons of fighter/bombers air-borne to respond if the need arose. Finally, they told us a 20 mileradius ‘No Go’ zone would be established around the release point;into which no ground units or aircraft could penetrate other than theDUST OFF aircraft.

The briefing continued with only minimal acknowledgement of ourrole, so the Chief of Staff finally stood up from his front row seat andcame striding down the aisle. As he passed where Jim and I were sit-ting, he said loudly, “You guys know what to do, don’t you?” I said,“Yes, Sir.” So the Chief continued, “Well, come on then, you don’thave to stay and listen to the rest of this crap!”

We walked out behind him, leaving everyone else staring at us andwondering who in the hell we were. When we got outside, the Chiefof Staff turned to me and said, “You guys ready?” I said, “Yes, Sir, we’reready.” He then said, “Okay, you’ll be given detailed instructions whenthe time comes. All I want you to do now is make sure your aircraft isready and study possible pick-up sites on your map.”On Christmas Day, we returned to Tay Ninh. We were supposed to

be there at 10:00 in the morning, but arrived about an hour early.After parking our aircraft in its revetment, several staff officers fromthe 25th Infantry Division came by to inspect it and found it in goodorder. A CIA or State Department representative stopped by and toldus to keep our weapons slung on the backs of our seats unless we hadto use them. He also told us not to take any cameras or recordingdevices and warned us against making any undue facial expressions orother gestures that might jeopardize the mission.The POW release was scheduled to occur at noon, but nothing hap-

pened. We continued waiting until about 1600, when a captain fromthe operations center came out and said, “Okay, guys, everyone gohome. Remember the Christmas truce ends at midnight, so watchyourselves!”

I wasn’t satisfied with his brief information, so I walked over to theoperations center and asked what happened. Their response was,“We don’t know. It just didn’t happen.” At that point I asked,“Well, what was supposed to happen?” Their answer was, “We don’tknow.” We were completely puzzled by the day’s events, as wereturned to Cu Chi.

There was no additional information about the POW release untilshortly after noon on the 28th of December. I had just returned fromflying another mission when my clerk told me the Chief of Staff want-ed to see me right away. I hurried to his office and the Chief told me,“Everything is on for New Year’s Day. Be at Tay Ninh at 0930.”

On January 1, 1969, we returned to Tay Ninh and an Army LTCwas waiting when we got out of the aircraft. He asked us to gatheraround him before saying quietly, “We think it will be a ‘go’ today.Just before you launch, you’ll be given a set of map coordinates. Now,here are two code words for you to remember. The first is to be usedto call in the Air Force in case it’s a trap and they begin shooting atyou. If you successfully pick the POWs up, here’s another code wordfor you to use. Call us as soon as you are out of the pick-up site andtransmit that code word followed by a number indicating how manyPOWs you have on board. Are there any questions?” At that point, Iasked, “How will the landing zone be marked?” His response was, “I

don’t know. You’ll be given a set of map coordinates and that’s all Iknow.”

We stayed with our helicopter for nearly two hours in terribly hotweather and were beginning to believe it was going to be a repeat ofChristmas Day. Suddenly, an officer ran from the operations centerand gave me a handwritten set of map coordinates. We quicklychecked them on our map and found the pick-up site was not acrossthe Cambodian border as we had been told to plan for. Instead, it wasa few miles inside South Vietnam in an area of heavy jungle that wascommonly called the “Saw Tooth Woods.” I had been on operationsin that area earlier and we always drew heavy automatic weapons fire.

As the crew untied the rotor blades, Jim and I made a last check ofour weapons to ensure they were as inconspicuous as possible. Thetakeoff we made that day was one of the strangest I’ve ever experi-enced. Typically the skies around Tay Ninh were filled with all sorts ofairplanes and helicopters. On that day, however, we couldn’t seeanother aircraft in the air anywhere.

Jim navigated while I flew and as we approached the “Saw ToothWoods,” we began noticing small clearings near where the coordinateswere leading us. Then, we saw a large North Vietnamese flag flying in asmall clearing, so I told the crew, “That’s probably it. Let’s land by theflag and see what happens.” At that point, I called the operations cen-ter at Tay Ninh and told them we were landing.We landed a few yards from the flag and kept the engine running. A few

minutes later, we saw eight North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers

PPhhoottoo ooff tthhee hheellmmeett DDoouugg MMoooorree wwaass wweeaarriinngg oonn 1111 DDeecc 6688wwhh ii llee hhee wwaass pp ii cckkiinngg uupp ee ii gghh tt ppaatt ii eenntt ss ff rroomm tthhee 22 //1122tthhIInnffaannttrryy BBaattttaalliioonn.. ““TThhee aaiirrccrraafftt ttooookk 3377 hhiittss wwhhiillee wwee wweerreeoonn tthhee ggrroouunndd aanndd dduurriinngg ttaakkee--ooffff iinncclluuddiinngg aann AAKK--4477 rroouunnddtthhaatt ccaammee tthhrroouugghh tthhee lloowweerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee wwiinnddsshhiieelldd ffrraammee,, hhiittmmyy hheellmmeett iinn tthhee vviissoorr kknnoobb sslloott aanndd ccaammee oouutt bbeehhiinndd mmyy lleefftteeaarr..

TThhee bbuulllleett bbaarreellyy ssccrraappeedd mmyy ffoorreehheeaadd,, bbuutt mmeettaall aanndd PPlleexxii--ggllaassss ffrraaggmmeennttss ccuutt mmyy nnoossee aanndd ffiilllleedd mmyy lleefftt eeyyee.. AAnn oopphhtthhaall--mmoollooggiisstt pplluucckkeedd mmoosstt ooff tthhee ffrraaggmmeennttss oouutt ooff mmyy eeyyee aanndd IIssuuffffeerreedd nnoo ppeerrmmaanneenntt ddaammaaggee.. SSoommeeoonnee wwaass llooookkiinngg oouutt ffoorrmmee tthhaatt ddaayy..”” DDoouugg MMoooorree

SS eeee ppaagg ee 4466 ff oorr tthhee ccoonn cc ll uussii oonn oo ff CCOOLL MMoooorree '' ss ss ttoorryy

bbyy CCOOLL,, RReett.. DDoouugg EE.. MMoooorreebbyy CCOOLL,, RReett.. DDoouugg EE.. MMoooorree

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Air Cav. Hats $18.00Air Cav. Patches $7.00Unit Numbers $2.00 ea.

Air Cav. (Basic, Senior, Master)Air Cav. Teeʼs $20.00

Golf Shirts $39.00VHPA Hats $15.00 (Basic, Senior, Master)

VHPA Official Patch $6.00Scrambled Eggs $5.00

VHPA 10” Back Patch $20.00Life Member Back Tab $10.00. + S&H

e-mail your orders to: [emailprotected] Orders to 6100 Tradewinds Court, VA. Beach, VA. 23464

757-681-0828 Fax 757-424-7799


The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (9)

Page 9 The VHPA Aviator

VVHHPPAA MMeemmbbeerr FFllooyydd LLiittttlleeffiieellddsseenntt uuss ssccaannss ooff ffiivvee ppoossttccaarrddss tthhaatthhee bboouugghhtt aatt FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr wwhhiillee hheewwaass iinn fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg aanndd hhee hhaassssaavveedd aallll tthheessee yyeeaarrss....TThhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee ffrroonntt ggaattee ppoosstt ccaarrdd rreeaaddss:: MMaaiinn GGaattee -- FFoorrtt

RRuucckkeerr,, AAllaabbaammaa,, AArrmmyy AAvviiaattiioonn CCeenntteerr"".. TThhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee UUHH--11BB ppoossttccaarrdd rreeaaddss:: ""TThhee UUHH--11BB -- FFaammeedd

ffoorr iittss ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee iinn wwaarr ttoorrnn SSoouutthheeaasstt AAssiiaa,, tthhee UUHH11--BB IIrroo--qquuooiiss aarree bbeeiinngg fflloowwnn iinn VViieettnnaamm bbyy ppiilloottss ttrraaiinneedd aatt tthhee AArrmmyyAAvviiaattiioonn CCeenntteerr,, FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr,, AAllaabbaammaa""..TThhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee OOHH--1133 ppoosstt ccaarrdd rreeaaddss:: ""TThhee OOHH--1133 ffiirrsstt wwoonn

ffaammee aass tthhee ''KKoorreeaann AAnnggeell'' aass aa mmeeddiiccaall eevvaaccuuaattiioonn sshhiipp iinn tthhee KKoorreeaannWWaarr aanndd iiss aa ffaammiilliiaarr ssiittee aatt tthhee AArrmmyy AAiirr CCeenntteerr aatt FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr,,AAllaa..,, aanndd iinn VViieett NNaamm.."" TThhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee UUHH--11DD ppoosstt ccaarrdd rreeaaddss:: ""TThhee UUHH--11DD -- TThhiiss

ttuurrbbiinnee--ppoowweerreedd UU..SS.. AArrmmyy HHeelliiccoopptteerr hheelldd 2211 wwoorrlldd hheelliiccoopptteerrppeerrffoorrmmaannccee rreeccoorrddss iinn 11996655.. IItt iiss uusseedd iinn ppiilloott ttrraaiinniinngg aatt FFoorrttRRuucckkeerr,, AAllaabbaammaa aanndd aass ttrroooopp ttrraannssppoorrtt aanndd eevvaaccuuaattiioonn hheelliiccoopptteerriinn VViieettnnaamm.."" TThhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee MMaassss FFllyy BByy ppoosstt ccaarrdd rreeaaddss:: ""TThhee AArrmmyy''ss

aaddvvaanncceedd hheelliiccoopptteerr ssttuuddeennttss ffllyy UUHH--11BB ''IIrrooqquuooiiss'',, hheerree ddiissppllaayyeeddiinn aa sskkyy--ffiilllliinngg aanndd uunnuussuuaall mmaassss ffoorrmmaattiioonn aatt FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr,, AAllaabbaa--mmaa..""AAllll ffiivvee ccaarrddss hhaavvee aann iiddeennttiiccaall vveerrttiiccaall ddiivviiddiinngg ssttaatteemmeenntt iinn tthhee

cceenntteerr ooff tthhee bbaacckk tthhaatt rreeaaddss:: ""SSmmiitthh''ss DDrruugg SSuunnddrryy SSttoorree,, OOzzaarrkk,,AAllaabbaammaa""..II hhooppee tthhaatt sshhaarriinngg tthheessee mmiigghhtt bbrriinngg bbaacckk ssoommee mmeemmoorriieess ffoorr

oouurr mmeemmbbeerrss..

FFllooyydd LLiittttlleeffiieellddFFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6677--77

BBooxxccaarrss//FFrreeiigghhtt TTrraaiinn iinn VViieettnnaamm EE--MMaaiill:: ffllyyjjeettss220055@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm

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DDeemmppsseeyy hheelliippoorrtt llooccaatteedd nneeaarr PPaalloo PPiinnttoo,, TTeexxaass.. WWaass uusseedd ffoorr mmaannyy yyeeaarrss aass aaFFEEMMAA ttrraaiilleerr ppaarrkkiinngg lloott..

VVHHPPAA MMeemmbbeerr FFrreedd HHaarrmmss ((CCllaassss 6677--55.. 9922nndd AAHHCC)) sseenntt uusstthheessee aaeerriiaall pphhoottooggrraapphhss tthhaatt hhee ttooookk ooff FFoorrtt WWoolltteerrss llaasstt JJuullyy 1122tthh..IItt sseeeemmss FFrreedd wwaass ttaakkiinngg aa rreeccuurrrreenntt cchheecckk rriiddee,, wwiitthh tthhee FFAAAA tthhiissttiimmee,, aanndd tthheeyy cchhoossee ttoo ccoonndduucctt iitt oovveerr tthhee MMiinneerraall WWeellllss,, TTeexxaass aarreeaa

TThhiiss wwaass FFrreedd’’ss llaasstt fflliigghhtt cchheecckk wwiitthh tthhee FFAAAA.. HHee rreettiirreedd iinnDDeecceemmbbeerr ooff 22001133.. HHee wweenntt oonn ttoo ssaayy tthhaatt DDoowwnniinngg HHeelliippoorrtt iissnnooww uusseedd ffoorr ppoolliiccee ddrriivveerr ttrraaiinniinngg aanndd ““aannyytthhiinngg eellssee tthhaatt rreeqquuiirreess aabbiigg,, ooppeenn ssppaaccee..””

FFrreedd mmaayy bbee rreeaacchheedd aatt:: ffhhaarrmmss@@cchhaarrtteerr..nneett

DDoowwnniinngg HHeelliippoorrtt,, ssttiillll ccoo--llooccaatteedd wwiitthh tthhee MMiinneerraall WWeellllss AAiirrppoorrtt ((iinn ffoorreeggrroouunndd))..

AAeerriiaall vviieeww ooff tthhee MMaaiinn GGaattee ttaakkeenn oonn JJuullyy 1122,, 22001133.. NNoottee aabbsseennccee ooff bbootthhddaammaaggeedd ddiissppllaayy hheelliiccoopptteerrss wwhhiicchh wweerree rreeppllaacceedd oonn AAuugguusstt 1144tthh,, 22001133

AAeerriiaall pphhoottoo ooff tthhee oolldd WWOOCC bbaarrrraacckkss aarreeaa.. TThhee bbaarrrraacckkss wweerree uusseedd ffoorr mmaannyy yyeeaarrss aass vvaarriioouussttyyppeess ooff ccoonnffiinneemmeenntt ffaacciilliittiieess,, tthhee llaatteesstt vveerrssiioonn,, tthhee ““MMiinneerraall WWeellllss PPrree--PPaarroollee TTrraannssffeerr

FFaacciilliittyy””,, wwaass cclloosseedd oonn 1133 AAuugguusstt 22001133..

AAeerriiaall pphhoottoo ooff tthhee oolldd MMaaiinn HHeelliippoorrtt,, llooccaatteedd oonn FFoorrtt WWoolltteerrss pprrooppeerr..

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (11)

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Many in our Membership are asking questions aboutour annual Scholarship program, who is eligible,

how is it awarded and when can you apply. Ok, here goes –

VVHHPPAA MMEERRIITT SSCCHHOOLLAARRSSHHIIPP PPRROOGGRRAAMMCurrently, the VHPA has five endowed annual scholarships of $1000 each. All

of the VHPA scholarship funds are managed by the AAAA Scholarship Founda-tion. The Executive Council has authorized that all funds donated at the AnnualBusiness Meeting ,by passing the "CAV HAT", be used to increase future scholar-ships to $2,000 each. At the Annual Business meeting in San Francisco therewere sufficient funds donated, including a matching donation by one memberpresent, to allow each of the five $1,000 scholarships to be increased to $2,000each!! All other funds received at the reunions, and throughout the year, otherthan the ones donated at the Annual Business Meeting each year, will be used toincrease the VHPA endowed scholarship account with the AAAA Foundation. It is the plan of the Scholarship Committee, with the support of the Executive

Council of the VHPA, if possible, to continue to offer at least five $2.000 awardsevery year.

EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYYTo be eligible for all VHPA MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS, all student appli-cants must meet one or more of these requirements –11)) The Sponsor (Father or Grandfather) must be a dues current member ofVHPA.22)) The Sponsor must be a dues current member of AAAA and/or the studentapplicant must be an Associate member of AAAA at the time of application.33)) If a Helicopter Pilot(Father or Grandfather) lost his life while serving inVietnam or SE Asia between 1961-1975 as a helicopter pilot the studentapplicant must be (a) a descendant of the deceased pilot and be an AssociateMember of AAAA at the time of application.44)) If a helicopter Pilot (Father or Grandfather) who served in Vietnam or SE

Asia between 1961-1975 but died after his tour (DAT)but, before 1982 , the student applicant must be a descen-dant and be an Associate member of AAAA at the time ofapplication. 55)) If the student applicant is a descendant of a VHPA member who died after1982 (DAT) and who was a dues current member at the time of his death, he iseligible, and must be an Associate member of AAAA at the time of application.

HHOOWW AANNDD WWHHEERREE DDOOEESS SSOOMMEEOONNEE AAPPPPLLYYGo to, scroll down to VHPA scholarships and follow the prompts.Or you can go to and follow the prompts for "How to Apply".All applications must be submitted to the AAAA Foundation before May 1 ofthe year the person is applying.

NNOOTTEESS OOFF IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN11)) All scholarships are awarded by MERIT, not need and you are making theapplication based on how well you have done at school grades, activities andhonors. Be sure to be truthful and include all activities (school or church orother types) and honors received 22)) PLEASE be sure the name of your Sponsor (Father, Grand Father, GreatGrand Father) is on the application. Each VHPA student application will bechecked for eligibility.33))Be sure you to state that you are eligible for the VHPA Scholarship.44)) All VHPA applicants are ALSO eligible for all of the other AAAA awards.This means that you could be awarded a scholarship other than a VHPA schol-arship. In the past almost 55% of all VHPA applicants received non-VHPAScholarships. It's never too early to get started on your application. Contact the AAAA Foun-

dation now and GOOD LUCK!!!

MMiikkee SShheeuueerrmmaann,, SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp CCoommmmiitttteeee FFuunndd RRaaiissiinngg

AA SSaadd bbuutt UUpplliiffttiinngg MMeessssaaggeeffrroomm oouurr bbrrootthheerrss aatt tthheeAArrmmyy AAvviiaattiioonn HHeerriittaaggee

FFoouunnddaattiioonnOur AAHF Skysoldiers’ Operations Offi-

cer, Rick Welch, took a call from a hospicenurse in Decatur, GA. She was calling on behalf of the family of adying Vietnam vet in her care. She found us after calling lots of folkstrying to take care of this soldiers' last wish which was to fly in a Hueyone more time before he died. Rick believes he was either a gunner ora crew chief in Vietnam. The foundation agreed to honor his wish,and scheduled a flight for Wednesday, November 13th at 1000 atTara Field. He was to be accompanied by the hospice nurse, his wife,children and grandchildren. As Rick so aptly put it, “This is why we exist!!!!!” Rick also changed

an appointment so he could be there to witness this fellow's moment.The planning went forward, making sure as many of the AAHF

Vietnam vets were notified as possible, and attempted to ensure theflight crew would be Vietnam vets if at all possible.

The day before the flight was scheduled Rick was forced to send outthe following message: “This mission is a no-go. Our honored Veter-an passed away yesterday on Veterans Day no less”. His nurse advisedthat he was so very excited about his upcoming ride, and he got all hisVietnam pictures out and showed all his family what he was going todo one more time, and that was to ride a Huey to heaven. As she putit to Rick, “although he did not get to ride with the FoundationSkysoldiers, we put a smile on his face and hope in his heart before hedied. His family is very grateful.”

Rest in Peace our fellow Veteran, Welcome Home again, and makesure those Huey’s in Heaven are pre-flighted, and ready to go whenthe rest of us join you.


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VViieettnnaamm HHeelloo OOppeerraattiioonnssVViieettnnaamm HHeelloo OOppeerraattiioonnss

2244 AAuugg2244 AAuugg 66 SSeepp 22001144 TToouurr LLeeaaddeerr:: JJoohhnn PPoowweellll,, 11//99 CCaavv66 SSeepp 22001144 TToouurr LLeeaaddeerr:: JJoohhnn PPoowweellll,, 11//99 CCaavv

GGeenneerraall NNoorr--GGeenneerraall NNoorr--mmaann SScchhwwaarrzzkkooppff,, dduurriinngg hhiiss 11999933 rreettuurrnnmmaann SScchhwwaarrzzkkooppff,, dduurriinngg hhiiss 11999933 rreettuurrnn

Military Historical Tours (MHT) Military Historical Tours (MHT) Military Historical Tours (MHT)


Contact us for a brochure and tour details: -

- - - -

VViieettnnaamm VVeetteerraannVViieettnnaamm VVeetteerraannOOwwnneedd &&OOwwnneedd &&OOppeerraatteedd!!OOppeerraatteedd!!

Above: O.K. Steele

and wife enjoy

Vietnam with MHT!

Right: VHPA paxs on the Delta during this

Rotorheads Return!

$$220000 ooffff iiff$$220000 ooffff iiff$$220000 ooffff iiffyyoouu rreeggiisstteerr bbyyyyoouu rreeggiisstteerr bbyyyyoouu rreeggiisstteerr bbyy

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Former Apache Troop, 1/9th Air Cav, Scout Gunner Mike“Torque” Lentino, is truly a “master modeler”. In the photos below,only the size golf ball hasn’t been changed so yes, these models reallyare that small.After first receiving photos and details from his fellow Troopers

about what an OH-6 looked like behind the inspection panels, MikeLentino built a model of Queer John, A-Troop’s beloved and often-hit-but-never-killed LOH. Then Mike built an Apache Troop PinkTeam by adding a model of a Cobra.Those two models led to Mike building an entire miniature

Apache Troop “Fleet” including Cobras, LOH’s, a B-Model, a C-Model and an H-Model Huey and even an OH-13S Sioux! Last,Mike really went crazy and built a model of a CH-54 Sky Cranecomplete with an A/1/9 LOH being lifted to safety! As you can see,each of Mike’s models is well constructed and incredibly detailed.

After Mike left the Army he got his airframe and power plant(A&P) license and he now also works on full size aircraft – probablyto keep him from going completely crazy working on these littleones. Let’s hope so as this work is absolutely amazing!

These photos and story sent to us by VHPA Memberand former Apache Troop pilot Jim Kurtz.

JJiimm mmaayy bbee rreeaacchheedd aatt:: jjkkuurrttzz@@iiddaa..oorrgg MMiikkee ““TToorrqquuee”” LLeennttiinnoo mmaayy bbee rreeaacchheedd aatt:: mmlleennttiinnoo@@ccooxx..nneett

PPhhoottooggrraapphhss bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd WWaakkeeffiieelldd

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Speaking for the VHPAExecutiveCouncil, theHeadquarters Staff, and theentireReunionCommittee – I cordially invite you to attend theVHPA’s 31stAnnual Reunion in Louisville from Tuesday, July 1st through Saturday, July5th2014atTheGaltHouse. Wehaveawonderfulpartyplannedforyou,yourfamily, and your friends! “Just Add Boubon!” is a favorite expression ofLouisvilliansandKentuckiansusually saidwithabigsmile!

In the next fewpages you can see lots of details, the event schedule, the regis-tration form, somepolicies andprocedures, plus someneatpictures. Butbeforeyoudelve intoall that letmementionSIXideas.FFiirrsstt,, PPLLEEAASSEE rreeggiisstteerr eeaarrllyy aanndd TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU!! Now let me tell you

why registering early is a good idea. You will notice there are 24 tours or activi-ties scheduled outside the hotel. At the bottom of 13 descriptions you shouldnotice the word Maximum and a number. Nowsome of the numbers are large like 500 for theSlugger Field Special Event, but many are smalllike 36 for the Tuesday and Thursday Jim BeamExtended Tours. Many of these events will sellout FOR SURE!! The Reunion Committeedeveloped a waitlist procedure in 2012 for theNew Orleans Reunion and has been successful inaccommodating many at the last minute. We arenot in the last minutes now. Please review theexciting list of tours and events. Register early andbook the events you want. Early is better!!! Thesame logic applies to The Galt House. While wehave a large room block under contract, it doeshave limits!

SSeeccoonndd,, wwee wwaanntt yyoouu ttoo EENNJJOOYY sseevveerraallWWOONNDDEERRFFUULL TTRREEAATTSS tthhaatt sshhoouullddmmaakkee tthhiiss 44tthh ooff JJuullyy SSPPEECCIIAALL.. We’ll bringthree restored Vietnam Era helicopters to Water-front Park. Even though the park is within walk-ing distance from the hotel, we’ve arranged for acontinuous loop shuttle so you can go and returnat your own pace. We’ll bring an 80% replica ofthe Vietnam Wall to Waterfront Park. We’vearranged a special baseball, meal, transportation,and fireworks package on the 3rd. We’ve arranged a special museum tour pack-age with transportation that allows you to select which museums you want tovisit during a several day period. We’ve arranged for you to experience themenus and atmosphere of several restaurants. The entire Reunion experience is4th of July Americana at its best – food, baseball, fireworks, helicopters, theVietnam Wall ~ all in “your backyard” so to speak! And we haven’t even men-tioned a breakfast river cruise or any of the inside the hotel events. This is a costconscious all American fun party for Vietnam Era guys and gals!

TThhiirrdd,, ffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee iinn mmoorree tthhaann aa ddeeccaaddee,, tthhee VVHHPPAA((vveerrssuuss aann oouuttssiiddee ccoonnttrraaccttoorr)) iiss tthhee rreecciippiieenntt ooff tthhee hhootteell ccoonn--ttrraacctt ccoommmmiissssiioonn.. This coupled with some more down to earth hotel mealpricing (versus the ‘big box’ hotels who hosted us recently) allows us to offergroup breakfasts! For years we’ve heard from the “let’s have breakfasts together”choir but the best we could do was something in the $40 per person range – stu-pid!! This year we’ll have three breakfasts in the hotel (in addition to our tradi-tional KIA/MIA Gold Star Family Breakfast and the breakfast cruise) with a$16 per person ticket price. We’ll use some of the hotel commission to make upthe difference between the ticket price and what the hotel charges the VHPA.Now, a word of warning on this subject – we are rather certain we CAN NOTrepeat this attractive feature in 2015. Please enjoy this treat this year!

FFoouurrtthh,, tthhiiss VVHHPPAA RReeuunniioonn iiss pprreesseennttiinngg ssoommee WWOONNDDEERR--FFUULL ggiiffttss ttoo tthhee llooccaall ccoommmmuunniittyy.. For years about 200,000 folk visit

Waterfront Park for the 4th of July events and fireworks display. Everyone lovesthis huge Park located on the river not too far from The Galt House. Sections ofthe Park are affectionately named “The Great Lawn” by the locals. As a gift tothe community, the Reunion has sponsored American Veterans TravelingTribute (AVTT)’s 80% replica of the famous Vietnam War Memorial inWashington, D.C. This Wall will be installed on July 2nd in Waterfront Parkand disassembled on July 6th. [BTW, we need about 15 able-bodied men (no“supervisors” pleases) both times – see the website for how to volunteer.] Addi-tionally, the Reunion is teaming with our brothers in the Ohio River LZ Chap-ter to bring two American Huey 369 (AH369) UH-1Hs from Peru, Indianaplus VHPA member Peter Bales’ OH-6A from Wisconsin and theWolfhounds (a group of living historians that portray Charlie Company, 1st

Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment,25th Infantry Division during the Viet-nam War) from Wisconsin. They willsetup a static display near the river inWaterfront Park on the 2nd that isopen to the public on the 3rd and 4th.The VHPA, AVTT, and AH 369 are“headliners” in the media materialadvertising the Waterfront Park festivi-ties. A Combat Assault reenactmentwill be the center piece of WaterfrontPark’s “Welcome Ceremony” startingat 4 pm on the 4th. This promises to bea very special 4th of July eveningindeed!

Now, as mentioned in the AnnualBusiness Meeting during last year’sReunion, the VHPA will receive somecorporate sponsorship for the LouisvilleReunion. I think it is safe to say thatsome of the “promised funds” have yetto materialize. They may come in theSpring but… We are asking everyone tobe generous with the “Wall & HueyStatic Display Sponsorship” item on

the registration form– please and thank you. FFiifftthh,, HHeeaaddss UUpp!!!! PPlleeaassee mmaakkee cceerrttaaiinn yyoouu uunnddeerrssttaanndd tthhee

VVHHPPAA’’ss AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn RReeggiiss tt rraatt ii oonn,, CCaannccee ll llaatt ii oonn,, aannddRReeffuunndd PPoolliiccyy.. Copies of this policy are posted in and in theOnline Reunion Registration Application (ORRA). You can also contact HQand they will provide you with a copy. The Official Registration CancellationDate (ORCD) is noon CST, Wednesday, 18 June 2014. A cancellation madeprior to the ORCD will be processed for a normal refund. Only those who pur-chased the Refund Guaranty Insurance (RGI) at the time of their initial Regis-tration will be considered for a refund if they cancel after the ORCD. Again allthe details are available on the websites or HQ can provide them to you. SSiixxtthh,, ssiinnccee tthhiiss VVHHPPAA RReeuunniioonn hhaass lliitteerraallllyy aa hhuunnddrreedd ““mmoovv--

iinngg ppaarrttss”” even as GREAT as The Aviator is – there is no way we can com-municate details and status to you with printed media. Please, please look for all your needs. VHPA Reunions are all about renewing old and making new friends based on

our common bonds forged when we were soldiers once, and young. Pleaseinvite your friends and plan on having a good time.

QQuueessttiioonnss?? CCoommmmeennttss?? AAss aallwwaayyss ggeett iinn ttoouucchh wwiitthhHHQQ aatt 880000--550055--88447722 oorr MMiikkee LLaaww aatt 772200--998877--33000099

oorr mmggllaaww@@eeaarrtthhlliinnkk..nneett..

22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144

WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee 3311sstt RReeuunniioonn ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA!!FFrroomm tthhee CChhaaiirrmmaann ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA RReeuunniioonn CCoommmmiitttteeee,, MMiikkee LLaaww

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Registration&TourDesk openWelcomeDesk&Pre-registration openFortKnoxTourw/lunchJimBeamExtendedTour#1MuseumTourPass ShuttleJimBeamBasicTour#1O'Club openUPSTour#1VendorRoomopenT-shirt pick up availableGroupdinnersBourbonRow - DocCrow's orO'shea'sEarlyBirdGathering -Elvis Presley

Registration/Pre-Registration/T-Shirts pick-upBreakfast on theBelleMini-reunions/TOCsVendorRoomopenMuseumTourPass ShuttleWaterfront Park StaticDisplay ShuttleO'Club openHorseshoeCasino#3Writers PresentationMini-reunions/TOCsBanquet seatingCombatAssaultReenactmentFireworks@Waterfront Park

Breakfastw/SpeakerMemorial ServiceMini-reunions/TOCsVendorRoomopenWaterfront Park ShuttleMuseumTourPass ShuttleRegistration/Pre-Registration/T-Shirts pick-upSpousalEvent - Fun&LunchAnnualBusinessMeetingO'Club openPresidentsRecognitionChapter PresidentMeetingMini-reunions/TOCsBanquet Seatingdesk openClosingBanquet&Dance

8:00 am - 8:00 pm8:00 am - 8:00 pm8:30 am - 2:30 pm9:00 am - 2:30 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:30 am - 1:30 pm11:00 am - 11:00 pm11:00 am - 2:30 pm1:00 pm - 5:00 pm1:00 pm - 8:00 pm5:30 pm - 8:00 pm7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144

7:30 am - 5:00 pm7:30 am - 5:00 pm8:00 am - 9:00 am8:00 am - 11:00 pm8:30 am - 4:30 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 12:00 pm10:30 am - 12:30 pm10:30 am - 3:30 pm11:00 am - 2:30 pm11:00 am - 11:00 pm12:00 pm - 5:00 pm1:00 pm - 4:00 pm2:30 pm - 4:30 pm3:00 pm - 5:00 pm4:50 pm - 7:30 pm7:00 pm - 8:00 pm7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

7:00 am - 2:00 pm7:30 am - 5:00 pm7:30 am - 9:00 am7:30 am - 9:00 am8:00 am - 11:00 pm8:30 am - 4:30 pm8:30 am - 4:30 pm9:00 am - 2:30 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 10:30 am9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:30 am - 1:30 pm10:00 am - 3:00 pm10:30 am - 3:30 pm11:00 am - 12:30 pm11:00 am - 11:00 pm11:30 pm - 3:30 pm2:00 pm - 4:00 pm5:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Reunion Continuing Events:Unit Mini-Reunions and Unit TOC's are scheduleddaily at various times – see schedule posted in the Registration Area

The Vendor Room - first opens on July 1st at 1:00pmand remains open daily from 9:00am - 5:00pm through the last day of the Reunion, July 5th

The O' Club - Open from 11:00am till 11:00pm on July1 through 4, on 5 July open 12:30pm till 5:00pm

A daily schedule for the Museum Tour Pass shuttleand the Waterfront Park shuttle plus all other bus schedules will be posted in the Registration Area.

OFFICIAL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS See our Website at: for the latest details and to register for the Reunion

Tuesday – July 1

Wednesday – July 2

Thursday – July 3

Friday – July 47:30 am - 4:00 pm7:30 am - 10:15 am8:00 am - 11:00 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 11:00 pm11:00 am - 11:00 pm12:00 pm - 5:00 pm1:00 pm - 3:00 pm1:00 pm - 5:00 pm4:00 pm - 5:00 pm5:00 pm - 6:00 pm8:30 pm - 10:30 pm

7:00 am - 8:30 am8:00 am - 9:30 pm8:00 am - 11:00 am9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:00 am - 5:00 pm9:30 am - 1:00 pm10:30 am - 1:30 pm10:00 am - 12:30 pm12:30 pm - 11:00 pm12:30 pm - 1:00 pm12:30 pm - 1:30 pm1:00 pm - 5:00 pm4:00 pm - 6:00 pm5:45 pm - 10:30 pm

Saturday – July 5Registration openWelcome desk & Pre-registration openBreakfast w/Speaker - Clovis JonesMini Reunions/TOCsT-shirt pick up availableVendor Room openChurchill Downs #1HPF #1City Tour #1UPS Tour #2O' Club openHorseshoe Casino #1Churchill Downs #2HPF #2Banquet seatingGroup dinners - Garage Bar or English Grill at the Brown Hotel1st Time Attendee Reception Welcome Reception - Eric Clapton

Golf OutingRegistration DeskKIA/MIA Gold Star BreakfastBreakfast w/SpeakerMini-reunions/TOCsWelcome Desk & Pre-registration T-shirt pick upJim Beam Extended Tour #2Vendor Room openWall Ribbon Cutting CeremonyWaterfront Park Static Display ShuttleMuseum Tour Pass ShuttleJim Beam Basic Tour #2Horseshoe Casino #2City Tour #2HPF #3 O' Club openJim Beam Basic Tour #3Quilters Show & TellSlugger Ball Park Special Event

VViissiitt ……

wwwwww..vvhhppaa..oorrggffoorr ccuurrrreenntt RReeuunniioonn ddeettaaiillss

CClliicckk oonn RReeuunniioonn IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ((sseeccoonndd ddoowwnn oonn tthhee lliisstt ttoo tthhee lleefftt oonn tthhee HHoommee PPaaggee))

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GGEETTTTIINNGG TTHHEERREE AANNDD GGEETTTTIINNGG AARROOUUNNDD22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144

RReeuunniioonn hhootteell :: The GaltHouse, 140 N. Fourth Street,Louisville, Kentucky 40202,502-589-5200 or 800-843-4258. The hotel’s website is:hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ggaalltthhoouussee..ccoomm//.

RReeuunniioonn hhootteell rreesseerrvvaa--ttiioonnss:: There are at least threeways to make your hotel reserva-tions while insuring that you

receive the VHPA Group Rate of $109 in the Rivue Tower or $129 in the SuiteTower per night during the period 25 June - 10 July 2014. Please consider the fol-lowing:� Via the Reunion’s personalized website, go to:

hhttttppss::////rreesswweebb..ppaasssskkeeyy..ccoomm//ggoo//VVHHPPAA1144� Via wwwwww..vvhhppaa..oorrgg, then Reunion Information

and use the reserve your hotel room link.� By calling the hotel’s reservation line at 502-589-5200 or 800-843-4258.

You need to mention you are a part of the “VHPA” or “VHPA National Reunion” so the agent can find the contract.AAiirrppoorrtt SShhuuttttllee:: We have a special rate of $20.00 per/person with Sanddollar

Shuttle for going to/from the Louisville International Airport (SDF) to the GaltHouse Hotel. To receive this special rate you must book in advance and use thecode word TAIL. You can reserve on-line at wwwwww..ssaannddoollllaarrlliimmoo..ccoomm, add thecode TAIL to the “additional comments” section to receive the rate. Or, call San-dollar at 502-561-4022 and give the operator the code word to get the special rate.

PPaarrkkiinngg:: The general rule is that the self-parking fee is waived for all VHPAattendees, both hotel guests and non-hotel residing attendees. For attendees whoare registered as Galt House guests, the self-parking fee is charged to the room butshows as a zero balance due at check-out. For non-hotel residing attendees, takeyour parking ticket to the VHPA registration desk and receive a parking voucherfrom us. When you exit, insert both cards into the machine.The BIG problem concerns Friday, 4 July 2014 as both parking garages will be

filled with downtown visitors. For registered Galt House guests, it is strongly rec-ommended that you NOT take your car in or out of the garage on the 4th. If youdo, there may not be a space for your car when you return. If you are a non-hotelresiding attendee, there is no complementary self-parking on the 4th. You will haveto pay to park that day.

IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss:: VHPA attendees have free internet access in their room aspart of our contract, use the name and password provided by the front desk. In thepublic areas, use the name and password provided by the concierge desk. In themeeting or business rooms (including the Exhibit Hall, Vendor Area, Ballrooms,mini-reunion rooms), use the name and password provided by the VHPA Wel-come or Registration desks.

WWhhoo CCaann AAtttteenndd TThhiiss RReeuunniioonn??As a general rule anyone who is “dues current” in the VHPA can register, ordertickets, etc. simply by paying the Reunion Registration Fee. All who served in theVietnam War as helicopter pilots must not only to be a member of the VHPA butalso be current with respect to their annual membership dues as of the first day ofthe Reunion to register. Anyone who was not a pilot is also welcome to attend aslong as they are a “dues current” supporter, i.e. a current subscriber to the VHPAAviator magazine. Exceptions are vendors, specifically invited performers/speakers,Gold Star Family guests, and Non-Registered Banquet Guests, these people do nothave to be a subscriber to attend. Anyone wishing to purchase a ticket for any ofour events must pay the Reunion Registration Fee.

As a general rule, since VHPA Membership and Subscriber dues expire on thelast day of the month, someone who is dues current when they register, could benon dues current on the 1st day of the Reunion (1 July 2014). Because of this, theVHPA Reunion Registration software is “forward looking” with respect to thedues status.

Please understand, all Reunion Attendees (anyone who pays the Registration

Fee) are treated as equals. A VHPA Life Member, a former enlisted man, thewidow of a deceased Vietnam Vet, a good friend – are treated equally once they paythe Registration Fee. The only exception is that only VHPA Members can attendthe Annual Business Meeting.

The bottom line – Who Can Attend This VHPA Reunion? Answer – anyinvited guest who pays the Registration Fee and is “dues current” as outlined above.So, please consider inviting anyone and everyone to attend with you!

DDrreessss CCooddee:: Casual is the dress code for this Reunion, with the followingreminders and suggestions. Many men wear a suit and tie with the ladies wearing anice dress to the Closing Banquet. You will even see Dress Blues. It is also always agood idea to wear your Reunion lanyard.

CCaanncceellllaattiioonn DDaattee aanndd RReeffuunndd PPoolliiccyy:: 18 June 2014, also known as theOfficial Cancellation Date (OCD), is this Reunion’s cutoff date to cancel a regis-tration and receive a refund minus the Reunion Cancellation Fee. HQ mustreceive the Refund Request prior to noon CDT that day including those sent viaUS mail. HQ can receive a Refund Request via US mail, email, FAX, or phone. ARefund Request can be for a specific event, for an individual guest, or for an entireregistration. A Refund Request can include any registration fees and/or tickets formeals, tours, events. All of this Reunion’s events are refundable. Any membershipdues, product fees (including Reunion T-shirts and Directory Fees, etc.), dona-tions, contributions, sponsorships gifts paid or associated with Reunion Registra-tion payments ARE NOT refundable.

This Reunion’s Cancellation Fee is $15. This fee is applied to each registeredattendee – adult or child. This fee is subtracted from any refund due regardless ofthe number of items in the Cancellation/Refund Request. It also applies to eachrefund transaction which is defined as whenever a check is issued. As a general rule,HQ will process all refund checks not later than close of business on the last busi-ness day in July 2014. If, however, you request more than one refund check (forexample one in April and then one in June), then there would be one CancellationFee per check. Each Refund Request received prior to the OCD date mentionedabove will be processed by HQ not later than close of business on Thursday, 31July 2014. Since refunds are traditionally paid via check the goal is to have allchecks in people’s hands not later than mid-August 2014. CCaanncceellllaattiioonn PPeennaallttyy WWaaiivveerr PPrrooggrraamm aanndd RReeffuunndd GGuuaarraanntteeee FFeeee:: The

following is extracted from the “Addendum to the Reunion Refund PolicyRefund Guarantee” document posted in the Policies area of website. Refund Guarantee Insurance (GRI) is anothername or term for the Cancellation Penalty Waiver Program and the Refund Guar-antee Fee. Notwithstanding the details outlined in the Cancellation Date and Refund Poli-

cy above, for an additional fee of 10% of the total of the registration fee and eventticket prices, an Attendee may optionally pay the Reunion Guarantee Fee andenroll in the Cancellation Penalty Waiver Program. To benefit from this Pro-gram, however, the additional fee must be paid along with other registration fees atthe time of initial registration. Enrollment in the Program will not be available atany time thereafter. The Program offers you and your guests the opportunity toreceive a refund should you cancel or interrupt your trip to the Reunion for the fol-lowing reasons: 11..Sickness, injury, or death of yourself, a traveling companion or members of eitherof your immediate families, which is diagnosed and treated by a physician at thetime your trip to the Reunion is terminated; 22.. Involvement in a traffic accident, en route to the Reunion that causes you to missthe Reunion or a particular event;33.. Your home is made uninhabitable by a natural disaster such as fire, flood, earth-quake, hurricane, or volcano between the time you registered but prior to theReunion; 44..You are recalled into active duty by the military that causes you to be unavailableto attend the Reunion; 55.. Subpoena or being called to serve for jury duty between the time you registeredbut prior to the Reunion;66.. You are quarantined or prevented from traveling to the Reunion by governmen-tal action.

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22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144

MMiinnii--RReeuunniioonnssTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt tthhrroouugghh SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthhin various event rooms on the Second and Third floors of the Suite Tower.Keeping in mind that one of the primary reasons for our Reunions is to reconnect

with past compatriots from your RVN unit and flight school. The best way to meetup with unit members is to schedule your own Mini-Reunion. If your unit does nothave a Mini-Reunion, why not take the initiative to start one up, or you could com-bine with other sister units you are familiar with if you wish. In addition to specificunits and flight classes, we’ve had Mini-Reunions for such subjects as tandem rotor,Dust-off, Operation Lam Son 719, anyone who was stationed at Soc Trang, VHPAchapters, anyone interested in radio controlled aircraft models. Really there are norules! Mini-Reunions are typically scheduled in 4-hour blocks and are available forbooking on most days during the Reunion. You can also request a second four-hourblock. However, this second block will be granted on a space available basis with pri-ority for the particular space given to units requesting only one block. Due todecreased usage and increased expenses, the Reunion no longer provides AV equip-ment for Mini-Reunions. Once your Mini-Reunion is scheduled the details willappear on the webpage. You still should make an effort to get the word out to yourbuds. Use your directory to contact members (encourage them to re-up with theVHPA if they are not dues current), write a short article for the VHPA Aviator, andschedule early so we can list your unit in articles such as this. It is easy to schedule aMini-Reunion. Complete the Mini-Reunion Request form available atVHPA.ORG and email it to Rebecca Bittle at [emailprotected] or call 813-466-4711 or mail the completed form to HQ in Grand Prairie, TX.

UUnniitt TTOOCC ((TTaaccttiiccaall OOppeerraattiioonn CCeenntteerr)):: If you have a big group that youknow is coming (say approximately 20 registrants), then we invite you to schedule aTOC. A TOC is a specific Mini-Reunion room given to your group for all day orfor several days. This is like a super Mini-Reunion. Since the group is going to “hangout” in the same room for several days, they can bring almost anything into the room(food beverages, AV stuff, displays, etc.). Contact Mike Law 720-987-3009 [emailprotected] directly to schedule a TOC.

TThhee OO’’ CClluubbTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt,, 1111 aamm –– 1111 ppmm ddaaiillyy tthhrroouugghh SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthhin the Exhibit Hall on the Second Level (called the Ballroom Level on the hotel maps).Here we host the “official opening” of the Reunion at 11 am on Tuesday, July 1st!

In the tradition of a Vietnam unit’s Officer’s Club where you can get a beer andshoot the breeze with your buddies. This year the O’ Club is part of ‘ground zero’ –meaning the Vendor Area, Ballrooms, Mini-Reunion rooms, Registration and Pre-registration, and the O’ Club are all within hand grenade range. The only place tobuy a drink elsewhere in this huge complex is Al J’s Lounge in the Conservatory (inthe bridge between the two towers). The O’ Club prices are generally $0.50 to $1.00below Al J’s prices where we will serve Domestic Beer $4.50, Imported Beer $5.00,Premium Wine $6.50, Deluxe Wine $7.50, co*cktails $6.50 to $7.50, and SoftDrinks/Bottled Water - $3.

HHiissttoorriicc PPrreesseennttaattiioonn FFoorruummss ((HHPPFFss))The HPF concept is the VHPA Reunion’s greatest success story of the last

seven + years! Each year video recording of these presentations are compiledon a DVD that is distributed to HPF attendees at the next Reunion. TheseDVDs can also be purchased by contacting HQ. Most presentations are on parwith a university seminar. Because they are making such a significant contribu-tion to the VHPA’s legacy, the DVDs are given to The Vietnam Archive atTexas Tech in Lubbock, TX. A ballroom section is the dedicated home of theHPFs, set up theater style and equipment with high-end audio visual presenta-tion equipment. This year’s HPF line-up has not been confirmed. Go to theReunion Information Page at wwwwww..vvhhppaa..oorrgg for current information.

EEaarrllyy BBiirrdd RReecceeppttiioonnTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt,, 77::0000 ppmm –– 1100::0000 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm AAWe will continue our long-standing tradition of hosting a reception for every-

one who comes “early” to the Reunion. Please don’t worry about the word“reception” ~ there will be NO RECEIVING LINE. The only formalityMIGHT BE someone saying “Welcome! We are glad you are here!” as he leavesto chat with his friends. The room will feature lots of tables and chairs so you canvisit and talk. The O’Club will be immediately across from the Grand Ballroomand we’ll have other cash bars inside. You are welcome to bring a unit sign orguidon to mark “your table”, but we CANNOT hang unit banners over thetables at this Reunion, sorry.

EEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt ##11TTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt,, 88::0000 ppmm–– 99::3300ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm CCAbout one hour after the Early Bird Reception starts, we will start some musical

entertainment at the other end of the Grand Ballroom. Priced at just $5.00 a ticketbecause the Reunion Committee believes they “owe Reunion attendees one” afterlast year’s Bob Hope Show, current plans include an Elvis Presley Tribute Showstarting at 8pm. At least one of the large air walls between the Grand Ballroom sec-tions will be closed for those who don’t wish to have the music interrupt their talk-ing. You can also come for just the entertainment program.

11sstt TTiimmee AAtttteennddeeeess RReecceeppttiioonnTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd,, 77::0000 ppmm–– 88::0000 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm BBThe Executive Council specifically tailors this reception for those who have

never attended a VHPA Reunion in the past. Besides being able to meet all themembers of the Executive Council and other 1st Timers, you will receive a briefoverview of the history of the VHPA and have an opportunity to ask questions.There will be a cash bar in the room. When the “business” of this Receptionconcludes, the air wall between Sections A and B of the Grand Ballroom opensso the 1st Timers and Executive Council members can “join” the WelcomeReception.

The Program will not provide a refund should you cancel or interrupt your tripto the Reunion for any of the following reasons:11.. Business, contractual, or educational obligations of you, and immediate familymember, or traveling companion;22.. Any unlawful acts, committed by you or a traveling companion;33.. Other condition, event, or circ*mstances occurring prior to your purchase ofthe VHPA Cancellation Penalty Waiver Program.Please know that an individual event ticket can be deemed as non-refundable if

the VHPA has already given the provider a firm guarantee for this ticket. Normal-ly the VHPA needs to provide a guaranteed count for a meal or a major event 72hours in advance. By way of example, assume you purchased the RGI and youhave tickets for a meal on 1 July and a major event on 4 July and you notify theVHPA on 30 June that you need to cancel both; only the 4 July ticket will beincluded in the refund process.TThhee bboottttoomm lliinnee oonn CCaanncceellllaattiioonnss aanndd RReeffuunnddss:: If you cancel some or all

of your VHPA registration(s) prior to the 18 June 2014, you should expect arefund. If you cancel after 18 June 2014 and you purchased the Refund GuaranteeInsurance, you should expect a refund. If you cancel after 18 June 2014 and you

DID NOT purchase the Refund Guarantee Insurance, DON’T expect a refund!

RReeuunniioonn TT--sshhiirrttContinuing our tradition from several recent Reunions, Honor & Pride is this

Reunion’s “Official Reunion T-shirt” contractor. This Reunion’s T-shirt will be atan color with the VHPA logo on the left front pocket and a large version ofReunion Logo on the back. This year’s prices are the same you enjoyed in the lastsix Reunions. You are welcome to order as many as you wish with a Reunion Reg-istration until 1 June. All orders made after 1 June are subject to inventory onhand at the end of the Reunion. [If we have a supply of the shirts you requested,we will mail them to you; if not we will refund your T-shirt money.] All cancella-tion made prior to 1 June come with the option to have the T-shirt mailed to youafter the Reunion or having the amount paid for T-shirt refunded. For all cancella-tion received after 1 June, the T-shirts will be mailed to you after the Reunion.There is a $5 shipping & handling fee per shirt when HQ mails the T-shirts. Please know it is possible to order Reunion T-shirts even if you do not plan to

attend the Reunion. Simply contact VHPA HQ and tell them you only want a“Reunion T-shirt order.” You will receive your T-shirts after the Reunion.

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22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144RReeuunniioonn EEaarrllyy BBiirrdd GGaatthheerriinnggTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd,, 77::3300 aamm –– 1100::0000 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm AATraditionally this reception was the first official Reunion event, now it is mostly

just a “get together” at an appointed place and time for everyone who attends theReunion. The room will feature lots of tables and chairs so you can visit. TheO’Club will be immediately across from the room and we’ll have other cash barsinside. You are welcome to bring a unit sign or guidon to mark “your table”, but youCANNOT hang a unit banner over the table. Once the entertainment starts at8:30, the tables in the O’ Club & Exhibit Hall are available for those who wish tojust talk.

EEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt ##22TTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd,, 88::3300 ppmm –– 1100::0000 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm CCAbout 30-minutes after the 1st Timers Reception ends, we will open the wall to

the Grand Ballroom and start some musical entertainment. Current plans includean Eric Clapton tribute show with eight performers lasting about 90 minutes. Youcan come for the entertainment even if you don’t wish to participate in the Wel-come Reception. The Reunion Committee believes they “owe Reunion attendeesone” after last year’s Bob Hope Show – so this year the ticket price is just $5 per per-son.

WWrriitteerrss PPrreesseennttaattiioonnFFrriiddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh,, 11::0000 ppmm –– 33::0000 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm CCThis year the VHPA’s Book Reviewer, John Penny, plans a special presentation forthe benefit of VHPA members aspiring to be authors. The plan is to bring 3 or 4VHPA authors who have written in the various genres as well as in the differentways to get published: traditional, print on demand (self published), and electronicpublishing. VHPA member Marc Liebman, the author of Big Mother 40, (alsoworking on a series of books) will attend the presentation. Please go to the ReunionInformation page at for updated information.

KKIIAA//MMIIAA GGoolldd SSttaarr FFaammiillyy BBrreeaakkffaassttTThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd,, 77::3300 aamm –– 99::0000 aamm,, Combs Chandler Room on the GrandBallroom Level.As aviators who have seen combat, most of you remember someone from that

long-ago time who didn't make it back from Vietnam. A few of you have connect-ed with the families of your fallen buddies, either through the Family ContactsCommittee or by other means, to share with them a memory or two, perhaps aphoto, most of all, the knowledge that their loved one was never forgotten. Haveyou thought of inviting them to attend the VHPA reunion, and particularly, theGold Star Family Breakfast, with you? As a sister of a fallen Vietnam helicopterpilot, I remember the first time I sat down with veterans who served with mybrother, who was killed while flying C 1/9 Cav scouts at age 19. The experience ofbeing with men who could tell me more about his life and his service was powerful.I learned that not only are we families of the fallen welcome at veterans’ reunions,we are welcomed “warmly” by those who knew our loved ones and shared their lastdays. You might have wondered previously: "Should I invite John's family to areunion? What in the world would they do there, among 600+ of us rowdy pilots?Would they feel out of place?" For the past few years, there's been an eventdesigned especially to bring Gold Star Families (families of the deceased) togetherwith pilots in remembrance and celebration of the lives we lost: the Gold Star Fam-ily Breakfast. We are still working out the details but we know this year, as in thepast, the breakfast will be a fitting time for you to share great stories about the livesof the guys we lost, with their families, and the rest of us. For family members,reunions provide a great opportunity to experience, firsthand, the camaraderie thatour loved ones shared with veterans who have never forgotten them. Have youbeen sending Christmas cards to John's family all these years? Been calling Harry'smom on the phone at Mother's Day just to brighten her day? Have you beenemailing back and forth with Bob's brother for years, but just never got a chance toshake his hand? This is the opportunity to do that. Invite them to attend thereunion and bring them to the Gold Star Family Breakfast. I'm happy to answerquestions about the breakfast, as details get confirmed, or about how to connectwith a buddy's family. Little sister, Julie Kink sister of WO David Kink C Troop1/9th CAV KIA 8-3-1969. I am also a member of VHFCN Family ContactsCommittee.Visit email me at [emailprotected].

KKIIAA//MMIIAA GGoolldd SSttaarr FFaammiillyy BBrreeaakkffaasstt SSppoonnssoorrsshhiippThis item was added to the Reunion Registration form at the request of the mem-bership at the San Diego 2010 Reunion. Briefly this provides a way for Reunionattendees to gift or sponsor KIA/MIA Gold Star family members to attend thebreakfast. Julie Kink and the Reunion Committee often receive requests by familymembers to attend the breakfast. The VHPA often invites local family members toattend the breakfast. For the last three years many VHPAers have generously pro-vided sponsorship. These gifts are deeply appreciated.

SSppoouussee//GGuueesstt//LLaaddiieess EEvveenntt:: FFuunn && LLuunncchhSSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh,, 1100::3300 aamm –– 11::3300 ppmm,, CCoommbbss CChhaannddlleerr RRoooomm oonn tthhee GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm LLeevveellWhile you have lunch, we have two “special treats” for you. First, Tim Laird, ChiefEntertaining Officer at the Brown-Forman Hotel, will give a presentation focusedon recipes in food and drink using Kentucky bourbon and include stories and histo-ry of bourbon. Tim will sell his new book, “That's Entertaining" at a discountedprice of $15 during the event. Second, we’ll have a demonstration of Derby hat-making. Please go to the Reunion Information page at for updatedinformation. Be prepared to have a fun lunch experience.

AAnnnnuuaall BBuussiinneessss MMeeeettiinngg ((AABBMM))SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh,, 1100::0000 aamm –– 1122::3300 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm CCThis is a “ticket event” for this Reunion. As with all “ticket events” everyone who

enters the room must show or surrender their ticket. The VHPA has a long stand-ing policy that only VHPA Members (versus vendors, Subscribers, spouses ofdeceased members, family members of VHPA Members, etc.) can attend the ABM.The then current VHPA President is the only one with the authority to approveexceptions. Traditionally the only exceptions are individuals specifically invited bythe Executive Council to address the ABM attendees such as the HQ contractor,the annual auditor, a representative from the hotel, etc. All VHPA Member Attendees receive their ABM ticket in their Registration Pack-et. It is important to remember any dues current VHPA Member can attend theABM without registering for the Reunion. All dues current VHPA Members whoplan to attend the ABM and are not registered for the Reunion should obtain theirABM ticket from the on-site Reunion Registration Desk.The current VHPA President, Bill “Moon” Mullen for this Reunion, presides overthis meeting. The Executive Council approves the meeting’s agenda including thesequence and time allocation for each speaker and/or agenda item. Traditionallythe six major agenda items are as follows:� Committee Reports – Secretary/Treasurer, Membership, Reunion,

Calendar, Directory, Scholarship, Aviator Editor, History, etc.� Special Reports – (Always as directed by the VHPA President) – examples are current HQ Operations Office, Annual Auditor, Reunion hotel representative, etc.

� Election of Officers – normally the Vice President and Junior MemberAt Large are the only two offices to be filled.

�Old Business�New BusinessIf you have any questions about the ABM, contact the VHPA President or any

member of the Executive Council.

CClloossiinngg BBaannqquueettSSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh,, 55::4455 ppmm –– 1100::3300 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooommOver the years the Closing Banquet has developed its own personality. Plans for

this year include the following:� VHPA Member Mike Roulier and the Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC)Chorus will sing “This is My Country” immediately after our Missing Man Tribute.The Chorus will sing “God Bless the USA” immediately following the VHPA Pres-ident’s closing remarks at the banquet. If you aren’t familiar with their history, thechorus started in 1966 at Fort Wolters. These days, however, they allow RLOs tosing with them! Please spread the message: if you enjoy singing, you are welcome tojoin them at this Reunion. Please contact Mike at [emailprotected] if youare interested in performing. He will get information on rehearsals, etc., to you as weget closer to the reunion.

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22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144� When the Banquet concludes, the air wall between Sections B and C will open.Those who wish to dance and simply listen to the music/entertainment, we willhave a professional group playing on the stage in Section C with a proper dancefloor, cash bars, and seating. Naturally you can come and go as you please. � There will be NO AMPLIFIED SOUND in the O’ Club area and the entireExhibit Hall area following the President’s closing remarks and the WOC Choruspresentation of “God Bless the USA.” Those who don’t wish to talk over theentertainment and dancing can relocate to the O’ Club area. � Our promise is – you and your party can sit at your table or anywhere in the din-ing room or the O’ Club area for as long as you wish. The Cash Bars will remainopen until they are no longer needed.

DDaannccee BBaanndd EEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt pprriioorr ttoo aanndd ffoolllloowwiinngg tthhee CClloossiinngg BBaannqquueettSSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh,, 66::0000 ppmm –– 1111::0000 ppmm,, GGrraanndd BBaallllrroooomm CC

This year the 6-piece Butch Kaufman Band will perform for us. As perReunion tradition, the Band has a current copy of the Official VHPA SongList carefully crafted by Nelda Horton and Kathy Baskin. A smaller ensemblefrom the band, probably a trio, will perform during co*cktails, 5:15-5:45 pm.Following the VHPA President’s closing remarks, the full Band will play a 90-minute set, take a 15-20-minute break, and conclude with a 45-minute set.

TTAAKKEE MMEE OOUUTT TTOO TTHHEE BBAALLLL GGAAMMEETThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((55::0000ppmm--1100::3300ppmm))Enjoy a special evening at Louisville Slugger Field for dinner, baseball, & fireworks.

This unique ballpark, built around a former historic train shed, is a wonderful placeto see a ball game. Louisville Slugger field, the home to the Louisville Bats, that AAAaffiliate of the Cincinnati Reds will play the AAA affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates.Board the bus at the hotel, upon arrival we go to our reserved, air conditioned areafor an all-you-can-eat buffet dinner of baseball park food ~ hamburgers, hotdogs,grilled chicken, baked beans, mac & cheese, popcorn & non-alcoholic beverages.Cash bars are available throughout the ball park. You will then have a reserved seatfor the game in a VHPA special section. Game program and a 10% discountcoupon for the Gift Shop is included in the package, enjoy a spectacular fireworksshow at the end of the game. For those who do not want to stay for the entire game,there will be scheduled shuttle transportation back to the hotel throughout theevening. Maximum Capacity 500


Enjoy a special sightseeing breakfast cruise on board the Belle of Louisville,America’s last true Mississippi River steamboat still in operation. This yearmark’s her 100th birthday, built in 1914 in Pittsburgh as a ferry, she wasnamed a National Historic Landmark in 1989. Steel hulled and paddle-wheeldriven, she draws only 5' of water. She’s able to travel on virtually every naviga-ble inland waterway and is the most widely traveled river steamboat in thenation. This is a private cruise for the VHPA only. Enjoy an all-you-can-eathot breakfast buffet which includes breakfast breads, biscuits, sausage gravy,home-fried potatoes, eggs, sausage, bacon, baked ham, fruit, coffee & juice.After breakfast enjoy the sights, visit the engine room, and listen as the captainnarrates historic facts throughout the cruise. The Belle is docked directlybehind the Galt House hotel, follow the signs and guides to the boarding area.Maximum Capacity 350

CCHHUURRCCHHIILLLL DDOOWWNNSSWWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd ((99::0000aamm--1122::0000ppmm)) aanndd WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd ((11::0000ppmm--44::0000ppmm))

Churchill Downs, the world’s most legendary racetrack, and its fabled TwinSpires are worldwide symbols of horse racing, tradition, and pride. Since itsfounding in 1874, Churchill Downs has hosted the nation’s top thoroughbredsin competition for some of the sport’s largest purses, and has presented America’sgreatest race; the Kentucky Derby continuously since 1875. Your tour begins atthe Kentucky Derby Museum where you will get a first hand look at the event forwhich Louisville is known worldwide. Visit the museum at your own pace, enjoythe film “The Greatest Race”, the first 360-degree high definition presentation inthe world. Then take a 30 minute guided walking tour of historic ChurchillDowns learning about past Derby winners and the rich history of this location.Continue to the paddock and out to the grandstand, learning trivia and fun factsalong the way. Bring your camera! This tour is wheelchair accessible. Prior toreturning to the hotel, you can visit the gift shop and take a stroll through the gar-den terrace where you will see the gravesites of some of the Kentucky Derby win-ners. No lunch is included; however there is a café on site.

JJIIMM BBEEAAMM DDIISSTTIILLLLEERRYY EEXXTTEENNDDEEDD TTOOUURRTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt ((99::0000aamm--22::3300ppmm)) aanndd TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((99::0000aamm--22::3300ppmm))

Kentucky is the bourbon capital of the world. Today you will visit the JimBeam distillery, maker of one of the most popular Bourbons in the UnitedStates. Your day begins at the American Still House, where you will gothrough the entire Jim Beam Bourbon making process from start to finish.Start with the natural limestone water well, all the way through the mashing,distilling, barreling, storing and bottling. Following the guided tour you willhave few hours on your own to take the short self guided tour through the his-toric buildings on site. Tour includes two complimentary tastings, and a lunchof a BBQ pulled pork sandwich. There’s also plenty of time to visit the exten-sive gift shop; purchase a t-shirt or a few bottles of bourbon to take home withyou. As the owners say repeatedly, “You will arrive as a friend and leave as fam-ily.” This extended tour includes the Still House which is a 90 minute walkingtour through the Still House. The temperature in the still house will be veryhot, and you will have to climb several stairs. Once you start the tour, you can-not leave the tour. Be sure you are able to take this tour, if not please registerfor the Basic Jim Beam Tour. Maximum Capacity 36

JJIIMM BBEEAAMM DDIISSTTIILLLLEERRYY BBAASSIICC TTOOUURRTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt ((99::3300aamm--11::3300ppmm)),, TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((99::3300aamm--11::3300ppmm)) && TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((1111::3300aamm--33::3300ppmm))

Kentucky is the bourbon capital of the world. Today you will visit the JimBeam distillery, one of the most popular Bourbons in the United States. Youwill have a few hours to visit this beautiful location at your leisure. You will begiven a map for the short self guided tour through the historic buildings onsite, be sure to have your two complimentary tastings, and enjoy your lunch ofa BBQ pulled pork sandwich at one of the picnic tables on site (included in thetour price). There will also be ample time to browse the extensive gift shop;purchase a t-shirt or a few bottles of bourbon to take home with you. As theowners say repeatedly, “You will arrive as a friend and leave as family.” Impor-tant: The basic tour does NOT include a tour of the Still House. MaximumCapacity 50

FFOORRTT KKNNOOXXTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt ((88::3300aamm--22::3300ppmm))Today you will return to basic training and Armor School training with a visitto Fort Knox. Historic Fort Knox has served as a U.S. military reservationsince 1918. Since WWI, the fort has played a key role in the development ofmilitary tactics, doctrine and equipment and has been an integral part of thetraining for both the active Army and Reserve components. This is a drivingtour of the base where you can ask as many questions as you like. The tourincludes a visit to the newly-renovated General George Patton Museum ofLeadership which is dedicated to the memory of General Patton and his role asa leader from WWII. Lunch, included in the tour price, will be at a diningfacility on base where you will join some of the soldiers stationed at Fort Knoxtoday. Don’t miss this chance to take a short trip down memory lane. Tourspace is limited, be sure to register early. Maximum Capacity 100


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22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144SSPPEECCIIAALL UUNNIITTEEDD PPAARRCCEELL SSEERRVVIICCEE PPAACCKKAAGGEE HHUUBB TTOOUURRTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt ((1111::0000aamm--22::3300ppmm)) aanndd WWeeddnneessddaayy JJuullyy 22nndd ((1111::0000aamm--22::3300ppmm))A very special tour has been arranged of the UPS (United Parcel Service)

Headquarters, located in Louisville. Known as Worldport this is the world-wide air hub for UPS located at the Louisville International Airport inLouisville, Kentucky. The current facility is now 5,200,000 square feet witha perimeter of 7.2 miles or the size of about 80 football fields. Here theyhandle 115 packages a second, or 416,000 packages per hour and serves allmajor domestic and international UPS hubs. With over 20,000 employees,UPS is one of the largest employers in Louisville and the Commonwealth ofKentucky. The facility mainly handles express and international packagesand letters. Important: This is an extensive walking tour and you will berequired to climb 4 flights of stairs. You will have to sign a waiver and clearairport-type security. No knives or weapons of any kind are permitted onthe tour. You will be walking through a factory type environment so sturdyappropriate footwear is required, no high heels or open toed shoes are per-mitted. Ladies should not wear dresses or skirts since employees will beworking underneath the elevated walk paths. Photo identification will berequired and needs to be presented upon arrival. All tour participants will bepre-screened prior to the tour date. There is no lunch on this tour, please eatprior to departing the hotel. The cost associated with this tour is for trans-portation. Maximum Capacity 30 per tour

LLOOUUIISSVVIILLLLEE CCIITTYY TTOOUURR,, VVIIEETTNNAAMM MMEEMMOORRIIAALL,, aanndd FFRRAANNKKFFOORRTT,, KKEENNTTUUCCKKYYJJuullyy 22nndd ((1100::3300aamm--33::3300ppmm)) aanndd JJuullyy 33rrdd ((1100::3300aamm--33::3300ppmm))Board your coach for a fun and informative tour of Louisville. You will learn

there is more to Louisville than bourbon, bats and horses. Enjoy the beauty,history and unique treasures of Louisville. Tour includes the Cast Iron Dis-trict, Whiskey Row, and the largest Victorian neighborhood in America.Drive over to Frankfort, the capitol of Kentucky and stop at the KentuckyVietnam Memorial. The memorial contains 327 cut stone panels that containthe names of Kentucky’s 1103 citizens who died while serving. Each name isprecisely located so the shadow of the sundial pointer touches each veteran’sname on the anniversary of his death. Drive by the spectacular State Capitoland Governor’s Mansion. Stop at Rebecca Ruth Candy Factory, home of theoriginal Bourbon Ball where you will enjoy a short factory tour, with samplesand the chance to buy some Bourbon Balls of your own. Lunch is on yourown at a suitable location.

CCAAEESSAARRSS HHOORRSSEESSHHOOEE CCAASSIINNOOWWeeddnneessddaayy JJuull yy 22nndd ((1122::0000ppmm--55::0000ppmm)),, TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd((1100::0000aamm--33::0000ppmm)) aanndd FFrriiddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh ((1122::0000ppmm--55::0000ppmm))Horseshoe Southern Indiana Casino offers unparalleled action no matter

what kind of player you are. The casino includes spectacular slot floor filledwith brand new games as well as the traditional table games including craps,roulette, and poker. The casino features 2,100 slot and video poker machines.If you need something to eat, the casino has many dining choices. Try theupscale Jack Binion’s Steak House, Asian cuisine at Pearl, the new extensive all-you-can-eat buffet, American specialties at Legends or a quick sandwich atCorner Café. Everyone will receive a Total Rewards Card, a $5 slot play and a$12 food voucher which is valid in any of the restaurants at the Casino. Important: The ticket fee associated with this tour covers the VHPA’s costs.Please note: If you take this tour you will need to provide your full name,address, and date of birth on your registration form. This information isrequired by the casino 48-hours in advance of the tour. We can only sell ticketsto people over the age 21 years with a valid ID.

GGOOLLFF OOUUTTIINNGGTThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((77::0000aamm –– 22::0000ppmm)),, CChhaarriioott RRuunn GGoollff CCoouurrsseeAs per the recommendation of our brothers in the Ohio River LZ Chapter, we’vesigned a contract with Caesars Horseshoe Casino in Southern Indiana to play theirChariot Run Golf Course. The package includes a deli buffet lunch at the end of thetournament as well as the traditional items including green fees and a golf cart.Complete and current information is available at: wwwwww..vvhhppaa..oorrgg

QQUUIILLTT SSHHOOWW && TTEELLLLTThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((22::0000ppmm--44::0000ppmm))In addition to our traditional Show & Tell (you bring something you’ve

made), Kathleen Sherfey is organizing a project that will turn into gift quilts ata future Reunion. Anyone interested in advancing this project is encouragedto make a quilt block or blocks measuring 12 _ X 12 _ unfinished. The blockswill be collected after the Louisville Show & Tell, made into a quilt(s) andgiven to well deserved fellow veterans or soldiers at the 2015 VHPA Reunion.This year’s color scheme is red, white and blue. If a 4th color is needed, make ityour choice. We have one donated quilt to present at the Louisville VHPAReunion. We would like to make this a recurring annual event. Please go tothe Reunion Information page at for updated information.You can also contact Kathleen in Shawnee, KS at 913-631-6811 [emailprotected]. In the subject line type: VHPA Quilter’s.

GGRROOUUPP DDIINNNNEERRSSPPAATTRRIICCKK OO’’SSHHEEAA’’SSTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt ((55::3300ppmm--77::3300ppmm))Just a few blocks from the hotel, Patrick O’Shea’s Irish Restaurant and Pub is

located on historic Main Street in the Iron Quarter District. The historic build-ing features renovated 150-year-old hardwood floors, preserved brick walls andtables made from reclaimed beams. Portraits of famous Irish authors adorn thewalls. You will dine in the loft, located on the 2nd floor and features the build-ing’s original architecture with a modern twist. Dinner is an all-you-can-eat buf-fet. The menu features salad, prime rib, chicken, sides, and dessert. Cash bar isavailable. This is a fun casual place to kick off the reunion. Located two blocksfrom The Galt House, no transportation is included. Important: Price includesall taxes and gratuities associated with the meal. Maximum Capacity 100

DDOOCC CCRROOWW’’SSTTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt ((55::3300ppmm--77::3300ppmm))Located in historic Whiskey Row of downtown Louisville, Doc Crow’s offers

the freshest flavors of American southern cuisine. The menu celebrates classicseafood favorites from the coastal areas and diverse barbecue styles found through-out the interior regions. Doc Crow’s pays homage to its Whiskey Row locationwith a wide selection of the world’s great whiskies and a focus on America’s mostcelebrated spirit, bourbon. Enjoy a 4-course dinner featuring some of the restau-rants most popular dishes. Start with fried green tomatoes or pulled pork tacos, asalad, and then a choice of entrée including beef brisket, fried catfish or Doc’sfamous chicken. This is a fun casual place to gather with your friends and family.A cash bar is available. Located two blocks from The Galt House, no transporta-tion is included. Important: Price includes all taxes and gratuities associated withthe meal. Maximum Capacity 80

GGAARRAAGGEE BBAARRWWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd ((55::0000ppmm--77::3300ppmm))One of Louisville’s most up and coming restaurants, the Garage Bar, is

housed in a former auto service garage in downtown Louisville’s East Marketneighborhood. This very casual neighborhood spot features pizzas from awood-fired brick oven and southern specialties, with an emphasis on fresh,local ingredients. While the exterior of the building has minimally changedsince 1918, there are a few artistic touches. Before entering the restaurant,observe the outside sculpture which is really a machine that advances two fullsized automobiles slowly into one another simulateing a head on automobilecollision. The restaurant uses all local seasonal ingredients, so the menuchanges often. Some of the items your dinner may include are house madepickles, salad with local lettuces, an assortment of brick oven pizzas includingMargherita with milled tomato, pizzas with artisan cured meats, and a sweetcorn pizza with garlic, basil & crème. This restaurant is one of the reasonsLouisville has been named one of the top dining destinations in the country. Acash bar is available. They offer an extensive selection of craft beers and Ken-tucky Bourbons. Important: Price includes round trip transportation, all taxesand gratuities associated with the meal. Maximum Capacity 35

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WWAATTEERRFFRROONNTT PPAARRKKSSHHUUTTTTLLEE SSEERRVVIICCEE ((WWPPSS))JJuullyy 33rrdd tthhrroouugghh JJuullyy 55tthh --detailed shuttle schedule will beposted at the reunionThe WPS is a special one-timefee, unlimited rides shuttle busfor round trip transportationfrom the Galt Hotel to the Waterfront Park. Highlights at the parkwill include the American Veterans Traveling Tribute’s Vietnam Wall(July 2nd through July 6th) and the VHPA’s sponsorship of a CombatAssault re-enactment at 4:00pm on July the 4th where you can see thehelicopters and the infantry on static display. Don’t miss this event!Important: This is a separate shuttle from the Museum Shuttle.

MMUUSSEEUUMM PPAASSSS SSHHUUTTTTLLEE SSEERRVVIICCEETTuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 11sstt tthhrroouugghh SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthhA Museum Shuttle will be available from 9am -5pm. The shuttle willdepart the hotel every 30 minutes for transportation to/from the belowlisted five museums where you can visit any three of the museums on anyday you choose. Important: This is a separate shuttle from the Water-front Park Shuttle.

LLoouuiissvviillllee SSlluuggggeerr MMuusseeuumm aanndd FFaaccttoorryy:: The Louisville SluggerMuseum & Factory features the world’s biggest bat stretching 120 feetinto the sky, its museum shows the history of this famous bat and the guid-ed factory tour gives you a first-hand look at the making of these famousbats. With no glass walls, you will stroll through the factory where batshave been made since 1884. wwwwww..sslluuggggeerrmmuusseeuumm..ccoomm..

MMuuhhaammmmaadd AAllii CCeenntteerr:: The museum has three levels of award-win-ning exhibits and galleries which explore Muhammad Ali’s legendary life.Discover the six core principles Muhammad Ali embraced and how theygave him the basics to be the best athlete he could be, the courage to standup for what he believed and the inspiration to reach people around theworld. wwwwww..aalliicceenntteerr..oorrgg..

KKeennttuucckkyy SShhooww:: Experience the people, sights and sounds of the statewoven together in a high-definition, 30 minute multimedia productionthat will excite your senses and steal your heart. Explore how Kentucky’spast, present and future form our amazing state. Housed in its own spe-cially designed theatre inside The Kentucky Center, this show is a mustsee. wwwwww..kkeennttuucckkyysshhooww..ccoomm..

KKeennttuucckkyy MMuusseeuumm ooff AArrtt aanndd CCrraafftt:: This non-profit art museumis dedicated to promoting excellence in art, craft, applied arts, and design.Founded in 1981, the KMAC has 3 large gallery spaces with changingexhibits and a permanent collection all dedicated to art and craft.wwwwww..kkeennttuucckkyyaarrttss..oorrgg..

FFrraazziieerr HHiissttoorryy MMuusseeuumm:: A world-class museum that features twoworld-class collections – the Frazier Museum Collection of American andInternational artifacts made between the 16th and 20th centuries; and theBritish Royal Armories Collection that tells the story of more than 1,000years of British and World History. Also home to one of the largest (over10,000) displays of toy soldiers that depict real people, events, and evencelebrated notable weddings and festivals, wwwwww..ffrraazziieerrmmuusseeuumm..oorrgg..

SSoolliicciittiinngg CCaannddiiddaatteessffoorr ooppeenn ppoossiittiioonnss oonn tthhee VVHHPPAA’’ss EExxeeccuuttiivveeCCoouunncciill ffoorr tthhiiss yyeeaarr’’ss eelleeccttiioonnss aatt oouurr 22001144

RReeuunniioonn iinn LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKeennttuucckkyyEver consider volunteering to assist in running VHPA? Ever feel you havesomething to contribute to the Association? Ever want to make changes in howthings are done? Do you have THE IDEA where VHPA is concerned? Now isthe time to step up and get involved.The VHPA Executive Council is made up of six members elected by thosewho attend the Association's Annual Business Meeting at the Reunion eachyear. These six people vote on where VHPA hold Reunions, approve theReunion content and activities, approve annual budgets, oversee and protectVHPA assets, direct the actions of HQ and 101+ other things that keep yourAssociation running well. There are three to four appointed positions on our Executive Council; Secre-tary/ Treasurer, Legal Counsel, HQ Manager and Reunion Chairman. Ofthese positions only the Secretary/ Treasurer can vote on Association mattersand then only when there is a 3-3 deadlock among the elected Board members.This year, and every year, we need members who are interested in gettinginvolved and helping manage VHPA and are willing to step up now. Every yearwe will hold elections for two positions; our Junior Member At Large (a three-year commitment as you will advance to both the Junior and the Senior Mem-ber at Large positions) and the Vice President (another three-year commitmentas you will advance through the President and the Immediate Past Presidentpositions). Here are the requirements to be elected to one of these positions:11))Be a dues current member of VHPA22)) Care passionately about VHPA33))Notify HQ of your intentions of running for one of the twooffices in writing, by June 16, 2014.44)) Attend the Annual Business meeting in Louisville55))Make a two minute address to the members present of whyyou want to serve66)) Get the most votes

TThhiiss iiss yyoouurr cchhaannccee.. IIff yyoouu ffeeeell yyoouu hhaavvee ssoommeetthhiinnggttoo ooffffeerr,, pplleeaassee vvoolluunntteeeerr..

Mike SheuermanJunior Member at Large and Election Manager

E-Mail: [emailprotected] 214-802-4244 (cell) or 1-800-505-VHPA

Page 21 The VHPA Aviator


22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144EENNGGLLIISSHH GGRRIILLLL AATT TTHHEE BBRROOWWNN HHOOTTEELLWWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd ((55::0000ppmm--77::0000ppmm))Located in downtown Louisville, The Brown Hotel was built in 1923 and

was a magnet for many prominent guests and celebrities during the 1920sthrough the 1950s. Later used as the Board of Education building, the hotelreopened in the early 1980s. Today’s renovated building features a distinctiveEnglish Renaissance design, is on the National Register of Historic Places andone of the finest hotels in the south. The English Grill, located inside the hotel,has been voted Louisville’s Best Restaurant for over 80 years and sets the stan-dard for all Kentucky fine dining establishments. The restaurant is adornedwith oak paneling, stained glass windows, antique brass lighting fixtures, carvedcolumns, equestrian oil paintings and tracery ceilings. Your dinner begins witha salad followed by a traditional “Hot Brown”, a Louisville tradition since 1926,which is a rich dish of roasted turkey breast and toast points covered with mor-nay sauce, pecorino romano cheese all baked golden brown and finished withbacon and tomato. Of course you will have a slice of Derby Pie for dessert. Acash bar is available. Important: Price includes round trip transportation, alltaxes and gratuities associated with the meal. There will be two departuresfrom the hotel (5:00pm and 5:15pm). Please check your ticket for your depar-ture time. Maximum Capacity 100

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (22)

Horseshoe Casino $10 per adult per day

HPF Event Fee $25One $25 PER FAMILY fee buys access to any or allHPF events for 2014. You will also receive a DVDof all last year’s HPF events.

EVENT #Attending Price TotalRegistration through 4/30/2014* @$35Registration for under age 21* @$15Registration 5/1/2014 and after @$45Museum Pass & Shuttle (MPS) (July 1-5) @$38Waterfront Park Shuttle (WPS) *** (July 3-5) @$20Fort Knox Tour (July 1) @$30Jim Beam Extended Tour #1 (July 1) @$60Jim Beam Basic Tour #1 (July 1) @$42UPS Tour #1 (July 1) @$25Group Dinners on Bourbon Row (July 1) @$39Early Bird Gathering with Elvis Presley Tribute (July 1) @$5Breakfast w/Speaker #1 (July 2) @$16Churchill Downs #1 (July 2) @$28Louisville and Frankfort Kentucky tour #1 (July 2) @$33UPS Tour #2 (July 2) @$25Churchill Downs #2 (July 2) @$28Group Dinners in the City (July 2) @$651st ReunionAttendee Reception (July 2) No ChargeWelcome Reception with Eric Clapton Tribute (July 2) @$5Golf Outing with Lunch (July 3) @$82KIA/MIA Gold Star Breakfast (July 3) @$20Gold Star Breakfast Sponsorship** (July 3) @$20Breakfast w/Speaker #2 (July 3) @$16Jim BeamExtended Tour #2 (July 3) @$60Jim BeamBasic Tour #2 (July 3) @$42Wall Opening Ceremony*** (July 3) WPSWall & Huey Static Display Sponsorship** @$25LouisvilleandFrankfortKentucky tour#2 (July 3) @$33Jim BeamBasic Tour #3 (July 3) @$42Take me out to the Ballgame Special Event (July 3) @$39Breakfast Cruise on the Belle (July 4) @$45Writers Presentation (July 4) No ChargeCombat Assault Reenactment*** (July 4) WPSPre-Memorial Service Breakfast (July 5) @$16Memorial Service (July 5) No ChargeAnnual Business Meeting (July 5) No ChargeSpousal Event w/Lunch (July 5) @$37Closing Banquet – Adult (July 5) @$58Closing Banquet – Child (July 5) @$18Non-Registered Guest at Banquet (July 5) @$68Total From Sidebars XXXXX XXXXXVHPA Dues (if not dues current)** 1 year @$36VHPA Dues (if not dues current)** 3 years @$99Life Membership (Call HQ for exact amount)**2014 CD Directory Fee** (# of Years x $10)2014 Paper Directory Fee** (# of Years x $15)

Member name: Member No.: Wheelchair? � YesAddress: Address change? � YesCity: State: Zip:Email address: Telephone: ( )Wife/guest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � Yes

T-Shirts Total $

Banquet Meal

* Each person 21 and older must pay the fullregistration fee, except for banquet-only guests.

Voluntary Contributions:VHPA Membership Fund $VHPA Scholarship Fund $Vietnam War Museum $VHPA Reunion Sponsorship $

VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144NATIONAL REUNION REGISTRATION FORM

Toll Free (800) 505-VHPA (8472)Email [emailprotected] (817) 200-7309

Information and register online at or mail completed form to:VHPA Headquarters, 2100 N Highway 360, Suite 907, Grand Prairie, TX 75050

___ July 212 to 5 pm

___ July 310 am to 3 pm

___ July 412 to 5 pm

___S@$18 ___M@$18 ___L@$18

____Beef ____Fish ____Special

___XL@$18 ___XXL@$19 ___XXXL@$20


CREDIT CARD PAYMENTMC/Visa #:Exp. Date:Signature:

In lieu of a credit card, you can mail a check or money order payable to

“VHPA” with completed form.


Total $

Total $

REFUND POLICYIMPORTANT: Please review the details

of the Refund Policy, including thelimited opportunity to purchase aRefund Guaranty available onlyon a one-time basis at the time ofregistration, which is posted online

at the official VHPA website:

Refund Gurantee Fee(10% of Total Events) $

* Each person 21 and older must pay the full registration fee, except banquet-only guests.** Denotes a contribution, donation, or fee that is not refundable as part of any cancellation process.*** Denotes an event where the Waterfront Park Shuttle Pass can be used.


Page 22 The VHPA Aviator

22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ VVHHPPAA’’ss 3311sstt AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ~~ LLoouuiissvviillllee,, KKYY JJuullyy 11--55tthh 22001144

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (23)

INTERESTED IN ADVERTIS ING IN THE VHPA AVIATOR?The Official Newsletter of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association

Prices range from $135.00 for a quarter-page to $475.00 for a full-page, color advertisem*nt.Our staff Graphic Designer will help design your Aviator ad at no cost, other price discounts are available.

Ful l Detai ls avai lable at: [emailprotected] or HPilot1963@aol .com

Page 23 The VHPA Aviator

UUPPCCOOMMIINNGG RREEUUNNIIOONNSSOOlldd AAvviiaattoorr RReeuunniioonn,, FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr,, AAllaabbaammaa

Once called the W-4 reunion, new life has been brought back tothe Reunion ever since it was re-named the Old Aviators Reunion.I would think that if you served in Vietnam 40 or 50 years ago, youcould very easily consider yourself an old Aviator!

We have reserved the old Officer’s Club at Fort Rucker for thefirst weekend in June of 2014. Complete details are availableby contacting me, Gerald Meador. E-mail: [emailprotected] or call 337-232-3119.

112211sstt AAvviiaattiioonn CCoommppaannyy RReeuunniioonnBBrraannssoonn,, MMiissssoouurrii,, JJuunnee 1122 –– 1155,, 22001144..

Veterans who served with the 121st Aviation Co. (AML), 121stAssault Helicopter Co., 93rd Transportation Co. (Lt. Hel.)

(known as the Tigers and Vikings), 80th Trans. Det. (Avn. Maint.)and all other attached and supporting units. Everyone who servedwith these units in Da Nang and Soc Trang RVN 1961 through1970 is invited and encouraged to attend. Families are also invited.The Reunion is being hosted by the members of the 121 Avn

Association, Inc. Details of the reunion and hotel informationmay be found on their web site: or by contactingsecretary John Schmied: [emailprotected] or call352-633-0541. Please call between 10:00 AM and 9:00 PMEST.

AA FFlloocckk ooff PPeelliiccaannss RReeuunniioonn iinn LLoouuiissvviillllee,, JJuullyy,,22001144

As a part of the VHPA Reunion in Louisville, KY; 1-6 July, 2014,the “Pelicans” of A Company, and the “Warlords” of B Company,123rd Aviation Battalion, Americal Division will hold a reunion.

POC is Richard ElginE-Mail: [emailprotected]

UUSSAABBAAAA ((UUnnii tteedd SStt aatt eess AArrmmyy BBll aacckk AAvviiaatt iioonnAAss ssooccii aatt iioonn)) 22001144 RReeuunniioonn ~~ AAuugguusstt 66--88,, 22001144Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, 165 Courtland Ave, NE, Atlanta, GA

30303POC is CW5 (Ret) J Nance, Secretary, 256-759-0639Reunion of the Outlaws, Mavericks, Bushwackers and Roadrun-

ners who flew from Vinh Long, Vietnam 1964-1972 (the 62d –A502d – 175th Assault Helicopter Companies)

50th Anniversary Reunion, Washington, D.C., September 18-22, 2014

Contact: Tom Anderson ([emailprotected])Info: (Click: Reunions)

MMeemmbbeerrss ooff hheelliiccoopptteerr fflliigghhtt sscchhooooll ccllaassss 6666--1122 ((ggrreeeennhhaattss)),, DDeecceemmbbeerr 11996655 tthhrroouugghh AAuugguusstt 11996666..

Hugh Smith and I are planning a class reunion in San Antonio forthe last half of 2014. Please contact me (Al Flory) at: [emailprotected] or by phone at 210-599-9673 if you are interest-ed in joining us.

WWaanntt ttoo sseeee yyoouurr RReeuunniioonn ppuubblliicciizzeedd hheerree??SSeenndd ddeettaaiillss ttoo:: AAvviiaattoorr@@VVHHPPAA..oorrgg

VVooiiccee OOff AAmmeerriiccaa NNeewwss PPrreessss RReelleeaassee,, 0055 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22001133

Sent to us by Member Ron Miller, National Veterans Adviser, National League of POW-MIA Families.

WWAASSHHIINNGGTTOONN —— Vietnam advised the United States at the start of high-level talksthis week it would open four additional sites to investigators seeking the remains of Ameri-can military personnel missing since the Vietnam War, a senior U.S. defense official said.Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Vikram Singh, who oversees U.S. military ties withSouth and Southeast Asia, said an eight-member delegation led by Senior Lieutenant Gen-eral Nguyen Chi Vinh told U.S. defense officials about the decision at the outset of talks atthe Pentagon this week.

“They basically opened the meeting by turning over the information and providing usaccess to an additional four sites for remains recovery operations to go look for our fallen,”said Singh, calling it a “really meaningful” gesture.

A U.S. official said on Friday the sites were in the southern part of Vietnam and weresmall areas where specific incidents are believed to have taken place. Officials declined toelaborate, citing concerns for the families of the missing.The Defense Department's POW/Missing Personnel Office says 1,643 Americansremain unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, including 1,275 in Vietnam and the restin Laos, Cambodia and China. The office has investigated 600 of the Vietnam cases andbelieves it will not be possible to recover the remains, leaving 675 still being sought in thatcountry.Vinh's delegation visited the Pentagon for talks that take place annually between the for-

mer enemies, which have been deepening military ties over the past decade.The pace of contact between the two countries has increased in recent years as the UnitedStates has moved to refocus its energies on the Asia-Pacific region after more than a decadeof war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The rebalancing takes place amid concerns among Wash-ington and Asian allies about China's growing assertiveness in the region.''DDeeeeppeenniinngg ttiieess''Then-U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Vietnam last year, stopping at Cam

Ranh Bay to visit a U.S. Navy supply vessel undergoing repairs, before traveling to Hanoifor talks with senior defense leaders.“In the year since then, what we've seen is just an across-the-board deepening of defense

ties,” Singh said in an interview this week. He noted that Secretary of State John Kerry andDefense Secretary Chuck Hagel both served in the Vietnam War and had a special interestin the country.The United States and Vietnam have been cooperating in five areas since signing a memo

of understanding in 2011: peacekeeping, maritime security, humanitarian assistance anddisaster response, search and rescue, and high-level exchanges.Singh said the two countries had been increasing cooperation on peacekeeping over the

past year after Vietnam changed its laws and regulations to permit its military forces to par-ticipate in international peacekeeping operations.“We see it as in our interest for all the Southeast Asian nations to be active supporters and

contributors to peacekeeping operations,” he said.The two sides also set the stage for further cooperation on maritime security during the

visit, Singh said. Admiral Robert Papp, commandant of the Coast Guard, and Major Gen-eral Nguyen Quang Dam, commander of Vietnam's coast guard, signed an agreement for-malizing their decision to work together on equipment, training and capacity building.“Having this cooperation is an opportunity for us to work together with them on things

that we think will help contribute to overall peace and stability in the South China Sea,”said Singh.The South China Sea has been the scene of increasing tensions in the region, as China

and other countries have advanced competing territorial claims around the resource-richwaterway.

AAnnnn MMiillllss--GGrriiffffiitthhss CChhaaiirrmmaann ooff tthhee BBooaarrdd

NNaattiioonnaall LLeeaagguuee ooff PPOOWW--MMIIAA FFaammiilliieess

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (24)

Bill Terry (BigMutha) was anH-3 pilot stationed on theUSS Yorktown in 1966, he was credited with snatchingthreedownedjetpilots fromNorthVietnamduringhis tour.DickandIwere scheduled to fly togetheron19April1966

and were being pre-positioned up north to support an AlfaStrike, amajorattack incorporatinga largenumberofaircraft,going into North Vietnam.We lifted off the deck of York-town at 0800 and headed first to Kitty Hawk (Pawtucket)for a logistics support mission before proceeding on assign-ment.That early launch, coupledwith thenature ofmission,made it obvious thatwewould be spending a long day in theair and as events unrolled, that assumption was absolutelycorrect.When we launched that morning, there was no way of

foretelling the events about tounfold, butwehad someonewithus to chroniclethe entire day's activities. In a raremovewe had been asked to fly an additionalcrewmanwith us, aCHINFOphotographer, whowas hoping for a chance toshoot some actual combat pictures of a rescue in the north. For our part, wewerehopinghewouldn'tget thechance.After a short stop atPawtucket,we lifted off andheaded first to the southSARstationwherewedroppedoff theirmail about 1000before heading onup for adayof funandgameswithouroldfriendsCoontzandRogers.We reached our North SAR destination where upon arrival we were

informed that HarborMaster, the Task Unit Commander, had directed thatwe remain on station until 1800when the last strike aircraft would be coastingoutof Indianterritory.At leastnowwehadframedtheevents for theday, and itwasgoingtobea longone,not less thantenhoursanywaywechoseto lookat it.Remembering my earlier experience with my admiral, I requested that theyinformYorktownofourtasking,andwesettled infortheday.We had grown to appreciate USS Rogers more than USS Coontz because

they always treated us better.Weprettymuchhad our option ofwhich ship torefuel from, but fuel alsomeant food anddrink.Thesewere the guyswho keptour batteries charged throughout the day. Wewould say something like "SteelHawser (Coontz), Big Mother is going to need gas in about thirty minutes.We'd appreciate some box lunches." "Roger, Big Mother, we have bolognasandwiches today, andwe'll getyousomewater."Bolognawasnot thetermusedthroughout the navy for that variety of sandwich meat, Almost immediatelythe radio would invariably come alive with another call. “Big Mother, this isBullsEye(Rogers),we'repreparing steaksandwiches foryourightnow.We'llbeready to receive youwhenever you're ready.We've also got a gallon of bug juiceforyoutowash*tdownwith."Littlewonder thatwe likedRogers best, not that itmade a lot of difference toeither of them. Rogers was just a better run ship, at least from our stand point,andtheyweregoodatprovidingtopnotchservice.We had been on station for some time, when about 1530 we received a callfromSteelHawser."BigMothersixeightthis isSteelHawser,over.""SteelHawserthis isBigMothersixeight,goahead.""BigMother six eight this is Steel Hawser, be advised I'm painting an emer-

gencysquawkonmygadget,over."Within seconds of that callweheard aMayDay report fromaCorkTip air-

craftovertheHaiphongcomplex."BigMother six eight this is Steel Hawser, your vector is three zero three at

thirty eight miles. Cork Tip six zero one is down.We're trying to establish hisexact location."Wepickedupthedirectedvectorandpushedthespeedtoredline.

"SteelHawser this is BigMother six eight; interrogative operation feetwet?" Iasked.What Iwas askingwaswhetherwewere going inland (feet dry) orwould be

operating over water (feet wet). Clearly we wanted to hear that we would beable to remain over the water because that significantly increased everybody'sprospectof survivingthisordeal."Unknownatthis time,BigMother."Looking at our charts and the vector we were given, it looked as if we were

going inland, so I directed the crew to don parachutes and flack vest.Weweretoobusytobeafraidofwhat layaheadofus,butwewereheadedintoHaiphongHarbor, one of the heaviest defended areas in all of North Vietnam. At thatpoint we didn't know if we would have to take the downed pilot away fromtroops indowntownHaiphongorwouldwe findhimstrokingout to sea inhisraft. While mulling that over in our thoughts, our friends and protectors, theever-presentA-1Skyraiders joinedonourportwing.Itwouldbe impossible forme to adequatelydescribe justhowthosepowerful

war birds, a beautiful sight under any circ*mstances, made us feel, even as weheaded into the heart of Indian country. They weremuch like your AmericanExpress card.We didn't want to leave home without them. Our absolute sur-vival depended on the skills and daring of those pilots, and I knew we were ingood hands anytime they were around. I would trust themwithmy life, and Idid."Woop, woop, woop, woop, woop." Therewas no other sound in theworld

like that of a survival radio beeper.We had heard it many times before, and italwaysmeant the same thing; a pilot was down. The uniqueness of that soundwas such that anytime I heard it, a shiver would crawl upmy spine, even yearsafter thewar.Hearing that radiowas great, though.We nowhad the ability toget an exact location. Dick switched the radio over to the ADF (automaticdirection finding) position, and we watched as the needle swung around andpointed to the source of the signal.We knew the absolute course now, but westilldidn'tknowifwewouldbeoperatingover landor intheharbor.Our second A-1 had sprinted ahead into the area and shortly thereafter, he

reported thathewasover thepilotwhowas inhis life raft andappeared tobe ingood shape. He was feet wet but just barley. He was within half a mile of thebeach and was located to the east of downtown Haiphong about eight milesaway.Thatwas great news. The fartherwe could get from theHaiphong complex

the better.To give us a little greater edge, it appearedGodwas onour side oncemore. Aswe approached the area, we ran into a fog bank. It was not very thickbecause theA-1could seedownthrough it fromabove,but that fogbecameourbest friend. It kept the North Vietnamese from seeing us from afar. You can'tshootwhatyoucan't see.

Page 24 The VHPA Aviator

TThhee RReessccuuee ooff LLtt RRoonn BBaallllffrroomm NNoorrtthh VViieettnnaamm As told by Bill Terry to George Aitcheson, 25 July 2013

USS Yorktown CVS-10

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (25)

Wecontinued to follow theADFneedle right to thepilot.Aswepassedoverhim, he lit a day smoke to give us thewind line. Passing over him I pulled backon the stick and rolled hard as I kicked the rudders around.As I rolled the heli-copter over on its side, I started to release the pressure on the stick and pushedthe nose back toward the ground as we reversed direction. That wing overmaneuver brought us back into thewind,what little therewas, and lined us uponthesurvivor.Wecould see landashortdistanceaway fromus, andtheA-1's reported junksin the area although we could see none through the fog. It was obvious thatsomeone could seeus, or at least hear us, though.Aswe entered ahover, roundsstarted tohit thewater around the area. Since I couldnot seewhowas shootingatme, Iwas reasonablyconfident that theywerenotan immediate threat. Itwasall small arms that even if we did take a hit, it would not likely knock us out ofthe sky.Therewas even a good chance they couldnot see us at all andwere justshootingatthesoundofthehelicopter.I brought the helicopter into a hover over the pilot who was still in his raft.

That always causedaproblembecause the rotorwashpushed the raft across thewater,at timeswithsurprisingspeed."Pilot, after station; thesurvivor is still inhis raft,"mycrewmensaid."Roger,after station. I'llkeepit inahighhover."That meant I would hover at sixty-feet to limit rotor wash, but shortly afterthat, the after station called to say that we were too high. Not watching myinstruments, Ihad inadvertentlyclimbedtoaninety-foothighhover.Was therea littler adrenaline running throughmy body or what? Regardless, mymistaketook valuable time, and timewas the enemy. Fortunately for everyone, as I low-ered thehelicopter to theproper altitude, thepilot exitedhis raft. Shortly there-after,wehadhimaboard.By now theCHINFOphotographer was shooting away and in the process,

hegot the first actualphotosof a combat rescue inNorthVietnam.Thepicturethat was on virtually every major newspaper across the country showed Lieu-tenantRonBall lookingupashewasbeinghoistedaboardBigMother sixeight.I told the lieutenant that we had just made him famous, but he had no ideawhatIwastalkingabout.LieutenantBall had been flying anRF-8, photo reconnaissance aircraft, fromVFP-63offUSSTiconderogawhenhewas shotdown.Hewasonhis last flightof the cruise and toldme that ashe sat on the catapult thatday, heknewhewasgoing to get "bagged." I don't know if it was last flight jitters or if he had a realpremonition but for whatever reason, he was right. As hemade his photo runacross Haiphong, he was hit and had to eject. In his chute he saw his aircraftexplodeshortlyafterheexited.Wehoistedhimintothehelicopterwithinabouttwentyminutesof theshootdown, andI told thecrewto sinkhis raftwith theM-60beforewedeparted thearea. I didn't want someone to see it and have us called back into that area tosearchforwhatwehadalreadypicked-up.With that last chore takencareof,weheaded to the relative safetyof theopenocean.Atthatpoint,however,wegotthecall Ididnoteverwanttohear."Big Mother this is Steel Hawser, bandit bearing two eight five at sixty-five

miles, trackingonezerofivedegrees."Suddenly thosebeautifulA-1's seemedterribly inadequate.Byall appearances,

we had a MIG coming after us, and there was nothing we could do about itexcept run.We headed back out to sea skimming off the top of the waves andgoing as fast as the helicopter could possibly go. The red line on our airspeedindicator was there for decoration only. We continued to get the bandit callsbut in the end, the contact came to the beach and turned aroundwithusneverseeinghimorhimseeingus.Thatwas just finewithme.Becauseof theconsider-able missile capability of USS Coontz, he did not want to come out over thewater.Had he ventured just a little farther, the hunter would have become thehunted.Thatdid little to settlemynervesuntil he turnedback inland,however.Ihatetothinkofmyselfasbait.WereturnedtoNorthSARstationwithourwetbutotherwise fineF-8pilot.Since Rogers was our strongest supporter, I called them and requested a greendeck for a passenger transfer to Bulls Eye. It was my intentions to drop Lieu-tenant Ball off because we would not be going off station for hours, and wecould not keep him on board because there remained the possibility wewouldbe going in yet another time before the daywas over. There was another strikescheduledfor later thatafternoon."BigMothersixeight, this isSteelHawser,over.""SteelHawserthis isBigMother,goahead.""Big Mother this is Steel Hawser, expect a green light on Steel Hawser notBullsEyeonarrival."The SquadronCommander had spoken. I had no choice but to deliver the

survivor to Coontz. The problem then was that we thought Rogers was nowgoingtosinkCoontz.As we continued to fly around that afternoon, I commented to theCHIN-

FOphotographer that itwas toobad thathedidnothaveamovie camera sohecouldhavegottenthewholething inmotion."Don't worry about it," he said, "there will be someone out next month.He

canget it then."That guy had no idea just how lucky he had been, first to have just been pre-

sent whenwemade a pick-up and secondly, that this had been a relatively easypickupwith little opposition, andhedidn't get shot in theprocess.Clearly, ouryoungphotographerdidnot really appreciatewhathehad just been through. Ifhehungaroundwithus longenoughhecertainlywould,however.It was late in the afternoon, just before dark, when we retrieved Lieutenant

Ball for the flight back to the carrier. He had been treated to some dry clothesand pretty much wined and dined all afternoon. Now it was back to the realworldofcarrieraviation.USSTiconderogawasa littlemore thananhoursouthof us, and they were waiting for the return of their pilot so they could departYankee Station. They were finally headed home after a tough deployment.WhenIreportedinwiththemontheradio, IgotexactlywhatIexpected:"BigMother, this isPanther;expectaCharlieonarrival."Thatmeant I couldexpect tobecleared for an immediate landing just as soonasIgotthere,butIwasreadyforthem,anditwasmygamenow."Negative Panther.We don't intend to return your pilot without a suitable

ransom."“RogerBigMother,whatwouldyouconsiderasuitableransom?""Tower, we would consider a gallon of ice cream and five spoons just about

right," I said.When I set theH-3downonTico's deck, peoplewelcomingLieutenantBallhome surrounded us. As he exited the helicopter to a hero's welcome, a hugecakewas shoved in the after station alongwith a five-gallon drumof ice cream.We launched into the inkynight for the short flight over toYorktown.Weatecake and ice cream, but by the timewe finally landed, we hadmelted ice creamallovereverything.Fivegallonswas just toomuch.As we approached YORKTOWNI gave them a call. "OceanWave, this is

BigMothersixeightat fivemiles for landing.""RogerBigMother.Yoursignal isdelta."We spent the next hour going in circles on the starboard side of the ship.When we were finally cleared to land, we had been strapped in those seats forelevenhours and twenty-fiveminutes. If thatwerenot enough,whenwe got toour rooms, we found that the shipwas onwater hours and the freshwater hadbeenturnedoff.

It was just one of those days!Page 25 The VHPA Aviator

USS Rogers DD-876

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (26)

LLooookkiinngg FFoorr aannyyoonnee kknnoowwiinngg ssttoorryy ooff11sstt LLtt.. WWiilllliiaamm HH.. HHaannssoonn,, KKIIAA,, 1122 SSeepp 11996688I am looking for any information on action east of Quon Loi in

Binh Long province on September 12, 1968 in which 1st Lt. WilliamH. Hanson was killed. He was attached to D troop, 1st squadron, 4th cav., 1st inf. flying anAH-1G Cobra with Maj. Richard Driggs Lemay Jr. 1st Lt. Hanson was from Park Falls, Wisconsin, and our VA officerfrom Price County has commemorative markers being made to honorall Vietnam Veterans from 1962-1974, We are trying to get pic-tures/info for the 1968 marker, so people will know the sacrifice LtHanson made for our country.

MMiittcchh SSuurrmmaannEE--mmaaiill:: yyuukkoonn@@ppccttccnneett..nneett

LLooookkiinngg ffoorr aannyyoonnee wwhhoo mmiigghhtt hhaavvee kknnoowwnn mmyy ffaatthheerr AAuutthhoorr MMaacchhaaddooMy father, Author Machado from New Bedford, Maine, survivedhis tour in Vietnam and passed away in 1998 without telling us muchabout his time in Vietnam. I know he flew with the 38th AerospaceRescue and Recovery Squadron, Military Airlift Command in Viet-nam. One of the stories he often talked about was when he was inter-viewed by a news crew (Morley Shafer perhaps?) after a Rescue Mis-sion on 9 December 1965.The squadron’s on-line records gives me a few more details of thatmission, they say… the mission involved two HH-43F crews from Det7. Manning the primary helicopter were Lieutenant Machado, pilotand Captain Kneen, copilot; MSgt Harlan D. Longmire, helicoptermechanic; and SSgt David J. Wheeler, pararescue specialist. Lieutenant Machado led a flight of two rescue helicopters, at night,approximately 30 miles south of Da Nang to recover the crew of aMarine helicopter downed by hostile fire while attempting to evacu-ate wounded Marines. Numerous small-arms tracers were observedthroughout the flight to the active battlefield, known as "OperationHarvest Moon" and geographically located in a valley surrounded bymountainous terrain. Heavy small arms fire was encountered in therecovery area; and 50 caliber machine gun tracers described arcs noless than a mile long upon several occasions in an effort to down theaircraft flying over_head. Flares from an AC-47 were used for searchuntil radio contact with a Marine patrol made it possible to find theexact location.I am also desperately trying to find the footage of my Dad’s inter-

view and was hoping one of your members might have any sugges-tions about how I can do that.

Thanks for anything you can do to help me,RRoobbiinn FFrriiddaayy,, DDiirreeccttoorr ooff SSaalleess,,

LLiissllee CCoonnvveennttiioonn && VViissiittoorrss BBuurreeaauu,, LLiissllee,, IIlllliinnooiiss 6600553322PPhhoonnee ((663300)) 776699--11000000,, EE--mmaaiill:: ffrriiddaayy@@ssttaayyiinnlliissllee..ccoomm

LLooookkiinngg FFoorr aannyyoonnee ffaammiilliiaarr wwiitthh tthhee llaattee AArrmmyy AAvviiaattoorr CCWW22 DDoonn JJ.. FFiinnnnAnyone familiar with the late Army Aviator CW2 Don J. Finn is invited tocontact the undersigned regarding a tribute I am preparing in his honor. I am aclose friend of Don's older brother, Dennis Finn, and the author of three non-fiction books. Don's flight class numbers were 70-47 and 70-49. I do not know preciselywhat unit Don served with during his one year hitch in Vietnam. I do knowthat he was a scout pilot. From what I can tell, he flew typical scout missionswith a couple of Cobras in tow. In a photo supplied to me there is a screaming eagle on his uniform's left sleeve.He apparently finished his tour as an admin supply officer for the airborne unit

he served with.If you can shed any light on Don's military contributions or In Countryfriendships, his family and I would appreciate hearing from you.

DDoorrcceeyy AA.. WWiinnggoo44tthh IIDD -- 44tthh AAvvnn BBnn BBllaacckkjjaacckkss aanndd GGaammbblleerr GGuunnss ''6699 --''7700

EE--MMaaiill:: ccaappttaaiinnmmeetthhaannee@@aatttt..nneetthhttttpp::////wwwwww..ddoorrcceeyywwiinnggoo..ccoomm

LLooookkiinngg FFoorr CChhaadd SS.. HHaaiiggMy name is Sharon Kressin, yet my maiden name was EVANS. My brotherwas a CWO (WO Thomas J. Evans, Jr ) with the 11th ACR Air CalvaryTroop in Vietnam until he was killed on March 1st, 1967. I understand theynamed the airfield after him over there.Chad Haig was a dear friend of his that wrote to our family for months afterhis death. We have long since lost contact with him and I was hoping one ofyour members could help me to get back in touch with him. I hope to go to Vietnam someday to see if the memorial is still there that wasdedicated to my brother. I wanted to first check to see if Chad, or anyone elsefamiliar with the incident knows the best way to go about finding out just wherethe marker was and how best to get there...even exactly where THERE is. If you find Chad, and he would like to contact me: Tell him it's Junior's sisterwho’s asking for him.

SShhaarroonn KKrreessssiinnPPhhoonnee 775577--332255--66555566

EE--MMaaiill:: HHoommeerrssqqddggrryy22@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm

LLooookkiinngg ffoorr aannyyoonnee wwhhoo mmiigghhtt hhaavvee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnoonn mmyy bbrrootthheerr HHaarrrryy BBrruuccee AApppplleebbyy Please, if anyone has information on my brother, pilot CW2 HarryBruce Appleby Jr. I would very much like to hear from you. Good orbad.Details include Flight Class 68-521, Served in Vietnam with C/7/1

CAV in 69-70, 35 ENG GRP in 71-72, 56 TC CO in 72. 52 AirMetals, 2 Bronzed Stars. Bruce died after his tour in Vietnam on 07/01/2003 at the age of

54 after a long illness. PPaauull MMaarrkk AApppplleebbyyRReecclluussee990099@@aaooll..ccoomm

LLooookkiinngg FFoorr......SSppiiddeerrmmaannOn 17 November 1969, FSB Fuller came under attack by a substantialforce of VNA. The attack started with the perimeter receiving app. 40 to50 RPGs followed by a ground attack, but by using both indirect anddirect defensive fire, the wire is never breached. The RPG’s however didinjure two officers and one EM.One of the officers was injured when he was hit in the head with severalpieces of shrapnel after his helmet fell off while he was attempting to makecontact with a cut off howitzer gun crew. Two medics were finally able tostop the bleeding but when they called for a medivac to take all three menoff the mountain top, heavy fog prevented them from attempting thepick-up. Finally, "Spiderman”, a pilot from a local transportation unit, put his lifeon the line to pick up the wounded. Lt. Dennis Butte, who was in chargeof the Fire Direction Center during the evening shift on FSB Fuller, stoodon the side of that cloud-covered hill and provided directions to the air-craft, thereby allowing him to find the pad and load up the wounded. Is there anyone out there who could help us (either myself Clyde

Lewandowski – E-mail: [emailprotected]) or Dennis Butte (e-mail:[emailprotected]) get in touch with this courageous man?

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LLooookkiinngg FFoorr aannyyoonnee wwhhoo mmiigghhtt hhaavvee kknnoowwnn WWaalltteerr CC.. WWiillssoonnMy name is Jan van den Noort; I live in The Netherlands, Europe. A few years ago I bought a 1966 Ford Mustang that used to belong to Mr.Walter C. Wilson, who unfortunately died after his tour in Vietnam on05/08/1995 at the age of 63.Can anyone please tell me in what helicopter unit Mr. Wilson flew during theVietnam War? I’m trying to get in contact with his former helicopter colleagues,because I would like to have a picture of Mr. Wilson.I’m currently in the process of restoring Mr. Wilson’s former car, not only tobring it back to its original condition, but also to honor this great American hero!

JJaann vvaann ddeenn NNoooorrttEE--MMaaiill:: jjaann..vvaannddeenn..nnoooorrtt@@rrwwss..nnll

LLooookkiinngg FFoorr…… in learning about and getting to fly Vietnam-Era Army helicoptersI have written a couple of articles for your magazine, the last two have run in lastyear’s Issue 31-03 and Issue 31-05. Now I would like to write a story about thehistorical preservation efforts of Vietnam-era aircraft done by the members ofthe VHPA. I would like to go see the aircraft and meet the hero’s who are both preservingand flying these aircraft. I would also like to interview the people who have usedtheir skills and training to keep these birds in the air. I am sure that most ofthese men got the excellent training in the military and think it would be fun tointerview those that have kept their skills and knowledge from rusting away.I will go to anywhere necessary for me to view the work being done, and inter-view the men that are still actively flying, maintaining and rebuilding these air-craft. If possible, I would also like to take a ride in a TH55, a Cobra and a Hueyand I expect to pay the normal rate for these rides. I would pay all of my ownexpenses and the only thing I ask in return is for a guide to be available while Iam collecting information. There would be no cost to the VHPA in this project, but I promise to send ina great story to print in the Aviator.Is there any Member or VHPA Chapter out there that can help me?

CChhuucckk RRaammssddeellllcchhuucckkrraammssddeellll@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm

LLooookkiinngg FFoorr SSoommeeoonnee??This month I helped seven people find guys they were looking for, helped aMC Crew Chief find the pilot of a CH-46 the CE had crashed with so hecould get help with VA benefits and an old high school friend find a classmate,guy she knew who was a rotary wing fighter pilot in Vietnam (he flew gunships).And NO, a baby was not involved.I LOVE IT!!! This is my favorite part of Membership. If I can help you pleasecall or email me.


by Mike Sheuerman

On 26 October, 1971 I was involved in an action to rescue a downedBirddog pilot and his Observer from the 219 Avn Co "Headhunters" thathad been shot down northeast of Dak To. Though wounded, the pilot car-ried his wounded spotter away from the aircraft and then went back to theplane and destroyed the radios. After all that, both men E&E'd from theenemy until we could get them out. For his actions that day, the pilot wasrecommended for THE MEDAL. I wrote an Eyewitness Statement forthe recommendation but I never found out who that Pilot was, or whathappened to his award.Fast forward to November 15, 2014. In my capacity as Membership

Chairman of VHPA I'm always sending out invites to join our group. Onthat day I got a letter back from Edwin R (Dick) Chubb thanking me forthe offer, but he was a fixed wing pilot in Vietnam, served two tours but isnot eligible to be a member of the VHPA. Turns out Dick didn’t gothrough RW transition in late '72 but he still gave me his info for our data-base as even fixed wing guys have friends looking for them. I noticed he waswith the 219 Avn Co from 10/71-3/72 so I ask if he remembers this action.He replied that he vaguely recalled something about it and offers to pass onmy request on to several other 219 pilots. Next I hear from both Joe Par-sons and Lee Malambri who let me know that the pilot that day was Nor-wood Worth Smith JR. , turns out THE MEDAL was downgraded to theDSC; hope my write-up didn't cause that. I'm trying to locate Norwoodnow.Lee asks me if I know an old Army Aviator buddy of his that flew with the361 ACE (my Unit in Vietnam), Dana Johndro. They served together inGermany. SMALL WORLD!!! I gave him Dana's contact info and nowLee plans to attend Louisville just to see his old friend.

NNooww iiss tthhiiss aa ggrreeaatt wwaarr ssttoorryy oorr wwhhaatt!!!!!!

Mike SheuermanMembership/ VHPA

E-Mail: [emailprotected] 214-802-4244 (cell) or 1-800-505-VHPA

TToo tthhee EEddiittoorr ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA AAvviiaattoorrMy version of flying a Psy-Op mission on Christmas Eve of 1967.After having read several accounts in the last issue of the Aviator concerningthe incident of the Huey, flying around LZ English playing Christmas carols,I thought I would tell the pilot’s side of the story. I had been assigned to flypsy-ops missions for several days so the powers that be thought it would be agood idea to play Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. Everyone knows thatwhen you are ordered to fly a mission, that is what you do.The “festivities” may have started with pin flares being released towards ouraircraft, but progressed to red tracers. It didn’t take long to abandon the mis-sion and even less time to go black out. It is a little disconcerting to read some of the derogatory comments that havebeen written about this incident. Particularly disturbing is the account in thebook “To the Limit” by Tom Johnson.Friendly fire is one thing, but this incident was far fromunintentional.

CWO David KimeNorth Flag 245

C-229 AVN-BTN, 1967-68E-Mail: [emailprotected]

TToo tthhee EEddiittoorr ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA AAvviiaattoorrReference the Lisa Hicks story, "WWII War Paint" in the Nov/Dec

Newsletter: the art of the painted flight jacket is alive and well. Flight jacket artist Robert Peters' work was on display in the Mighty 8th

Museum outside of Savannah when I visited there some years ago, and I wasso enthralled with his work that I tracked him down at his web site, Peters-, and had him create a painted A2for me, just as I imagined it would have lookedlike had the aviators of Vietnam still beenallowed to wear the once coveted A2 leatherflight jacket. A photo of my "Casper Jacket" isattached, and I recommend his work to every-one in the organization.

Bobby Horowitz"Casper-One-Eight"

173rd Airborne Brigade (Sep), CasperAviation Platoon, LZ English 1969-1970

E-Mail: [emailprotected]

LLeetttteerrss ttoo tthhee EEddiittoorr......

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Adkins, Irving D.Downsville, Louisiana, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 68-522 68-40Vietnam Unit informationnot provided

Alich, William J. “Bill” **San Francisco, California, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 56-11 58-10VietnamUnit(s):1AVNCO in65-66; 68AVN in67-68

Andree, Robert G “Bob” **Schererville, Indiana, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 57-1VietnamUnit(s): 117 AHC in 63-64;229 AHB 1 CAV in 68-69

Ballinger, Joe E. **Norton, Kansas, US Air ForceFlight Class(s): 60-CVietnamUnit(s): 38 ARRS in 65-67

Beeler, WilliamR. “Bill” **Pensacola, Florida,USMarine CorpsFlight Class(s): 50-2VietnamUnit(s):HMH-463 in 66; HMM-265 in 67-68

Bliven, David M.Goffstown, NewHampshire,US ArmyFlight Class(s): 62-8VietnamUnit(s): 114 AVN

Bloyd, John R. **Lemoore, California, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 71-14VietnamUnit(s): 1 CAVDIVin 68-69; F/4 CAV in 71-72

Britt, Eugene R. “Gene” **Statesboro, Georgia, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-24VietnamUnit(s): 71 AHC in 70-71

Bunyard, Jerry M “Max” **Alexandria, Virginia, US ArmyFlight Class info not providedVietnamUnit(s):HHB/2/20 ARA 1 CAV in 69-70

Burks, Howard DGreenwood, Arkansas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 61-10VietnamUnit(s): 128 AHC in 65-66

Carroll, John L.Dalhart, Texas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 69-31 69-29VietnamUnit(s): 134 AHC in 70-71

Castro, TomasEuless, Texas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 62-8VietnamUnit informationnot provided

Collins, Ernest J.Bowie, Maryland, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 61-10VietnamUnit informationnot provided

Combs, Roger E. “Roscoe”King City, Missouri,USMarine CorpsFlight Class(s): 69-18VietnamUnit(s): HMM-364 in 69-70

Curtis, James B. “Dad”Ashland, Missouri, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 66-7VietnamUnit(s): 161 AHC in 66-67

Dake, Terrence R. “Terry”Southlake, Texas,USMarine CorpsFlight Class info not providedVietnamUnit(s): HMH-462 in 68-69

Dargon, Paul KJacksonville, Florida, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 61-10VietnamUnit(s):A/1/9 CAV 1 CAV in 66

DeLoach, JavanM.Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania,US ArmyFlight Class(s): 62-8VietnamUnit(s): 114 AVN

Dennis, David R.Dunedin, Florida, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 67-1 66-21VietnamUnit(s):B/9 AVN 9 INF in 67-68

Finch, Arthur LLoudon, Tennessee, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 61-10VietnamUnit(s): C/7/1 CAV;HHT/7/1 CAV

Fuller, Robert WStrasburg, Ohio, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 67-19VietnamUnit(s): 128 AHC in 67-68

Graham, Charles E.Wichita Falls, Texas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 64-8VietnamUnit(s): A/1AVN1 INF in65-66; A/228ASHB1CAV in 68-69

Griffard, LawrenceW.Saint Louis, Missouri, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-24VietnamUnit informationnot provided

Hamilton, Jay MDestin, Florida, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 71-44VietnamUnit(s): F/8 CAV in 72-73

Hogan, Timothy J “Tim”Oakland, Tennessee, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-16VietnamUnit(s):247 AVNDET in 70-71

Johnson, Larry EBrownsburg, Indiana, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 63-4TVietnamUnit(s): 114 AHC in 65-66;B/101 AVN 101 ABN in 68-69

Kleiber, Donald GDillard, Georgia, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 61-10VietnamUnit informationnot provided

Knupp, Gary LWebster, Kentucky, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 71-31VietnamUnit(s): 571MEDDET in72-73

Koss, Stephen JGrand Blanc, Michigan, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-26VietnamUnit informationnot provided

Kuruzar, Michael E.Wyocena,Wisconsin, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 72-10VietnamUnit(s): 57 AHC in 72-73

Lane, Jay T. “Magnet Ass”Mount Pleasant, Utah, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-21VietnamUnit(s): 173 AHC in 71

Leaf, George E **Las Vegas, Nevada, US ArmyFlight Class info not providedVietnamUnit(s): 118 AHC in 63-64;147 ASHC in 67-68

Leon, RalphGermantown, Tennessee,US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-1VietnamUnit(s):B/4/77 ARA 101 ABN in 70

Lincoln, George H **Brunswick, Georgia, US ArmyFlight Class info not providedVietnamUnit(s):1 CAVDIV in 67-68

Lindberg, JamesWMinneapolis, Minnesota, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 69-3VietnamUnit(s): 92 AHC in 69-70

Linden, Albert “Al” **Gainesville, Florida, US ArmyFlight School year: 1961VietnamUnit(s): 121 AHC in 65-66

Lorence, Carl E **Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 56-10VietnamUnit(s): 93 TCCOin 62-63; 205 ASHC in 67-68;AIR AMERICA LAOS in 61

Madrano, Joseph P. “Joe”San Antonio, Texas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 54-HVietnamUnit(s): 498MEDCOin 65-66

Malone, Albert “Al” **Birmingham, Alabama, US ArmyFlight Class info not providedVietnamUnit(s):MAAG in 62; 199 AVN in 68-69

Patterson, Thomas L “Tom”Springfield, Missouri, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-24VietnamUnit informationnot provided

Renn, Gregory A.Tampa, Florida, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 68-30VietnamUnit(s):198th INF BDEAVN in 68-69

Shehorn, HenryW.Leavenworth, Kansas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 62-8VietnamUnit informationnotprovided

Sutherland, Billy C.Austin, Texas, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 70-26VietnamUnit informationnotprovided

Vandell, PeterConcord, North Carolina, US ArmyFlight Class(s): 68-521 68-39VietnamUnit(s): 176 AHC in 69-70;A/123 AVN 23 INF in 70

Verity, Richard E.Clearwater, Florida, US ArmyFlight Class info not providedVietnamUnit informationnotprovided

Zutter, Walter E.Stafford Springs, Connecticut, USArmyFlight Class(s): 68-509 68-11VietnamUnit informationnot provided

WELCOME TO THE VHPA!Look the list over and if you recognize anyone, give them a call, drop them a line or send them an e-mail

welcoming them into our Association. Full contact information is available either on-line in the Member Servicessection of our website, or through our staff at HQ by calling 1-800-505-VHPA.

Line 1, Last, first, MI and/or nickname of new member; double asterisks (**) ID new life membersLine 2, his current city and state, branch of service

Line 3 -5 , his (Flight) Class and Vietnam Unit(s) served with, if that info is availableWe welcome these 46 new Members to our

Association! All have joined the VHPA during the periodfrom 1 October through 2 December 2013

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (29)

AADDDDIISSOONN,, FFrraannkklliinn EEaarrll ““FFrraannkk”” GGrraadduuaatteeddfflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaasssseess 7700--1111 && 7700--1133Franklin Earl "Frank" Addison left this life onJuly 26, 2013, his Family and Hospice care teamsurrounded him. Frank was a lifelong resident ofPunta Gorda, Florida; he attended CharlotteCounty Schools and graduated from CharlotteHigh School in 1967. Frank was a Warrant Officer in the US Armyand was Veteran of the Vietnam War; he wasawarded Purple Hearts and other distinguishedhonors and flight medals. After returning fromVietnam, Frank started a career in constructionwith specialty in masonry. He became a licensedgeneral contractor in 1970's. Frank was active in the community and loved theopportunity to help children. Frank was a PopWarner coach, active supporter of CHS sports andsponsor of numerous youth athletics. A member ofPunta Gorda County Club and Kingsway Coun-try Club, he enjoyed golf, fishing, gator football,baking for his family and families and sharing agood laugh!!! He is survived by his wife, Judith D. Addison; oneson and one daughter, one sister, four grandchil-dren, he was preceded in death by his brotherThomas Glynn Addison. Memorial donationsmay be made to support two charities close toFrank's huge heart. Charlotte High Athletics, con-tact Brian Nolan at 941-575-5450 and or Angel-mans for Research, Support and Cure, [emailprotected] above was sent to us by Member WilliamSturtevant and he added “I know Frank was shotdown twice while in Vietnam, he was the only sur-vivor of the second incident and he never shook offthe feeling he had over that. Frank was also respect-ed and well liked here in the town of Punta Gorda,Florida and I felt privileged to call him my friend.”

BBAABBIISSHH,, BBrruuccee KKeennnneetthhBruce Kenneth Babish, age 66, of Knoxville, TN,died on November 16, 2013, at his residence. Hewas born in Pittsburgh, PA; he loved music andsang in the Celebration Choir at Wallace MemorialBaptist Church where he was a member. Prior tohis retirement, he was highly regarded as a salesper-son and as a sales manager in the automotive andtrucking industry. While attending Guilford College in Greensboro,NC, he volunteered to serve in the armed forces.He was a highly decorated army combat helicopterpilot of the Vietnam era, and later served as theexecutive officer of two military police battalions. He was preceded by two brothers and is survivedby his wife of 12 years, Barbara Susan Carter. Alsosurviving is one son, four daughters, six grandchil-dren, two brothers and two sisters. Burial has heldin the East Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery inKnoxville with full military honors. Memorialsmay be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project,P.O. Box 758517, Topeka, KS, 66675 or BridgeRefugee Services, Inc., 7035 Middlebrook Pike,Suite #A, Knoxville, TN 37909.

BBUUCCKK,, RRooggeerr RR.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6699--3399 aanndd 6699--3377.. HHee fflleeww oouuttooff CChhuu LLaaii iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh BB//CCoo.. 112233rrdd AAvviiaa--ttiioonn uunnddeerr tthhee WWaarrlloorrdd 2233 ccaallllssiiggnn;; hhee wwaass iinn--ccoouunnttrryy ffrroomm MMaarrcchh 7700 uunnttiill MMaarrcchh ooff 7711..Roger R. Buck of Pahrump, Nevada went to joinhis Lord and Savior on 22 July 2013. He passed awaypeacefully at ST. Luke's Hospital in Duluth Min-nesota, the same hospital he was born in. Roger was aBig Man who played football at the University ofMinnesota. Roger was preceded in death by hisbeloved Labradors ''Rambo and Zoey". He is survivedby his loving Wife Angie, two sons, one daughter,one grandson, three siblings his parents as well asmany nieces and nephews. Roger's father has alsosince passed away.Roger spent most of his life after the Army workingin the Tele-communications industry working withhis Father and a Brother. He moved to Nevada fromMinnesota in the mid 90's and a few years later foundthe job that he loved the most. He became Managerof the Home Depot Electrical Dept. in Pahrump,Nevada. Roger always loved helping people and herewas a position made to order for him. At theentrance to the store the employees put up a monu-ment to Roger. If you ever want to understand Rogerjust go By That Home Depot in Pahrump and askanyone about Roger.In Vietnam Roger was one of the few Warrant Offi-cers to fly Team Lead in an Air Calvary Troop. TheWarlords were blessed to have many very good TeamLeads and Roger was one of the very best. Running aCAV TEAM when you are in the 'Thick of It is notfor the faint of heart. Those of us who were fortunateenough to have flown in combat with Roger trulyappreciate his courage and especially his Common-Sense. That rare commodity that makes a leader Great.Roger, we all miss you but especially EZ, CLAY,PUARTS and most of all his Loving Wife Angie

Charles Holcomb, Warlord 18

BBUULLLLAARRDD,, RRiicchhaarrdd CClliiffffoorrdd GGrraadduuaatteeddfflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6622--1100.. FFlleeww iinnVViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 5577tthh TTCC CCOO ((11996622--6633)) &&tthhee 112200tthh AAVVNN ((11996633)) To the world he was a soldier; to us he was theworld. Lt. Colonel (U.S. Army, retired) RichardClifford Bullard passed away peacefully on Novem-ber 9, 2011 after suffering a sudden illness. Richardwas born in Atlanta, Georgia and graduated fromRussell High School as the senior ranking officer inthe ROTC program in 1957. He was the startingquarterback at North Georgia College as a freshman.Richard joined the military on May 10, 1959. Helater married Susan Roundy and they were sealed inthe Logan temple on September 28, 1967. Richardreceived his commission at the age of 19. He was anexperienced pilot and had a passion for aviation. Hewas an Airborne Ranger and Special Operations offi-cer. He was a graduate of the Command and Gener-al Staff College for the Army. Richard served 20years active duty as a professional soldier and aviator. He completed several combat tours in Vietnamwhere he loved and served the people of South Viet-nam. H e retired from the U.S. Army at the age of 39

as a Lieutenant Colonel. Richard later enjoyed a career as an Aviation SafetyConsultant. He loved firearms and was a licensed gun-smith specializing in restoration work. Richard is sur-vived by his devoted wife Susan, four children, sevengrandchildren and one sister. Richard was a leader ofmen, a professional soldier and a true ambassador ofChrist. He was a faithful member of The Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and was a loving hus-band, father, grandfather, brother and friend.The above TAPS entry was sent to us by MemberMel Pollock – who added: In my search to reestablishthe communication that we had shared for years I wassaddened to find his obituary. Dick was a dedicatedsoldier. We first met him in Artillery and MissileOCS in 1960. He was airborne when reporting toOCS and upon graduation received his commissionas a very professional nineteen year old officer. In1961 he was part of a recon team that went to Viet-nam and walked across to Cambodia. That was hisfirst tour of six. Yes, six tours in Vietnam. We met again at Ft. Rucker in H-21 transition inpreparation for, our tour in Vietnam which began inlate 1963. I thought at the time that it was his firsttour. We were assigned to the then 57th Transporta-tion Company that became the 120th during thatyear. Dick was promoted to captain just after histwenty-third birthday during that tour. He told meyears later that he had been there prior to the 1063tour. When I asked why he had not told us at thetime that he had been there before, his answer was,very simply, that it had been secret and he was notsupposed to talk about it. He was captured at onepoint during one of his subsequent tours but man-aged to escape after having to “do some unpleasantthings.” Late in his career he led the combat team intoJones Town, Ghana when the “Reverend” Joneskilled U.S. congressman Leo Ryan who was there on a“fact finding” tour.Dick Bullard was a very gentle, Christian man whowas dedicated to duty. He was a gentle warrior.

BBYYEERRLLEEYY,, BByyrroonn EEuuggeennee ““MMiicckk”” FFlleeww iinnVViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 5577tthh AAHHCC ((11996688--7700)) aannddtthhee 119977tthh AAHHCC ((11996655--6666))Byron Eugene "Mick" Byerley, 76, passed awaySunday, November 10, 2013 from lung cancer.Mick was born and raised on a farm in Center-ville, K.S., graduated from Kansas State with aBA in Engineering and a Master's Degree fromthe University of Kansas. He was a helicopterpilot in Vietnam and Korea, and retired from theU.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a Lt. Colonelin 1985. He received five Bronze Stars, a PurpleHeart, the Legion of Merit, the DistinguishedFlying Cross and many other air medals. He wasthe Deputy City Engineer for the City of Mesafrom 1986 to 1998. He enjoyed golf, travel,camping, wood working, horseback riding, andflying. He is survived by his wife, son, daughter, step-chil-dren, grandchildren, sister and father. Donations canbe made to your favorite charity, a Veteran's charityor Banner Hospice.

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CCEEDDRRAASS,, KKeeiitthh EE.. ggrraadduuaatt--eedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhttCCllaassss 6699--4411,, fflleeww iinn VViieett--nnaamm wwiitthh BB //33//1177 CCaavv((11997700--7711)) uunnddeerr tthhee SSttooggiieeccaallll ssiiggnn,, aanndd iinn GGeerrmmaannyywwiitthh DD//22//44 CCaavv ((11997711))..Keith Edward Cedras, age 67, died November 21,

2013, at his home following a hard fight with cancer.His loving wife Constance and devoted friend JamesBurger, also a veteran of B\3\17 Cav, were with him.Keith flew Cobra gunships in Vietnam and served asan instructor pilot in both Vietnam and Germany.An engine failure at low level over a heavily woodedarea in Germany left him with a broken back and a"never walk again" prognosis. During a 3-year conva-lescence he recovered from his injuries, completed acollege degree, and went on to spend a distinguishedcareer in US Defense and International Marketingwith Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., Fort Worth,Texas. He retired in 2002 and moved with his wifeto Blacksburg, VA, where he pursued hobbiesincluding music, gardening, and construction of abeautiful 180-acre mountain estate.

He is survived by his wife, his mother, two sisters,parents-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, muchbeloved nieces and nephews, and innumerablefriends all over the world. He will be remembered byall as a generous, loving husband, true friend, greatmentor, and genuine patriot of his beloved country--- a person with a ready smile and kind word, and aman at peace with himself.The family requests any donations be made in his

name to the Army Aviation Association of America,Inc. Scholarship Foundation by visiting – click on ‘Scholarship’ then click on‘Donate Now.’ Please indicate that your gift is beingmade in honor of Keith Cedras.

DDUUKKEE,, LLeeiillaanndd MM.. JJrr.. AAnn UUSSMMCC AAvviiaattoorr,, hheefflleeww wwiitthh VVMMFFAA--331144 ((11996655--6666)),, HH&&MMSS--1111((11996666)) && VVMMOO--66 ((11996699)) uunnddeerr tthhee SSeeaawwoorr--tthhyy RReebbeell ccaallllssiiggnn..

Lt. Col. Leiland M. Duke, Jr., USMC (Retired),died on June 19, 2013 in Rapid City, SD, after amassive stroke. Leiland, a graduate of Auburn University, enjoyed

a long and illustrious career in aviation beginning incollege, then as a pilot in the USMC and later withFed Ex. A decorated Vietnam veteran, he was ratedin all types of aircraft and was recently awarded theWright Brothers "Master Pilot" Award for fifty yearsin aviation without an accident or incident. Leilandespecially enjoyed introducing new students to avia-tion. Leiland was a member of the Memphis Astronom-

ical Society, served on the board of directors at theUnited Methodist Neighborhood Center, was aGermantown reserve police officer and a memberof Germantown United Methodist Church, wherehe served on many boards and played hand bells.The family honored Leiland's wishes to be an organand tissue donor and found great comfort in know-ing that he lives on in someone who received hisparting gift.

He is survived by his wife of 50 plus years, Betty, histhree daughters, eight grandchildren one sister andmany other friends, nieces and nephews.

DDOONNAAKKOOWWSSKKII,, RRoonnaallddSSttaannlleeyy GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6699--4411 && 6699--4455,, fflleeww iinn VViieettnnaammwwiitthh tthhee 333366tthh AAHHCC ((11997700))&& tthhee 119911 AAHHCC ((11997700))uunnddeerr tthhee WWaarrrriioorr 1199 ccaallllssiiggnn

Ronald Stanley Donakowski, CW4 (RET) diedon Monday, November 11, 2013 at SoutheastAlabama Medical Center in Dothan, Alabama dueto an illness. He was 65.

Ron was born the youngest of five children inDetroit, Michigan. He grew up in Detroit andattended several years of college before joining theUnited States Army. Following flight school, Ronflew combat helicopters in Vietnam. He was serious-ly injured August 6, 1970 while in Vietnam andreceived a Purple Heart Medal. Upon his recoveryand hospitalization he moved to Fort Rucker, Alaba-ma where he became an Army helicopter flightinstructor. His daughter Jeanna was born while hewas at Fort Rucker. Ron and family were sent toIsfhan, Iran with Bell Helicopter International for aperiod of almost three years during the reign ofMohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was America'sMiddle-Eastern friend. Rebecca was born over there.After returning to the states and Fort Rucker, Alaba-ma, he then, again, began teaching flight instructionuntil 2003. He then moved over the Night VisionDevices Branch, also at Fort Rucker, where he serveduntil retirement on August 31, 2013. Ron will be remembered for being a loving, father,

brother and friend. He loved life and was a joy to bearound. He will be greatly missed. He is survived bythree daughters and three grandchildren; he was pre-ceded in death by his parents and one sister. Sur-vivors also include two brothers, one sister and manyother friends and relatives.

GGAARRRREETTTT,, SStteepphheenn PPaauull GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6699--1122,, fflleeww iinn VViieett--nnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 116622nndd AAHHCC ((11996699--7700)),, HHHHCC116644tthh CCAAGG ((11996699--7700)),, HHHHCC 1133tthh CCAABB((11996699--7700)) aanndd tthhee 11sstt AAvvnn CCoo ((11996666--11997700))uunnddeerr tthhee GGuuaarrddiiaann 11 ccaallllssiiggnn.. Stephen Paul Garrett, 69, of Oklahoma City died

Monday, Nov. 18. Steve leaves behind a legacy ofcommunity service, faith and love of family. He wasborn Sept. 1, 1944 in Granite, Okla., and graduatedfrom High School in Mangum, Okla.; he thenearned a Bachelor of Business Administration degreefrom the University of Oklahoma, where he was amember of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, and aJurist Doctorate from Oklahoma City University.He married Linda Dianne Dozier on June 24, 1966,in Oklahoma City and together they raised threechildren. Steve was a Captain in the United States Army and

served as a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam Warfrom 1968 to 1972. He earned the Army Commen-dation Medal, Bronze Star and ten additional air

medals while serving our nation. In 1969, he wasnominated for the honor of the Distinguished Fly-ing Cross, awarded for heroism or extraordinaryachievement while participating in aerial flight.When he returned from the war, Steve joined theOklahoma Insurance Department where he servedas Chief Examiner and Assistant Commissioner.He joined the Insurance Company of North Ameri-ca in Philadelphia and then Atlanta in the late 1970sbefore returning to Oklahoma City with his familyin 1981 when Steve accepted the position of SeniorVice President and General Counsel at AmericanFidelity Corp., a position he held for thirty-two years.Steve served in numerous executive leadership posi-tions in the insurance industry including Chairmanof the Oklahoma Life and Health Insurance Guar-anty Association, President and Director of theAssociation of Oklahoma Life Insurance Compa-nies, Chairman of the Oklahoma Property andCasualty Insurance Guaranty Association, Presidentof the Association of Property and Casualty Insur-ance Companies, Chairman of the House Counselsection of the Oklahoma Bar Association and was amember of several committees of the AmericanCouncil of Life Insurance and America's HealthInsurance Plans. Steve was passionate about community service and

was proud to be a member of the Board of Trusteesat Oklahoma City University, Past District Gover-nor of Rotary International, Past President of RotaryClub 29, Past Chairman and Past President of theOklahoma City Rotary Foundation, Past Chairmanof the Oklahoma City Command of the SalvationArmy Board of Directors and a Director of theOklahoma Symphony Orchestra.

Left behind to cherish his memory are his wife,Linda Dianne Garrett, their four three children andtheir families. Gifts can be made to The Stephen P.Garrett Memorial Fund at the Oklahoma CityCommunity Foundation online at or by mail P.O. Box1146, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101-1146.http//

GGEENNTTRRYY,, RRooyy CChhaarrlleessGGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthhFFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6677--??,, fflleeww iinn VViieett--nnaamm wwiitthh DD//222299tthh AAHHBB,, 11ssttCCAAVV DDIIVV ((11996655)) uunnddeerr tthheeHHaappppyy TTiiggeerr ccaallllssiiggnn..

Roy Charles Gentry, 78, passedaway on December 1, 2013. He was born on a farmnear Dexter, New Mexico on August 10, 1935; hemarried Gerry DeSmith Hardy on June 25, 1994 inthe Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Charles graduat-ed high school in Roswell, New Mexico in 1952 andNew Mexico Military Institute in 1956. Whileattending NMMI, Charles was elected All-Confer-ence in football for four years as well as winning theState Golden Gloves boxing heavyweight title. Hewas inducted into the NMMI Hall of Fame in 1986.

Upon graduation, he entered the Army Corps ofEngineers. During active duty he flew Army fixedand rotary wing aircraft with four overseas assign-ments in Germany, Libya, Iran and Vietnam.

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TAPSCharles was medically discharged in 1966 as theresult of wounds sustained when his helicopter wasshot down in Vietnam. During his military service,he received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Distin-guishedFlyingCrossandnumerousAirMedals.Charles graduated top student at Texas Tech

School of Law in 1969 and served as a trustee of theTexas Tech Law Foundation. Before entering pri-vate law practice inWashington, D.C., Dallas, andAustin,heservedasLegislativeDirector forU.S.Sen-ator Pete Domenici, Special Assistant to the Attor-ney General as aWhite House Fellow, legal advisorto the National League of Families of POW’s andMIA’s inVietnam, andDirector of theCleanLakesProgram at the newly created Environmental Pro-tection Agency. In 1992 he returned toWashing-ton, D.C. as Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator PeteDomenici. Uponpublic service retirement, he con-sulted inWashington, D.C. on public policy issuesrelatedtoscienceandnuclearweapons.After retirement, he and his wife Gerry logged

thousands of miles in overseas travel, as well asdomestic adventures in their RV. Their homewas alog cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.In 2005, theymoved toTierra LindaRanch inKer-rville,Texas.Those left to cherish and honorCharles’ memoryare his wife, Gerry Gentry of Kerrville; one son, onedaughter, one sister, four grandchildren, onenephewalong withmany neighbors and friends. MemorialsmaybemadetotheWoundedWarriorProject,Ker-rvilleHumaneSocietyorthecharityofyourchoice.

HHOOPPKKIINNSS,, DDoouuggllaass LLeerrooyy GGrraadduuaatteeddfflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6688--1177 &&6688--2299,, fflleeww iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 112288tthhAAHHCC ((11996688--6699)) uunnddeerr tthhee GGuunnssll iinnggeerr3322 ccaallllssiiggnn..On Saturday, October 19th 2013 our beloved

husband, brother, uncle, father, grand- father andfriend, Douglas Leroy Hopkins entered into eternalrest. Doug was born in Topeka, Kansas in 1943; hespent his early years in Abilene, Texas and went toTexas Tech University. In 1968, he joined the U.S.Army where he served with honor in Vietnam as aHuey gunship pilot and became a life member ofthe Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association. He was married to Billie Schneider Hopkins for

31 years and for much of this time they lived in theHouston area. He built his career in the oilfield ser-vice industry and started his own company; D.H.Rockbit Inc., he eventually passed this legacy on tohis son. He was blessed to be reunited with, andthen marry Abilene classmate, Carol Ely Hopkinsand together they lovingly joined two families forev-er. Doug was loved throughout his life for his honestyand courage, his passion for good food, good friends,and a good story. Doug had a philanthropic nature,and donated to various different causes, charitiesand animal rescue groups. Doug was preceded indeath by his first wife Billie Schneider Hopkins, andhis daughter Angela Dawn Hopkins. He will lov-

ingly be remembered by his wife Carol Ely Hop-kins; his son, Douglas Leroy Hopkins II, his wifeCasey and their children Taylor and Jake aswell as an abundance of truly dear friends.Service will be held at Texas State VeteransCemetery in Abilene, Texas. The family thatyou send a gift to The Wounded Warrior Pro-ject at or theSPCA of Texas 2400 Lone Star Dr. Dallas, TX75212.

JJEEFFFFRREEYY,, AAllaaiinn MM.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinn--iinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6688--2222,, fflleeww iinn VViieettnnaammwwiitthh tthhee 119955tthh AAHHCC ((11996699--7700)) uunnddeerr tthheeTThhuunnddeerr CChhiicckkeenn ccaallllssiiggnn.. Alain M. Jeffrey, age 71, of the Mirror Lake Com-munity, Villa Rica, Georgia died Thursday, October10, 2013. Mr. Jeffrey was born in Marrakech,French Morocco; he worked as an Account Manag-er for Ryder Truck Rental for 30 years. Mr. Jeffrey, aVeteran, served our Country for 10 years, retiring asCaptain in the United States Army. He was a heli-copter pilot in Vietnam. He was also an active mem-ber of the American Legion.Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Catherine

Serratore Jeffrey, one son, one daughter, one brotherand four grandchildren. In addition to his parents,he was preceded in death by daughter Caylin Jeffrey,October 10, 2002.

JJOOHHNNSSOONN,, AAllbbeerrtt AAuugguussttGGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6600--2222,, fflleewwiinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 1133tthhCCAABB ((11996644)) uunnddeerr tthheeDDeellttaa 55 ccaallllssiiggnn..Colonel Albert August John-

son, Jr., passed away on November 16, 2013 at hishome in Scott, Louisiana at the age of 90. ColonelJohnson will be laid to rest during a military funeralwith full honors at Arlington National Cemetery inArlington, Virginia on January 16, 2014He was the beloved husband of Ruth Johnson for

18 years. He was preceded in death in 1991 by hisbeloved wife, Miriam Hession Johnson, after 45years of marriage. He is also survived by two daugh-ters, one son and his sister; he is also the stepfather offour other children and their extended families. Heloved spending time with his family and was also themost helpful and caring person to his entire family.Al was born and raised in New Orleans. He was

very proud to be a career military officer in the Unit-ed States Army, Transportation Corp. He joinedthe Army as a Private to serve in World War II andhe attained the rank of Colonel during his 35 yearsof loyal military service. He spent his years in themilitary as a Master Army Aviator flying helicoptersand held many command posts. He is a veteran ofWorld War II, the Korean War and Vietnam. Alwas awarded numerous military honors includingthe Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meri-torious Service Medal, Air Medal with twelve OakLeaf Clusters, Army Commendation Medal with

two Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart in 1944 and1964, and many more. After his retirement from the military, Al moved

to Scott, Louisiana. He was employed by the Cityof Lafayette, Public Works Department as theOperations and Maintenance Manager for 14 years.He was recognized as Employee of the Year by theCity of Lafayette for his outstanding service.Al loved recreational vehicles and he and his wife,Ruth, traveled to all the states in their RV and hewas an active member of the Cruisin Cajuns RVClub. He was also very proud to be a life time mem-ber of the Washington Artillery of New Orleans,one of the oldest operating military units in thenation.

JJOONNEESS,, PPaatt WW.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6633--44WWTT,, fflleeww iinn VViieettnnaammwwiitthh tthhee 111177tthh AAHHCC ((11996655--6666)) aanndd tthhee33//1177tthh CCaavv ((11996688--6699))..Mr. Pat W. Jones of Enterprise passed away on

October 23, 2013. He was 78. Mr. Jones was bornNovember 12, 1934 in Magdalena, NM; he was amember of the Church of Christ. He was also amember of the Muenster Masonic Lodge in Ger-many and the Enterprise and Boll Weevil CivitanClubs. He was retired from the U.S. Army as a heli-copter pilot, having served in Korea and Vietnam.He was a Senior Instructor Pilot at Cairns ArmyAirfield at Ft. Rucker. He was the owner of P&LStorage in Level Plains. He was preceded in death by 2 daughters: Debra

Ann Jones and Teresa Diane Tangney and twobrothers. Survivors include his wife of 34 years, C.Louise Jones, four daughters, one sister, one son-in-law, fifteen grandchildren; thirteen great-grandchil-dren; several nieces and nephews. Interment washeld in the Dallas - Ft. Worth National Cemeteryin Dallas, TX. The family requests that donationsbe made to the Enterprise Civitan Club, c/o PhyllisIrland, 102 Eagle Circle, Enterprise, AL 36330 orthe American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 310900,Enterprise, AL 36331-0900.

KKEENNDDAALLLL,, CClliiffffoorrdd PP.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 7711--1144Clifford P. “Kip” Kendall, of Bremerton, WA,

passed away at Harrison Hospital the morning ofSept. 22, 2013 with his family by his side. Kip wasborn in Morton, Washington; he graduated fromCentral Kitsap High School in Silverdale. Hereceived his BA in aeronautical engineering fromEmbry Riddle University while serving his countryas a decorated helicopter pilot and major in theArmy with two tours in Vietnam. After 17 years ofservice in the Army, he went on to a successful careerin the aeronautical industry and had the opportunityto travel all over the world with his family.Kip is survived by his wife and high school sweet-

heart, Ida Kendall; his two children, two brothersand his four grandchildren. Kip will be fondlyremembered for his kindness, sense of humor andlove for his family and friends.

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TAPSKKEENNDDAALLLL,, CClliiffffoorrdd PP.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 7711--1144

Clifford P. “Kip” Kendall, of Bremerton, WA,passed away at Harrison Hospital the morning ofSept. 22, 2013 with his family by his side. Kip wasborn in Morton, Washington; he graduated fromCentral Kitsap High School in Silverdale. Hereceived his BA in aeronautical engineering fromEmbry Riddle University while serving his countryas a decorated helicopter pilot and major in theArmy with two tours in Vietnam. After 17 years ofservice in the Army, he went on to a successful careerin the aeronautical industry and had the opportunityto travel all over the world with his family.

Kip is survived by his wife and high school sweet-heart, Ida Kendall; his two children, two brothersand his four grandchildren. Kip will be fondlyremembered for his kindness, sense of humor andlove for his family and friends.

KKOOSSKKOO,, CChhaarrlleess JJoosseepphh GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6677--1199,, hhee fflleeww iinnVViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 224400tthh AAHHCC ((11996688--6699)),, tthhee115599tthh AASSHHBB,, 110011 AABBNN ((11997711--7722)) aanndd tthhee118800tthh AASSHHCC ((11997722)) uunnddeerr tthhee KKeennnneell KKeeeepp--eerr 22,, VVaarrssiittyy 4455 && BBiigg WWiinnddyy ccaallllssiiggnnss..

Charles Joseph Kosko passed away peacefully onNovember 1, 2013. He was born in Scranton, Penn-sylvania and attended St. John Baptist School andgraduated from Pittston Central Catholic HighSchool in 1954.

Charles entered Army Basic Training in March,1955 at Fort Dix, N.J. followed by training at CampGordon, Ga. in communications. Upon comple-tion, he was assigned to Illeshiem, Germany to the596th Signal Support Company until Dec. 1957,when he was transferred to Ft. Benning, Ga. In1960, Charles re-enlisted as a Sgt. and was assigned toTobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, Pa. where hemet his wife, Betty Ann Hughes, a nursing student atThomas Jefferson Medical Center. In 1960, he wasassigned to the 6th Trans H-21 Company in Korea.On returning home, April 15, 1961, Betty Ann andCharles were married and moved to Ft. Knox, Ky.,where he was a Maintenance Mechanic on CH-37helicopters. The unit was transferred to Germanywhere their son Wayne was born January, 1964. Thenext assignment was Ft. Sill, Okla. to the 90th TransCompany Med Helicopter a (CH-37/47) unit,where daughter Debbie was born Aug., 1965.Charles was selected for helicopter pilot training andwas trained in Mineral Wells, Texas and Ft. Rucker,Ala., graduating as a Warrant Officer in Nov., 1967.He was then re-assigned to Vietnam after mainte-nance training in Ft. Eustis, Va., to the 240th AHCin South Vietnam. Charles flew combat missions,maintenance flights and aircraft recoveries untilreturning home to his family in Virginia. At Ft.Eustis, he flew daily flights to Washington, D.C. forthe Army Staff. Following advanced training inCH-47 helicopters at Ft. Rucker, Ga., he was reas-signed to Vietnam with Company B 159th Avia-tion, part of 101st Airborne, he returned to his fami-ly in 1971, as a test pilot instructor.

Charles completed college at St. Leo’s College ofFlorida and after 21 years of service, he retired fromactive duty and was assigned to the Army NationalGuard at Ft. Indiantown Gap, Pa. He served asAllied Trades Foreman and then Quality ControlOfficer for the aviation facility for 14 years until hisretirement in Dec., 1990. He last worked for OmegaLabs as a part-time driver for the next 14 years.

Charles is survived by his wife of 52 years, BettyAnn Hughes Kosko; one daughter, one son, twogranddaughters and one sister. Charles was a mem-ber of Gravel Hill United Methodist Church, theMilitary Officers Association and the VFW. Hisinterests were woodworking, his family and friends,and enjoying the outdoors. Memorial contributionscan be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O.Box 1274, Lebanon, PA 17042; or Gravel Hill Unit-ed Methodist Church, 131 Gravel Hill Road,Palmyra, PA 17078 in his memory.

KKYYLLEERR,, RRuusssseellll SS.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6633--33,, fflleeww iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthhtthhee 117788tthh AASSHHCC ((11996666)) aanndd tthhee 776655tthh TTCCBBNN ((11996666--6677)) uunnddeerr tthhee BBooxxccaarr ccaallllssiiggnn..

Russell S. Kyler of Cedar Park, Texas was calledhome to his Lord on Tuesday December 3rd, 2013.Russ was born in Huntingdon, PA on March 13th,1924. He was a fighter pilot in WWII and Korea, and a

helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He was decoratednumerous times for his service to his country. Russ issurvived by his wife Joan of Cedar Park, Texas, oneson, two daughters and five grandchildren. The fam-ily requests donations to the Intrepid Fallen HeroesFund at:

LLAAMMAARR,, RRiicchhaarrdd EEuuggeennee..GGrraadduuaatteedd ff lliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 5555--LL,,RRiicchhaarrdd’’ss ddeeaatthh lleeaavveess jjuussttffiivvee ssuurrvviivviinngg aavviiaattoorrss ffrroommtthhaatt ddiissttiinngguuiisshheedd fflliigghhtt ccllaassss..

Mr. Richard Eugene Lamar,81, of Aiken, South Carolinapassed away on December 3, 2013, after a valiantstruggle with Parkinson’s disease. Born in El Paso, Texas, Mr. Lamar retired in 1974

as an US Army CW4 with over 25 years of service.He was a rotary wing pilot with two combat tours inKorea and two in Vietnam. After retiring from theArmy, his professional career focused on govern-ment contracting services. He was President/Ownerof Greystone Consultants, Vice President ofSIMCO, Inc. and Executive Vice President ofHawthorne Services. In his later years, he served asMayor of Blackville, Executive Director of the Barn-well County Chamber of Commerce and Directorof the Woodside Plantation Property Owner’s Asso-ciation. He volunteered over 5000 hours at the VAHospital in Augusta and the Aiken VA OutpatientClinic. He was a kind, loving man and an eternaloptimist. He loved playing tennis and laughed thatall the lessons never helped him get any better. He is survived by his wife, Edeltraud “Edie” Lamar;

one daughter, one son, three grandchildren, onegreat grandchild and was predeceased by his son,Ronald Lamar. If so desired, memorial contribu-tions can be made to Aiken’s First Baptist Church,120 Chesterfield Street, NE, Aiken, SC 29801.

LLOOWWTTHHEERR,,DDaanniieell JJaammeessGGrr aa dduu aa tt ee ddfflliigghhtt ttrraaiinn--iinngg wwiitthhFFlliigghhtt CCllaassss6699--77,, fflleeww iinnVViieettnnaamm wwiitthh AA TTrroooopp 77//1177tthh CCaavv ((11996699--7700)) aanndd llaatteerr wwiitthh tthhee 11sstt TTOOWW ddeettaacchhmmeennttuunnddeerr tthhee KKnniigghhtt 2288 ccaallllssiiggnn..Daniel James Lowther, age 66, passed away Octo-

ber 25, 2013 due to a sudden heart attack. He wasborn in Vancouver, WA, he grew up in Camas,WA, graduating from Camas High School in1966. His rock band “Dirty Dan and The Pirates”& “The Midnight Sons” were very popular withteenagers during the 60’s and they performed atmany school dances. He then attended Clark Col-lege in Vancouver, WA before being drafted intothe Army in 1968. Dan entered the Warrant Officer helicopter pilot

training program (WORWAC 69-7) and quali-fied for ‘The Commandant List’ by graduating firstof his 123 member class at Fort Rucker in 1969.Although Dan wanted to fly medivac, his positionin his graduating class provided him the opportuni-ty to fly the world’s first attack helicopter, so hecompleted the AH-1G Cobra transition training.In 1970-71 he served with A Troop/7/17th AirCavalry (Ruthless Riders) as call-sign “Knight-28”in the An Khe and Pleiku areas of Vietnam. Therewas none better that could place extremely accuratesuppressive fire beneath the ‘break’ of his lead.After Vietnam, he was assigned to the 3rd Avn.Co., 6th USA at Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ,then on to TDY duty at the Hunter-Liggett Mili-tary Reservation where he participated in attackhelicopter tactics experimentation. The photoshows Dan receiving It shows Dan receiving theCommandant List medal upon graduating #1from WORWAC Flight Class 69-007 AT FortRucker. Dan chose to leave the Army as a CW2 in 1971

and continued his education at Washington StateUniversity graduating in 1974 Cum Laude. Hewent on to study law at Western School of Law inSan Diego, CA and graduated in 1977. He passedthe bar exam for both Arizona and California andafter first practicing law for an established firmdecided to start his own law practice in 1980known today as Lowther Law Office located inSolana Beach, CA.

Dan loved the Northwest visited as often as hecould and reminisce about years gone and lookedforward to each high school class reunion. Henever lost his passion for music, reading poetry, andhad hoped to have published a book he was writingbefore his untimely death.

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TAPSDan is preceded in death by his parents and his

brother John. He is survived by one son, onegrandsonFranklin, his ex-wife Janet of Payson,Ari-zona; two sisters, two nephews, three nieces and 2great-nephews.

Donations may be made in memory of Dan totheVietnamVeteransMemorialFundat:Dan, you will be missed by those who had thehonor to serve with you, those who learned fromyou, and thosewhose life youblessedwithyour loveand caring. And dare I mention you are one hello-va guitarplayer.Submitted byWes Bean, formerA/7/17, Knight

24 (69-70), who had the honor of knowing andserving with my friend, Dan. See you in the nextAO,bud.

MMAASSTTEERRSSOONN,, JJoosseepphh HH.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 5566--1122FFWW aanndd 6600--6600 RRWWQQCC,, FFlleeww iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 114455tthhCCAABB ((11996655--6666)) aanndd tthhee 119977tthh CCAABB ((11996655--6666)) uunnddeerr tthhee SSaabbeerr SSiixx ccaallllssiiggnn Col. (Ret.) Joseph H. Masterson, SR., 84, Colum-

bus, GA, passed away on Wednesday, November 27,2013 from sudden heart failure. Interment was heldin Ft. Mitchell National Cemetery with full MilitaryHonors .

Col. Masterson was born October 18, 1929 inIronwood, MI to the late HJ Masterson and RoseSturgul Masterson. He was an only child who wasraised in Hurley, WI. He attended and graduatedfrom St. Ambrose Elementary School, J.E. MurphyHigh School, and Gogebic Junior College . Hejoined the U.S. Army in 1949 as a private and wascommissioned as Second Lieutenant (Infantry) fromOfficer Candidate School, Ft. Riley, KS. During hismilitary career that spanned several decades, heattended Airborne, Ranger, and fixed Wing andRotary Wing Flight School.

His wife Joyce (Santini) Masterson preceded himin death in 1968, leaving him a widower with threesmall children to raise. He fought in the Korean andVietnam Wars. Some of his awards and decorationsinclude two Silver Stars, Combat Infantryman'sBadge, Bronze Star for Valor, Army Commendationfor Valor, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, 13 AirMedals for Valor, Ranger Tab, Master Aviator'sBadge, and Master Parachutist Badge. He also wasinducted into the OCS Hall of Fame, Ft. BenningGA. Immediately following his heroic actions inKorea, a rifle range was named after him. During theVietnam War, he flew 618 combat missions as a heli-copter gunship Company Commander and wasshot down on several occasions. His unit helped sup-port a nearby Vietnamese orphanage.

After retiring from the Army as a full Colonial in1976, he moved to Columbus, GA and became anowner, trainer, and driver of Standardbred Race

Horses. His passion for racehorses was passed on tohim by his father, who was in the Wisconsin RaceHorse Hall of Fame and was a member of Veteransof Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion, 40-8,and Purple Heart Association.

Survivors include his wife; Susan Park Masterson,of Columbus, GA, daughter; Colonel Peggy Master-son-Agee and husband Col. (Ret.) Edward Agee,Decatur, AL, sons; Joseph H. Masterson, JR (Deb-bie) of Smyrna, GA, Paul Masterson (Sherri) ofColumbus, GA, step-son; Lon Adams (Deanna),California, 7 grandchildren; Joshua Masterson, Gre-gory Moreno, Katelin Masterson, Jamie Moreno,Olivia Masterson, Eileen Masterson, and AlexandriaAdams. Memorial contributions may be made toHoly Family Catholic Church, 320 12th Street,Columbus, GA.

MMIIEERRSSWWAA,, MMyylleess HH.. SSrr..GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 5588--1177,, fflleewwiinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee UUTTTT((11996633)),, tthhee CCVV--77AA TTeessttTTeeaamm ((11996655)) aanndd HHHHCC,, 44tthhAAvvnn,, 44tthh IINNFF ((11996677--6688))..

Col. Myles H Mierswa Sr.passed away on November 24, 2013. He initiallygraduated from Xavier Military H.S. in NYC, Ford-ham University and The Naval Post GraduateSchool. Enlisted in the US Army from 1946 – 1948,he received his regular Army commission from hiscollege ROTC program. Upon graduation, as a Dis-tinguished Military Graduate, he was called to activeduty and sent to Korea.

In Korea, he was wounded twice on HeartbreakRidge as a forward observer. In addition to his twoPurple Hearts, he was awarded the Silver Star. Hetaught Military History at the University of Min-nesota ROTC program and attended flight schoolin 1957 where he became qualified in both fixedwing aircraft and helicopters. After a tour in Europe he became a member of the

Army Aviation Test Board, where he tested many ofthe helicopters employed in the Army today, as wellas multi-engine airplanes. Col. Mierswa served 3.5years in Viet Nam, where he flew armed helicopters,a transport airplane and commanded the 4th Avia-tion Battalion during the battles of Doc To and Tetof 1968.

Returning to the states, he became a Professor atthe Army’s Command and General Staff College.After three years, he became the Commander of theArmy Training Device Agency, then the ProjectManager for Simulation in Orlando. During hiscareer he was awarded over forty medals and decora-tions including the Silver Star, 2 Legion of Merits,Distinguished Flying Cross, 12 Air Medals, and 2Purple Hearts.

After retiring as a resident of Orlando, he wasDean of a business college, a real estate bro-ker/Director of Training for Realty World in Flori-da and Texas. Later, as a resident of Satellite Beach,he worked at the Space Coast Baseball Stadium,Baytree Golf Links and made gingerbread houses forcharity. Col. Mierswa is survived by his three daugh-ters, one son, ten grandchildren, four great-grand-children and his brother Tom Mierswa. He is prede-ceased by his son Capt. Myles H Mierswa Jr. and hissecond wife, Wilda Mierswa.

OOTTTTOO,, KKEENNNNEETTHH WW GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6699--1122,, fflleeww iinn VViieett--nnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 336611sstt AAWWCC ((11996699--7700)) uunnddeerrtthhee PPaanntthheerr 111111 ccaallllssiiggnn Ken Otto of Debary , FL passed away 8 November

2014 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Kenwas a member of ORWOC 69-12 and flew Cobraswith the 361 ACE "Pink Panthers", Call Sign Pan-ther 111 from Sep 69-Sep 70. His Awards and Dec-orations included 1 DFC, 1 BS, 1 ARCOM, 24 AMand 1 VCG. Ken was a LIFE MEMBER of VHPA.After attending his first Reunion, Ken and his broth-er, Ted, were fixtures at Reunions, missing only oneuntil two years ago when he became ill and had torecover from surgery. He had hoped to attend theReunion in Louisville in 2014.

Ken was a good pilot, a great guy to be around,funny and extremely helpful at Panther reunions.He bore a striking resemblance to Hulk Hogan andoften commented that the Hogan guy was trying tomake his living off Ken's good looks. He loved ridingmotorcycles and being with his buddies. Ken is survived by his wife, Barbara, sons, Keith and

Derek, grandsons, Kyle, Karter and Steven, and hisbrother Ted. A memorial service was held at theGlenn Abbey Golf and Country Club in Debary, FLNovember 16. Over 100 friends and family includ-ing five former Panthers were in attendance. Tomake sure there were no "screw ups" Ken planned itahead of time. He wanted to make his passing as easyas possible on his friends. Another Unit memorialwill be held in Louisville next July.

Mike Sheuerman, Panther 15, 5/71-4/72361ACE/AWC

PPAAYYNNEE,, JJaammeess MM.. GGrraadduu--aatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthhFFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6688--2288.. FFlleeww iinnVViieettnnaamm wwiitthh 5577tthh AAHHCC((11996688––11996699)) aanndd wwiitthh6600tthh AAVVNN CCOO AAsslltt HHeell((11997711--11997722))James “Jim” Payne, 69, of Boerne, Texas peacefully

passed away on October 31, 2013 after a long andcourageous battle with cancer. He was surroundedby his wife, LuClare Payne, and his three children, heis also survived by his two sisters.

Jim graduated from Texas A&M University in1967 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History andEnglish. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lt after 4years in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. Jimproudly served his country in Vietnam as a heli-copter pilot in the United States Army. The firsttour was with the 57th AHC (1968 – 1969) sup-porting the Special Forces as a UH-1 pilot in Kon-tum. The second tour, he flew an AH-1 Cobra withthe 60th AVN CO Aslt Hel (1971-1972). He wasawarded a Bronze Star and 21 air medals for hisactions in combat. Up until his death, Jim was aproud member of the Vietnam Helicopter PilotsAssociation.After his career in the Army, Jim entered the bank-

ing industry with Dallas Federal Savings & LoanAssociation. He worked with various banks in the


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TAPSDallas-Fort Worth area prior to moving in 1996to San Antonio to begin a career with BroadwayNational Bank. He retired from 41 years of bank-ing in January 2013 as a Senior Vice President andDistrictManager for the Lone StarRetailDivisionofBroadwayBank. Jim loved to hunt and fish andwatching Aggie football. Internment was held attheDallas/FortWorthNationalCemetery.

PPEELLLLAANNDD,, PPaauull SS.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6677--77 && 6677--1111,, fflleeww iinn VViieett--nnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 33rrdd BBDDEE,, 11sstt IINNFF ((11996677--6688))uunnddeerr tthhee NNiigghhtt HHaawwkk ccaallllssiiggnnPaul S. Pelland, 65, of Charleston, South Caroli-na, died on November 13, 2013. Paul was born inSpringfield, Massachusetts, and then lived in Lan-caster, PA until moving with his family toCharleston in 1998. He was the owner of Paul S.Pelland, Executive Search and Recruitment. Paul served in the U.S. Army, the U.S. Army

Reserves, and the Pennsylvania National Guard,achieving the rank of Chief Warrant Officer. In1967 he graduated from the U.S. Army PrimaryHelicopter School in Ft. Walters, TX and theU.S. Army Aviation School in Ft. Rucker, AL.During his tour in Vietnam (1967-68), Paulserved as a helicopter pilot for the 3rd Brigade, 1stInfantry Division. He piloted a light observationhelicopter for the battalion commanders of the2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry, the 2nd Battalion,2nd Infantry, and the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry.Paul was awarded The Distinguished FlyingCross, The Soldier's Medal, The Bronze Star, ThePurple Heart with two Oak Leaf Clusters, TheDefense Meritorious Service Medal, The AirMedal with 21 Oak Leaf Clusters, includingCombat Valor and numerous additional com-mendations. At age 20, he became the youngest

instructor pilot for the OH-13 helicopter. Upon his return, he was stationed at Ft. Meade,MD and attended the University of Maryland.While in Lancaster, PA, Paul coached youth soc-cer and football. He was a past member of Jayceesand American Business Club (serving as Presi-dent). In Charleston, he was a member of Ser-toma. He was a member of St. John's LutheranChurch, where he had served on the Vestry. A devoted husband and father, Paul embraced

the world with boundless energy. An avid sailor,he also enjoyed fishing and cooking. He lived anhonorable life, loved by his family and respectedby his friends. He is survived by his wife of 42years, Jane Taylor Pelland; two sons, one grand-daughter, two step-grandsons, two sisters and twobrothers. Memorials may be sent to: St. John'slu*theran Church, 5 Clifford Street, Charleston,SC, 29401.

ZZUUCCCCHHEELLLLII,, WWiilllliiaamm PP.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhttttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6633--22WWTTWilliam P. Zucchelli, Jr. was born August 8,

2013 in Newton, Massachusetts, his motherpassed away when William was two years old atwhich time he went to live with his grandparentsin Plymouth, Mass. He graduated from PlymouthHigh School Class of 1953, he joined the USArmy during his last year in high school andentered active duty with the regular Army in Jan.1954. After basic training at Camp Picket, VA andtruck driver training at Ft. Dix, NJ he was sta-tioned at White Sands Proving Ground, NM.While there he attended Aircraft MechanicsSchool. In 1958 he was assigned to the 3rdArmored Division in Germany and served as ahelicopter line chief. He saw the opportunity toapply for helicopter flight training and was accept-

ed and graduated as Warrant Officer HelicopterPilot in 1963. He was then assigned to Ft. Ben-ning, GA from there he served two tours in Viet-nam 1965-1966 with CO A, 82nd Aviation Bat-talion attached to the 173rd Airborne Brigade inBinh Hoa, Vietnam, then in 1968-1969, with the132nd A&SH Co. Chinooks based at Chu Lai,South Vietnam. He did a tour in Thailand 1971-1972 assigned to the 42nd Special Forces GroupAviation Section. He retired as a Chief WarrantOfficer 4 with 25 years of service at Fort Benning,Georgia in July 1977. He is survived by his loving wife of 40 years,

Carolyn J. Zucchelli of Columbus; six children,twelve grandchildren, eleven great grandchil-dren; and one great-great granddaughter. Dona-tions may be offered to Columbus Hospice or to PAWS.

EELLLLIIOOTTTT,, JJaammeess RRoobbeerrttGGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinnggwwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 6622--1100,, hheeff lleeww iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthhtthheebb5577tthh TTCC CCoo ((11996622--6633))aanndd tthhee 112200tthh AAvvnn ((11996633))Lt. Col. James Robert Elliott, 76,passed away Friday, November 1, 2013. He wasborn in Goldthwaite, Texas, he served in the USArmy during the Vietnam War as a helicopter pilotin the 57 Trans Co. and the 120thAssault Heli-copter Co. in mid 1960’s and retired in 1988. Hewas later employed by Mercedes I.S.D. as SeniorJ.R.O.T.C. Instructor until retirement in 2007.He is survived by his wife, Martha A. (de la Fuente)Elliott; three sons, two daughters, four grandchil-dren, two brothers, his sister, Johnny Beth Elliott andis preceded by his late brother Jimmy Don Elliott.

BBOOUUNNDDSS,, MMeerrllee EEuuggeenneeBBOOWWSSHHEERR,, DDaavviidd PPaauull Graduated flight training with Flight Class68-511 & 68-19BBUURRGGEESSSS,, GGeeoorrggee EEaarrllee Graduated flight training with Flight Class71-30DDEEVVIINNEEYY,, AAllttoonn HH..,, COL. USAF, Ret.EEUUBBAANNKKSS,, HHoowwaarrdd JJrr.. CCWW44,, UUSSAA,, RReett.. FFlleeww iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee11sstt CCAAVV DDiivv ((11996655)) aanndd tthhee 1166tthh TTCC DDEETT ((11996688--7799))GGAATTEESS,, HHeerrbbeerrtt GGrraanntt,, MMAAJJ,, UUSSAAFF,, RReett..HHIICCKKSS,, WWiilllliiaamm MMiicchhaaeell GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhttCCllaassss 6677--1199 && 6699--2211JJOOHHNNSSOONN,, FFllaavviill LLeeoonn,, LLTTCC,, UUSSAA,, RReett..LLEEEE,, RRoobbeerrtt AAaarroonn

MMAASSTTEERRSSOONN,, JJoosseepphh HH.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhttCCllaassss 5566--1122FFWW aanndd 6600--6600 RRWWQQCC,, FFlleeww iinn VViieettnnaamm wwiitthh tthhee 114455tthhCCAABB ((11996655--6666)) aanndd tthhee 119977tthh CCAABB ((11996655--6666)) uunnddeerr tthhee SSaabbeerr SSiixxccaallllssiiggnn MMIILLLLSS,, RRuusssseellll GG..,, UUSSAAFF AAvviiaattoorrRRYYDDEERR GGoouulldd AA.. GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhtt CCllaassss 7711--5500SSNNOODDGGRRAASS,, PPhhiilllliipp CChhrriissttyy GGrraadduuaatteedd fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg wwiitthh FFlliigghhttCCllaassss 6688--550055 && 6688--33 TTRRAANN,, MMiinnhh VV.. VVNNAAFF ppiilloottWWEEIISSEELL,, RRoobbeerrtt JJoohhnnWWIILLLLIIAAMMSS,, CChhaarrlleess EEddwwaarrdd Graduated flight training with FlightClass 67-26

NNoottiiccee ooff tthhee ppaassssiinngg ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg sseevveenntteeeenn MMiilliittaarryy AAvviiaattoorrss wweerree rreecceeiivveedd bbyy tthhee VVHHPPAA dduurriinngg tthhee pprroodduuccttiioonn ppeerriioodd ffoorr tthhiiss iissssuuee..NNoonnee ooff tthheessee mmeenn wweerree eevveerr mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee aassssoocciiaattiioonn,, nnoorr wweerree tthhee nnoottiicceess ooff tthheeiirr ddeeaatthh rreeppoorrtteedd ttoo tthhee AAssssoocciiaattiioonn bbyy aa mmeemmbbeerrooff tthhee mmaann’’ss ffaammiillyy,, oorr bbyy aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA;; tthheeyy wweerree aallll oobbttaaiinneedd tthhrroouugghh aann iinntteerrnneett sseeaarrcchh.. BBeeccaauussee ooff tthhaatt,, wwee hhaavvee ppoosstteeddtthhee TTAAPPSS iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn wwee rreecceeiivveedd oonn tthheessee mmeenn ttoo tthheeiirr iinnddiivviidduuaall lliissttiinnggss ooff tthhee oonn--lliinnee mmeemmbbeerrsshhiipp ddiirreeccttoorryy bbeeiinngg mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd

aatt VVHHPPAA..oorrgg.. IIff yyoouu aarree nnoott aabbllee ttoo rreettrriieevvee tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn--lliinnee,, ccaallll HHQQ ffoorr aassssiissttaannccee ((11--880000--550055--VVHHPPAA))..

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The VHPA and Chapters share information and guidance with one another for the mutual benefitof each other. All of our Chapters are separate and independently managed organizations notunder control of the VHPA. The VHPA is not authorized to act as an agent or a representative forany of the Chapters nor are any of the Chapters authorized to act as agent or representative forany of the other Chapters or the VHPA as a whole.

UPPERMIDWESTCHAPTERRayWilson, President895 Lakeview Ave.St. Paul, MN 55117(651) [emailprotected]

MONTANACHAPTERTodd Brandoff, PresidentBox 790, LoloMT 59847(406) [emailprotected]

NORTHALABAMACHAPTERLes Haas, President1844 Signal Point RoadGuntersville, AL 35976(256) [emailprotected]

NEW JERSEYCHAPTERPete Purnell, President4 Peaco*ck LaneMendham, NJ 07945(972) [emailprotected]

NORTHCAROLINACHAPTERBrock Nicholson, President1 Roosevelt DriveClayton, NC 27520-6522(919) [emailprotected]

OHIORIVER LZCHAPTERBobHamilton, President170 Jackson Rd.NewCastle, KY 40050-6731Home: (502) 845-2914E-Mail: [emailprotected]

OLDDOMINIONCHAPTERPresident: Don Agren13712 Sandy Oak Rd.Chester, VA 23831(804) [emailprotected]

SOUTHDAKOTACHAPTERJimMiles610 N. Summit Ave.Sioux Falls, SD 57104(605) 338-8288E-Mail: [emailprotected]

ALASKACHAPTERLLyynnnn KKiillee,, PPrreessiiddeenntt1122224433 WW SSkkyylliinnee DDrrEEaaggllee RRiivveerr,, AAKK 9999557777PPhhoonnee:: 990077--669966--55445533EEmmaaiill:: llllkkiillee@@aaooll..ccoomm

ARIZONA CHAPTERBill Sorenson, President7903 E. Plata Ave.Mesa, Ariz. 85212(480) [emailprotected]

CALIFORNIA CHAPTER NORTHKen Fritz, President9357 Honeywood CourtOrangevale, Calif. 95662(916) [emailprotected]

CENTRAL NEW YORK CHAPTER Tom Mc Millen, President17 Broad St.Morris, NY 13808(607) [emailprotected]

FORT WOLTERS CHAPTERCCHHAAPPTTEERR,, iitt’’ss nnooww::AAddaamm SStteecczzkkoo,, PPrreessiiddeenntt66882288 PPeennttrriiddggee DDrriivveePPllaannoo,, TTeexxaass 7755002244HHoommee PPhhoonnee:: 997722--661188--55336644 EE--MMaaiill:: aasstteecczzkkoo@@vveerriizzoonn..nneett

GEORGIA CHAPTERBill Mc Rae, President351 Willow Glen Ct.Marietta, GA 30068-3940(770) 843-3973E-Mail: [emailprotected]

LOUISIANA GULF COAST CHAPTERVictor Lent, PresidentP.O. Box 111Arabi, LA 70032(504) [emailprotected]

MICHIGAN CHAPTERRRiicchhaarrdd DDeeeerr,, PPrreessiiddeenntt330088 WW 44tthh SSttCChhaarrlloottttee,, MMII 4488881133--22118866HHoommee PPhhoonnee:: 551177--554433--22996622EEmmaaiill:: rriicchhddeeeerr@@aatttt..nneett

IINN DDIIRREE NNEEEEDD OOFF AASSSSIISSTTAANNCCEEWWee hhaavvee cclloosseedd tthhrreeee ooff oouurr CChhaapptteerrss –– HHaawwaaiiii,, FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr aanndd NNeeww EEnnggllaanndd..

AAllll tthhrreeee cclloosseedd ffrroomm llaacckk ooff iinntteerreesstt,, ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn aanndd//oorr lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp.. II rreeaallllyy wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo sseeee ssoommee ooff yyoouu oouutt tthheerree sstteeppffoorrwwaarrdd aanndd rreessttaarrtt tthheessee CChhaapptteerrss aanndd//oorr eevveenn ssttaarrtt aa nneeww CChhaapptteerr cclloossee ttoo yyoouurr hhoommee..

II kknnooww wwee’’rree aallll ggeettttiinngg oollddeerr bbuutt wwee’’rree nnoott ddeeaadd yyeett!! HHooww aabboouutt iitt mmeenn –– aa lliittttllee hheellpp wwoouulldd rreeaallllyy bbee aapppprreecciiaatteedd..JJaacckk SSaallmm -- NNaattiioonnaall CChhaapptteerr LLaaiissiioonn -- EE--MMaaiill:: JJoohhnnssaallmmjjrr@@aaooll..ccoomm

SOUTH MISSOURI CHAPTER Bill Thompson, President440 South Farm Rd 205Springfield, MO 65802-6280Phone: (417) 861-0965E-mail: [emailprotected]

ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHAPTERJohn P. Hargleroad7500 E. Quincy Ave, Apt H-204Denver, CO 80237Phone: 314-753-2482 CE-Mail: [emailprotected]

THE ALAMO CHAPTERCChhiipp BBrroowwnn,, PPrreessiiddeenntt112211 CCrreeeekk LLaannddiinngg,, SSpprr iinngg BBrraanncchh,, TTXX7788007700HHoommee pphhoonnee:: 883300--443388--33331111CCeellll pphhoonnee:: 221100--227733--88001155EE--MMaaiill:: kkiibbrroowwnn@@ggvvttcc..ccoomm

SOUTH CAROLINA CHAPTER (Celebrate Freedom) ChapterLarry Russell, President254 Bear Creek Rd.Little Mountain, SC 29075(803) [emailprotected]

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTERSven Akesson, President26601 BrandonMission Viejo, CA 92692(948) 348-9509 (home)(949) 689-7061 (cell)[emailprotected]

VHPA OF FLORIDATom Rountree, President4692 N. Lake Vista Trl.Hernando, FL 34442. (352) 560-7361e-mail <[emailprotected]

WASHINGTON STATE CHAPTERDon LeMaster, President1608 7th Ave SeOlympia, WA 98501-0010(360) [emailprotected]

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AALLAAMMOO CCHHAAPPTTEERRBy the time you read this, our chapter will have enjoyed a Christmas party that

was held on December 13th, 2013. We had over the 50 members, wives, girl-friends, and guests attend. Thanks and accolades go to member Al Flory, whosponsored, planned, and executed this gala event. The next day, some of our mem-bers also helped lay wreaths on the graves at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemeteryas part of the Wreaths across America project.It was too late for this issue to report on our annual election of directors held on

13 January. We have elected a new vice president and members-at-large, whosenames can be found with those of all directors on our website at Brown has moved up to our president office for 2014. We are grateful tooutgoing president Jim Martinson for a job done well in the past year.At our last directors’ meeting in November, we discussed general plans for out-

ings in 2014. Early planning has begun for the following trips in 2014: a trip to theTexas Gulf Coast to view the Texas flock of endangered Whooping Cranes; a tripto take in a local rodeo; a visit to the Medical Museum at Ft. Sam Houston (whichincludes exhibits of Army helicopters), and a trip to Retama Park Racetrack for anevening of horse racing.

Adam Steczko, President

AALLAASSKKAA CCHHAAPPTTEERRAs in many places, up here it is winter and it is cold. In

Alaska many of our members see fit to spend time in thewarmer “Lower 48” states snow birding, so we slow downactivities and wait for Spring. We held our December get together at the Eagle River VFW

and completed our first elections process. It is a pleasure to introduce ournewest officers. T aking over the President’s job, from our founder and great firstPresident, Vic Micol is Lynn Kile. The new Vice President is Tim Kavanaughand our new board member is Ron Fleischhacker. Continuing to serve areTerry Vranick, Secretary/Treasuer, David Buirge, Board Member, Matt Kato,Fairbanks board member, and Chaplain, Kenneth Cowles. That completes andfills out our small but powerful council. Now it’s time to use these winter months to celebrate family and put together

events for our chapter for 2014. Ongoing projects include the Veterans Muse-um VHPA display, a planned event on Memorial Day, a Halibut fishing trip,and of course, the VHPA reunion in Louisville. We are also looking for andsigning up our Korean War Veterans for the TLF (The Last Frontier HonorFlights). Have super holiday and any of you VHPA guys are visiting Alaska, be sure and

look us up! There is pride in knowing We Flew!

Lynn Kile, President

UUPPPPEERR MMIIDDWWEESSTT CCHHAAPPTTEERRThe Upper Midwest Chapter met on 13 November 2013 at the Historic Fort

Snelling Officers Club. We had 12 members present for a very nice lunch andsocial/business meeting. A small group of members had previously met to draftChapter Bylaws for member discussion and ultimately approval. ChapterBylaws were proposed and approved with amendments. Our Bylaws call forChapter Officers to be voted on for election at the next meeting, after the votingwe should have a new President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and PastPresident. We discussed possible small dues for membership and our Chaptermission. These will be discussed at the next meeting. Our Chapter has the potential to increase our Membership. We are interested

in recruiting new members whenever possible. The next meeting is scheduledfor 11:30 on 15 January 2014 at the Historic Fort Snelling Officers Club. Any-one interested in joining our Chapter should contact our current President, RayWilson, at 651-592-2598. Anyone interested in attending our next meetingshould RSVP to Russ Jowers at 612-770-2891 or [emailprotected].

Ray Wilson, President

FFOORRTT WWOOLLTTEERRSS CCHHAAPPTTEERRThe Next chapter meeting will be held at Logan’s Roadhouse, 948 N. Loop 820,

in Hurst, Texas. Meeting will be held at noon on March 1st, 2014. Everyone isinvited to come and share a meal and beverage of their choice. Adam Steczko, President

GGEEOORRGGIIAA CCHHAAPPTTEERRThe Georgia Chapter continues to hold a Saturday morning breakfast meeting

every other month. We furnish speakers to high schools, colleges, Boy ScoutTroops and other youth organizations as well as civic groups who want to learnmore about the Vietnam War from veterans. Newnan High School teaches acourse on the Vietnam War. The Georgia Chapter provides it’s assistance to themwhenever possible. One example of this support is the Student-Vet Connect activ-ities planned for 13 December. Our November guest speaker was LTC (ret.) Cliff Stern, who spoke on his expe-

riences as a pilot with the 174th AHC in 70-71. He talked about their normaleveryday activities in support of the 11th Light Infantry Brigade out of Duc Pho insouthern I Corps. In January 1971 the 174th was alerted for movement to anundisclosed location. They were given fake callsigns to use during transit. Cliff wasa Platoon Leader at the time, and he had no idea where they were headed. Theirnew home turned out to be Quang Tri in northern I Corps and not far from theDMZ. The 174th was one of several units from the 14th CAB that were sentnorth and Op-Coned to the 101st Airborne Division, in support of Lam Son 719.The Lam Son mission was the largest aviation operation of the Vietnam War. Cliffreported the anti-aircraft fire was far worse than any had experienced or anticipated.The U.S. lost in excess of 100 aircraft, shot down and destroyed. Cliff said the174th took 33 aircraft with them and brought back with only 5 of the original 33.I spoke at the October and November meetings of the Georgia Vietnam Veter-

ans Alliance on the battles at Ngok Tavak and Kham Duc in May 1968. Thataction was not well known, but the withdrawal from Kham Duc involved thelargest commitment of air power of all types at that time. The U.S. lost two C-130’s, two CH-47’s, an A-1E, and an OV-2, plus two CH-46’s were lost at KgokTavak. LTC (ret.) Joe Jackson earned his Medal of Honor as the last aircraft inand out of Kham Duc, picking up the trapped three-man Air Force Combat Con-trol Team. The battles at Ngok Tavak and Kham Duc resulted in 18 U.S. MIA’sand 18 KIA-BNR (bodies not recovered), and represented the largest such totalsfor any action during the Vietnam War.

Our breakfast meetingsevery other month continueto be our principal activity.The membership who par-ticipate really enjoy theopportunity to get togetherwith other combat heli-copter pilots, swap war sto-ries, discuss VA-relatedinformation, and maintainthose bonds that wereforged so long ago.

To those former VietnamHelicopter Pilots in theAtlanta area, who would liketo check us out and/or joinour group, please see ourweb site at, for the next meet-ing date or contact me [emailprotected] via telephone at (770)843-3973.

Bill McRae, President


AARRIIZZOONNAA CCHHAAPPTTEERRThe Arizona Chapter had a meeting in Tucson

at the Pima Air and Space Museum on Saturday,October 19th. We had about twelve members inattendance. Pictured are Russ Janus, Bill Soren-son and Ron Serafinowicz.We are having a Phoenix meeting at the Com-

memorative Air Force on December 7th, PearlHarbor Day followed by a lunch at a nearbyGolden Corral. We'll let you know how this oneturns out.

BBiillll SSoorreennssoonn,, PPrreessiiddeenntt

MMeemmbbeerrss ooff tthheeAArriizzoonnaa CChhaapp--tteerr ooff tthheeVVHHPPAA mmaann aarreeccrruuiittmmeenntt aannddiinn ffoorrmmaa tt ii oonnbbooootthh aatt tthheePPiimmaa CCoouunnttyyAAiirr MMuusseeuumm iinnTTuuccssoonn,, AArrii--

zzoonnaa,, oonnee ooff tthhee bbeesstt AAiirr MMuusseeuumm’’ss iinn tthhee ccoouunnttrryy.... EEvveerrwwaanntteedd ttoo vviissiitt tthhee ““BBoonnee YYaarrdd”” aatt DDaavviiss MMoonntthhaann AAFFBB??YYoouu ccaann ddoo tthhaatt ffrroomm tthhee aaddjjaacceenntt PPiimmaa CCoouunnttyy AAiirrMMuusseeuumm,, ccoonnttaacctt uuss ffoorr ffuullll ddeettaaiillss..

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VVHHPPAA OOFF FFLLOORRIIDDAADuring October we spent the month recouping from our

September Reunion which was a great success with manynew members and some first time reunion attendees. Agreat time was enjoyed by all.In November some of our members in the Citrus County

area supported the Citrus County MOAA with their “Vet-erans in the Classroom” program. We also used the first tendays of the month doing some required maintenance onthe OH-6 trailer. Two of our members, Bob Johnson andBryan O’Reilly pulled the OH-6 to Bryan’s home.

They then re-wired the entire trailer, replaced andrepacked all four bearings. They were finished by the after-noon of November 10th. THANKS, Bob and Bryan! About thetime they finished I showed up with the Sales trailer. Tom Tomlin-son arrived with his truck as we left soon after, pulling both to Sara-sota for a great week. After occupying about 12 of the Holiday Inn’sparking spaces and checking in, we were ready for the Sarasota’sVeterans Day Parade. We formed up around 8:00 am. The paradestarted at 10:00 am. The people lined the street on both sides. Weheard many “Welcome Home” shouts as we drove along theparade route.Upon completion of the parade we went to the Senior Friendship Center in

Sarasota, Florida. We set up to support them along with the Moving Wall forthe remainder of the week. We left on Saturday, November 16th . Wereturned the helicopter to the Hillsborough County Park and the sales trailer toHernando FL. While there, we got to meet many supporters and one in partic-ular stood out. Ms. Olive Carrabine from Sarasota arrived with a folder underher arm, informing us that her late husband was also a helicopter pilot. The factthat he was a WWII helicopter pilot made it special. She had his ‘Hover Bug’certificate signed in 1944 and pictures of the Sikorsky R-4 that he flew.

We will be supporting two events during December at the HillsboroughCounty Veterans Park in Tampa, FL. On the 7th we will be there with the

OH-6 on display in support of Pearl Harbor Day cere-monies at the park. On December 14th we will againhave the OH-6 on display as the Iraq War Memorial isdedicated. That will conclude our 2013 activities. Weplan to spend the rest of the month with family andfriends.In January 2014 we will get started again with a BOD

meeting on the 16th. On the 30th, we will bring theOH-6 to Orange City Fl. We are supporting theEMS/Military Expo, located at the University HighSchool, starting at 8:00 AM. This is a great event thatgenerates many good questions. Last year we were visit-ed by over 3,000 high school juniors and seniors.

We are supporting two events in February. On the 7th, we willrelocate the OH-6 to the Gainsville, Florida Airport. We are thenparticipating in the “Heroes Air Show” held there on that day.Then on Washington’s Birthday, February 22nd, we will be in theEustis, FL Washington Day Parade with the OH-6 and the “LittleLOH”.

In March 2014, we’ll set up our GP Medium tent, this time inpreparation for Sun-N-Fun from April 7th – 14th in Lakeland,

FL. We will have the OH-6, Sales, ‘Little LOH’ and Memorabilia set up for theentire time. This will be our 21styear supporting this event.Then we will be moving the OH-6, ‘Little LOH’, and sales to Melbourne, FL

to support the 27th Annual Vietnam and All Veterans Reunion April 28th –May 5th. This is yet another great event, and it is the largest Veterans Reunionin Florida.As always, if you plan to be in Florida during the ‘Snowbird’, season please look

us up on our web page at or call me direct at any time to findadditional information. You are welcome to join us for any of the eventsnoted.

TToomm RRoouunnttrreeee,, PPrreessiiddeenntt

SSOOUUTTHHEERRNN CCAALLIIFFOORRNNIIAA CCHHAAPPTTEERRThe SoCal Chapter attended The 12th AnnualWings Wheels and Rotor Expo on Oct 27th atLos Alamitos Army Airfield. We were fortunate tohave the last flying CH-21 piloted by MG BobBrandt (USA Retired), Displayed next to our infobooth. Displayed next to our info booth we werefortunate to have the last flying CH-21 piloted byMG Bob Brandt (USA Retired). The CH-21 isstationed at The Classic Rotors Museum inRamona CA. Close to 30,000 attended the expoand $15,000 will be donated to MWR at LosAlamitos.

On November 16th several of our Chaptermembers attended a Tribute to Vietnam Veteransat Western Museum of Flight at Torrance airport.Col Marv Garrison (USMC Retired) gave a lec-ture entitled: The Vietnam Air War. There wereseveral Vietnam Era aircraft on display. Ourfavorite of course was the UH1-B Gunship flownin by CW5 John Harris (USA Retired) and PatRogers from Wings and Rotors Museum atFrench Valley Airport.

The SoCal Chapter is now starting a fundraiser

for a new Fisher House at the Long BeachVA. The Fisher House at Long Beach willhave 21 units of living quarters for familymembers to stay while visiting injured andsick veterans. Think of it as a RonaldMcDonald house for military veterans.Sixty-two Fisher Houses have been builtacross the country. The SoCal Chapterfund will donate $1000. If our membersdonate, the total from the fund and mem-bers will be matched by the VA. If ourmembers donated a total of $1000 thenthe total donation to Fisher House inLong Beach would be $4000. Check Donations can bemade on the web site or send a check toDick McCaig, Treasurer So Cal Chapter,10307 Lair Wood Dr. Santee CA 92071.If you donate on the Fisher House SoCalweb site just let me know so we can keep arunning total. Also note that Fisher Houseonly uses 5% for administrative costs. Thefundraiser will continue until 31 Jan 2014.

SSvveenn AAkkeessssoonn,, PPrreessiiddeenntt

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hopes of displaying the aircraft on patriotic occasions and using it foreducational purposes. Our lesson would be, “Be careful what youwish for!” In the last two weeks of November, we had no less thanfive events. They were wonderful experiences, but the membership isworn out. Luckily, we have nothing scheduled until spring! We’lldo some fixing and painting, but basically, just enjoy each other’scompany and swap lies (war stories). Of course, the restoration workis never-ending. And Bell made the Huey almost indestructible, buta couple of thousand school kids jerking on switches and such takesits toll. We were able to afford new tires and bearings for the trailer. This

will enable us to support events farther away from our home base ofHuntsville, AL. In addition, we have made the rocket pods andtheir mounts easily removable. This will make us closer to legalwidth for highway towing. We have had touch uppaint applied to the aircraft where we changedwindshields/chin bubbles. We have also added amannequin, in period dress, to our display. Wenamed him J.J. Johnson after the gentleman wemet in San Francisco while presenting the restora-tion book to the 170th AHC. His callsign was‘Buc 3’, so we thought it was appropriate. We in North Alabama hope youhad a wonderful holiday and that your new year will be healthy and exciting.We are looking forward to the Reunion in Louisville!

LLeess HHaaaass,, PPrreessiiddeenntt


Helicopter Pilots Association (NCVHPA) withthe UH-1C, OH-58, and OH-6 helicopterswere in Harrodsburg, KY, with the TravellingVietnam Wall in a tribute to veterans. Commu-nity turnout was great and the NCVHPA wivesenjoyed touring Harrodsburg. The NCVHPAhas wrapped up their display for 2013 with a tripto Gettysburg, PA for three days for a Veteransday / weekend event in conjunction with the48th AHC Reunion Bluestar / Jokers. The dis-play was received enthusiastically by the 48th, ascan be seen by the attached photo courtesy ofBluestar Joe Kochanski. More than 100 pilotsand their wives were in attendance and manyadditional people turned out from the commu-nity, including a nurse who served in Vietnamand a Red Cross volunteer. November 11th Veterans Day found three aircraftworking with Golden Corral in Lumberton, Burlington and a fourth aircraftwas at a school in Charlotte, all in North Carolina. We continue to work with the Pentagon on the Vietnam Corridor. The

opening of the Corridor has been rescheduled from May to October orNovember. We will keep you apprised of the dates to reserve on your calendar.Our latest challenge is getting a 90”cabin through an 83”door in the Pentagon!Much appreciation goes to personnel at Fort Indiantown Gap, PA; Bell Heli-

copter, Ozark, AL; and Naval Air Station Pawtuxet River for their support ofthe NCVHPA with the Vietnam Corridor display.The NCVHPA has this year exceeded all previous years of engagement. We

culminated in November with 24 displays around North Carolina, Kentucky,South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC. We are already sched-uled for a full year in 2014 with five major events already in North Carolina,South Carolina, Virginia, and Alabama. Please watch for our updated events tobe announced on our Facebook reachable through

BBrroocckk NNiicchhoollssoonn,, PPrreessiiddeenntt

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CCAALLIIFFOORRNNIIAA CCHHAAPPTTEERR NNOORRTTHHThe chapter was very active in the fall and early winter with two parades and

six display days. The guys had the Huey looking good enough for 1st PlaceOverall in the small farm town of Nicolaus, (located north of Sacramento) attheir annual labor Day Parade. L-R: CCN Sec’ty-Treasurer Curt Knapp, Mikenord, Sr. Member at Large Ken Lake, Jr. Member at Large Ed Morris, ChiefTech Inspector Al Doucette, Jim Stein, VP Mike Whitten, and Greg Hutson.The West Sacramento Veterans Day Parade was a good event: L-R CurtKnapp, Ed Morris, Jim Stein, Gil Ferrey, CCN Webmaster Dave Anderson,Ken Lake, Jim Cunningham and Al Doucette. The Just for Corvettes show atthe Redhawk Casino featured more than 100 Corvettes on display to raisefunds for veterans’ organizations. Our Huey represented us, and other vets,quitewell. The USMC Birthday party at the Bryte VFW was a slower event thisyear than usual. Our attendance and popularity at the Golf for Veterans Tour-nament at Lincoln Hills CC, however, garnered us an invitation to show theHuey again. We will be in Citrus Heights on Dec. 17Th, in support of theToys for Totsprogram. There will be a Santa Claus, print and TV news mediaand photographers for the kids to have their photos with both Santa and theHuey. This event is at 6921 Sylvan Rd, Citrus Heights, CA, 1030-1300hrs. We took the Huey to the 25th annual dedication of the California Vietnam

Veterans Memorial at the state capitol park, Sacramento on a beautiful Satur-day morning. A good gather-ing of more than 350 peopleattended with many of themsitting in and posing for pho-tos with the Huey. We had agood turnout of CCN mem-bers. L-R: Dave Johnson,Greg Hutson, Ed Morris,Jim Stein, Curt Knapp, TomInks, Ed Maston, AlDoucette, Ken Lake,Ken Fritz. Our Christmas party

has been pushed back to January 11th in Fairfield, CA with the Hilton GardenInn as our host hotel. Wine for dinner will provided by chapter funds. We willbe having some work days with BBQs at the “hangar” to get the Huey changedback to a C model over the winter. Invite a friend to come to a work day withyou. Bring your work clothes, gloves, ear and eye protection, a lawn chair and asmile. Plan to do some sanding, painting, sorting and cataloging of parts, etc.Here’s a partial list of next year’s events: Feb. 1st;; Calif. Military Museum, Feb.17th ; American Heritage Day, Apr.26th; American Legion Post 521 PokerRun; May 17th Armed Forces Day Mud Run and Jun. 30 – Jul. 6 VHPAreunion. Be sure to bookmark and refer often to our website www.vhpaccn.orgfor more information about all of our events.

KKeenn FFrriittzz,, PPrreessiiddeenntt

EEiigghhtt CChhaapp--tteerr MMeemmbbeerrss

ggaatthheerr ttoossuuppppoorrtt tthhee

CCiittyy ooffNNiiccoollaauuss

CCAA’’ss LLaabboorrDDaayy PPaarraaddee

EEiigghhttCChhaapptteerrMMeemmbbeerrssggaatthheerr ttoossuuppppoorrtt tthheeWWeessttSSaaccrraammeennttooVVeetteerraannssDDaayyPPaarraaddee..

TTeenn CChhaapptteerrMMeemmbbeerrss ggaatthheerr iinnSSaaccrraammeennttoo,, CCAA ttoossuuppppoorrtt tthhee 2255tthh

AAnnnnuuaall DDeeddiiccaattiioonnooff tthhee CCaalliiffoorrnniiaaVViieettnnaamm VVeetteerraannssMMeemmoorriiaall

HHeerree’’ss aa vviieeww yyoouu ddoonn’’tt ggeett ttoo sseeee oofftteenn..OOvveerrhheeaadd ppiiccttuurree ooff oouurr HHuueeyy bbeeiinnggpprreeppppeedd ffoorr ddiissppllaayy aatt tthhee CCoorrvveetttteess FFoorrVVeett’’ss”” ggaatthheerriinngg aatt tthhee RReedd HHaawwkk CCaassiinnoooonn OOccttoobbeerr 2200,, 22001133.. PPhhoottoo bbyy CCuurrtt KKnnaapppp

WWAASSHHIINNGGTTOONN SSTTAATTEE CCHHAAPPTTEERROn November 9th our chapter participated in the City of

Auburn’s 48th Annual Veterans Day Parade. We were joinedby over 200 groups totaling over 5,500 individual partici-pants, in what has become our annual fall chapter get-togeth-er. The weather gods smiled on us again this year and wewere grateful for a dry parade. Owing to the good weather,several thousand of our fellow citizens turned out to cheer us(and our Huey) as we marched along the parade route. Ifyou’ve never marched with us in this event, I suggest youmark your calendar for next year. It is a moving experience tosee the spectators stand and thank us for our service as wepass by. We shook so many hands along the route that westarted to feel like politicians. Special thanks to Pat Staeheli(USN ’67) for coordinating our participation and DaveSaunders (68-01) for transporting the Huey for the parade. Dan Fox(71-33) put together a superb video of our participation in this year’sevent. Go to our web site at and click on the last meetingsection. Great job Dan…great job!The Washington State Chapter of the VHPA will be meeting for

the first time in 2014 at 11:30 on Saturday the 8th of February.Once again, we will meet at Famous Dave’s BBQ Restaurant, 1901South 72nd Street Tacoma, WA 98408 (253)722-0500. Our state

chapter is an active veterans group and we invite all Vietnam heli-copter pilots to join us and re-connect with those that you servedwith so many years ago. Finally, thanks to the many members whoput in the hours to make our state chapter a success. Your efforts aregreatly appreciated!

DDoonn LLeeMMaasstteerr,, PPrreessiiddeennttSubmitted by Steve Lodwig

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SSOOUUTTHH MMIISSSSOOUURRII CCHHAAPPTTEERRThe South Missouri Chapter of VHPAheld its fourth quarterly meeting of 2013 atThe Keeter Center on the beautiful campusof the College of the Ozarks. With severalfirst time attendees, including members,guests, and potential members, this turnedout to be our best attended meeting ever! Ifyou live in Missouri, a nearby state, or are justpassing through, try to join us at one of ourmeetings. You’ll be glad you did!The program for this meeting was on thehistory of Vietnam, which dates back to500,000 B.C. That’s a half million years beforeChrist! Chapter president, Bill Thompson,made a very informative presentation, coveringthe changes that have occurred through theyears, and the influences of the Chinese, Eng-lish, and French.A College of the Ozarks student addressedthose attending about the college’s veteranstravel program. Many WWII veterans havereturned to the European or Pacific theaters,and veterans are now returning to Korea.Plans are being formed to begin trips to Viet-nam in late 2014. If you have ever thought of returning to Vietnam, stayinformed by visiting our website,, which will be updated as welearn more about this opportunity.

Many of our members, along with theirwives and guests, remained in Branson andattended the Tony Orlando Show thatevening. Members also marched in theannual Veterans Day parade and shared inthe many expressions of gratitude andappreciation of the thousands witnessingthe parade. Special thanks go to the city ofBranson for its significant reception andhonor of all veterans.Our first quarterly meeting of 2014 willbe held at the Holiday Inn Airport West,

Earth City, Missouri (St. Louis area), onMarch 15, 2014. We have been offered a hos-pitality room for use following our meetingfor members and guests to enjoy and dis-counted room rates for those wishing toremain over night. Please check our websitefor details of this meeting as they are formal-ized and make your plans to attend. Ask anyof our members, our only agenda is to enjoyfellowship with those who share commontraining and similar experiences, so comeshare your experiences with us and, together,we will leave our legacy for our children,

grandchildren and all future generations. We will be glad to have you, andyou will be glad you came!

BBiillll TThhoommppssoonn,, PPrreessiiddeenntt


CCOOPPTTEERR WWAARR MMUUSSEEUUMM ((HHWWMM))We reported that the Museum (trailer) was in the shop for repairs.

Sawaya Fleet Services, Inc conducted the necessary repairs at a highlydiscounted price, as well as providing us with transportation. We hada Museum Open House exclusively for the employees of Sawaya toshow our appreciation and present a model Huey. Our official driverand representative from Sawaya Fleet Services accepted the HueyPlaque on behalf of Sawaya. Members and Docents present were JohnHargleroad, Carl Cavalluzzi, Fred Lyssy, Greg Mann, Bill Robie, GregMcMann, and Dale House.Recent Chapter activities include: The Open House mentioned

above and participation in the Veterans Day celebration in Long-mont, CO. sponsored by the American Legion Post # 32. GregMcMann, President of the Post Hosted our Veterans Day participa-tion and made sure we had a place in the Veterans Day Parade. Seethe attached picture with Phil Lanphier and Dale House carrying thebanner for the RMC Chapter. Our monthly meeting was held at the American Legion Post #1 inDenver on November 16, 2013. Upcoming chapter Activities: The next meeting will be on January18, 2014. We normally hold meetings once a month, on the third Sat-urday of the month, at 1000 hours at the American Legion Post #1, I-25 and Yale Avenue. We occasionally change venues, so contact us atthe address below to verify dates, timed and location. We do not meetin December or July, but normally have holiday get together’s in

December. Our Next meeting is scheduled for January 18, 2014 at1000 at the Legion. The Museum committee will be meeting duringthe winter to contin-ue categorizinginventory and devel-oping additional dis-plays.We continue tolook for artifacts forthe Museum Pleasecontact our ChapterPresident John Har-gleroad or DaleHouse, MuseumCurator, with any-thing you’d like todonate or loan to themuseum. Werecently had a dona-tion from LTCRobin Speiser, a VHPA’er who read about our Museum. He donateda 45 caliber pistol belt and shoulder holster. Many Thank You’s forthat. We are also looking for a OH-6 that we can display outside themuseum. Any and all contributions or ideas are welcome. We can becontacted through our mailbox at: [emailprotected]

JJoohhnn PP.. HHaarrgglleerrooaadd,, PPrreessiiddeenntt Submitted by Dale. E House, Vice President, Museum Curator


FFrroonntt RRooww:: DDaavvee HHaakkeess,, JJaannnnaa HHaakkeess,, BBiillll TThhoommppssoonn,,LLeeoonnaarrddRRuuttlleeddggee,, QQuuiinneettttaa RRuuttlleeddggee ((sseeaatteedd)),, BBoobb SSmmiitthh,, MMeettaa SSmmiitthh,,

RRaallpphh MMccCClluurrgg,, JJoohhnn RReeeedd,, RRoobbiinn MMiikkuullaann

SSeeccoonndd RRooww:: MMaarrkk AAyyeerrss,, JJaannee EEmmoorryy,, CCaarroollyynn AAyyeerrss,, RRuussssEEmmoorryy,, LLiizz SSoorreennsseenn,, LLyyllee HHoorrnneerr,, HHaarrrriiss FFllaannaaggiinn,, RRooggeerr SShhiieellddss,,

SSttaann CCoossss,, MMiikk MMiikkuullaann

TThhiirrdd RRooww:: GGlleennnnaa HHaarrvveeyy,, JJeerrrryy MMiicchhaaeell,, JJoohhnn SSoorreennsseenn,, JJoohhnnWWiillkkiinnssoonn,, RRaayylleennee OOddoomm,, RRooggeerr CCaaffffrreeyy

BBaacckk RRooww:: RRiicchhaarrdd MMiicchhaaeell,, BBoobb SSmmiitthheerrss ((CCoolllleeggee ooff tthhee OOzzaarrkkssbbuugglleerr)),, LLeeww PPhhiilllliippss,, PPaauull HHaarrvveeyy,, JJiimm OOddoomm,, EEdd SSmmiitthh

NNoott PPiiccttuurreedd:: CCaarroollyynn SShhiieellddss,, KKaarreenn WWiillkkiinnssoonn,, CChhuucckk GGuuyy,,CCoonnnniiee GGuuyy

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USAA Auto Insurance. Earned once. Cherished from generation to generation.At USAA, our commitment to serve the financial needs of our military members, veterans who have honorably served and their families is without equal. In fact, families regard USAA Auto Insurance so highly, 95% of USAA members plan to remain with USAA for life.1

1 Based on 2011 Member Communications Trend Survey.Use of the term “member” or “membership” does not convey any eligibility rights for auto and property insurance products or legal or ownership rights in USAA. Ownership rights are limited to eligible policyholders of United Services Automobile Association. The term “honorably served” applies to officers and enlisted personnel who served on active duty, in the Selected Reserve or in the National Guard and have a discharge type of “Honorable.” Eligibility may change based on factors such as marital status, rank or military status. Contact us to update your records. Adult children of USAA members are eligible to purchase auto or property insurance if their eligible parent purchases USAA auto or property insurance. Automobile insurance provided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty Insurance Company, USAA General Indemnity Company, Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company, USAA County Mutual Insurance Company, San Antonio, TX, and is available only to persons eligible for P&C group membership. Each company has sole financial responsibility for its own products. © 2013 USAA. 139265-0113

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Mine was earned in Vietnam. By my dad.Barbara Q., USAA member

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Making Your Own Reality:AA SSuurrvviivvaall SSttoorryy bbyy VVHHPPAA MMeemmbbeerr JJaammeess PP.. MMeeaaddee,, JJrr..,, PPhhDD

TThhiiss iiss aann eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy ssttoorryy ooff ssuurrvviivvaall aanndd rreeccoovveerryy..On May 8, 1967 just outside the wire at Tay Nihn, RVN, his aircraftcrashed and Jim Meade died. Ten weeks later James Meade was bornat Madigan General Hospital, Ft. Lewis, Washington. Severely brain damaged with loss of all memories, there was little

hope he would have a bountiful, productive life once he had recov-ered from his physical injuries. However, an unusual decision by oneof his doctors at Madigan proved crucial to his survival: he was trans-ferred to Ward 13. The men on Ward 13 – the amputee ward,accepted responsibility for James providing him with care, compan-ionship, encouragement, and inclusion within the human milieu. James Meade has no memory of his first 19-years of life. He has no

knowledge of Vietnam, much less who or where he was when he wasinjured. The men of Ward 13, along with the unwavering love anddetermination of his parents and siblings, started Meade on his longjourney that led to a career in psychology where he continues to helpmany others with traumatic brain injuries. James points out that those who suffer a severe brain injury never

recover completely. But there is increased hope in new methods oftreatment that he has researched, including imagery and visualiza-tion. This book is not just a memoir of Meade’s recovery and themiracle of the human mind and its capacity for self-healing, but anunderstanding of the importance of faith and the human-to-humanconnection for the healthy survival of us all.

JJaammeess MMeeaadd ttooddaayy.. TThhee pphhoottoo

wwaass ttaakkeenn aatt llaasstt yyeeaarr’’ss RReeuunniioonn

ooff tthhee 118877tthh AAssssaauulltt HHeelliiccoopptteerr

CCoommppaannyy iinn SSaann DDiieeggoo,, CCAA..

YYeess,, hhee iiss ssttiillll aabbllee ttoo wweeaarr tthhee

fflliigghhtt ssuuiitt ffrroomm hhiiss FFoorrtt RRuucckkeerr

pprriimmaarryy fflliigghhtt ttrraaiinniinngg ddaayyss……..

MMaakkiinngg YYoouurr OOwwnn RReeaalliittyy (($$1155..1100 hhaarrddbbaacckk,, 221188 ppaaggeess,, $$33..9955 KKiinnddllee))

bbyy JJaammeess PP.. MMeeaaddee,, PPhhDD..,, IISSBBNN:: 997788--11444499779933335577iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee aatt yyoouurr llooccaall bbooookk ssttoorree,, AAmmaazzoonn oorr

ootthheerr oonn--lliinnee bbooookk ssuupppplliieerrss.. JJaammeess mmaayy bbee rreeaacchheedd aatt::

MMEEAADDEE88559900@@ccoommccaasstt ..nneett

The Cub Inn is a 5,000-square-foot logcabin that offers unique charm that blendsour love of aviation with the great outdoors.Located in Californiaʼs Sierra Nevada moun-tains just 25 miles from Yosemite NationalPark, our five guest rooms sleep either twoor four people, and they all feature a privatebath. Our guests start each day with a heartycountry breakfast and are also invited tojoin us in the living room each evening toenjoy a glass of wine and a light snack.The Cub Inn is the life-long dream of hus-band and wife team, Piper Cub owner andpilot Charleen Beam and VHPA Life Mem-ber Joe Riley. Full details and booking information

are available on our website:

Or call us at: 209-962-0403 (land line) to book.

Low WinterRates now ineffect!

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (43)

BByy LLaarrrryy HHaattcchh,, MMeerrccyy 1111

On August 8th, my wife Sue and I flew to Peru, Indi-ana for a weekend gathering of Veterans and Patriotsfrom all over the USA, Canada and abroad at theNational American Huey History Museum founded byretired U.S. Marine Corp helicopter pilot John Walkerand his Brother Alan Walker.The foundation is committed to restoring Vietnam era

Huey helicopters and remembering veterans whodepended on them. To date, they have restored twohelicopters that flew throughout the weekend. Severalother helicopters have also been acquired and are in vari-ous stages of restoration as proof of the Foundation’scommitment to preserving, educating, and paying trib-ute to our veterans. Complete details of John andAlan’s restoration and education programs are availableon their website: old friend we were all eager to meet that day, Army UH-1D # 63-08803 (803)

was delivered to the U.S. Army in 1964 and arrived in Vietnam in September 1965.(It was) assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division (Air Mobile), 15th Medical Battalion,Air Ambulance Platoon where she was flown as a Med Evac aircraft. I flew the air-craft until it was replaced with a much needed (and) more powerful UH-1H modelin September 1967. I had painted Daffy Duck on the battery box cover along withthe name “Old Reliable”. Shown is a picture of 803 in her revetment in early 1967. Ifinished my first tour in Vietnam in November of that year.On March 8, 1968, 803 was being flown as “Warrior 11” in Vietnam and crash

landed. Her skids were torn off, but she flew back to home base, “hot” refueling enroute, and sat down on a stack of supporting sand bags. She was shipped back toCorpus Christie, TX and brought back to life (on) September 13, 1968. She wastransferred to Fort Benning, GA and converted to an H model in 1972. In 1976she was transferred to the Massachusetts ANG where she spent the next 18 yearsbefore becoming a deteriorating relic alongside a remote hangar and was accidentlydiscovered by John Walker, who became her proud owner in 2005. She was thenrestored by John to her present glory by July 16, 2009.Being invited to the gathering to sit in the left seat, at the controls, and fly 803 forty-six

years later was a thrill beyond belief. The memories of flying her on Med-Evac missionscame flooding back as though it was yesterday. What a great honor and privilege to fly803 in remembrance of her crew chief, Ronnie Trogden, who was killed by enemy gunfire during a Med-Evac mission in 1967 and to all of those Air Ambulance Platoonpilots, medics, crew chiefs, and door gunners, who lost their lives while flying to save oth-ers. It was especially neat to have my Wife sitting in the back during the flight). Sheheard many stories that weekend about the Med-Evac mission we flew, many that I hadlong forgotten. There were fifteen 15th Medical Battalion members who served in Viet Nam at the

mini-gathering, our group totaled thirty after we added our wives and significant others.What a weekend to remember.Having flown in the back, alongside the door gunner, was a new experience for me (Med-Evac aircraft had M-60s mounted on each side). I now have anappreciation for what the door gunners, crew chiefs and medics had to endure, day after day, mission after mission; the often got soaking wet from rainand then froze as we gained altitude. I got an ear full from more than one crew member on how it really was. I made a long overdue apology – kind of.

PPiilloottss aanndd ccrreeww mmeemmbbeerrss ffrroomm tthhee 1155tthh MMeedd BBaattttaalliioonn ggaatthheerriinn ffrroonntt ooff 880033

Page 43 The VHPA Aviator

MMeemmoorriiaall ttoo RRoonn TThhooggddeennKKIIAA iinn 11996677,, nnooww ggooeess wwhheerr--

eevveerr 880033 fflliieessPPhhoottoo ooff ““OOlldd RReelliiaabbllee”” iinn VViieettnnaamm ppaarrkkeedd iinn hheerr rreevveettmmeenntt

SSuuee aanndd LLaarrrryy HHaattcchh eennjjooyy tthhee wweeeekkeenndd

LLaarrrryy fflliieess iinn tthhee lleefftt sseeaatt ooff 880033 aatt tthhee RReeuunniioonn

AAllll tthhee aatttteennddeeeess ggaatthheerr aarroouunndd 880033

LLaarrrryy HHaattcchh iinn VViieettnnaamm,, cciirrccaa 11996666

FFoorrmmeerr MMeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee 1155tthh MMeeddiiccaall BBaattttaalliioonnhhaavvee aa RReeuunniioonn wwiitthh oonnee ooff tthheeiirr oolldd ffrriieennddss

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bbyy TToomm PPeeaarrccyy

Sixty-six (66) of the“World’s Finest” US Armyhelicopter pilots and fortyof the most supportive fam-ily and friends we know metat the Embassy Suites Hotelin Kansas City, Missourithis past September to havea WOC flight school classreunion. This “ClassBlast” was for the graduatesof WOC class(es) 66-23/67-1…..the largest flightschool class to go throughFort Wolters and FortRucker with a combinedgraduation of over three hundred remarkable PILOTS.WOC class(es) 66-23/67-1 graduated in March of 1967 and for some

of the classmates, this was the first time in over 46 years they have beenre-united. This was the second large class reunion planned and thistime, eighteen 1st timers attended … and what a true Class Blast it was.It was a time for meetings and re-greetings of friends from so long ago.Sixty of our stickmates have passed on and a Missing Man ceremonywas conducted to honor those not present.The weekend, in Kansas City, was completely unstructured,

except for an in-house Bar-B-Que on Friday night. Music was

played by a local group(BURNT ENDS) which werefriends of one of our departedclassmates. This band donat-ed all of their tip money (over$600.00), in the name oftheir friend, to the WoundedWarrior Project….they saidthat “….they were honoredto play for the veterans andtheir families that served soproudly in a time of unrest”.Of special note was the appear-

ance of the Fort Wolters’ 3rdWOC Company Commander(from 1966), the old “blue hat”himself, Captain (now retiredLTC) Merle Mulvaney. Manygood stories (some of them true)

were exchanged and some adult beverages were consumed and lots and lotsof laughter and reminiscing was the order of the day.All in all, the weekend was a true “Class Blast” in every way. Plans are

already underway to find a location for the next 66-23/67-1 WOC flightclass reunion for our 50th Anniversary due up in March of 2017….maybeFort Rucker? Wherever it will be held, it will be crazy and special….and atrue “CLASS BLAST”.

Tom Pearcy, Class Blast: “Coordinator”E-Mail: [emailprotected]

VHPA Member Bill Hatounian is a 24-year mili-tary veteran and a retired Army Aviator, He servedwith the 1st Squadron, 4th United States Cavalry inVietnam and after active duty, he flew with the997th AHC of the Arizona Army National Guard.He has recently retired from being both a pilot anda Lieutenant with the Phoenix Police Departmentand is enjoying retired life by writing books, beingactive and traveling with his wife.

THE AFGHAN DECEPTIONColonel Mart in Daniels and the 4th Uni tedStates Cavalry are inadvertently thrust into theworld of international politics and intrigue inthis historical fiction novel set in 1879. Therelationship between two colonels of cavalry,one American and one British, could foreveralter the fate of the British Empire.

TANK WITCHDoug Baker, a Vietnam War veteran and hisNational Guard tank crew are whisked througha warp in t ime and into another dimension.They have been summoned by a hag witch andfind themselves in a medieval land, where theyare unwittingly thrown into the social conflictsof the kingdom.

All four of Bill’s Books, The Afgan Deception, Tank Witch, Causel Connection and Toltancina

are available

CCllaassss BBllaasstt –– WWOORRWWAACC FFlliigghhtt SScchhooooll CCllaassss 6666--2233 && 6677--11 mmeeeett aaggaaiinn

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SSHHAADDOOWWSS FFRROOMM CCAANN TTHHOO bbyy VVHHPPAA mmeemmbbeerrJJ..RR.. BBaarrtthh who served with the 191st AHC in 70-71, callsign Wingnut 6, is a memoir of his service in Vietnam. Hewrote this book for his family so that they might have someinsight into “what makes the old man tick,” but also as apersonal reflection on the shadows of that war which per-sist not only for U.S veterans, but for both the Vietnamesepeople and America at large.

Barth arrived in Vietnam via Bien Hoa AFB and wasassigned to his unit at Can Tho. His first duty was to

escort the bodies of three 191st aircrew members to Graves Registration– a sobering beginning for an FNG! He soon found himself assigned to a slickplatoon and in charge of the barely running motor pool which needed fixingNOW! As they say, s**t flows downhill. Barth was assigned quite a number ofextra duties over his tour, including a Maintenance Test Pilot and commanderof the company’s maintenance platoon. His tour provided an extensive education: combat assaults, getting shot down,

Nighthawk missions, extracting downed aircraft, and rescuing wounded troops.

His missions often involved going into Cambodia and included a rather peculiarsecret mission to Phnom Penh just before the Khmer Rouge takeover. Barthtalks frankly about the mental state that combat helicopter pilots went through:fear at first, followed by cold uncaring efficiency, and as DEROS approached;fear and self-preservation. Ultimately, his greatest fear was anxiety about goinghome to an un- approving public.Barth experienced many emotions while in Vietnam and afterward as he dealt

with the “shadows” of his Vietnam experience, as many veterans have. This is anhonest and well written memoir of the Vietnam War that very candidly bringsout the emotion, character, and personality of the author and the men he servedwith and shaped the way he now views what he considers to have been an unjustand unnecessary war.

Barth is currently in Vietnam teaching English at Quang Binh Uni-versity. He has also been involved with the Mines Advisory Group( because much unexploded ordnance remains inthe ground there. A portion of the proceeds of this book go to that effort.SShhaaddoowwss FFrroomm CCaann TThhoo:: SSttoorriieess ooff WWaarr aanndd LLoovvee iinn VViieettnnaamm (( 334433 ppaaggeess,,KKiinnddllee $$99..9999)) bbyy JJ..RR.. BBaarrtthh,, IISSBBNN:: 997788--00998833006655441188 iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee aass aann ee--bbooookk

aatt AAmmaazzoonn..ccoomm.. IIff yyoouu pprreeffeerr aa hhaarrdd ccooppyy bbooookk,, ccoonnttaacctt tthhee aauutthhoorr aattjjrrbbaarrtthh99@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm (($$1155 ++ $$44 sshhiippppiinngg))

AASSSSAAUULLTT FFRROOMM TTHHEE SSKKYY,, bbyy CCooll.. DDiicckk CCaammpp,,is a narrative of Marine Corps helicopter operations inRVN that spans Operation Shufly off the USS Princetonon April 15, 1962 to Operation Frequent Wind and thelast flight off the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon onApril 30, 1975. It is a story of personal courage and sacri-fice as the war in RVN built up and the Marines adjustedtheir tactics and helicopters to meet the increasing inten-sity of combat.

Camp has done a great job of combining not only

the after action-reports and official records but also the personal accounts of theMarines who were “there” in what was often very intense combat. It is theseaccounts from commanders, pilots, crewmen, and “grunts” that make this anengaging reading experience. This is not just some dry military history. Camp, who had a 26 year career as a Marine, states that he wrote this book as a

tribute to the heroic Marine helicopter crews that served in RVN for over adecade. Camp’s experience as a Marine rifle and reconnaissance platoon com-mander and company commander in RVN shows in this book. AAssssaauulltt FFrroomm tthhee SSkkyy:: UU..SS.. MMaarriinnee CCoorrppss HHeelliiccoopptteerr OOppeerraattiioonnss iinn VViieettnnaamm((hhaarrddccoovveerr $$3322..9955,, 226644 ppaaggeess)) bbyy DDiicckk CCaammpp,, IISSBBNN:: 997788--11661122000011228899 iissaavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm CCaasseemmeenntt PPuubblliisshhiinngg,, AAmmaazzoonn,, oorr ootthheerr bbooookk ssuupppplliieerrss..

MMEERRRRYY CCHHRRIISSTTMMAASS && AA HHAAPPPPYY PPTTSSDD bbyy VVHHPPAA mmeemmbbeerrCChhrriissttoopphheerr OOeelleerriicchh,, who served with B/7/17 CAV in 69-70, is about his40 year struggle with alcoholism and PTSD and the ways he has learned tolead what he calls “a pretty darn good life.” The biggest challenge was fullyaccepting he had PTSD. Only then was he able to make any real progressdealing with it.Oelerich has written this book for all veterans of combat, in a blunt, straightforward “how to guidebook style,” that is both practical in its language andmessage. He believes the veterans of today’s conflicts and those of the past,

including Vietnam, are not unique when it comes toPTSD. His message is clear; the only person who canbegin to deal effectively with your PTSD is you – if youdon’t care about your problem; nobody else will either.

MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass && aa HHaappppyy PPTTSSDD (($$1111..6699,, 115500ppaaggeess,, KKiinnddllee $$99..9999)) bbyy CChhrriissttoopphheerr OOeelleerriicchh,, IISSBBNN::997788-- 11449922338855552233 iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm yyoouurr llooccaall bbooookk

ssttoorree,, AAmmaazzoonn,, oorr ootthheerr bbooookk ssuupppplliieerrss...

TTHHEE CCAAVVEESS bbyy VVHHPPAA LLiiffee MMeemmbbeerr JJoohhnn RR.. TTaayylloorr who served withthe 175th AHC, call-sign Outlaw 3, has written a compelling novel about anurgent rescue effort of US POWs deep in the heart of Laos. An intelligence inter-cept in November 1972 revealed North Vietnamese leadership viewed thePOWs being held in Laos by the NVA as a liability. As a result, US political andmilitary leadership need to move quickly to assemble a team capable of pulling offa seemingly impossible rescue mission. The lack of “assets” due to stand-downsand rotations out of SEA is a complicating factor. But there is one outfit in thePhilippines… Major Dan Roman, CO of “Grunt Air,” a secret special operations helicopter

unit is selected for the mission. Roman is a well-connected and battle tested offi-cer. If anyone has the knowledge and experience to have a successful outcome ofsuch a complex and risky operation, it is he and his team. The odds are not goodand agents in Laos report the condition of the POWs is deteriorating. Toss aspy into the mix and you have another full level of intrigue.

Taylor has woven together the elements of a good sus-pense novel and a compelling reading experience in thisstory; particularly his depth of character development,his use of historical figures, along with his historicalknowledge of the covert war in Laos, and special oper-ations tradecraft. I found this book quite difficult toput down. The Caves is a sequel to his book: Grunt Air.

He is also the author of A Few Brave Men. Tay-lor has been an advocate for full accountabilityof the POWs and MIAs of the Vietnam War. As anoil and gas executive, he has returned to Vietnam to engage in petrole-um exploration in the Mekong Delta and met many former North Viet-namese combat leaders.



The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (46)

dressed in bluish-gray uniforms and carrying AK-47 rifles coming out of thewoods to our right front. When they were about 10 meters away, theyformed a semicircle in front of our helicopter facing us.We sat there for sev-eralmoreminutes before seeing another groupofNVAsoldiers coming fromthe samewoods.Within that group, we could see what appeared to be threeAmericansdressed in lighter coloredclothing.Even from that distance, we could tell the blackAmerican POWappearedto be in serious trouble because he was stumbling along as if he could barelywalk. I told our medic to get out of the aircraft and wait to see what kind ofreaction he got from theNVA soldiers standing in front of us. If they didn’tobject to him getting out, then he was to go help that soldier. The medicjumpedout andnoone seemed topayhimanyattention, sohehustled acrossthe clearing to reach the approaching group. Once there, he pulled thePOW’sarmoverhis shoulder andhelpedhimtoouraircraft.While this was going on, a large group of people dressed in civilian clothingbegan coming out of the same wooded area. We assumed they were NorthVietnamesemedia because they had cameras andbegan taking pictures as thePOWs were being loaded. One of the photographers walked around to thefront of our helicopter and pressed his face and camera against our wind-shield on JimDaily’s side. Although we weren’t supposed tomake any facialexpressions or do anything overt, I discretely steppedon the intercombuttononmysideof the floorboardandwhispered, “Smile Jim.Yourpicture is goingto be on the front page of theHanoiDaily tomorrow.” Jim burst out laugh-ing, so I said, “Don’t laugh, Jim…Don’t laugh!”After everyone was loaded, we began our takeoff, hardly believing it had

gone so well. Once we gained enough altitude, I called the operations centerat Tay Ninh and gave them the code word meaning we had the POWs onboard and gave them the number three, meaning we had three POWs onboard.Thenweheaded forLongBinh, about45minutes away.Our crew chief andmedic had scrounged some sack lunches fromourmesshall for the POWs. Once airborne, they tried to engage them in small talkand attempted to get them to eat something. The POWs ate very little andtheir only response was a quiet “thank you” when a crewmember did some-thing for them. All appeared to be in shock and the black soldier, who waslater identifiedasSP4JamesBrigham, seemedtobe in theworst condition.Whenwe landed at the 24thEvacuationHospital, a large crowdwaswait-

ing. Photographers were running all over the place. I told ourmedic to helpSpecialist Brigham to the hospital receiving room. As they walked fromunderneath the rotor blades, several general officers surged forward to greetthe POWs and our medic released Brigham’s arm in order to salute. Sp4Brigham continuedwalking straight ahead and collidedwith one of the gen-erals as ifhe couldn’t seehim.That was our last involvement. There was no debriefing afterwards and noone fromthe25th InfantryDivisionwould share anymore informationwithus. Itwas almost as if the releaseneverhappened, sowewentback to thewar.Several years passed before I was able to gain any insight into the POW

release.While attending theArmyWarCollege, I needed towrite a paper onamilitary topic, so I decided to pursue it again. Fortunately, one of the crownjewels of the Armywas something called theMilitaryHistory ResearchCol-lection atCarlisle Barracks. I asked their research department for help. Sever-al weeks later, a research assistant called to tell me she had several items ofinterest. I hurried to her office andwas handed a large stack of StateDepart-ment, CIA,DOD, andArmy documents.Most had once been highly classi-fied, but shemanaged toget themdowngraded formyuse.I found the documents fascinating and couldn’t believe howmany agencieshad been involved in the POW release. I learned how initial contactsbetween the two governments had beenmade and how importantmeetingshad been arranged.One of theOPLANs described themassive support thathad been standing by for the release, ofwhichwewere only a tiny part.Moreimportantly, I learned how a courageous Army officer, LTC Jack Gibney,had met twice in the field with the North Vietnamese to negotiate terms ofthe release.Thosedocuments gaveme farmore information than Ineeded tocomplete myWar College paper, but I wanted to talk with LTCGibney togethisperspective.

After a couple of years of trying, I finally learned he had been promoted tocolonel and was assigned to the Pentagon. At the time, I was at Fort Lewis,but a trip to the Pentagon came up unexpectedly, so I called and asked for ameeting. Once there, I gave Jack a copy of the paper I hadwritten and askedhim to review it for accuracy. I also told himmy Faculty Advisor at theWarCollege had recommended that I submit it for publication and askedwhether he had any objections. A couple of weeks later, Jack sent me severalpages of hand written notes that I used to complete an article entitled “FaceOff in the Jungle andThreeCameHome” thatwas published inArmymag-azine.The formerly classified documents I received described how SP4 Brigham

had been captured after his convoy was ambushed while passing through alarge rubber plantationonHighway1, about 10miles southofTayNinh.Bycoincidence, another one of my DUSTOFF crews and I had responded tothat ambush and both of us flew several missions under extremely heavy firethat afternoon.During the ambush, SP4 Brighamwas wounded in the headand taken prisoner when his section of the convoy was overrun. A NorthVietnamese doctor operated on him while he was in captivity, but a largebrain abscess developed and probably caused the stumbling gait and otherconditions we noticed.Hewas flown toWalter ReedArmyMedical Centerfor surgery, butdied shortly thereafter.The North Vietnamese tried to capitalize on his death by flooding the

newspapers and radio programs of the Communist world with propagandastating the Americans had killed him because he planned to tell the worldhowwellhehadbeen treatedas ablackman incaptivity.That’s howI spentmyChristmasholiday season forty-five years ago. I hopelastmonth'sholiday seasonwasmuchbetter for all ofus.

DDoouugg EE.. MMoooorreeCCOOLL,, RReett..

5577tthh MMeedd DDeett,, 11996644--11996655,, 115599tthh MMeedd DDeett.. 11996688--11996699

Page 46 The VHPA Aviator

HH ooww II SSppeenn tt MMyy CChh rrii ss tt mm aass ,, CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm PPaaggee 77


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The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (48)

Issue 32-01

VViieettnnaamm ffrroomm tthhee eeyyeess ooff aa cchhiilldd…… Margo Phipps Meyers

BByy ddiirreeccttiioonn ooff tthhee PPrreessiiddeenntt……AAwwaarrddeedd AAiirr MMeeddaall ((EElleevveenntthhOOaakk LLeeaaff CClluusstteerr)) wwiitthh ““VV”” DDeevviiccee……..SSeeccttiioonn IIII.. DDaattee ooffAAccttiioonn:: 3311 JJaannuuaarryy 11996677.. TThheeaatteerr:: RReeppuubblliicc ooff VViieettnnaamm..RReeaassoonn:: FFoorr hheerrooiissmm wwhhiillee eennggaaggeedd iinn aaeerriiaall fflliigghhtt iinn ccoonnnneecc--ttiioonn wwiitthh mmiilliittaarryy ooppeerraattiioonnss aaggaaiinnsstt aa hhoossttiillee ffoorrccee:: CCaappttaaiinnPPhhiippppss ddiissttiinngguuiisshheedd hhiimmsseellff oonn 3311 JJaannuuaarryy 11996677 wwhhiillee sseerrvv--iinngg oonn aa fflliigghhtt oovveerr tthhee MMeekkoonngg RRiivveerr,, RReeppuubblliicc ooff VViieettnnaamm..

Mrs. Johnson has finished giving her speech to us this morningand I am sent to my desk in the hall for the day. Only this dayshe has left me with much to think about. She has just told myfirst grade class about the death of Kim’s daddy. Kim’s dad is asoldier in Vietnam, just like my daddy. Today I am glad Mrs.Johnson has decided that a left handed person should sit in thehall until they can learn to write with their right hand. I am gladthat I am left handed so I can be by myself in the hall to think about mydaddy. Mom has always told me that daddy works in an office in Vietnamand that he is safe. I know this is not true; I have seen pictures of the waron television, although mom doesn't know I have. I know what Vietnamlooks like; I know there are no office building there. I know that daddyfights in the war. Now I am afraid for my daddy–more than ever before.Now I know it is possible for him to die in the war; Kim’s daddy has died;she and I are the same age.

I have been sitting quietly at my big desk in the hall and trying not to cryabout Kim’s daddy, about my daddy, about Kim. I swing my legs backand forth without making a sound, for my legs are too short to reach theground. I hear the squeak of tennis shoes on the tile floor and the click,click of lady’s shoes. I look up to see Kim and her mom holding hands andwalking towards me. They both watch me watch them and I see that Kimhas been crying; her mom has red puffy eyes. They walk quickly into theroom, passing by me without saying anything at all. Kim looks at me asshe passes. I smile at her and she turns away. I start to cry.

It isn’t long before her mom leaves, and soon after it is Kim and Mrs.Johnson walking by me as I cry silently in the hallway. Kim is going to thecounselor’s office because she won’t be quiet in class, and I am sure Mrs.Johnson has told Kim that she has ”had enough of the tears.” She andKim walk down the same hall that Kim’s mother had just left by-Kim’stennis shoes squeaking and Mrs. Johnson’s shoes making their click, clicknoise. She is holding Kim’s hand just as her mom had, only Mrs. Johnsonis pulling Kim down the hall and this time neither of them watch me as Iwatch them. I want to go, too. My daddy hasn’t died, but he could. Iguess my tears are OK because I am not in the classroom making noise; Iam in the hallway learning how to write. Mrs. Johnson doesn’t even askwhy I am crying as she click, clicks her way back into the classroom.

Leaving my desk I make my own way to the counselor’s office. I walksilently and seemingly unnoticed by the teachers and the other students inthe hallway. Slipping into the seat inside the counselor’s door, I am met bythe stares of the grey-haired lump behind the desk. There are no greetingsor questions as to why I am there, and I offer no answers, for there are nowords to explain how I feel or why I am there. I am grateful she doesn’t

ask, and it is here that I stay throughout theday-never spoken to, never saying a word.During the flight the crew noticed two river patrol boats which had been

heavily engaged by Viet Cong fire and were attempting to maneuver out ofrange. Immediately Captain Phipps flew several low passes over the positionsdirecting the gunner to fire on the enemy. He continued to supply fire supportuntil the river boats were able to disengage from the enemy and then contact-ed Can Tho radio, requesting gun ships support.

The familiar click, click of mom’s lady shoes are making their way downthe hall now and I feel so relieved. She enters the office, takes my hand,smiles her knowing mommy smile, and we leave as silently as I had come.She says nothing during the ride to Kim’s house, yet her silence is some-how calming and reassuring. She takes comfort in my silence as well, forshe occasionally reaches over and squeezes my hand. At Kim’s she followsthe other mom’s inside, and I talk my place among the rows of childrenseated along the edge of the driveway. We don’t talk-just sit silently-watching the younger children play.Upon arrival of the gun ships, Captain Phipps made an additional pass

over the area in order to mark the enemy positions.I inch my way along the pavement and move closer to Kim. We are

finally side by side, our knees touching as we sit with our legs crossed. I say“I’m sorry.” She says nothing. I start to talk about Friday at my house andhow we stayed awake late into the night, whispering our secrets under aflashlight lit blanket. She moves away. I still want to be her friend eventhough she doesn’t have a daddy anymore, but she won’t let me tell her. Iwatch her move away and I don’t follow.Captain Phipps’ actions were in keeping with the highest traditions on the

military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the UnitedStates Army.

The above was written by Margo Phipps Meyers as a tribute to herfather Charles A. Phipps, LTC, USA, Ret. Then Captain Phipps flewwith the Hill Climbers of the 147th AVN in 1966-67 and later withthe Ghost Riders of C/227 Ann, 1st Cav Division in 1969. LTC

Phipps may be contacted at: [emailprotected]

The VHPA Aviator - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.