Chapter Note: Transport in animals | Biology for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11 PDF Download (2024)

Year 11 Exam>Year 11 Notes>Biology for GCSE/IGCSE>Chapter Note: Transport in animals

Circulatory System Overview

  • Definition: The circulatory system is a network of blood vessels equipped with a pump and valves that ensure the one-way flow of blood.
  • Single Circulation:
    • Involves blood passing through the heart only once.
    • Example: Fish have a single circulation system.
  • Double Circulation:
    • Entails blood passing through the heart twice.
    • Example: Mammals exhibit double circulation.
    • Advantageous as it maintains higher blood pressure compared to single circulation.
  • Blood Flow Process:
    • Pulmonary Circuit:
      • Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium and then the right ventricle.
      • It is pumped by the right ventricle to the lungs for oxygenation.
      • Oxygenated blood returns to the heart through the left atrium and left ventricle.
      • Oxygenated blood is circulated to the rest of the body.
    • Systemic Circuit:
      • Systemic capillaries, aorta, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary vein are involved.
      • Various valves like atrioventricular and semilunar valves regulate blood flow.
      • Blood is pumped to the body cells for oxygen exchange.

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Superior Vena CavaRight AtriumAtrioventricular ValveRight VentricleSemilunar ValvePulmonary ArteryLungs
Pulmonary VeinLeft AtriumAtrioventricular ValveLeft VentricleSemilunar ValveAortaInferior Vena Cava

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  • Functions of Different Structures in the Heart:
    • Atrium:
      • The right and left atrium contract to pump blood into the right and left ventricles respectively.
    • Ventricles:
      • The right ventricle contracts to pump blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
      • The left ventricle contracts to pump blood to the rest of the body, with a thicker wall for increased force due to longer distance.
    • Atrioventricular Valves:
      • These valves separate the atria and ventricles on both sides of the heart, preventing backflow and ensuring one-way blood flow.
    • Semilunar Valves:
      • Found in the pulmonary arteries and the aorta, they prevent backflow and ensure unidirectional blood flow in the arteries.
    • Pulmonary Artery:
      • Carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.
    • Pulmonary Vein:
      • Carries blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
    • Aorta:
      • A large artery carrying blood from the left ventricle to the body.
    • Vena Cava:
      • A large vein transporting deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart (right atrium).
    • Septum:
      • A muscular wall separating the heart's right and left sides to prevent mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
  • Activity of the Heart:
    • Physical activity increases heart rate, which is the rate at which the heart beats.
    • Pulse rate is a common method to measure heart rate, reflecting the heart's contractions and resulting blood pressure changes.
    • During physical activity, increased energy demand in muscles necessitates quicker blood flow to supply oxygen/nutrients and remove waste products like carbon dioxide.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG):
    • An ECG device tracks heart activity accurately, measuring pulse rates by monitoring heart valve movements.
  • Coronary Heart Disease
    • The heart muscles require a consistent blood supply since they are also active muscles.
    • The coronary artery is crucial as it supplies blood to the heart muscles.
    • Coronary heart disease occurs when the coronary artery becomes obstructed, leading to a lack of blood (and oxygen) in the heart muscles, ultimately resulting in a heart attack.
  • Causes of Coronary Heart Disease
    • The narrowing of the coronary artery starts with the accumulation of cholesterol on its inner walls.
    • Total blockage can happen when a blood clot obstructs these already narrowed arteries.
  • Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease
    • Poor diet choices
    • Stress
    • Smoking
    • Genetic predisposition
    • Advancing age
    • Gender (men are generally at higher risk)
  • Treatment Options
    • Medications like blood thinners are prescribed to lessen the likelihood of blood clot formation.
    • Surgical Treatments
      • Stent: A tube-shaped device inserted into coronary arteries to keep them open.
      • Angioplasty: A stent with an inflatable balloon to widen the artery further after stent insertion.
      • Bypass Surgery: Creating a new pathway for blood flow when the stent is in place.
  • Blood Vessels:
    • Overview: Blood vessels are tube-like structures responsible for carrying blood throughout the body's tissues and organs.
    • Pathway of Blood: Blood flows from the heart through a series of vessels:
      • Heart → Artery → Arteriole → Capillary → Venule → Vein → Heart.
  • Arteries:
    • Function: Arteries transport blood away from the heart.
    • Structural Features:
      • Thick muscular walls to withstand high blood pressure.
      • Narrow lumen that expands and contracts to maintain blood pressure.
      • No valves due to high pressure preventing backflow.
  • Arterioles:
    • Description: Arterioles are smaller branches of arteries leading to capillaries.
    • Characteristics:
      • Muscular/elastic walls that can constrict or dilate to regulate blood flow.
  • Capillaries:
    • Function: Capillaries facilitate nutrient and waste exchange between blood and tissues.
    • Features:
      • Single-cell thick walls for rapid diffusion.
      • Small lumen diameter allowing close proximity of blood cells to walls for efficient diffusion.
      • No valves due to narrow lumen ensuring unidirectional blood flow.
  • Venules:
    • Definition: Venules are small vessels formed by the merging of capillaries.
  • Veins:
    • Role: Veins carry blood back to the heart.
    • Structural Traits:
      • Thin walls with less muscle and elastic fibers due to lower pressure.
      • Large lumen to reduce blood flow resistance.
      • Valves present to prevent backflow.
    • Shunt Vessels:
      • Connect arterioles directly to venules, bypassing capillaries.
      • Allow for alternate blood flow routes.
      • Walls capable of constriction and dilation to regulate blood flow.
  • Introduction to Tissue Fluid:
    • Tissue fluid is a fluid that surrounds and bathes most body tissues.
    • It serves as a medium for the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the blood and the respiring tissues.
    • For instance:
      • Waste products like CO2 move from cells to tissue fluid before entering the bloodstream.
      • Nutrients such as glucose move from the blood to tissue fluid before reaching the cells.
  • Formation and Function of Tissue Fluid:
    • Tissue fluid is created by the leakage of certain substances from blood capillaries.
    • It is then drained by the lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system.
    • The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels that carry 'lymph' and lymph nodes that produce lymphocytes for immunity.
  • Composition of Blood:
    • Blood is composed of various components, including:
      • Red blood cells
      • White blood cells
      • Platelets
      • Plasma
  • Blood Plasma:
    • Blood plasma accounts for approximately 50% of blood volume.
    • It is a yellowish liquid that transports other blood components like RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.
  • Red Blood Cells (RBCs):
    • RBCs contain hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen for distribution throughout the body.
  • White Blood Cells (WBCs):
    • WBCs are vital components of the immune system that combat foreign organisms such as bacteria.
    • There are two main types of WBCs:
      • Phagocytes, which engulf and digest pathogens through phagocytosis.
      • Lymphocytes, a type of WBC that generates antibodies.

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  • Platelets
    • Platelets are tiny blood components crucial for clot formation, which is a vital protective mechanism preventing excessive blood loss following an injury.
    • Upon encountering tissue damage, platelets rapidly aggregate and release chemical signals that attract neighboring cells, leading to the formation of a clot.
    • A sequence of chemical reactions occurs, where fibrinogen is transformed into fibrin, creating a mesh that entraps red blood cells (RBCs), eventually forming a solid clot that seals the wound.

Paraphrasing Information with Examples

  • Paraphrase the provided information ensuring detailed explanations and examples are included.
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  • Paraphrasing Instructions

  • Rephrase the given content with additional elaboration.
  • Include examples to enhance understanding.
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  • The document Chapter Note: Transport in animals | Biology for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11 is a part of the Year 11 Course Biology for GCSE/IGCSE.

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    Document Description: Chapter Note: Transport in animals for Year 11 2024 is part of Biology for GCSE/IGCSE preparation. The notes and questions for Chapter Note: Transport in animals have been prepared according to the Year 11 exam syllabus. Information about Chapter Note: Transport in animals covers topics like Circulatory System Overview and Chapter Note: Transport in animals Example, for Year 11 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Chapter Note: Transport in animals.

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